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Where I share my lessons on how I went from flat broke at 28, to building an 8-figure business empire and becoming a millionaire at 31.


00:00Mark my words, there's a day where fiat currency won't exist as a currency anymore.
00:05If the government came to you and said, we need money for war, pay us some tax to fund
00:09the war.
00:10Would you say yes or no?
00:11Like read the terms and conditions of the bank.
00:13They basically own your money.
00:17Governments and central banks don't own this.
00:19I own this.
00:20If you don't have much money, you're not going to be able to get very wealthy very quickly
00:24with a passive low risk investment.
00:26So you do active investment.
00:28The best active investment.
00:33Do you know that in 2005, 16 of these was the same value as a gold coin?
00:44Now it's three of these.
00:50And so silver's become way underpriced relative to gold.
00:55Before 2005, gold and silver tracked pretty much at the same relative price.
01:02You could buy X amount more silver for the same amount of gold.
01:07And now gold's just gone like that.
01:08And this has become really cheap compared to gold.
01:13So does that mean we should all be buying silver or gold?
01:15Well, of course, I'm not giving investment advice.
01:18And I don't think you should choose between them.
01:21I think if you don't have thousands or tens of thousands to invest, silver is a great
01:27way to start.
01:28Because, in fact, I'll tell you what we'll do for a bit of fun.
01:31If someone can guess exactly how much silver is here in monetary terms, not in weight.
01:38So there's a few coins and some bars.
01:43And by the way, at the time that I bought it, if they can guess exactly how much silver
01:48is there, first five people who guess in the comments, I'm going to give them some
01:54silver coins.
01:55Just for fun.
01:56I've been giving away a lot of silver because I want to encourage people to get into real
02:01Because you know this fiat currency thing, it's not real money.
02:05In 100 years, these will have beaten inflation.
02:10So you'll be able to buy more or at least the same with these.
02:16In 100 years, £100 might be able to buy what £2 can now.
02:22So this is real money, which is why I talk about it a lot.
02:25Do you think crypto is real money?
02:28I think crypto is the evolution of money.
02:31Do you know money used to be stones in the bottom of the sea?
02:35Do you know in prisons they would exchange cigarettes?
02:38Even sardines used to be money.
02:40Do you know the word salary derives from salt?
02:44And you know, salt was one of the most valuable currencies.
02:47Salt has a lot of use.
02:48This is why silver is very valuable, because you need this in every battery.
02:54And actually, silver has much wider use than gold.
02:57So it's not just a store of value that's good, it has high utility.
03:01And salt is great for, for example, preserving meats.
03:05So people used to get paid their salary in salt.
03:09So people don't understand, if you look back in the past, you can see how money evolved.
03:13I'm telling you this, like, mark my words, there's a day in the probably not too distant
03:20future where fiat currency, pounds and pence, dollars and cents and cash won't exist as
03:25a currency anymore.
03:27And right now, if you had to bet, what would you say is likely going to replace it?
03:31Some form of cryptocurrency.
03:33But of course, right now it's the Wild West.
03:36Because anyone can set up a platform like Sam Bankman Freed and FTX and call it a crypto
03:42and it's just their e-commerce platform.
03:46But Bitcoin is unmanipulatable, uninflationable, and finite and limited in supply, which are
03:58all the hallmarks of a good decentralized currency.
04:01The opposite is the case for, you know, fiat currency, because the government can inflate
04:06it away.
04:09If the government came to you and said, we need money for war, pay us some tax to fund
04:15the war.
04:16Would you say yes or no?
04:19So they don't ask you.
04:20What do they do?
04:21They just print trillions through the back door.
04:22And then the more they print, the more there is.
04:24And so the more there is, the less yours is worth.
04:27So when they print money, the price of everything goes up and the value of your money goes down,
04:32which means that your relative buying power is less, which means they funded a war stealing
04:39your money.
04:41But with crypto, from my understanding, it's meant to be separate and not at all linked
04:47to actual currency.
04:50And yet this week when billions is wiped off of the stock market, crypto also takes a dive
04:55as well.
04:56So is it pointless if it's also going to go up and down the same as everything else in
05:00our economy?
05:01Well, it depends what you want to use it for.
05:04So I'm not the sort of investor or store of money because, yes, this is an investment,
05:11but actually it's just a store to match or beat inflation.
05:17You know, there's no passive income from this like you get from real estate, for example.
05:23So I don't sell my investments when markets go up or down.
05:27I buy, hold, die.
05:31That's it.
05:32I have sold and I've regretted it always.
05:35I'm old enough to look back and know how much my assets have gone up that I sold.
05:44I bought a Richard Miller M11 for 75, sold it for 80, thought I'd done well-ish, and
05:52then it went up to 250.
05:53And there are a lot more now.
05:55Any properties I've ever sold, I've sold properties in the low hundreds of thousands that are
06:00worth mid two hundreds of thousands now.
06:03So I've seen assets just rise as long as they're good assets.
06:07So I buy, hold, die.
06:10So I don't really care if the value of the stock market and property and Bitcoin are
06:16related or unrelated because I'm not hedging and I'm not trading.
06:20I'm just storing and beating inflation.
06:24So if it's buy, hold, die, and that doesn't pay you anything?
06:28Well, it does.
06:29It appreciates in value.
06:32So if I need to be paid, I can sell it.
06:35So it's a case of adjusting case.
06:38So the point I was going to make is if it doesn't pay you like your real estate portfolio
06:41does and you're going to buy, hold, die, so you're going to keep it, why don't you just
06:47spend the money and enjoy it?
06:48I spend the income from my property portfolio.
06:54I spend minimum income and I run maximum expenses through my business that I legitimately can.
07:05And then everything else is just a store of wealth.
07:08Adjusting case.
07:09A store of wealth.
07:12So the longer I hold this, the more it goes up in value.
07:16But there's something you're missing here on this.
07:19And it's not to do with income.
07:21It's to do with ownership.
07:25So governments and central banks and inland revenues don't own this.
07:32I own this.
07:34Do you know I tried to put money into crypto and two main high street banks wouldn't let
07:41me put more than one grand a day in or five grand in a 30 day period?
07:47Do you know if you read the terms and conditions of the banks, do you know they can hold your
07:51money pending any kind of decision they deem that they can make indefinitely?
07:58Read the terms and conditions of the banks.
08:01They basically own your money.
08:05Whereas with things like silver and say Bitcoin, you have sovereignty, you have decentralized
08:14So I don't want anyone to be able to take away my core foundation of wealth.
08:22I still need to earn money through fiat currency because I don't have a job and I don't have
08:29a salary, but I run companies and I get paid in fiat currency.
08:32I'm not saying that, you know, some people are like fiat currency is a Ponzi scheme.
08:36It's dead.
08:37It's over.
08:38It's a scam.
08:39They still accept money.
08:41So I'll earn in my business in fiat currency and then I will run my expenses down as low
08:47as I can and then I will invest as much as I can into real estate, income producing real
08:54estate, probably a well-managed group of companies, FTSE 100, S&P 500, like a self-managing fund.
09:07And I'll do that.
09:08So they're the three main income streams and then everything else is defensive and protected
09:15because probably in theory, my property rights, you think they feel fairly good in the Western
09:25They probably are pretty good.
09:26But technically, probably the king probably owns the land or whoever has got the strings
09:34on the king or the royal family.
09:38So maybe technically I don't own my own property, but there'd be, I mean, there already are
09:44riots at the moment, but there'd be riots on the streets if they're like, oh, you don't
09:47own your deeds anymore.
09:48You don't own your property.
09:50But you should technically look at the terms and conditions in the bank and the terms and
09:54conditions on your title deeds.
09:57Because basically, if they want it off you, they can take it off you.
10:02But all right, you know I've got this because I'm doing it here on a video, but obviously
10:05it's just a small amount that I have.
10:08But they can't take what's physically yours that's not digitally connected to anything
10:13that they don't know about.
10:15One thing you said with silver is it started sort of tracking with gold and then gold's
10:20gone up like this.
10:21But then you've said silver has to be used in batteries.
10:24So you would have thought with all of the electric cars being made, that would be closer
10:29to gold than it is not further away.
10:32I mean, anyone who I speak to is a real expert in precious metals says exactly that.
10:36They say that silver should be more expensive than it is.
10:41Well, look, a price is what a price is.
10:44You know, so people say that there are bubbles.
10:46Well, the price is what the price is, but bubbles burst.
10:50So yeah, long term tracking silver price to gold, gold's gone way up.
10:56And so silver compared to gold is very low and it has high utility.
11:01And with all these car batteries that need to be made, that's why I'm not heavily in
11:07silver because you've got a storage issue.
11:11By the way, it's a great investment to get into.
11:13A lot of people, I'd love to invest, but it's complicated.
11:15I don't know how.
11:16I don't have tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds.
11:20Silver's probably the best gateway drug investment because I'm not going to say because I've
11:24asked people to guess in the comments, but you'll be surprised how affordable that is.
11:31Two ounces, nice heavy silver coin.
11:35You'd be surprised.
11:41You could, every birthday, every Christmas, every anniversary, you could just ask for
11:44your friends and family to buy your silver coins.
11:46If you've got generous friends and family, ask them to buy your silver bullion.
11:51And you know, instead of buying something that's 100 quid and it becomes 20 quid in
11:57three years, you buy something that's 100 quid and it's maybe 130 quid in three years.
12:02And then if you look at the compounding over time, that's pretty powerful.
12:10How easy is it to sell it though, offload it?
12:13Very easy.
12:14You can buy these on the Royal Mint, go on the Royal Mint website, and it's even got
12:19the Royal Mint on it.
12:20That's legal tender, easy.
12:25You said that's probably the easiest investment to get into, or maybe one of the better ones.
12:30But if you haven't got much money, wouldn't it make sense for your investment to be one
12:34either in yourself or in a business that's actually going to cash flow?
12:38Because for example, if I'm working my nine to five and I'm putting all of my spare cash,
12:42I'm being a good boy and investing it all into silver, so at the end of the month, I'm
12:46still left with a grand to live on.
12:49Have I got to wait 40 years to sell my silver before I make money?
12:54So you've got passive investments and active investments.
13:00Passive investments, assuming they're not a scam, are low risk, low return, defensive,
13:08safe, long-term, five, eight, maybe 10% a year.
13:15Maybe that's a little bit on the high side.
13:18If you don't have much money, you're not going to be able to get very wealthy very quickly
13:22with a passive low-risk investment, so you do active investments.
13:26The best active investment is a trading business, i.e., you buy something for X and sell it
13:33for 2X, or you create a piece of information and turn it into income or content into cash
13:40You sell a product or a service or an idea or a piece of software.
13:44The asset behind that is the entrepreneur founder, i.e., you.
13:49So you could invest £50 a month and build a cash-flowing business in three to six months.
14:02You take the £50 and you buy as many books as you can, and then you consume the rest
14:06of the free content, maybe that people like you and I create, and you launch a business,
14:12and you do it online on social media for free.
14:16Now there's this saying, the more you learn, the more you earn.
14:20So a lot of people are looking for passive returns, but they're confused because they're
14:27in an active investment class.
14:30Now you leverage the asset in passive investments.
14:36You leverage your knowledge, your contacts, your experience, your hustle, your energy,
14:41your enthusiasm in the active investments.
14:45You have to be active before you can be passive.
14:48You have to be occurring in income before you can get recurring income.
14:53So if you said to me, Rob, property, gold, silver, crypto, stocks, what's the best investment
15:01I'd put it all over there, and I'd say yourself.
15:04You are your best asset.
15:05Invest in yourself wisely.
15:07You pay yourself the best return.
15:08Yeah, even just on the basic level, even if you're not necessarily learning how to become
15:13a millionaire, if you just do, let's say, a one-time course to get a certain qualification,
15:20that then takes your base salary if you're an employee from, let's say, 20 grand to 30
15:25So that's 10 years every single year you've now made from a 1,000-pound course.
15:28I think people don't even look at it when they're an employee, doing extra qualifications
15:33to increase how much you can earn as an employee, because not everybody wants a business.
15:37But still, I think it's worthwhile investing, even if your employer won't pay for it, for
15:43you to make more money, because then the more you make in your salary, the more you
15:46can invest, whether it's silver, S&P 500 is where I put most of my money.
15:52I think that's undervalued.
15:54Not everybody wants to be an entrepreneur.
15:56I don't really want to be an employee, but I think investing in your education definitely
16:00had the highest ROI for me.
16:02Yeah, and who says it has to be your money?
16:06It can be your employer.
16:07Now, look, I'm an entrepreneur.
16:09I don't take a salary, and I actually don't think anyone should take a salary.
16:13Obviously, my 100-odd guys in the office are not going to imagine after this, oh, we've
16:18decided, everyone, no salary.
16:21The thing is, salary is comfort.
16:24I don't take a salary, but I also don't have a ceiling on what I can earn, so I'm hungry.
16:31But the very first public speaking course I did, it wasn't my money.
16:36It was my boss's money, who was sending me to do a speech, and I pitched him that, well,
16:40if you want me to go and do a speech for the company, surely I need to be good at speaking.
16:44So he invested in public speaking course for me.
16:48The first 50 properties I bought were with my business partners, and then his mum's,
16:53and then his stepdad's money, and so the first 50 deals we did that we kept or packaged on
16:59some of them, sold some of them, that was all other people's money.
17:03So you don't have to necessarily use your own money to learn, but then when you do have
17:10money, why wouldn't you invest it in yourself?
17:13Why would someone spend 1,000 quid on a TV that will be worth 150 quid in three years,
17:18but they wouldn't invest 1,000 pounds into their health, well-being, or their knowledge
17:23or experience?
17:24I'd never understood that.
