• 17 hours ago
Today I tried to beat the easiest game on roblox. Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.

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#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Today i'm finally gonna try and beat the easiest game on roblox to get every single ending and if you've never seen this game
00:04Before well, let me tell you
00:06It's not actually easy
00:08This is the hardest roblox game ever and the last time I did this I got over 2 million views in two weeks
00:12Which is absolutely crazy. Thank you guys so much
00:15So, of course i'm doing a part two
00:16But anyways, as you can see we got a couple endings so far, but we also have a lot of endings
00:21We have not unlocked yet. Oh my gosh, that is a lot of endings, but guys i'm not gonna lie
00:26I think I already know how to get the next one because i'm 200 iq
00:29All right
00:30I'm big brain
00:30You remember in the last video when I got the cheese and I fed it to the ball and I got huge
00:34Well, what if I gave the cheese to the rat? See i'm smart. All right, i'm thinking smart
00:40So as you see, uh, there's the cheese the delicious cheese. All right, so all we gotta do is spam click it
00:46And there we go. We got the cheese. Look at it. Look how beautiful the cheese looks
00:50So i'm not gonna lie. I forgot how to get to the rat. Wait, how do I get to the rat again?
00:55Uh, oh, yeah, I have to jump up here. What the no
00:59Wait, I didn't mean to feed you. No. Oh my gosh. That cheese was not for you. You stupid ball. Oh my gosh
01:06Wait, did my computer just freeze? Oh my gosh
01:10My throat just sounded so weird right there, bro. We already have this ending. That is not what I was trying to do
01:15Okay, let's try this again. We put the ball in here. Once it turns yellow we jump boom
01:20All right, let's get the cheese, but don't feed the ball the cheese. All right, give me this cheese buddy
01:24All right
01:26Thank you so much for the cheese. All right, you stupid bowl. Do not eat my cheese
01:30Let's push you right over here. Perfect. All right, stay right there. Stop stop
01:35And then we jump jump
01:37Are we go down here?
01:39Yes, perfect. Okay. Yes, this is perfect. Okay, so here's the little rat remember if we try to take the rat's key
01:45Um, he kills us. All right
01:47He's a bad little rat, but let's feed him cheese. Uh, do I just click on him three two one boom
01:54What the how do I give him cheese eat the cheese what
01:59Oh, wait, he ate it. Yes. Oh, he's sleeping
02:02Wait, do rats sleep? Okay. I'm just gonna take your key. Thank you. Mr. Rat. All right. Okay now i'm kind of confused
02:09What do I even do with this key? Can I can I unlock this guy? Hello? Your name is keith
02:14Hey, i'm here to bail you out. Wait, why are you in jail again? You're not gonna kill me, right?
02:19You know, whatever let's unlock them
02:24That didn't work. What the heck bro? I'm clicking the lock. Why is it not working? Why can't I unlock it?
02:30Keith, why is this key not working?
02:32Talk to me keith. I'm trying to break you out. What the heck like oh wait. Oh, wait. Can I click right here?
02:40Okay, that does not work either bro. How do I like give him the key?
02:45No, no
02:50I'm so dumb. I already have that ending. Oh my gosh
02:54All right. Uh in the intro I said i'm big brain 200 iq
02:58I guess not i'm actually little brain one iq
03:03What the heck I feel like we're on to something though that key definitely like sets him free right I think so
03:09All right. Let's hurry up and get the cheese again. All right, we got the cheese and uh,
03:13Let's go put the rat to sleep again. All right, here we go. Stay right there bop. Hey, let me jump on you. Thank you
03:19All right. Here you go. You stupid rat take this cheese. Perfect. He's knocked out. Good night. Okay. So what the heck?
03:26How do I unlock it? Uh
03:28No, that does not work either. What the heck? Okay. Think fulton think you need to be smart right here
03:33Ew, why is there stinky cheese right there?
03:36Why is that cheese farting? Ew
03:38Okay, what can I do? Do I have to like climb up here or something with the key? What's up here again?
03:43Oh, okay. I'm back up here. Okay, i'm going back
03:46Like I said, I feel like i'm so close to finding a new ending what the heck keys
03:50Take this key. I'm trying to set you free bro. Come on. Keith bro. I'm just spam clicking i'm sparing my keyboard right now
03:57Oh, wait, what the?
03:59Wait, oh, he's free. He's free
04:02Wait, where's he going?
04:04Wait, do I follow him? Uh
04:07What the heck? All right
04:09Keith just escaped. Um, oh look. There's the stinky cheese
04:14Wait, i'm like glitching through this wall. Look there's a skull right here and a map. Wait, can I go through here?
04:20Oh, I can
04:22Whoa, okay. Oh, I picked up the skull. What about this? Can I pick this up too? No, I can't whoa
04:28Okay, this is weird. Now. Can I pick up the cheese? Okay, so I have a skull and the stinky dirty cheese
04:35Goodness, all right. Let me just climb up here. I think this is where keith went
04:41Oh, wait, keith just ate the cheese
04:43Wait, I just gave keith the cheese
04:46Are you okay? He said that was good cheese. Well, i'm glad you like it keith. Oh
04:52Oh my gosh, what's happening?
04:55Keith come back down the cheese the farty cheese. Was that good?
05:02Okay, how high is he gonna fly up
05:05Let's go. We got a new ending
05:08Yes, finally
05:10Oh my gosh, that took forever. We got the ascension ending
05:13All right, so we got a brand new ending and now i'm not gonna lie. I think i'm big braining again
05:17I think I have another idea. So we fed the stinky cheese to keith
05:20What if we feed the stinky cheese to the ball? What's gonna happen? I don't know. Hopefully it's a new ending
05:26All right, let's grab the cheese. Oh, wait, the ball is red now. I still don't know why the ball changes colors
05:31I honestly don't know why guys if you know, let me know in the comments down below ball
05:34What are you doing? Get over there
05:37Come on, stop playing around
05:39This is serious business. I'm trying to get stinky cheese
05:42All right, here we go. Uh, you stupid rat take this perfect go to sleep. All right, so
05:48Last time I don't even know what button I pressed on my keyboard
05:50I literally just spammed the keyboard and it was good. So i'm gonna just start spamming again. I'm spamming and oh
05:57Oh, it works. Let's go
05:59All right, keith, uh, you can go climb up there. I'm gonna take that stinky cheese
06:04Perfect got it. Nice. All right. Now we climb up. Okay. Keith is uh, oh my gosh. Keith is just chilling right here
06:11What's up, keith? You got the new drip on I like it. Wait. So is this the same cheese? Okay. No, it's dirty. Oh keith
06:19Keith just died
06:21Oh my gosh. No way. Was that an ending?
06:23Murderer. No, wait. I know don't call me a murderer. I did not mean to murder keith
06:28It wasn't me. It was it was the it was the farting cheese. Oh my gosh, that's crazy
06:32That was an ending. Let's go
06:34Yes, see guys big brain. Like I said, that was totally not an accident
06:40Just kidding. That was 100% accident. Um, we still haven't gotten the money bag up there
06:44I honestly don't know how to get that. How the heck do I get money?
06:48Uh, hold on. Let me try to go in here again. Is there a way I can get money through here?
06:52Stop pushing me bro. I didn't even push you you stupid ball
06:56Wait a second. I remember I could fall through here. Like look look there's a lever in the last video
07:01Did not oppress it
07:03Wait, can I press it like this? Uh, no i'm clicking it. It doesn't work. Dang it. Okay. Um
07:09Wait, can the ball fall through there? No way
07:14Wait, why is the ball not spawning back? Where'd the ball go? What the heck? Hello ball. Where are you at?
07:19Wait, where'd the ball go? Wait, what? Oh
07:22Whoa. Whoa. Okay. Now i'm confused. Where's the ball at? Why'd the ball not respawn?
07:27The ball is supposed to always respawn what okay i'm not gonna lie this is kind of scary
07:32I'm kind of like freaking out right now. Do I touch this? Uh, hello trophy
07:37What ending is that you won bro, I already got this ending wait a second
07:41No, no. No, I think I was on to something right there ball get back in there. Okay, get back in the pit
07:47We gotta go to yellow. We gotta
07:49Stutter always every video. I'm just stuttering what I was trying to say is we're trying to go back to yellow land
07:54Okay, so we push him in there
07:57But where the heck does he go? Like where's the ball? Oh, he's right there. I see him
08:01Okay, can I land on him? Is that possible?
08:05Yes. Oh, wait. Okay balance balance. Don't fall. Don't fall. Look at him. He said brah. I'm, sorry, bro
08:10I'm, sorry for standing on you. Okay, what do I do?
08:13Uh, press this. Can I press it? No
08:16Doesn't let me oh wait. It lets me press it. Wait a second. Oh
08:19Wait, stop moving you stupid ball. Okay, stop. He said stop pushing me, bro. I'm not pushing you
08:24Okay, let me hit this lever. Boom. Um
08:27Does that do anything? Wait, there's a code right there. This is 48. Oh my gosh, wait
08:32Okay, I need to lock in right here. I need to focus up. I actually need to use all my iq points
08:36Can I go back up there or do I just fall back down here? What the okay?
08:41Oh, okay. Why is the trophy? Um, not there. What? Okay
08:47What there's a hole? Oh, wait, do I go down there? What if I touch the trophy? Do I get anything? No
08:53Wait, bro, my computer froze. Oh, okay. I thought I was getting hacked
08:58Okay, can I touch this? No. All right, I guess I just gotta go down here
09:05Whoa, okay. Wait 90 endings required to go through here. Oh my gosh
09:09Okay, so there's a chair that says you're stuck and there's a door right here. Can I go through here?
09:13What the heck let me in? Why is it not letting me in i'm clicking what the heck bro?
09:18Look i'm clicking and nothing's happening bro. Okay. Oh, i'm gonna go to you're stuck
09:22Do I just sit down in the chair? I don't know. Am I gonna get jump scared?
09:26I'm, kind of scared. I feel like i'm gonna get jump scared. I hope not but uh, let's do it
09:30Here we go. Sit down fulton. Oh, let's go new ending. Yes, and it's called stuck because uh, we literally just got stuck nice
09:37Oh, wait a second, bro. I'm actually so smart
09:40What if we got the key and try to open up that other door? Is that an ending or probably not? I don't know
09:47All right, come on give me the cheese
09:49There we go. Thank you for the cheese. Appreciate that. All right, you stupid ball get over there
09:52All right, stay right there. Perfect. Uh jump jump
09:57All right. Here you go. You rat good night. Give me the key. All right, so now um, wait, I forgot what I did last time
10:05Oh, I gotta hit the lever. Okay. Yeah, I gotta do that. Sorry keith. Uh, i'm not gonna set you free
10:09I know this is the the key to set you free, but i'm not doing that. Goodbye
10:13Okay, the ball's over here we gotta push the ball back in here. All right, baldy ball go right in there
10:19Perfect. Okay. Now we have to land on him. No, we missed it. No
10:25Dang it
10:26Wait, oh my gosh. Wait, what the heck just happened?
10:29Wait, I tried to press escape on my keyboard and I pressed delete. What the heck?
10:33Wait, what can I what can I even do with this plank?
10:35This is like the shortest plank ever and where the heck is the ball bro. What am I even supposed to do here?
10:40Oh, I can't even do anything with this plank. All right gonna have to reset dang it bro. This game is so hard
10:46Okay, we're back and i'm not gonna lie. I kind of cheated
10:49I searched up what I can do with the plank and the plank is supposedly how we get the money bag
10:54So, uh, yeah, I need that cheese again
10:57Because i'm trying to get some money. All right, come on. Let me get the cheese
11:00We gotta put the rats to sleep again. Oh wait purple. Wait, bro. Why is there purple? Why is there purple?
11:06There's definitely something with purple
11:07I don't know what it is yet, but hopefully I can try and figure it out. I don't know
11:12But um, okay. There we go. We got cheese. Perfect. Um, all right
11:16Oh, no
11:19I did not mean to feed him cheese. I'm so dumb and he said that hurt. No, it didn't
11:23All right, you're fatty and you eat ate the cheese. Look at you. I'm just gonna respawn bro. No, no
11:28I'm, not you're not killing me ball. This game is gonna make me go crazy. All right, third time's a charm. Let's try this again
11:35Okay, don't eat the cheese ball. All right, there we go. Uh, stay right there. No
11:42Why is it so hard to push balls, okay, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
11:47Get over here. All right, stay right there. Perfect. Bop. Bop. Nice
11:54All right
11:55Take the key now. Um, okay
11:59Brain fart. I completely forgot what I was doing
12:02Wait, what ending am I trying to get? Oh the money bag money money. Yes forgot about the money. Uh
12:08We need the plank. Yes. Okay. So backspace, right? I think boom
12:13All right. We got the plank now. We get the ball again. Wait, can I feed the ball the plank? Can you eat this?
12:19No, he can't
12:21We gotta push him over here
12:22Wait a second. How can we push him over there? If there's only one plank? Oh my gosh. No, don't go in the void
12:28You stupid ball, bro
12:31It was just a purple ball it was just a purple ball bro, this game is like trolling me right now
12:36Okay, can we get the ball across that? Maybe maybe not? Okay
12:43He said brah. Yeah, i'm thinking the same thing. Come on, bruh. All right, let's push me go go go. Yes
12:49Thank you. Thank you. Finally. All right, stay right there jump jump. Nice
12:55Okay, so now supposedly you're supposed to put the plank right there. Oh, let's go. Yes
12:59Money money bag, baby. Give me that money
13:04Clap it up. We got the money bag ending perfect. See this game's easy
13:10Just kidding
13:11All right, so i'm not gonna lie. I kind of cheated again
13:13All right, don't be mad at me
13:14But there's actually a funny ending where if you copy everything the ball says
13:19Kills you with a lightning bolt or lightning strike or whatever. So, um, I guess I just hit him boom and he said brah
13:26So if I say brah look
13:29Wait, he says something else. He says stop copying me. Stop copying me. Ha ha lol. I said stop copying me
13:35All right. Let me say the same thing. I said stop copying me. I don't care bally kill me, but he said good morning
13:42What isn't he supposed to kill me? Good
13:45Morning, boom. He said stop copying me. All right, let me do this again
13:49I'm pretty sure he's supposed to kill me. What's going on? Why am I still alive? He said that hurt that hurt boom
13:55Um, you're supposed to kill me. What are you doing ball? Why is this not working?
14:00Stop it now. Okay. I think this is where he kills me. No
14:05All right, we're back. All right, you can see my handsome face again. All right, let's try this again boom
14:09And i'm not dead. Oh my gosh, my camera messed it up. All right, let's try this again. Good morning. Stop copy me
14:15Stop it now
14:17Boom, boom. Yes
14:19Let's go and look he said die
14:22He killed me for copying him we got the lightning strike ending
14:26Okay, so I just found another ending but we need the red ball. Okay, so i'm sorry yellow ball. We don't need you. Um
14:32Okay, wait, I actually need the cheese too. Wait, so we do need the yellow ball. Sorry
14:36All right, let's get the cheese because we need the red ball and we need to feed the red ball the yellow cheese
14:42So thank you for the cheese and now we should just keep pushing him until we get the red ball
14:47And red ball, nope, okay, come on red ball, please spawn
14:54And now red ball, come on give me the red ball now
14:59Dang it
15:00Are you serious bro? I swear this game just wants to make me mad. Look i'm not i'm not
15:07Like I said guys I stutter every video
15:09But why am I not getting red ball? Oh my gosh
15:13Oh, okay, wait, this is purple. Okay, so wait i'm gonna jump in with purple. What do I do?
15:18What do I get with purple?
15:20Are you kidding? Are you kidding?
15:24What oh my gosh, bro, this game is gonna make me so mad though. I swear
15:28I still have not gone into the purple world yet, and it was purple. I jumped in too early though. Dang it
15:36Oh, let's go we got the red ball, okay, uh, let me get the
15:42Are you kidding? It was literally red. Oh my gosh, give me the red
15:48It was just red. Oh, let's go. Yes. Okay. Stay there. You red ball. Okay, i'm gonna get the cheese
15:53You better not turn to yellow. I'll be right back. All right, give me the cheese. Yes, sir
15:58Okay, so now I think we have to push this ball over here. Okay, stay right here, buddy
16:03Okay, now i'm gonna feed you the cheese open up
16:07Okay, i'm, sorry, let me stop being cringe just take the cheese perfect. Okay now we jump go go go
16:12Yes, climb fulton climb climb fulton climb. Oh, no, he's about to turn into a hot air balloon. Oh, no
16:20Climb, so now we just have to wait for him to pop and I think a golden cheese will spawn and then we can eat
16:26The golden cheese. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. He's getting huge. Yo
16:30Wait, how big does he get? What the oh my gosh, don't kill me. Please don't kill me. No, no, no, no
16:35Oh, let's go. Yes. Okay. Look the cheese spawn right there. Can I jump or will I die? Please don't die
16:40Please don't die. Please don't die
16:44Oh, we got the golden cheese. All right, so do I just eat it?
16:49Let's go
16:50Oh my gosh, I turned gold
16:53Yes golden cheese ending that's what I should have got right golden cheese. Perfect. All right, i'm not gonna lie
16:58We're doing pretty good. Um, we still have a lot more endings to go
17:02But look at this we have a lot of endings that we've gotten so far. Look at this
17:06kind of
17:08But guys, I think I figured out another ending so we gotta go into the yellow world
17:12Okay, oh red ball. Really when I don't need the red ball. I get the red ball
17:17Come on. All right. Wait, does the red ball go in here? Wait a second. Oh
17:21Wait a second. Does it wait? Where'd the red ball go? Is it gone? I think the red ball's gone
17:25Did I just lose the ball?
17:27I think I just lost the ball. All right, so here's the lever. Let me push that. Okay, so I think I fall
17:33In here, right? I think so. Oh the red ball's still here. Okay, so I think I fall in here
17:38Okay. Oh, yes. Okay, perfect
17:40So i'm gonna try and go through that door again because you know the cheese you have to spam the cheese
17:45I'm, pretty sure you have to spam this door. So let me just keep spamming. Uh, I guess not. I don't know
17:53It worked. Let's go. Let's go
17:56All right, so we jump down here. Oh my gosh. Wait, why is it just black?
18:00What happens if I jump down there? I kind of don't want to jump down there
18:03But you know what for the folter family subscribe right now. Here we go
18:09And my computer froze did I just break the game oh no
18:13Oh, I died. Oh, let's go. We got a new ending. Yes pit of death
18:18That's that's a cool ending. I guess all right guys
18:20I just did some more research online and uh, I found another cool ending that we can do
18:24But of course we need the cheese again for some reason every ending requires some cheese
18:29So if we get the cheese, okay, don't feed it to the ball. I do not feed it to the ball
18:34Go over here
18:36Push it right here. Oh
18:38Stop stop it. Okay, uh jump jump. Perfect. Okay. Give me the key
18:45All right
18:46So now i'm pretty sure if we use this key on that same door we get a completely different ending
18:51So climb up here. All right, the ball's still here. This is perfect. Uh
18:56Oh my gosh that ball just tried to kill me all right that ball just tried to kill me
19:00Uh, all right put the ball in there now we need to click the lever. I'm pretty sure right click that perfect fall in there
19:07Yes, and then we jump in here use the key right here
19:12Oh, let's go. See look. We have a portal now. Oh my gosh. Look at this. Look at this bad boy
19:17Do I jump in it? Where is this portal gonna lead me? I already know where it is because I I looked it up
19:22Well, here we go. Three two one and look at me. I'm in jail
19:26Help wait, actually, how do I get out of here for real? Wait, is this the ending right? I think so
19:31How do I get out? Okay. So now what?
19:34Oh, okay. There we go. We got the ending. We got the unstuck ending
19:38All right. So now we're gonna do the impossible
19:40I'm gonna keep putting this ball in the hole until I get the purple ball. Okay, we need the purple ball, bro
19:45I have a feeling i'm missing out on an ending. I need the purple ball
19:48So uh editor a quick time lapse until I get the purple ball
19:55Let's go
19:58I need some water water now
20:01Let's go
20:03Wait, that didn't that didn't even take long at all. Okay. Okay play this smart folton play this smart. Okay
20:08We're gonna put this in the hole
20:10Okay, how am I messing this up? I can't even put in the hole now
20:14All right, let's put it right. Oh my gosh
20:17Are you serious go in there? Yes. Okay. Now we go in yes
20:22Grapes. Oh my gosh. Wait. I haven't gotten the grapes ending. Oh my gosh. I love grapes. Oh my goodness
20:27I would I could eat these these look awesome too. They look beautiful. All right, don't mind if I do. Oh, yeah
20:33Let's go grapes ending. Yes. Okay. Wait, they have a cheese ending a grapes ending. Is there a strawberry ending too?
20:42But guys this next ending that I found out
20:44Is actually kind of crazy and one of the hardest endings to do so the first thing we need to do is of course
20:49Uh get the cheese
20:50All right
20:51Like I said every ending you need cheese for some reason and in this ending I can actually get a dominus
20:56Which is kind of crazy. So there we go
20:57We got the cheese and now we need to just go click on the rat apparently
21:02We don't need to give them the cheese. We just click on them. All right, so hello rat just click on you
21:08All right, I clicked on the rat i'm literally clicking I hope that's good enough and now we need to go click on the money bag
21:14so, uh
21:15Let's bring the ball over here. Wait, I need the key because I need the plank, right?
21:21And the ball just fell in the hole. Are you kidding? Let's try this again
21:24All right ball get in there get in there. Perfect. Wait, can I drop the cheese on the plank? There's no way
21:30Oh, let's go. Yes. Yes. I thought I needed to drop the key
21:35That's actually perfect. No ball. You're not going in there. Okay, we've already been in there before we don't need that
21:40We need to go over here. Okay, jump jump. Let's go. All right place the plank down. Yes
21:46And now just click on the money
21:49Clicking on it. I hope this works, bro
21:56That's not what I wanted. Oh my god
22:00Okay, i'll be right back when we're on the same part. Okay, just give me one second. Oh my gosh three weeks later
22:06All right. I'm back on the same part. Don't touch the money fulton, but click on the money
22:10I saw I clicked on the money. There we go. Click click. All right
22:13I'm click some more click click and now I need to click on the yellow ball
22:18So let me click on the yellow ball click click
22:21And then now we need to get the red ball and click on the red ball
22:24So this might take a while, bro
22:26If I never researched this ending, I would never find it. Like how would someone find? Oh, wait, we got the the grape one
22:32But like I was saying, how would someone find this ending? Dang it
22:37Wait, where's?
22:38Oh, no, no, that's red. No
22:42It was purple at first it was purple this game is actually like trying to make me mad
22:47It's actually trying to make me so mad
22:49Oh, there we go. Red ball. Okay, so we don't click on the red ball
22:53Apparently we have to click on the cheese. So let me click on the cheese. I clicked on the cheese
22:57Now I have to click on the red ball
23:00Okay, I clicked on the red ball and now we need to fall down here. Apparently I think there you go fall down
23:06And now oh yes
23:08Yes, oh my gosh, look it's a trophy with cheese. Oh my god, I can't believe this actually worked. Oh my gosh
23:14Yes, and now I click on the trophy boom. Wait, no the trophy
23:20Did I just mess it up
23:22No, it's supposed to turn into a dominance. I think I messed it up. I wasn't supposed to click on the cheese
23:26Oh my gosh, wait, what if I get this trophy though?
23:30What what ending is this? Oh, we got the cheese ending nice
23:34All right, so let me show you what I was trying to get so you go over here look right
23:39And then I was supposed to click on the trophy and I get the dominance
23:42See, that's what was supposed to happen when I messed it up
23:45Yeah, i'm a bot
23:47But yeah guys i'm not gonna lie
23:48This game has way too many endings for me to figure out every single one
23:51But I hope you enjoyed it makes you like to subscribe, but i'm holton i'm out