• 2 days ago
Abinader asegura que la República Dominicana está deportando más ciudadanos haitianos que Estados Unidos


00:00We are constantly intervening in Friusa or we are intervening wherever there are immigrants.
00:06And what happens is that there are many constructions.
00:11And for no one it is a secret that a large part of the constructions,
00:14wherever it is, whether it is in Punta Cana or it is in Montecristi,
00:19there are a large number of foreign immigrants and especially Haitians.
00:26We are constantly intervening.
00:28I don't remember if it was a week ago or a few months ago,
00:33an operation was done in Friusa and it is being done again constantly.
00:37We are aware of this situation.
00:40The truth is that with the number of constructions in Punta Cana,
00:44there have always been.
00:47Twenty years ago, Friusa was being formed and there were immigrants there.
00:52So we always monitor this issue and we will continue to monitor
00:58the situation, the worst situation that Haitians have encountered in their history.
01:03But we don't have to deal with that and the government is assuming its responsibility
01:09and deporting thousands of Haitians weekly.
01:12You can see the situation that we are doing.
01:15The Dominican Republic deports more in a week than the United States.
