00:00They used to call me Big P back in school, but now we're going to be playing with Evolve Cannon and Mini P Cycle.
00:05So, we've got Goblin Curse and Rage to take care of Swarm Cards.
00:08We got this for the attack with Mini P.E.K.K.A.
00:10Then we have the best defense in the game, which is Evolve Cannon,
00:12and probably the best evolution in the game.
00:15Maybe besides Evolve Lumberjack.
00:16So, um, with Rage and Mini P.E.K.K.A., Goblin Curse,
00:20I think this is going to be the updated, uh, Mini P.E.C.C.L.E. that's going to change my life.
00:25Like, I don't really see any way I lose.
00:28I have super good defense.
00:29Um, air defense is alright.
00:31Like, I can pressure, though. That's the thing.
00:33And it's really just about finding the right moments to pressure.
00:36And I just think, like, Mini P.E.K.K.A., one of its weaknesses being Swarm Cards
00:39and that being taken care of by Goblin Curse and Rage...
00:44It's going to be too damn good, man.
00:46It's going to be too fucking damn good.
00:47I'm not worried about a damn thing that Bramble could play at the bridge right now.
00:51Least of all some child.
00:53He's got the two Rangers in his deck.
00:54People probably don't know what that means.
00:57I guess it's like a mean way to say somebody with orange hair.
00:59It's a word that's used a lot in Australia.
01:01Feel free to take that one and run with it.
01:03People with orange hair are going to love it.
01:05I have a friend with brown hair, but we call him a Ranger because it's just funny.
01:10Shout out, people with orange hair, man.
01:13I like orange hair.
01:15I have a friend with orange hair.
01:17That actually isn't brown.
01:18Anyway, I'm going to do this.
01:20Slight tangent. Let's go with this.
01:22That's all going to become fucking goblins
01:23and that's going to be kind of annoying for him at some point.
01:27And then I've got Evolved Ice Spirit, which is just going to be great
01:29because that like pretty much just counters that.
01:32I'm just going to pull it up a little bit.
01:34And then, OK, I actually spent fucking way more elixir than I was hoping to there.
01:38But, you know, the old Evolved Ice Spirit would have clutched up for me.
01:41And my excuse is I am I'm hungover, man.
01:44I'm hungover. I'm back. I'm fucking back.
01:472.3 alcohol cycle is back.
01:49Yes, dude. Yes.
01:51What the hell? Level 17 Lumberjack.
01:53OK, dude, you're not going to be out cycling me.
01:57You're not going to be catching me with my pants down, OK?
02:01Not many people can do that.
02:02And look at that. I've used my I've used my fucking mini P.
02:05That's fine because I've got my cannon loaded.
02:08And now I have my Evolved Cannon next.
02:10And I'm not worried about the offense not being enough.
02:12Like, what if they're fucking, you know, Mosquito Cannon Logs, Sanitans?
02:16Like, I just think I'm going to get through regardless.
02:18All right. Let's see what he has for this.
02:20It's just constant pressure. All right.
02:22Satisfactory, that is.
02:24I don't know why I said that like Yoda, but satisfactory, that is.
02:28That was terrible.
02:29Anyway, Evolved Cannon, just fucking value against everything.
02:32And yeah, that's going to be easy defense.
02:34Cycle this. Kite this.
02:37He's kind of he see he's laboring under the delusion
02:42that he can just play this slow game and eventually find an opening.
02:46And he's going to win.
02:48What he doesn't realize is he's against the King of Patience over here.
02:51Mr. Patience is what they call me in my hood.
02:53And yeah, it's going to be fucking over very soon.
02:56Like, as soon as he runs out of patience, man, like, look at this.
02:59Oh, look at me. I got a little push.
03:00Lots of elixir stacking up.
03:03Actually, I'm going to go Goblin Curse here.
03:05It's going to help with defense.
03:06And play another mini P.
03:08Level 17 Valkyrie is mildly terrifying, but that's fine
03:11because mini P takes that shit.
03:13Ah! No, I don't want too much damage
03:15because this could come down to an overtime win.
03:18But at the same time, it will not, because I'm going to do shit like this.
03:23And that will be annoying, right?
03:27Yeah, that did some things.
03:29And then I can just go with this down low
03:32and then just go for an Evolved Ice Spirit on defense.
03:34And you know, we're going to attack.
03:35He's not really spending much elixir here, but I'm going to Evolved Cannon on offense.
03:40And yeah, that was something for sure.
03:43Definitely. And mini P got some value.
03:45Now, the question is, do we just spam Rages on his tower
03:49and try and win like that?
03:50Because we're not breaking through at this current moment.
03:52But at the same time, I think if we just keep pressuring,
03:54we're eventually going to get a breakthrough or he's going to play as Witch,
03:57which he's just done.
03:58And they're all going to become Goblins.
04:00And then everything he plays in there becomes fucking Goblins.
04:04And not only that, did you know that Goblin Curse actually has damage amplification?
04:07So it does more damage.
04:09And then this is an easy defense to pull that shit over.
04:12Um, don't like it when Evolved Valkyrie's hitting stuff.
04:15And he, I think I've actually scared him out of playing as Witch.
04:20OK, forget that.
04:23But it's fine, like I'll do that over and over.
04:25I would do.
04:26OK, well, I have a cycle dick, so I'm just going to cycle to my Goblin Curse
04:30and play mini Pekka over here because I kind of need to.
04:34Bats get a ton of value.
04:35Just fucking Goblin Curse that shit while it's on the earth.
04:38Oh shit. What the fuck?
04:40Berserker, relax, dude.
04:42OK, that got a lot of damage, but
04:45it's not over till it's over.
04:47We'll go for a little rage here as well.
04:49Make sure that shit just becomes a ton of Goblins.
04:51And meanwhile, he's so focused over there.
04:54The real push and the real threat is coming in hot.
04:57And I'm going to play a Goblin Curse because why not?
04:59Oh, one shotted.
05:01Yeah, we're going to go like this and hopefully we can get some shit going here.
05:05Come on, Goblin.
05:07Oh my God.
05:08No! Wait.
05:11Goblin Curse has damage amplification and also has damage.
05:13And that was the easiest game of my life.
05:15Easiest. Well played.
05:16Thanks, dude.
05:21All right. Well, there we go.
05:23We got the fucking win, so it doesn't matter at the end of the day.
05:26Not the cleanest win in the book, but it still was a win.
05:29And I think something that, hey, relax, something I think I want to try out
05:32as good as Evolved Ice Spirit is on D, I think I want to try and play
05:37Ice Spirit because it's better with offense with the Mini P.E.K.K.A.
05:40And I'm going to try and play.
05:42You know what, dude? Let's give Evolved Bats a spin.
05:44I always play Evolved Skeletons.
05:46They always put my ass down.
05:48They let my ass down.
05:49And I've had enough.
05:51I've got the shit.
05:52So instead, we're going to be playing Mini P.E.K.K.A.
05:55with Evolved Bats, and I have a feeling this will not be that good.
05:58But who knows?
06:00Maybe they're going to be like tanky and they'll soak up all the Dagger Duchess
06:03hits and the Mini P.E.K.K.A.
06:05I have a feeling that Bats are going to be the MVP of this game.
06:09Anywho, oh, this is brilliant.
06:11Counter both, activate King Tower, cycle my evolution.
06:14That is, that is like Christmas for me, man.
06:18Christmas is is overrated unless you have the right people around you.
06:23And I don't, not at all.
06:28Anyway, I'm going to go for a Goblin Curse here because that's a tombstone.
06:31And I'm going to fucking rage.
06:32I don't care if it's dead or not.
06:34And then, yeah, that's a thing.
06:38See, now I have E-Spirit
06:41and that would have been good against, you know, like
06:45anything really there.
06:46I think E-Spirit is really good for offense with the Mini P.E.K.K.A.
06:49Should have been in the dick in the first place.
06:50And it's also good on defense.
06:52And it's also good at the Goblin Curse.
06:54And it's good. It's just a better card.
06:55Like, you know, the reason I play I-Spirit is really for the evolution.
06:58It is good. Don't get me wrong.
07:00But God, Mini, I mean,
07:03the E-Spirit is undefeated in these cycle dicks.
07:05All right. Well, we're playing a cycle dick.
07:07We've got two evolutions in hand.
07:09So I'm going to wait a second here
07:13and then I'm going to go with this and then bop.
07:17And they can do a little bit of chip damage.
07:19A little bit of chip damage is better than nothing.
07:21You take the small wins and I'm ready for value here.
07:26No. OK, you're playing Warbreaker cycle,
07:28but you're not going to play Warbreaker there.
07:29Don't you dare. Don't you fuck.
07:32How the f- Like, I don't understand.
07:34Puchuleo makes me want to punch a Leo in the face.
07:37Smash like for good wording and poetry.
07:41OK, well, I have evolved bats.
07:43I don't really know what to do with them now.
07:44And that's why I don't usually play them.
07:45I'm like, OK, great. They're in my hand.
07:49Top 10 things you don't want to see in Clash Royale.
07:53Number one, Mini P into Evo Mega Knight.
07:56Actually, that's not the worst thing in the world.
07:57I can snipe that entire Goblin gang with my cannon.
08:00Bats are going to get
08:02annihilated instantly.
08:03Really glad I got to cycle two cycles.
08:04That I'm still not sure.
08:05I'll evolve bats. Good.
08:08I haven't made my mind up about them yet.
08:10I recently discovered the.
08:12Oh my god, bro.
08:14I recently discovered the
08:16the fucking power of cannon, of cannon, of a good cannon.
08:19Cannon, cannon.
08:21Anyway, I'm going to go with this shit.
08:22He's trying to get some chip damage and I'm not going to allow it.
08:25So this is the thing.
08:27This dick's offense is.
08:30Minimal, but it's really fun when they have tombstone and
08:35just a bunch of goofy shit that Mini P has to get through.
08:42OK, he spent a lot of elixir, right?
08:44So here's the plan.
08:46I'm going to go with this
08:48and I'm going to go with this
08:50and then I'm going to cycle to my next one
08:53and I'm going to go with this and this because.
08:56I am sick of firecrackers and he's going to mega knight.
08:59Yep. And then I'm going to play this in this lane and the cycle so quick
09:02and he's going to have to spend elixir to defend that.
09:04Meanwhile, I'm going to go goblin curse here
09:08and then I'm just going to rely on evolved bats to kill this.
09:11And the Dagger Duchess has no things remaining.
09:14So he's forced to go arrows and then we pressure over there
09:17and then he's going to have to go goblin gang at some point.
09:19Now, the question is, where does he go with the gang?
09:21Does he go off to the side?
09:22Make your guesses in the comment section, kids.
09:25Wait, where the fuck's the goblin gang?
09:26All right. Well, I'm just going to go evolve cannon here.
09:29It's going to be able to counter that and stay full health.
09:30He's wasting miners.
09:32And then I can just go with this.
09:34And the pressure continues and prediction rage for the goblin gang.
09:38What the fuck? Like hell.
09:42Oh, see, that's why we have a spirit, man.
09:44Nasty card.
09:46Also can't afford to take much damage this lane.
09:47Where's the goblin gang?
09:49Oh, God, I mean, yes, man, that card is a nonce.
09:54All right. He's going to protect this with the goblin gang.
09:56I can feel it.
09:59I knew it.
10:00Go son! Thank God.
10:02And then, yep, there's the arrows.
10:03And now we go with this.
10:04He's probably going to go mega knight.
10:05So I'm going to get the next one in the opposite lane.
10:07I'm just cycling to my next mini P.
10:09Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:12And then we go with evolve bats, which are going to go crazy
10:14because they're so insane of a card, man.
10:16Oh, my God. East spirit value.
10:17Holy fuck.
10:18And then damage amplification and also goblins and shit on the tower.
10:23And they all die instantly to the firecracker.
10:26Except we get chip damage.
10:27All right. Now this is the part where we go with this for the goblin gang.
10:29And either way, damage amplification.
10:32Go on the ice golem.
10:34Oh, we win.
10:38We win.
10:39All right. That's great.
10:40What's this guy's clan description?
10:42I just got a feeling he's got some like try hard.
10:45Activate it.
10:46Just can't read. Does anybody speak fucking English anymore?
10:50Or maybe it's just my time zone because
10:52everyone knows that whenever there's a movie where there's a world ending threat,
10:55it's just happening in the USA.
10:57So the USA is the only place that exists on this planet.
10:59And so whenever I'm making my videos,
11:01I'm recording usually at times when the USA is asleep.
11:04And if the USA is asleep, the rest of the world's awake.
11:06And turns out English is not the only language in other places in the world
11:09are awake and they can speak other languages.
11:10So smash like if I should learn other languages and then one day just commentate
11:15in a different language.
11:16Konnichiwa, boku wa Ken desu.
11:17One on my one.
11:18Let this go.
11:20Yeah, that'd be cool, wouldn't it?
11:21You'd think I'm way cooler than I am.
11:23Holy fuck.
11:24Where the hell did that come from?
11:26Fucking Valak.
11:28Gonna catch me lacking.
11:29Okay, thank God that should change target.
11:32And then we go for Skelly's for a little counter push
11:33because otherwise that will die and that will at least.
11:39Like, what?
11:41No, no, no, no.
11:42All right. Well, that's fine.
11:43I know his gimmick.
11:44He's playing like, oh my God, wait.
11:46He's playing Royal Hogs, Royal Recruits, Flying Machine,
11:48and I'm playing Mini P.E.K.K.A.
11:50Cannon Cycle.
11:51So I'm gonna have to get through Royal Recruits.
11:52I'm gonna have to defend Royal Hogs with Cannon.
11:56Right. Okay.
11:57Well, I don't think he's got Royal Recruits in hand.
11:59So let's go with this.
12:00I have Evolved Bats.
12:01We all know Evolved Bats are an insane card.
12:03Turns out he does have Royal Recruits in hand.
12:05All right, let's go for Evolved Bats here.
12:06See what they can do.
12:08Bats will not be deflected by the monk.
12:12As in like, they don't, like minions, they throw a ball.
12:18So the minions get deflected.
12:20Okay. We forced that shit.
12:22Okay. We take a rage here.
12:24Come on.
12:26One more.
12:27Okay. I don't actually know if that would have done
12:28more damage with the rage or not.
12:31I also have to address it, man.
12:33People found a way.
12:33They found a way to get around.
12:35I don't know what I was thinking.
12:37I ban the words type of,
12:39and I think that people can't get around it.
12:42I don't even care, man.
12:43It is what it is, man.
12:45It's an ecosystem of its own.
12:47It's kind of like what's going to happen
12:48with AI in the future.
12:49You know, we're going to create AI for a purpose,
12:51and then it's just going to go rogue
12:53and decide to do its own thing.
12:54That's basically how I'll sum up my comment section.
12:56It's just gone rogue and decided to do its own thing.
12:59That's fine, man.
13:00If that's what the people want,
13:01who am I to deny the people what they want?
13:04Anyway, that Goblin Curse has damage amplification,
13:06so that was quite useful.
13:08And he's used his Royal...
13:10Oh, man.
13:13Evolved Cannon versus Royal...
13:16Don't you try that slippery shit on me, Valak.
13:19All right, well, fuck.
13:21He's definitely back to his Royal Recruits,
13:24but I'm still going to go with this.
13:26Ooh, actually, this is real good.
13:29Come on, fucking damage amplify.
13:31Kill that shit.
13:32All right, whatever.
13:33We've got some Goblins out of it.
13:34I'm going to play this so I don't take too much damage.
13:36Go with Evolved Bats.
13:38Just really charging them up.
13:40Ooh, don't try a sneaky flying machine on me, bud.
13:44Lucky his Flyboard was in Tire Light, by the way.
13:46All right, here come the Royal Recruits.
13:49Walmart-ass Royal Recruits.
13:51Actually, that would be Skeletons, I guess.
13:55All right, well, we're somehow winning comfortably,
14:00and he has got no damage.
14:02Here comes the flying machine in the middle.
14:04How do I predict this?
14:06I go with this, I go with this,
14:08or he just doesn't do what I say, just to prove a point.
14:10Cool, dude.
14:11Well, we're going to go with this,
14:13and that's going to be in the damage amplification zone.
14:17So that's going to get absolutely melted,
14:19because they are melts.
14:21And you know what?
14:22Double mini-P.
14:23Fuck it.
14:24And let's go with this.
14:26And let's go with this.
14:27Royal Recruits coming in hot.
14:29Well, you can just Flyboard and lose your towel.
14:30Whatever works for you, Valak.
14:31Good game, see you in the lobby.
14:34And yeah, hopefully you get somebody
14:37with a weaker mind than me.
14:44My friend just got to 9,000 trophies.
14:46It was one game off,
14:46and his opponent was at 9,000,
14:48and he gave him the free win.
14:49He was hustling his ass to get to 9K.
14:51He had level 14 cards,
14:53and he won his last game for 4,000 trophies,
14:55because he gifted it to him.
14:58Never would he catch me doing that shit.
15:00I'm going to annihilate this guy
15:02and make sure that he goes back down to Frozen Peak
15:04where he fucking belongs.
15:05Anywho, I've got Goblin Curse and Rage,
15:07so if he plays a Goblin...
15:10Okay, you know what?
15:11Let's just do it.
15:12It's probably fucking not worth it,
15:13but yeah, see, the Goblin Curse
15:16sometimes scares people into making plays
15:18they don't want to play.
15:19All right, you ready for this play?
15:27All right, well, you win some and you lose some, right?
15:29And we lost some there,
15:30but it's okay, because I know what he's playing.
15:31Yeah, she's playing I-Drag Princess Mini-P.
15:36I just fucked up.
15:37You know what?
15:38Sometimes you've got to give back.
15:40I want him to get like,
15:40he's like, his dopamine's spiking right now.
15:42His hands are beginning to sweat.
15:43Oh my God, man, I'm going to win.
15:44I'm going to get to 9,000 fucking trophies.
15:46And then he's going to realize,
15:47wait, he was toying with me.
15:49I'm out of my depth and I'm an idiot.
15:53Look at him playing Princess of the Bridge to fucking...
15:56That's not going to work for you, man.
15:58Princess of the Bridge to snipe the bats
15:59and get some tower damage.
16:01Fucking Gabe wants this game, man.
16:03I can fucking smell it, reeks of it.
16:05Okay, not on my lawn, that's too much.
16:09Yeah, no, that was cute.
16:11He's playing Miner's Cycle, he's trying to chip me down.
16:13Okay, Gabe.
16:15Glory Oasis.
16:18How am I going to teach this guy a lesson?
16:20He keeps playing skeletons.
16:22Okay, I'm going to play this in the back.
16:24We don't want to take any more damage,
16:25so we go with this.
16:26We go with this.
16:30No, what the fuck?
16:34All right.
16:35Wait, the only way is this.
16:40That's damage.
16:41And now we are still losing.
16:44Okay, that's fine.
16:45That was a good comeback, though.
16:46We go with this.
16:46Okay, he's going to go with Wall Breakers.
16:48Have to save for Cannon.
16:50Okay, that's fine.
16:51Take a little bit of miner damage.
16:53Actually, a lot.
16:54God damn, I'm going to have to go for Evolve Bats.
16:57And then he's going to go with Princess.
16:59Let's go with this here to block the shot.
17:01And then let's go with this to kill the skeletons.
17:04Or the Princess.
17:07Okay, Evolve Bats?
17:09Never mind, I've been sleeping.
17:11Okay, we're going to go with this.
17:12What the hell is that play?
17:14I'm just, I mean, I'm very happy
17:16to just go with skeletons there.
17:17Just counter it and take no damage.
17:19Essentially just cycling.
17:23You little fuck.
17:27All right.
17:28Maybe he's learned his lesson
17:28about the whole skeletons thing.
17:30Terrible minions.
17:31Okay, wait, he's actually chipping me down.
17:33So I'm going to go with this.
17:33He's going to go with a Fireball or something.
17:35Something goofy.
17:37So I'm going to go with this.
17:40And then we're going to turn them into goblins
17:42at some time today, I would like.
17:44And then, ooh, go for the goblin!
17:46Oh, you fucking rigged targeting, man.
17:49All right, I've got to allow him
17:50to get no damage from now on.
17:52My god, reaction speeds are fucking elite.
17:55All right.
17:56All right.
17:57Just in case, can't let him get any damage, man.
18:02How are we going to do this?
18:03So he's got Mini P.E.K.K.A.,
18:05which he loves fucking reminding me that he has.
18:14Fuck, man.
18:23Damage amplification!
18:28Oh, man.
18:31You're so close to 9,000 trophies as well, Squirt.
18:34You almost had me, you almost had me.
18:36Do your wars, please.
18:37A few missed days is tolerated.
18:39Goddamn, they really put the fucking iron down
18:40if you don't.
18:41I wonder what happens if you don't.
18:43Wait, what does it say?
18:44Do your wars, please.
18:45A few missed days is tolerated.
18:47Holy fuck, it's like Nazi Germany in here, man.
18:49Donate, be relatively active.
18:51Inactive for seven days is kick.
18:53Fucking Slater ruled with an iron grip, man.
18:57Fucking hell.
18:57All right, well, yeah, we won.
18:59Mini P.E.K.K.A. cycle never fails.