00:00It finally had to happen. Like, it's been too much and it's been a long time coming but
00:04everybody kind of knew this day was eventually going to come. I know plenty of six-year-olds,
00:10well not personally, like there's plenty of six-year-olds around the world that
00:14are tearing their hair out at hearing this news, devastated, and I don't blame them.
00:21But when it boils down to things, how can I both be the type of guy to say
00:26Ken Residence when picking up the phone but also be the kind of guy to murder my co-worker
00:31after he gets a promotion to stop him from reaching 9,000 trophies?
00:37It's one or the other, right? Like, there's a stark difference between each one and I can't be both.
00:42And so, effective immediately from this point on, I'm going to be removing the phrase...
00:49God, Evolved Ice Spirit made me stutter for a second there.
00:52Ken is the type of guy from my comment section. Ken will still be a word that's usable,
00:57but the type of guy is going to be banned. That phrase will no longer be existing,
01:01and a new ecosystem and a new era of intellectual four-year-old comment six,
01:06sorry, I don't know where that came from, will be ushered in. And I really hope this
01:11new chapter brings a new era of wisdom, knowledge, and passion in the comment section.
01:15So, and just for the record, if I had a character in Clash Royale, it would not be the Log Rider.