• 4 days ago


00:00Good afternoon and welcome to Noticious News.
00:05Greetings to those who follow us from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,
00:08here in the Dominican Republic, to our followers on Facebook,
00:11and of course, to our kind viewers on Channel 11.
00:14Let's start by talking about legislators who support the demonstration
00:19in defense of the Dominican Republic,
00:21called by the old Dominican order in the hole of Friusa in Punta Cana,
00:26as long as it is carried out in an orderly and peaceful manner.
00:29And as Liana Cuevas tells us,
00:31the congressmen also called on citizens to be prudent in this tourist area.
00:37With the motto, we demand transparency.
00:39The old Dominican order has called for a demonstration in the hole of Friusa
00:46for the high concentration of illegal Haitians
00:49who have been granted the title of Little Haiti in the province of Altagracia.
00:53Being located in the country's main tourist hub,
00:57legislators call on demonstrators to be prudent.
01:01Going to that space to protest is a right,
01:05but with care, with a lot of prudence,
01:08that we do not raise in that space a fire that we are not capable of,
01:13after being able to contain it and stop it.
01:15We have the right to protest,
01:17which I am one of those who understand that we have to do it within the framework of prudence,
01:23respecting above all the human being
01:26and generating the conditions for the authorities to prepare the protocols of the place.
01:31While the president of the Senate, Ricardo de los Santos,
01:35said that this march could come out of the hands of the authorities.
01:39Imagine that there is a reaction from there to here, what could happen?
01:44That is to say, I see that very imprudent at this time.
01:49In that same order, the spokesman for the deputies of the force of the people, Rafael Castillo,
01:54indicated that the security of the demonstrators must be guaranteed.
01:58Provide the necessary protection, not of the national police, but of the army,
02:04to that march that is going to be carried out on the 30th,
02:07since the Dominicans have the right and we have the desire to march without reservation
02:15to tell the whole nation and the whole world that the Dominican Republic is free and independent.
02:22The hole of Friusa is recognized by the authorities as an epicenter of illegal activities,
02:28such as prostitution, human trafficking and drug trafficking.
02:32For Telenoticias, Eliana Cuevas.
02:37And precisely the Ministry of the Interior and Police this Monday approved the march
02:42called for the next Sunday, March 30, when the 180th anniversary of the battle of March 30
02:49towards the hole of Friusa in Bávaro, Altagracia Province is celebrated.
02:53The institution warns that this must be carried out without altering the public order,
02:57nor national security, nor other activities.
03:00According to the resolution, it will come out at two in the afternoon,
03:04from Avenida España towards the hole of Friusa.
03:06It also reminded the callers to obtain the permits they require.
03:13Well, and other complaints about other issues.
03:16In the province of Duarte, specifically in the capital city of San Francisco de Macorís,
03:21it is militarized in the face of a strike call by popular organizations
03:25that claim to the government to solve the problems of that city,
03:29such as the termination of the regional hospital and the Circumvalación Avenue,
03:34the Plaza de la Cultura and several neighboring roads.
03:38Military police patrols as well as helicopters fly over several areas
03:42to prevent any situation that alters the public order.
03:45The call to the protest is on the part of the Frente Amplio de Lucha Popular, FALPO,
03:49which ensures that the demarcation requires the reconstruction of streets,
03:53sidewalks and containers in the main neighborhoods and urbanizations.
03:59We continue with other information on TV news.
04:02Two months running away, the National Police delivered the second defendant
04:05accused of killing his partner and his mother-in-law in La Vega.
04:09It is a fact that occurred last January.
04:12It is about Officer Juan Luis Jiménez Adames,
04:15who will face justice for the death of Maricela Rodríguez Marte, 51,
04:21and Maylin Arianni Martes Rodríguez, 26, who was his romantic partner.
04:26Jiménez Adames was delivered by journalist and human rights representative Nelson Díaz.
04:32The entity had deployed a search operation and even offered a reward of $300,000
04:39for information that would help its capture.
04:44In other information, the National Police continues with the investigation
04:47to clarify the shooting that occurred at dawn on Saturday in the Barranca sector
04:52in the municipality of Sabana Iglesias, in the southern area of the province of Santiago,
04:55where a woman died and another person was injured.
04:59The National Police, along with the Public Prosecutor's Office,
05:02have been carrying out the corresponding investigations
05:05and have advanced the investigations around this unfortunate event
05:10where the Venezuelan, María, was attacked along with another person
05:15in the sector Las Charcas in the municipality of Sabana Iglesias.
05:19She was already a person taken to this police station for investigation purposes.
05:25The fatal victim was identified as Isamar Villasmil,
05:30a 28-year-old Venezuelan woman of Venezuelan nationality
05:33who was driving a Mercedes-Benz 2018 vehicle
05:36in the company of a man whose identity and health status have not yet been confirmed.
05:41The attack occurred when an unidentified individual
05:44intercepted the car and fired on several occasions without saying a word.
05:49Authorities have confirmed that no belongings have been found in the scene.
05:57A man was found dead on Padre Adolfo Esquina Street,
06:00Soilo García, in the province of La Vega.
06:03The cause of death and the identity of the individual are still unknown.
06:07Pablo Valles was the one who encountered the body
06:10and narrated that at 7.30 a.m. he saw the person lying on the floor,
06:16he called her and when she did not answer, he proceeded to call 911.
06:20We thank Junior Oscar Tavares
06:23for sharing this information with the audience of Telenoticias.
06:30And after the request of some public transport unions
06:33that request to carry out the anti-doping test to the drivers of that sector,
06:37there are reactions around this issue.
06:40Some, although they support the measure,
06:42others catalog the statements of the senator
06:45and also the transporter Antonio Marte,
06:47who assured that if the test is carried out,
06:49the stops of the National District would be empty.
06:53The report is from Ana Mañó.
06:55The President of the Union of Owners and Drivers of the Guaricanos,
06:59Juan Tomás Rodríguez, expressed his discomfort
07:02by the comment of Senator Antonio Marte
07:05and cataloged it as a failure,
07:08while he praised the work of hundreds of serious family parents
07:12by stating that if the anti-doping test is carried out,
07:15no one in the National District would be infected.
07:19We are aware that more than 95% of our drivers
07:23do not even know drugs,
07:26no type of drugs.
07:28So, among them there are Christians, people who go to church,
07:32family parents, grandparents,
07:36and it is good that these types of statements
07:39coming from a person like Senator Antonio Marte
07:42are well established, well pointed out.
07:48He indicated that as a general manager
07:50who represents the drivers of Route 6,
07:52which includes more than 300 members of public transport in the area,
07:57the authorities are available for the tests to be carried out,
08:01assuming them as an institution with the cost.
08:05We are willing to carry out the anti-doping test
08:09to all our members,
08:12who we agglutinate.
08:14In recent days, the issue has been debated
08:16due to the request made by some unions.
08:19One of them is the leader of the National Federation of Workers
08:22of Christian Social Transport, FENATRANS, Mario Díaz,
08:26who proposes that for the renewal of the license
08:29the anti-doping test be mandatory.
08:32Not only the driver of public transport,
08:34but everyone who has a license,
08:36before renewing it,
08:38must present the doping test,
08:41because not only in the route of passenger transport
08:45there are drivers who use drugs.
08:48The union leader also advocates
08:50for more security in public transport.
08:52For this reason, he reported this Monday
08:54that he submitted to the Executive Power,
08:56the Senate of the Republic,
08:58INTRAN and other transit institutions
09:01a proposal to zero blocks,
09:03which seeks to eliminate 50% of vehicle congestion
09:07and reduce traffic accidents,
09:10an issue that generates concern in the country.
09:13For Telenoticias, Ana Mañón.
09:16We continue with other information on Telenoticias.
09:19The permanent commission of the Chamber of Accounts,
09:21of the Chamber of Deputies,
09:23which works to select the new members of the body,
09:26will meet this afternoon,
09:28as informed by the president of this commission,
09:30Rogelio Alfonso Genao.
09:33Thank you, good afternoon.
09:35In making the announcement,
09:37the Minister of Interior and Police, Farideh Raful,
09:40clarified that this permission is for a peaceful march
09:45that has been called for next Sunday to Friusa, Bávaro.
09:50In another order, the official lamented
09:54that the strike call for community members in San Francisco de Macorís
09:59is still in force.
10:02She alleges that the central government
10:06responded to the petitions in San Francisco de Macorís.
10:12In another order, the director of the police said
10:15that the death of a Venezuelan citizen in Santiago,
10:20as well as this and other situations
10:23that have occurred in recent days throughout the country.
10:27That is all we have from the Palace of the National Police.
10:30We return with you.
10:33Thank you very much.
10:34This is the report of the meeting that is held every week,
10:38precisely on citizen security,
10:41and we have shared it with Guillermo García,
10:44with first-hand information.
10:46Returning to the topic of the permanent commission
10:48of the House of Representatives,
10:50which works to select the new members of the body,
10:53will meet this afternoon,
10:55as reported by the president of that commission,
10:57Rogelio Alfonso Genao.
11:00We will begin to take action to provide a report
11:03on the preselected, the 25, the five quintets
11:09that the commission will present to the plenary
11:11to choose the issues that will finally go to the Senate.
11:16Genao indicated that they selected the issues
11:18that will go to the Senate,
11:19and he said that before the holiday of Holy Week,
11:22the favorable report could be presented.
11:27And unhealthiness reigns in the new market of Villas Agrícolas,
11:31where the streets are full of garbage
11:33that mixes with food products
11:36that are displayed on the ground for sale to the public.
11:39Paola Vaz was there, and this is her report.
11:42Edor, waste water and garbage,
11:44along with fruits and vegetables on the ground,
11:47exposed to all kinds of pollution,
11:49are the graphic description of the environment
11:52of the new market of Villas Agrícolas,
11:54in which sellers and customers fear
11:56that the products transmit diseases.
12:12El poco espacio de las calles por donde se puede transitar
12:15también está repleto de migrantes haitianos
12:18que venden los alimentos en el suelo,
12:20siendo los verduleros los únicos
12:22que mantienen ordenada el área exterior.
12:41La limpieza del entorno mantiene a los mercaderes
12:48con opiniones opuestas.
12:50Mientras unos entienden que es una irresponsabilidad
12:53de las autoridades municipales,
12:55otros aseguran que se debe al desorden
12:57de los mismos comerciantes.
13:00No, no hay, no hay limpieza,
13:03todo se destruyó y no se ha hecho nada.
13:06De los mismos mercaderes que tienen la suciedad.
13:09Aunque algunos vendedores dijeron
13:11que los fines de semana se hace una limpieza profunda
13:14y que los camiones recolectores de basura
13:16llegan cada día a las cinco de la mañana,
13:19a primeras horas de este lunes,
13:21el lugar parecía una posilga.
13:23Para Telenoticias, Paola Vaz.
13:27Cambiamos de tema y la alta tarifa eléctrica
13:30y la tanda de apagones en el centro de Los Guaricanos
13:33del municipio de Santo Domingo Norte
13:35tiene incómodos a los residentes y comerciantes en la zona.
13:38Ana Mañón nos dice más.
13:40Los apagones pasan de las cinco y hasta siete horas,
13:43aseguraron este lunes los moradores de Los Guaricanos
13:46en el municipio de Santo Domingo Norte.
13:48Hay veces que dura siete y ocho horas
13:50que no viene la luz.
13:52Y cuidado si algo mal, porque siempre están arreglando algo.
13:56¿Cuántas horas dura más o menos? ¿Cuándo se va?
13:59Bueno, ella dura, pero como que se va y viene,
14:02que se va y viene.
14:04Los que están más indignados son los dueños
14:06de pequeños negocios en la zona del centro.
14:08Uno de ellos es el señor Félix Guzmán,
14:11propietario de un colmado,
14:13pues debido a las pérdidas que le han generado
14:15la tanda de apagones,
14:17pues se le han estropeado sus productos.
14:20Así que uno está desesperado con la luz,
14:22lo único que uno tiene que dar un frío
14:24es quizá lo poco que se está vendiendo.
14:27Porque la venta ha hecho así, se ha ido al suelo.
14:29Estaba así, pero se ha ido al suelo
14:31desde que este gobierno llegó.
14:33Quiere decir que aquí estamos fracasados completamente.
14:35Otra de las quejas es el alza en la tarifa eléctrica,
14:38lo que catalogan como abusiva.
14:40Está cariñosa, en verdad.
14:42Está llegando cara la luz, en verdad, ahora.
14:45Porque el último pagar fue como de tres mil pesos míos
14:48y yo no tengo gran cosa.
14:50Entonces, con eso me engañan también.
14:52El otro día me llegó de diez mil.
14:55Y yo que pago son...
14:59Trescientos y pico.
15:00Hacen un llamado a la empresa EDS
15:02para que garantice el servicio energético
15:04que pagan religiosamente.
15:06Y además piden que si hay alguna avería
15:09que lo informen de manera inmediata.
15:12Para Telenoticias, Ana Mañón.
15:16Bien, y ya el cierre en Telenoticias.
15:18El titular de la Dirección General de Información y Defensa
15:21de los Afiliados a la Seguridad Social,
15:23Lida Elías Báez,
15:25envió un mensaje a los afiliados del Sistema Dominicano
15:28de Seguridad Social a que conozcan sus derechos
15:31y a empoderarse en ese sentido.
15:33El funcionario habló durante su participación
15:36en el Seminario Iberoamericano
15:38sobre la comunicación en el ámbito de la seguridad social
15:41en la ciudad de Cartagena, en Colombia.
15:44Báez explicó que a pesar de que el Sistema Dominicano
15:47de Seguridad Social cubre el 97.1% de la población en el país,
15:52persisten desafíos en la difusión y comprensión
15:56de los derechos y deberes de los afiliados.
