• 4 days ago
Turcul episodul 1 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 1 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 2 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 3 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 1 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 1 subtitrat în română Turcul episodul 1 subtitrat în română
01:00The soldiers we entrusted to you last night are all dead.
01:10They set me up.
01:12Who set you up?
01:16Mete died years ago.
01:18I am not a traitor.
01:20You are not a newcomer anymore.
01:22You are not my son anymore.
01:24Make your choice.
01:30Either die here with your honor,
01:32or live in disgrace in exile.
02:14I will clear my name.
02:16I will find you that traitor Mete.
02:40First we find this woman.
02:42Yes, the witch of...
02:44Remind me.
02:50Just around this mountain, right?
02:52A two hours ride.
02:54I heard it's a nice place.
02:56Everyone getting along.
02:58Nice, peaceful place.
03:02Straight out of a fairy tale.
03:04Every fairy tale
03:06has a monster.
03:08And a witch.
03:10Not for long.
03:14What is it?
03:22What is it?
03:38What was that?
03:52The horses!
04:00Where is Mete?
04:02His name is not Mete.
04:04It's Marco.
06:22Hold that, Topo.
06:24Is he going to die?
06:26I said hold that.
06:30Will you save him?
06:32Can we trust him?
06:34He's a Turk.
06:36You can never trust a Turk.
06:52I didn't think you'd make it.
07:00How is it?
07:02You like it?
07:04There's going to be a celebration in town.
07:06I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:08Didn't I tell you?
07:10I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:12I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:14I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:16I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:18I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:20I'm playing a Turkish soldier.
07:22The knights are going to chase me.
07:24Then they'll catch me.
07:26Then they'll burn me in the village square.
07:36Are you a Turk?
07:38A Turk?
07:42Yes, sweetie.
07:44He's a barbarian.
07:46What did I tell you about Turks, Topo?
07:48They are barbarians.
07:52What else?
07:54They are our greatest enemy.
07:56No matter what, never trust a Turk.
08:10You don't understand what we're saying, do you?
08:12You don't understand what we're saying, do you?
08:16Well, since you can't tell me, let me guess.
08:18Well, since you can't tell me, let me guess.
08:22This was in your waist sash.
08:24This was in your waist sash.
08:26Everything was in tutters, but this...
08:28Everything was in tutters, but this...
08:30It didn't even get dusty.
08:32I'm curious.
08:34Has the guy up there told you something he hasn't told us?
08:36You are separated from the pack.
08:38You are separated from the pack.
08:40They've abandoned you, haven't they?
08:42They've abandoned you, haven't they?
08:44And this...
08:46And this...
08:48And this...
08:50You never let go of this.
08:54You clung to it in your sleep, like a child.
08:58I can't help wondering...
09:02How many innocent people did you kill with this dagger?
09:06I'm not one of those defenseless people, I'm Gloria.
09:20I saved your life, but I haven't decided what to do with it yet.
09:31Gloria, I wouldn't go out there.
09:36You? You speak her language.
09:39They're not only coming after me, I hurt them.
09:42They said something about a witch.
09:44You're that witch, aren't you?
09:46They are looking for you too.
09:48Rutka Wojcik, winged Hussar knight of the Polish Crown Army, in service of our king Jan III Sobieski.
10:08Gloria, her mother's daughter.
10:12We've lost her horse. We're looking for it, we tracked it here.
10:16Couldn't a whole unit of knights keep an eye on a horse?
10:20We could ask you the same question, Gloria.
10:24A mother is supposed to keep an eye on her child.
10:29Dapa! Dapa!
10:45He is not my child.
10:47You're not? And whose child are you?
10:52I'm nobody's child.
10:54This mouse was born in the village down the way.
10:58He was born with a mark on his face, and that means only one thing around here.
11:01The mark of the devil.
11:03That's what his parents thought. They left him by the riverbank.
11:06And you took him?
11:08I have a soft spot for broken, abandoned things.
11:11What are you? A junk collector? A mender?
11:16Or maybe she's a witch who snatches little boys and eats them.
11:22If we enter your house, what will we find hidden there?
11:31But if we find anyone, we'll have to take you and burn this place down.
12:02What's this you're wearing?
12:17Turkish clothes. There's a lord coming here.
12:20We're having a festival for him in the village.
12:23I got dressed as a Turk, and they're going to... to set me on fire.
12:29If we meet again, I'll show you something to help you play the part.
12:38How the Turks burn.
12:58Mom, where is he?
13:29Topo, go outside.
13:33Listen up, witch.
13:34You asked how many innocents I had killed. None.
13:37And if you don't want to be the first to listen, well, right now, I can't go anywhere.
13:40I'm staying here until I'm better.
13:46Three nights from today, there's going to be a festival in the village.
13:50They will light a stake, and they will burn the dumb eaters just as you are.
13:54If you don't fuck off by then, I will tie you to the stake and burn you myself, all right?
14:54All right.
17:14Judge, how are you?
17:17It's a big day for our village, Father.
17:19The capital has finally noticed us.
17:22They are blessing us with an overlord.
17:26When is his lordship coming, Judge? Do you know?
17:28Any time now. I would like to make my contribution.
17:37God bless you.
17:39The windmill needs repairing.
17:43With that money, we could repair the windmill.
17:46Gunther, how are you?
17:49Not as well as the rest of you.
17:51But my memory still works better.
17:53It was 15 years since the last I saw one from the city.
17:57Does anyone remember what happened?
17:59Now is not the time or place for-
18:01They wanted money. We gave it.
18:04They wanted provisions. We gave it.
18:06The more we gave, the more they wanted.
18:10They wanted our sons for their army. We handed them over.
18:14They wanted our daughters for their beds.
18:18We handed them over.
18:20Let him finish.
18:25We slaved away for them.
18:27And after their blood was dry, they up and left.
18:30Have you forgotten?
18:32What he says is true.
18:34But they protected us, Gunther.
18:37Brothers, they were just protecting us from themselves.
18:41Gunther fought for us for many years, Father.
18:45My contribution will cover him, too.
18:50A couple of browsers, a ring, a few cabbages.
18:54If that's enough for them, fine.
18:58But if this time they want more than we can give,
19:02you all will be knocking on my door.
19:15Let's go.
19:39Boy, are you crazy? That was beer.
19:41So you were thirsty, right?
19:43Yeah, but what do you drink when you're thirsty? Water.
19:46Water can make you sick.
19:48You people are weird.
19:50You Turks are the weird ones.
19:54You seem scary, but you're not really.
19:58I wish you would come to the festival with me.
20:01Why? So they can burn me alive?
20:03There's other stuff, too. We sing songs. Gloria dances by the fire.
20:07Everybody tries to dance with her. And we eat meat.
20:10The grown-ups are grumpy all year long,
20:13but at the festival they smile and laugh, too.
20:16You know what? It sounds like our bayram.
20:19What are those like?
20:22Well, we get up and put on our new clothes, me and my sister.
20:26People come to visit. We give them helva and sweets.
20:30Sweets? Yeah.
20:32Then we gather in the square.
20:34There are acrobats, knife-throwers, tricksters, all kinds of shows.
20:39We play games.
20:40Who do you play with?
20:42With everyone.
20:44We give clothes to the poor.
20:46We act as mothers and fathers to orphans.
20:49No one is left alone that day.
20:52That sounds nice.
20:57My father.
21:00He takes me to the palace courtyard.
21:03We kiss the sultan's hand. He's a king.
21:06You mean you've met the king?
21:08Boys wrestle in the courtyard. I do, too.
21:13And my father, he sets some watches.
21:19Do you win?
21:22I always win.
21:25And my father, he's...
21:29He's so proud of me.
21:37When you go back home, you'll have your bairams.
21:40Your father will be proud of you, right?
21:51Come on, my little mouse. Time for you to go to the festival.
22:00Aren't you coming?
22:01I'll be along soon.
22:07My father was ashamed of me.
22:11But if he saw me now, he would regret it.
22:14And he would give me a big hug. Right, Gloria?
22:17He sure would, sweetie.
22:31Going hunting?
22:34I came here to hunt a man down, Gloria.
22:37It's time for me to go back to the hunt.
22:41The man with the wolf's head helmet came here.
22:55I have things to do inside. In other way.
23:09You want some more soup before you leave?
23:16They call him Scallop Wolf. He's a terrible man.
23:22What did he do to you?
23:27There are two of them. He works for someone.
23:30Someone I knew from long ago.
23:32Someone I thought was dead. The real evil came from him.
23:37Is that why you can't go home?
23:42I heard them say they were going to Moana.
23:46Are you telling me you're going to walk in the village on the same night they're going to dress a straw man as a Turk and burn it at the stake?
24:01I'm coming with you.
24:06You can't come.
24:08Perhaps you haven't noticed. I'm a woman who does what she wants.
24:12Gloria, you can't come because I won't let you.
24:17I didn't ask for your permission.
24:21Do you believe people have met in other lives?
24:30I do.
24:33We are two strangers. But perhaps in another life.
24:41We weren't strangers at all.
24:51I'll never see you again. Perhaps in another life.
25:00You didn't walk out that door.
25:04Maybe in that other life I'm allowed to feel love.
25:10For the sake of that life you have to stay here and be safe.
25:18Don't go.
25:22Don't go.
25:27In another life.
25:57In another life.
26:27In another life.
26:57My eyes keep searching for Gloria over by the fire.
27:12It's good she's not here.
27:15This business will be over, Lord. It spoils the festival for you.
27:25People of Mwena, at long last we have a new overlord, a new protector.
27:55I'm here on behalf of your new overlord.
28:25Marco Benedetti di Vicenza.
28:29He defeated the Turks in the Battle of Vienna in recognition of his glorious victory.
28:39The prince has given him this village.
28:43I am Skellig Wolf. I come here on his behalf to inspect.
28:50We hoped to pay tribute to his lordship.
28:54Why has he not come?
28:56There's too much trouble.
28:58So sent his wolf instead.
29:02Your tongue is a little too sharp.
29:05You don't know me.
29:07Not yet.
29:09Rusca, perhaps you could introduce me.
29:12A pleasure.
29:21Once upon a time, there was a knight returning from a crusade who stopped in a village near the forest of Breezeburg.
29:31There he met a beautiful girl working in a mill, and he was smitten by her.
29:38And together they had a child.
29:48When the knight lifted his newborn son, what did he see?
29:53An infant so white, it was as though God had not yet breathed life into it.
29:59It was as if the devil had claimed him from birth.
30:04They wouldn't touch me.
30:09Not even to kill me.
30:13They left me in the forest.
30:18And in that forest, I became the monster they feared.
30:30No one came out of that forest alive.
30:34Waiting there was a wolf hungry.
30:41And then I found that the Turks were as terrifying as me.
30:47So I came out of the forest to kill them.
31:01But when I came out of the forest, I was no longer alone.
31:16Good people of Moena, this forest is now ours.
31:23On behalf of your overlords, we have come to impose order on Moena and our forest.
31:31We heard there were monsters here.
31:35Naturally, the first thing we did was catch one.
31:53Gloria. Gloria!
31:57Are you all right?
32:02Open the fucking cage!
32:04I'll tear your eyes off, you bastards!
32:12You people used to protect witches here. That's over.
32:16You used to have your own laws, your own little world.
32:20We are good Christians, sir. We're at your command.
32:24You cannot prove your loyalty with gold.
32:28This village consorted with the devil.
32:31Whoever feeds this witch, whoever speaks to her, worships the devil.
32:37Who will dare stop us burning?
32:41I will!
32:56You! You killed my soldier!
33:01Punish him!
33:09Topo, run! Run, Topo! Get away!
33:16Roscoe, take the witch away!
33:27Run! Gloria!
33:43To the church!
33:45Go to the church! Go to the church!
34:16Inside. Stay calm. Inside.
34:19Everybody, come in!
34:22Inside. Stay calm. You'll be all right. You'll be all right here.
34:25Make room. Come in.
34:28Come in. Bring them in.
34:31Close the doors!
34:37You are safe in here.
34:39Stay calm. Please, stay calm.
34:41Fucking coward!
34:43They took Gloria.
34:45About time, Tim.
34:47Who said that?
34:49Peter, we all love Gloria, but if they leave us alone...
34:51What the hell are you talking about?
34:53She's right. If they mark us as that, then we'll die.
34:58They'll kill her! They'll burn her alive!
35:02Our Gloria.
35:05The woman that delivered your son.
35:09What's wrong with you people?
35:12And you. You stitched up your wounds.
35:16Are you all out of your minds?
35:19I'm talking about Gloria.
35:21She's your daughter.
35:23Are you all out of your minds?
35:26I'm talking about Gloria.
35:28She's one of us.
35:29No, she's not.
35:31Let's be honest.
35:33She's not one of us.
35:34Then neither am I, Judge.
35:37Are you going to hand me over next?
35:42And what about me?
35:44Then you have to take me as well.
35:53Yes or no?
36:23Let's go.
36:53Go to the village!
36:59Go to the village!
37:23Why won't you listen to me?
37:47I told you to save them, not me.
37:51They say you're a witch and chase you away. That's not your village, not your home.
37:55Children. Topo. They are my village.
38:21There is a fugitive.
38:24A little one who rebelled against us.
40:05He's proud of you.
40:07Your dad, your dad is proud of you.
41:17I have news from the village.
41:32Walk with me.
41:34We went to the village, as you instructed.
41:38I found the witch and chased her.
41:40And I turned the villagers against each other.
41:43As you wished.
41:44Peter, what are you telling me?
41:46That man came. The Turk.
41:49From Vienna.
41:56He's looking for you, Marco.
41:59He's after you.
42:03Don't tell anyone until after.
42:05Until after what?
42:10My knighting.
42:14To be continued.
42:44To be continued.
43:14To be continued.
43:44To be continued.
44:14To be continued.
44:44To be continued.
44:48To be continued.
44:52To be continued.
44:56To be continued.
45:00To be continued.
45:04To be continued.
45:08To be continued.
45:12To be continued.
