Humans have changed the planet drastically, but one of our biggest and ever present impacts is the noise we create. According to researchers studying spiders, our audio pollution can change the way these creatures spin their webs.
00:00Humans have changed the planet drastically, but one of our biggest and ever-present impacts
00:08is the noise we create.
00:09And according to researchers studying spiders, our audio pollution can change the way these
00:13creatures spin their webs.
00:15When an insect is caught up in a spider's web, they transmit vibrations through it,
00:19alerting the web's manufacturer.
00:21This is what experts call an external sensory structure.
00:24However, noise is also vibration, and researchers have found that in different settings with
00:28different levels of noise, spiders build their webs in different ways.
00:31For instance, in urban areas with constant noise, spiders create webs that dampen vibrations.
00:36This likely aids in reducing sensory overload.
00:39However, in rural areas, they build webs that retain and enhance vibrations, even in louder
00:44rural areas.
00:45This allows them to hone in on particular frequencies, letting them effectively turn
00:49those up and amplify some signals over others.
00:52Experts say that future studies will help figure out how arachnids modify web structure,
00:56tension, and anchor points to achieve this.