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Shazia Ilmi on BJP’s Delhi Rule, Secularism Debate & Shashi Tharoor’s Take on Modi’s Global Politics
In an exclusive conversation with OneIndia's Correspondent Kangkan Mahanta, BJP National Spokesperson Shazia Ilmi shares her views on New Delhi under BJP's rule, the ongoing language row, secularism in Indian politics, and her role in the party. She also discusses Shashi Tharoor's perspective on PM Modi's international diplomacy and India's global standing under his leadership. Don't miss this insightful discussion!

#ShaziaIlmi #BJP #Politics #ShashiTharoor #PMModi #OneIndiaExclusive #LanguageRow #Secularism #DelhiPolitics #ModiForeignPolicy



00:00Finally, we have managed to extricate Delhi from the hands of, I would call them the marauders
00:05and the looters. The air pollution and all the measures that ought to have been taken.
00:10Rekha ji has a challenging task ahead. In fact, BJP Delhi does. When you look at a scheme like
00:172500, it will be honoured. It is being honoured. The work is underway and she has announced that.
00:24But we have to ensure. We want to make sure that we just don't promise and don't deliver.
00:28Anna Hazare movement leading to Aam Aadmi Party was against corruption. What were the social
00:34issues? Even there when it came to, oh, you know, you can't just say Vande Matram. I said,
00:38why can't you say that Vande Matram? They said you have to choose between fighting against
00:42corruption and fighting against communalism. I said, why can't I fight against corruption?
00:46If you read the NAP, there is no hierarchy there. It's a three-language formula. All of us do that.
00:54A very warm welcome to all the viewers of One India. Today we have with us a multifaceted
01:00personality who started her career as a television journalist, also had a key role
01:06in the anti-corruption bill during her time in television journalism, to now being a national
01:13spokesperson of the BJP. She has come a long way. Welcome to our show, Ms. Shazia Elmi. Thank you
01:20so much for coming in, for joining us. Thank you so much for inviting me. It's a pleasure to be here.
01:26Same here. So obviously you've got a national role. So we have the entire country to cover.
01:31So we'll try to do as much as we can in terms of zones. So up north, of course, now we have got
01:36the BJP back in power with Ms. Rekha Gupta just sworn in as a CM. But still, I guess even though
01:43she's just a few days into the term, she will have her task cut out because of the impending
01:48summer coming in. There will be a scarcity of water, I guess. Then desilting of drains has to
01:54happen before the monsoon actually comes in. And then, you know, the flood-like situation that we
01:59had earlier shouldn't happen again. Then, of course, air pollution is a constant threat to Delhi.
02:05So how do you think she's going to address this whole situation? Of course, she doesn't have a
02:09magic wand, but then Delhi Heights being Delhi Heights, they haven't frustrated all this while
02:13with all these, you know, worries. So how do you think she's going to address all these situations
02:18at the same time? No, you're absolutely right that we are very excited about the fact that
02:25finally we have managed to extricate Delhi from the hands of, I would call them, the marauders
02:31and the looters. But yes, I would like to admit that Rekha Ji has a challenging task ahead.
02:38In fact, BJP Delhi does because the situation in Delhi has come to this that you mentioned desilting
02:45of drains. But if you look at the sewage treatment plants, if you look at, it's just
02:50not the Yamuna and treatment of Yamuna, which of course has its effect on everything else.
02:54But if you just look at the air pollution and all the measures that ought to have been taken
03:00throughout the year, not just grab power at the end of it with Supreme Court mandates.
03:06So a lot has to be done. I think she's gone, she's gone running into the thing,
03:11into her job and her task. Very soon we will have a budget. We want to make sure that we just
03:18don't promise and don't deliver. We also want to make sure that our budget doesn't go into a
03:23deficit like it has from a very profitable surplus budget Delhi has come down to a very
03:31sad state of affairs. And also that there's been no delivery. So we have to make sure of that.
03:38Now, when you look at the scheme, like 2500, it will be honoured. It is being honoured.
03:44The work is underway and she has announced that. But we have to ensure that somebody like me and
03:50people I know who do not need the money are not availing of it, that it makes budgetary sense.
03:56So after all that, and it'll be soon and it'll be with effect from
04:011st of 8th of March. So I don't think there's any problem there. But yes, with due diligence,
04:08keeping all factors in mind, we will ensure that all the promises will be met with.
04:16And not just that, that what Delhi deserves and needs has to be taken into account. People will
04:22have to be a little patient, patient on this because there's a lot at hand. All our ministers
04:28and our CM are fabulous people. I've worked with Rekha ji. She is a doer and I totally
04:36believe in her vision. Now coming down south, we've got a lot of commotion going around
04:44with the national education policy, where we have seen Mr Stalin, the CM of Tamil Nadu,
04:50being aggressively voicing his opinion against the imposition of Hindi, saying that it could
04:55take away the sanctity of Tamil as a language. So how do you see the entire scheme of things?
05:01What do you really have to say about this?
05:03You know, if you were to look at what's happening in Tamil Nadu now, you realize that there is
05:09something at work, which has led the CM there into a state of panic. If you look at the national
05:16education policy, which has been implemented since 2020. So we're looking at something which
05:22has been there four and a half years back. And there has been no record of any acrimony on the
05:30issue. So much so that there has actually been an MOU. This is how it works. Central government,
05:36state governments, new policy. So they work in tandem. And if you read the NEP, you will realize
05:42that it actually promotes the regional language and encourages the regional languages the most.
05:48And none of the non-BJP states have had a problem, including Tamil Nadu. The very fact that he's
05:54raised it suddenly, I mean, he suddenly realized that they've already been on board and that
06:00there's a sudden realization that something is amiss, is because of the fact that there is
06:08some desperation in the ranks. And they actually believe that they have to go and make this an
06:13issue because clearly they're not connecting with their ranks, their voters, with the way
06:20they did earlier. So they're using Hindi, you know, and they're using it to create a
06:27linguistic animosity amongst the people towards the language. We all know what DMK stands for.
06:34We all know what they've said about Sanatana Dharma and everything else. And the kind of language that
06:39has been used by them. So clearly, they can't expand it any further. So now they're attacking
06:46Hindi, but they don't realize many things. And I spoke to a very senior person from their own party
06:52and also a lot of analysts and some of them are even advisors to their
06:59government. And they say that this is not going to work. If you see how it was there,
07:04there are so many people who contribute from UP, from Bihar. They provide not just labor,
07:11but they're in farming and they're there. And they all and others do speak to them in Hindi.
07:17So Hindi is not such a huge point of contention, in fact. And there is nothing that is being done
07:24in the NEP that awards this kind of absolute hysterical reaction, which are totally unsubstantiated
07:33by any facts whatsoever. Right. Do you feel that the 2020 NEP that's been revised as against the
07:411968 NEP, it gives more leeway for the coexistence of both Tamil and Hindi? And does it give more,
07:48you know, the possibility of existence of both these languages in a place like Tamil Nadu,
07:54which we understand, you know, it's very Tamil based, you know, hardcore Tamil based. False.
07:59Yes. So one must respect that. Yeah. I mean, if somebody who's accorded so much respect
08:04to the Tamil language, if you see Tamil Sangamam, if you see that was prime minister's idea.
08:11Yes, yes. Because there is so much of shared cultural heritage, common shared legacy,
08:18which is why only a prime minister would think of this. Can you imagine regular folks,
08:24common citizens who have an interest in this meeting from Tamil Nadu and from UP Varanasi,
08:32exchanging the ideas, going to each other's towns and seeing what is in common. Not,
08:37you know, the whole symbol of Sengol, what it stands for and how it's been, you know,
08:43beautifully installed and kept as a mark of our sovereignty. It's a Tamil symbol. We saw the kind
08:55of respect our prime minister has. So, you know, I don't think one has to justify every accusation
09:04made by a desperate party. But more than that, if you read the NEP, there is no hierarchy there.
09:11It's a three-language formula. All of us do that. You see, anybody, we are familiar with Hindi
09:17because Hindi has been spoken, but if we don't want to give our examinations in Hindi, why can't
09:23we do it in Telugu or Tamil or Bangla? So that is what NEP says, that three-language formula gives
09:33you a choice. English, because it can help you. Hindi, you know, you're part of the larger
09:40scheme of things and your own language. So, I mean, imagine whether it's UPSC or state commission
09:46and boards, it's being encouraged in such a huge way, your regional language. So I think Stalin
09:54G knows that he should have done his homework better. And if he really had a point of contention,
10:01we should have taken it up earlier. Why was he on board with this? I think that's an important
10:05question. His people need to ask him. Now, Mr. Shashi Tharoor has been trending off late.
10:11He did mention in a statement saying that he quite liked the neutral stance from PM Modi
10:19in terms of his neutral stance with the Russia-Ukraine war. So do you think in some way,
10:27is it a hint that he is giving maybe that he is not too happy with the Congress or maybe is it a
10:32genuine feeling that he has for PM Modi's international diplomacy? You see, anybody who's
10:39savvy, anybody who understands diplomacy, anybody who really is an experienced hand at international
10:46relations, managing them, understanding them, we would realize and know that Shashi Tharoor is all
10:52of these things. He has represented India. He knows his politics, his international politics,
10:59geopolitics, and he understands how nations work and how important it is to have your own
11:06consistent stand. And for this, he actually goes out on a limb literally because there are people
11:14in his party who do not appreciate what he says, but he says the stand Modi has taken is an
11:20extremely important stand. We've kept our own, so to speak. And not just that, Modi ji has managed
11:27such good relations with Zelensky and Putin and he manages, he actually hugs him. So to handle
11:32something like that and be on this even keel kind of an idea with two warring factions,
11:40I think this is a great sign of maturity and says a lot for Prime Minister's acumen
11:48and deep commitment for peace. And there is consistency there. You know, if you see
11:55right from the beginning, he is the person who has been talking to both the leaders there.
12:00If you see whether it's even talking to Mahmood Abbas or talking to Israel, Prime Minister has
12:06taken a stand and it is against terrorism, but it is never for warfare. And it's a very strong
12:13stance against terrorism. But Prime Minister would never be a part of any warring or warmongering
12:22between nations. And he actually believes that solutions can only come through dialogue. And he
12:28has been a huge proponent of that on all international international fora. And I think
12:35it's being noticed by everybody. And you know, you can't, you can't not see it what's happening.
12:41And the kind of respect that is being accorded to our Prime Minister and our country. I think I
12:46feel very proud to see that kind of commitment India has and that people look to us, that Europe,
12:54the US, Russia, Ukraine, and other continents and countries see the power India has and that the
13:03real I mean, imagine Mahatma Gandhi, he spoke of Ahimsa. And it was it was something so amazing
13:10and people could not even understand that this is the Indian, this is how Indians are. I think it's
13:16such a great testimony to who we are as a people. And I think it's a great moment for all of us.
13:22So I mean, you would suggest that in a world that is more divided now in terms of multipolarity,
13:29having a neutral stance is always a better and prudent option than you know, maybe taking a
13:34stance which is which could be, which might look hard from the outside, but it could ultimately
13:40not lead to any substantial gains in terms of international diplomacy.
13:44You know, Prime Minister has given the best answer. He says it's not that we are just
13:49non aligned, we are aligned towards peace. That is a stand. We want Shanti. So he stands for that.
13:58So there is it's not neutrality. We are very pro peace. We are pro dialogue. And that is that is
14:06our strength. We do not want to take signs, we do not want to be part of this bipolar, you know,
14:13frenzy that the world has seen, or this some multipolar alignments that keep happening and
14:19keep changing, and the dynamics of which keep altering from time to time. We are very consistent.
14:25This has been Prime Minister's consistent stance. And I think it's only only right,
14:30you know, coming from the land of Ahimsa. So I think it's fantastic. It does so much for us as
14:37a people to be regarded as who we are apostles of peace. You know, India has not been a country
14:45which has invaded others. We have been invaded. We have been our country, our territories have
14:50been plundered. But we have never been that nation. Now coming to you, in terms of your work,
14:59your career, of course, we have seen that you have been both behind and in front of the camera.
15:04And so obviously, it takes a lot, right? And so, to be the national to be a national
15:12spokesperson on the BJP, you obviously have need to have qualities in terms of clear clarity in
15:17thoughts, and also good auditory skills, which you of course have, like we can already see.
15:22So, is it that in your childhood, as a school kid, you were into debating, writing,
15:29storytelling, which we are already good at, that you really managed to come to this stage now? Or,
15:35you know, you just evolved as a person over the years?
15:39I had complete clarity on a few things. I was born that way. And I knew deep down,
15:45this is some new avatar, that I have to be this undercover soldier at all times.
15:52I'm very aware of that, that I was sent for this purpose. But you see, more than articulation
16:00and expression on television and on different other platforms, it is what you feel and what
16:06you believe and how you've experienced life. And if you feel you can contribute better,
16:11if you feel that in your own setup, there has been injustice at different levels,
16:16and you want your country to transcend that, and you want a better deal, a new deal,
16:23a more gracious way of living your life, a kinder way of being, and a more accountable way of being
16:29as well, you will ensure that you're speaking not just for yourself, but you're speaking for
16:35all of those who cannot speak for themselves. You will always speak for the 13 year old you,
16:41the 13 year old me was a Shazia who was scared, who really had a problem with there was the gender
16:49discrimination at all levels. And just the way she was viewed in her family, in her society,
16:55and the overall sense of angst and anger and anguish she has felt as a 13 year old, 14 year
17:01old. And now it's time to take care of the child. And not just that child, which was you, but all
17:08the other children who could be going through that, which is why I'm very vocal on reforms in
17:13the religion. And a lot of people have a problem. And you will ask me this question that you know,
17:17this happens in every religion, there are forms of discrimination. You know, I will speak about
17:23mine, right? I have seen my Ammi a certain way. I have seen my aunts a certain way. I have lived
17:29in Kanpur, Chamanganj, where my father who has been a very progressive Maulana from Deoband
17:35Seminary. Yes, you heard that right? Yes. And not just that, where Ammi is on a burkha, where every woman
17:41I've known and every woman in the house, on the streets, everywhere, in every public space has
17:47always been fully covered. I can only speak about that. Now you tell me, which party will allow me
17:53to speak about that? Honestly? Think about that. I have said this, my television, my career,
18:00the people will tell you and you know, we have lesser tapes and people have now because it's
18:04also digital. But I have a lot of stuff even then. And a lot of it is there in the public domain.
18:10I've always said this, it has been my consistent stance. Anna Hazare movement leading to Aam Aadmi
18:17Party was against corruption. But on social issues, even there when it came to oh, you know,
18:23you can't just say Vande Matram. I said, why can't you say that Vande Matram? They said you have to
18:27choose between fighting against corruption and fighting against communalism. I said, why can't
18:31I fight against corruption? So every Muslim journalist, activist, thinker, seeker should only
18:39talk about religion, religious animosity, secularism, communalism, and bigotry. Nobody should talk about
18:50corruption. If you are a Muslim, and you have a thinking mind or a sense of inquiry, I have no
18:56right to speak on transparency. Lokpal, we spoke about the need to prevent, draft, contain the
19:04corruption and have better legislation. Why can't I speak for gender rights? Just because I'm a
19:11Muslim, I should not talk about all that is needed to make the lives of Muslim sisters better.
19:20Why should I speak for it? You should tell me, I don't, I don't, let me, the other party, let me say
19:26that, you know, since Shah Bano case till now, what has been happening? For votes, we are ready to
19:31compromise all our principles. And I'm talking about the fake secularists. I call them the
19:36secularati, you know, in courts. They're ready to compromise and all of that. I will not,
19:42it might not make me very popular, because, oh, you're in the BJP. But then I asked these
19:47leaders, these Maulanas on TV. Has it, has it been written in Quran anywhere that you can't,
19:55you know, join the BJP? Now they don't have an answer for that.
19:58You know, religion has become, and religious leaders have become so political. Religion has become so political. It's only from the prism of, of, of politics. So much so that a learned scholar of Islam will, will say only
20:28that what suits his politics, through the prism of politics in India, and the binary, instead of speaking
20:35in favor of Quran. You know, in the entire triple talaq case, every Indian Muslim who knows the Quran
20:42even a little bit, knows that it is not part of the Quran. It is talaq-e-biddat, which came after Quran
20:49was drawn upon the prophets. So why lie? But all India Muslim personal law board,
20:58which is a self-anointed, self-appointed voice of Muslims, they don't, they were seeking votes
21:06for Congress party in Congress. So I'll repeat this. All India Muslim personal law board,
21:12self-appointed, self-anointed guardians of Islam in India,
21:18actually are vote collectors, vote seekers of Congress party, Samajwadi party,
21:27and all those who think they are secular or call themselves secular. That's all they do.
21:32And in that way, they managed to be the voice of Muslims. They get a lot of favors from the
21:37governments. Now here is a party, BJP, which is talking about the rights of Muslim women in Islam
21:43that bothers them, that shakes them up. It talks about those Muslims who are from lower caste.
21:52They've never looked at that. None of them asked them how many lower caste,
22:00how many lower castes are represented in any of their big bodies and organizations
22:07and religious bodies, institutions.
22:16That is a reality, I'm afraid. So this is the only party which gets me to be who I am.
22:23I strongly believe there has to be accountability in our country. It has just gone on,
22:29this whole thing of nepotism, family politics. Parties literally are owned by one family.
22:36We have people who have many senior leaders who have their children in the party,
22:41but look at our president. It can be anybody. Is it preordained that only one family will lead
22:51the party? The president can only be from that one family? No. And that is a difference.
23:01I feel very strongly about that. I feel very strongly about my own community. To be honest,
23:07I feel very badly for them and I feel a sense of empathy for those other people I grew up with.
23:13And I feel bad that these Muslims are being used. When I saw this whole protest happening
23:23and against the new bill of amendment for waqf boards, I was really sad. The month of Ramazan
23:33is not for siyasat, it's for ibadat. The month of Ramazan is for ibadat and not siyasat.
23:43And I don't think they realized it. And even there, they were hoodwinking, deceiving. These
23:49men who quote Islam and Quran Sharif day after day are actually lying to the very same community
23:58who they speak for, who they seek votes from, who they have used as a political fodder,
24:07and who have given them this legitimacy that they have,
24:10or whatever they have as leaders. They owe it to that community, to those poor Muslims,
24:16but they don't want the community to get any benefits. They want all the power in their own
24:22grasp. And they're fooling the very same people. Most people who went there did not even know why
24:28they were being sent there, what they were protesting. The lies they were being told,
24:33they were being told that your mosques will be taken away. You're not just playing on this
24:38emotion, using them. I think it's terrible. I think they're more anti-Muslim than anyone else.
24:46I think anybody responsible for the sad state of affairs,
24:51very much evident in the Rajadhar Sachar committee report and all other reports,
24:56shows that they have been absolutely cruel to Muslims. They can't stand Sanatan Dharma.
25:05They don't want the Hindu votes. They want to
25:08mock them, but they can at least show something for themselves when it comes to Muslims. They
25:16have nothing to show for themselves. In fact, we see the socioeconomic indices of Muslim community.
25:22You will realize that how Muslims have been totally deceived and hoodwinked by these charlatans.
25:32So, I mean, I honestly feel, it's my personal opinion, to be in politics in any form,
25:37it is not for the faint-hearted, as I can make out. So, I mean, as for your case, for example,
25:45you have to handle, say, Congress on one hand, the DMK on the other hand. So how do you really
25:51maintain your sanity in this entire chaos? I mean, how is it possible? I seriously always
25:58wanted to ask this. I somehow couldn't never ask anyone. Do you do some kind of meditation?
26:03How is it like? Because this is really not, like I said, for the faint-hearted.
26:07It is not. But you know, sometimes your weakness can be a strength and your strength can be your
26:13weakness. I'm one of those absolutely, I think, rare breed of people who think extremely logically,
26:22who are hard core, logical, rational, 100% and also 100% emotional. Can you imagine? People
26:32either one way or the other, they're Mr. Spocks, you know, and who speak from that space. Or people
26:38are very emotional, you know, who feel a lot. But I'm both. So it's like my heart full on, my
26:47mind and head full on. So it's all the logic and all the feelings, the combination, which is
26:56absolutely insane. It has to be. And doesn't let you be. So I've been a seeker. Yes, I've always
27:02been like this. I've always had insomnia. I was always thinking my sense of inquiry. I mean,
27:08I work against myself sometimes. And I correct myself because I see evidence to the contrary.
27:13So I have that kind of objectivity, 100% objectivity, I can break a situation,
27:20sift it and analyze it and say, this word wrong here, that thought doesn't work. This cannot
27:26go back. I can be speaking for myself and my part. At the same time, I can see a thing very emotionally
27:32cry about it. I cry very easily. So I think which is, but that's my sense of empathy.
27:38If you can't feel emotional, if you don't have empathy, if you don't have compassion,
27:44that, you know, empathy, you cannot do much. You should not, you should not be in politics.
27:50They say, Oh, you should be very strong. Don't show your tears, not show your tears,
27:54show your emotion. We need to do that. How will you make anything better for anybody? If you want
28:01a better world for ourselves, for our sisters, our brothers, those who have less than us,
28:06those who can't speak for themselves, we have to speak for them, but that we have to feel,
28:11we have to cry, you know, and we have to use everything. We have all the logic,
28:17all the intelligence, all the emotion, everything that we have. And thankfully our constitution
28:24mandates that gives us that right and freedom. So it's a great time to be an Indian and to
28:29contribute to our society, our world at different levels in different ways.
28:35So like always, you have again, spoken from your heart. Thank you so much for coming,
28:41Ms. Elmi. Yes. Thanks for insights. Really wonderful, you know, speaking with you.
28:47So like, so we wish you all the best. Thank you so much for, for being so kind and giving me this,
28:54this space to be myself, you know, and I, and I want to say. Even if I don't allow you,
28:58you'll still take it. Yes. You did not cut me out. You encouraged me to be me and it's
29:09important that we remain true to ourselves. Of course. So thank you so much again for your time
29:14and thanks a lot. Thanks. Bye. Don't miss out. Log on to oneindia.com for more updates.
