Sort Your Life Out S05E05
00:00Do you know you have 288 pieces of cutlery?
00:03Dessert spoons, teaspoons, tablespoons.
00:05Who has a dessert spoon?
00:07Are we down an abbey?
00:09We all have way too much stuff
00:11cluttering our homes and our lives.
00:13Oh, my God, look.
00:15Alright, Lara Croft.
00:17Go on. There you are.
00:19But we're on a mission to sort your life out.
00:22Oh, yes!
00:23By completely stripping jam-packed houses...
00:26Are we running out of boxes?
00:28..and displaying every single thing in a giant warehouse...
00:32Oh, my life!
00:34There's so much!
00:35..could you let go of half?
00:37Is it really hard for you?
00:38It's just a train set.
00:40My hands are actually shaking.
00:42I can cry. bring joy back into your home.
00:47Oh, my gosh!
00:53I live for this feeling.
00:56It's the best feeling ever.
01:01Here we go again.
01:02I hope you've bought snacks.
01:05I don't go anywhere without snacks.
01:07We're back.
01:10Have you missed me?
01:11Yeah, I have.
01:12You know you've got to say that.
01:14And today, we're headed to Welshpool,
01:17a market town in the heart of Mid Wales.
01:20I'm actually so excited to go to Wales.
01:22Can you do a whale impression?
01:23A whale impression?
01:25Yeah, the mammal.
01:26And that's tough, isn't it?
01:28No, they're more like...
01:35Bring it in, bring it in.
01:36Good to see you.
01:38Big hugs, big hugs.
01:39Big hugs, big house.
01:40Yeah, it looks like it goes back.
01:42This is Katrina's house.
01:43She is a single mum with four kids.
01:46Her oldest is nearly 18 and her youngest is five.
01:49I feel her pain.
01:50Oh, my goodness.
01:51So it's going to be a manic, busy household anyway.
01:54They actually moved over here five years ago
01:56and since then, everything has just got on top of them
01:59and the house is completely overrun.
02:03That's why we're here.
02:04Surprise, surprise.
02:07I'm actually so excited.
02:08Yeah, me too.
02:09I want to get started, crack on, see what we're dealing with
02:11and hopefully, it doesn't look as big as it looks on the outside.
02:14Let's hope.
02:15The view's lovely.
02:17The family have popped out for the day to let us have a look around.
02:21That's not a good sight.
02:22Welcome to our pig sight.
02:24We can walk into the house.
02:26The Bowens house stretches across three floors
02:29with five bedrooms, a box room, a family room and a front room.
02:35Oh, this is tight, isn't it?
02:37Oh, my gosh, wow.
02:39There's a lot of stuff in here.
02:40These look like packing boxes and if they moved in five years ago,
02:44these looked like they came to the house and never got unpacked.
02:47But you know what? She's got four kids.
02:49She's probably had her hands full.
02:52These are nice.
02:53All this china.
02:55Is that like a proper tea set going on?
02:57That's the kind of thing I'd buy at the car boot sale.
03:00Do you know what?
03:01This room is just so random.
03:03Toys, paint, prams.
03:05Blackboard clothes.
03:07It's a dumper ground.
03:08I'll be honest, this is my type of glamping.
03:10100% that is the first tent Dilly has ever been in in her life.
03:15No clearer on the function of the front room,
03:18our next stop is the family's living room.
03:21In a room like this where everything is happening,
03:23the gymnastics practice, the dinner, the watching telly, the playing,
03:28there's no zones for anything to live in.
03:32Look at this window drone.
03:33I mean, look at that view.
03:35I can see the sheep.
03:36Imagine having a house where you can see sheep
03:38and then covering that in washing.
03:40This is so stunning.
03:41Do you know what I do love though?
03:43Everywhere around the room, family photos.
03:46It would be so nice to have some organisation
03:48so that Mum can look at those rather than look at this.
03:51A giant TV taking centre stage.
03:54I mean, how do you make a big TV like that look pretty?
03:57You don't, do you?
03:58Ask me in seven days.
04:00We'll bring you something.
04:02Right, we have still got an upstairs to look at.
04:06And a downstairs.
04:07We've got a subfloor here.
04:09Time to split up.
04:11As Dilly and I get held up on the landing...
04:14This is like a toy room in itself, isn't it?
04:16..Rob and Ewan brave the box room.
04:18Oh, my goodness, Rob, look at this.
04:21It's absolutely rammed in here.
04:23We're going to work some magic in this room.
04:25Yeah. I don't know what, but just not this.
04:27How do they even play with that?
04:28It's not really the best space for it, is it?
04:30I know they're dressing up close.
04:31They're never going to get to them either, are they?
04:33What the heck is that ugly thing?
04:35It's a grandfather clock.
04:37An orange grandfather clock.
04:40I mean, I sort of like it.
04:43It's a bit kinky, isn't it?
04:45Let's just say you're a bit more princess, I'm a bit more edgy.
04:49Oh, hello, tidy room.
04:51Downstairs, it's a different story in 13-year-old Joshua's room.
04:56Is that like, I can see all the floor?
04:58Oh, my goodness, look at how these books have all been organised.
05:01Most likely to become a scientist.
05:04I feel like this must be the oldest daughter's room.
05:08It's got to be.
05:09This is a nice room.
05:10Do you know what the only thing is?
05:12This is the oldest daughter's room.
05:13She's almost 18 and it feels like maybe this is a little bit young.
05:17What is all this?
05:18Dilly, are you listening to...
05:19It's like I talk to myself.
05:21I've always wanted to know what I look like, blonde.
05:23Oh, wow.
05:24I'll tell you what.
05:26Why does yours look so stylish?
05:28What would our girl band be called?
05:30Sunshine and Rain.
05:32Oh, so who's going to be Sunshine and who's going to be Rain?
05:34I think it goes about the same, doesn't it?
05:37She must dress up.
05:40What is it?
05:42It's like a dream and a nightmare all in one.
05:46Wow, a walk-in wardrobe.
05:48But a floor-drobe.
05:50Cannot wait to get to my hands on that.
05:53The whole room needs a rethinking, a rework.
05:55Are we going to do this in seven days?
05:57This must be Mum's room.
05:59No, it's Gibby and Mum's room slash playroom.
06:02Clothes on the outside of doors is never a good sign.
06:07Come on.
06:09Just hang it back up.
06:10Why is it on the outside?
06:11Maybe she's going through her seasonal things
06:13and switching over her wardrobe.
06:15No, but it's all dark, dearly.
06:17You know, we need some colour.
06:19Hey, guys.
06:20This is like a maze.
06:21I feel like I've just run a marathon to get up here.
06:24We've got to think about, realistically,
06:26what are the main issues in this house?
06:28There's so much storage everywhere
06:29just not being used in the right way.
06:31Every room is cross-identifying.
06:34So this is Mum's room.
06:35The utility room is the playroom.
06:37There's no defined area just for Mum.
06:39Not in the whole house, let alone in her room.
06:41Then I think about the kids' bedrooms
06:43and they're all in transitioning periods.
06:46Look at that clock robbing.
06:47It's scary.
06:48We've got our work cut out.
06:50But first things first, it's time to meet the Bowens.
06:58How are you all feeling?
07:00Good, excited.
07:03That was the happiest welcome I think we've ever received.
07:06We loved that.
07:07That was so nice.
07:08What made you say, right, now's the time?
07:11I split up with my partner a few months ago.
07:13This one's turning 18 in two weeks.
07:17That's exciting.
07:19So it's kind of like, you know, we're ready to go.
07:22You guys ready to go?
07:25You ready to pack it all away?
07:27Have you got your water bottle?
07:29I've been a mum since I was 21.
07:31It's all I've ever known is how to be a mum.
07:33I absolutely love it.
07:34I really do.
07:38Olivia's the youngest and she's a firecracker.
07:41She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.
07:44Oh, my gosh.
07:45Carter loves hugs and he loves cuddles.
07:47He's so affectionate.
07:48He's a mummy's boy.
07:52Joshua is my brainchild.
07:54He's very smart, very shy as well.
07:57And Taylor, she's the one that made me a mum.
08:00She's like my best friend.
08:02There's your bag.
08:03One, two, three.
08:05My average day is ridiculous at the minute.
08:07Get up, start getting the children ready.
08:09I have to take Taylor to work, take the children to school.
08:12Then I go to work and then I pick Taylor up,
08:15let the children from school come back, go to work again.
08:18What have you been doing at school?
08:20What have you been writing?
08:21The words.
08:23My mum does everything for us.
08:25She's always part of this first and never herself.
08:28She's constantly on her feet.
08:31Five years ago, Katrina moved her family from the Midlands
08:34to a more affordable and peaceful house in the Welsh countryside.
08:38We used to wake up to the sound of sirens.
08:41Now the children can go outside and run around.
08:47But the issue was, we brought the junk here with us.
08:50Brought more junk while we were here.
08:53I was buying more storage.
08:54I'll sort it later.
08:56And later's never came.
08:57It is just so chaotic just because there is so much stuff.
09:01Too much stuff.
09:02It's got to be in here somewhere.
09:04It does get frustrating with all this clutter.
09:07It's pretty much like an obstacle course.
09:09Whilst her ex still sees the kids,
09:11Katrina is newly single and ready for a fresh start.
09:15I need to do this and it feels like the right time,
09:18but I can't take this clutter into my new life.
09:21I can't embrace it with all this chaos around me.
09:24So, we always try and aim for the target of letting go
09:28of at least 50% of everything that's in the house.
09:31How does that make you feel?
09:32Makes me feel brilliant.
09:34You said you're getting rid of all Mummy's things, didn't you?
09:38Hopefully, when we've been through the process,
09:40you come back and you are like, yes, now I'm home.
09:44Ready to go now.
09:46In that case, shall we start packing?
09:49Let's go.
09:54We've just 12 hours to pack up all the Bowen's belongings.
09:58Right, let's get socks in here.
10:02Everyone needs to get stuck in.
10:05Oh, I love that.
10:06Why do you like building your dens?
10:08They make me cut up.
10:09So, it's nice and peaceful.
10:13What happened in here? Because it looks like...
10:16This is the pre-sort room.
10:18So, I sort things and then it gets dumped in there
10:21till I can take it somewhere
10:22and I just haven't got many out of the house yet.
10:24It's a shame because it's such a lovely room, isn't it?
10:27This is what I want as my room.
10:29This is the relaxed, quiet room.
10:31Katrina, you are not giving yourself
10:32any relaxed, quiet space in here.
10:34I'm trying to put it in here
10:35so then the children can play in the other room.
10:38Things will talk to you.
10:41I bought that to do Olivia's bedroom.
10:44I never got round to it.
10:45It's gorgeous.
10:46I do that a lot.
10:47Do you know what, though?
10:48I work on a show where I sort people's lives out,
10:50but I still do this, so...
10:52Don't beat yourself up about it.
10:54Do you know the net?
10:56Fold and then twist.
10:58Oh, yeah.
10:59Can you even envisage a space for yourself?
11:02Sort of, no.
11:03Really? Nothing?
11:05I just want calm.
11:06Calm and quiet.
11:07We'll get there.
11:08And I'm going to make sure
11:09there's abundant space for you in this house.
11:11I see, Joshua, loads of books.
11:13You're a big reader.
11:15If I was to start a book,
11:16I probably wouldn't stop until I've finished it.
11:18Oh, wow.
11:19Where's the panda from?
11:20I'm pretty sure...
11:22I think one of my girlfriends got it to me.
11:26Excuse you.
11:27I'm sure you are.
11:28One of your girlfriends.
11:30We need to get all this into these boxes.
11:32Can you help me?
11:34Come on, you're supposed to be sleeping now.
11:36We've got work to do.
11:37Come on.
11:38Is that my missing gazebo?
11:40Oh, my goodness.
11:42What's here in this?
11:43It's another gazebo.
11:45We're a couple of hours in,
11:47and while we already have piles of jam-packed boxes,
11:50not one of the rooms in this three-storey house
11:53is completely clear.
11:55Oh, I forgot about these.
11:58Don't you follow me over here and judge me.
12:01Have you seen how much we've got to pack up?
12:03This is a bit heavy, isn't it?
12:05How heavy? What's in here?
12:09That's how I feel right now.
12:11I love your room, Taylor.
12:13Like, love, love, love it.
12:15It's just everything, colourful.
12:18I mean, your desk looks like it's a really busy area.
12:22I'm always doing stuff on my desk,
12:24whether it's coursework or painting or cosplay.
12:27Have you always been into cosplay?
12:29It started when I was about in year nine.
12:31My friend showed me anime.
12:32I just saw a few videos and was like, I want to do that.
12:35We found these.
12:37All of these cool wigs.
12:39I dress up as, like, different characters
12:41from, like, TV shows or, like, animes.
12:43That's pretty cool. Yeah.
12:45Is this still who you are,
12:47or do you feel like you've outgrown this a little bit?
12:50I want to keep bits of it, but I need something a bit more grown up.
12:53I'm a very sentimental person.
12:55I like to keep a hold of things.
12:57This is my memory box.
12:59What's in there?
13:00This has got all of my baby stuff.
13:03Oh, cool!
13:05Yeah, in here. So I've got some stuff from...
13:07What's this?
13:08This is when I'm on a trip.
13:09So it's, like, the cancer children.
13:11So it's like, yeah.
13:13When I was 12, I had non-Hodgkin's Burkitt's lymphoma.
13:17OK. It was very hard.
13:19I like having it just because it shows me
13:21that I've been through that,
13:22and it just shows me how strong I am now as a person.
13:25What was that like? That must have been really difficult.
13:28It was just horrible, just missing out on school,
13:31missing my family.
13:33Oh, I'm sorry. You don't have to do that.
13:35I'm going to talk about it. It's OK.
13:41You're incredible.
13:43When I was in the hospital, my mum came in to tell me
13:46we were going to get through this
13:48and nothing was going to stop us
13:50and we were going to try our hardest.
13:52Me and my mum were definitely keeping each other strong
13:55and I couldn't have done it without her.
13:59She had tumours in her throat, in her chest,
14:03in her stomach and in her pelvis.
14:06But, yeah, she's a fighter.
14:08And I'm so proud of her and everything she's overcome.
14:16Are you OK? Yeah.
14:18What's making you sad right now?
14:20Just thinking about it.
14:22It's like, I wouldn't say the cancer defines me as a person,
14:25it's just part of my story.
14:27And just trying to become the best person I can.
14:30And you're doing a great job at that.
14:32You walk into a room and you literally, as soon as I saw you,
14:34I was like, wow, she's so happy.
14:36Your energy is just incredible.
14:38October last year, I got the all-clear,
14:43so we're moving forward now with our lives
14:46and just thinking of the future and what awaits us.
14:50There's so much stuff I want to get rid of.
14:52Just to have that space and to be able to breathe.
14:55But there's so much stuff I want to keep hold of as well.
14:58But that's OK, you're allowed to keep hold of important things.
15:01There is one thing I really want to find.
15:04It's my beads of courage that I got during my hospital time.
15:09So every single treatment I had, we had beads.
15:12So every treatment, you get a bead for that treatment?
15:14And I've lost them and I don't know where they are,
15:16so I'd love to find them.
15:18And where do you think they might be? You got any idea?
15:20No idea. Oh, no.
15:22OK, right, that's our mission then. We need to find those.
15:24We need to find the beads of courage.
15:26Three hours left to pack up the house.
15:28Pancake maker. Yeah. Do you use that?
15:32And Dilly is steaming through the kitchen with Katrina.
15:36Most shot glasses I've had since my 80s.
15:39Have you? And you use your espresso mugs?
15:45Five series of sort your life out and I still haven't worked out
15:48the best way to get a box out of a room.
15:51We've only got an hour to go.
15:53Oh, I'm crying out there.
15:55And now we need to shift the boxes outside and into the vans.
15:58Right, let's finish packing.
16:02Squat gains on point.
16:04Roll this up.
16:05We're not used to having three levels to deal with,
16:08so once you feel like you've finished a level and you think,
16:11oh, there can't be much more left, and then you go downstairs
16:14and then you go downstairs again and you're just like, wow,
16:17it's the never-ending story of packing.
16:20And new beers. OK.
16:25No more boxes. I've had enough exercise. I'm done.
16:29The contents of the Bowens' home
16:31have now been crammed into three large moving vans.
16:35And the family's house is finally clear.
16:40Oh, look at it now.
16:42Oh, my goodness.
16:44Oh, my gosh. We can see the floor.
16:51The family have two enormous days ahead as they approach the warehouse,
16:55where all of their possessions are now on display.
16:59I'm feeling a little bit nervous.
17:01Mummy's feeling a little bit nervous.
17:03I'm not!
17:04Can you see?
17:05I see!
17:10Here they are.
17:14Katrina, what are you thinking?
17:16What have I done?
17:19We are on your side, and hopefully you come out these two days
17:22and just feel a massive weight off of your shoulders
17:25and hopefully a massive weight out of the house.
17:28So, shall we go in and see what we're dealing with?
17:30Yeah, come on.
17:31Let's go, let's go, let's go!
17:33Oh, I'm excited for you.
17:35I'm dreading it.
17:38Oh, gosh.
17:40Oh, my...
17:42Oh, my gosh!
17:51Welcome to your house.
17:53Welcome to your house.
17:58There's so much.
17:59How did all that squeeze in our house?
18:02Out of 400 boxes unpacked from the Bowens' home,
18:05we discovered 425 stuffed animals,
18:1037 pairs of scissors,
18:13and 123 fancy dress outfits.
18:17Now that we're in and amongst it all, how are you feeling?
18:21It's unbelievable having all this and being able to live in the house.
18:24How have we done that?
18:26We all do it, we all collect stuff.
18:28You've had such a tough decade, really,
18:31and now's the time for a fresh start.
18:35I think one of the best places to start is in the toy section.
18:38It's a huge part of your house.
18:40It is a big section.
18:41So, if we get 50% of that done,
18:43that's a big chunk of the warehouse ticked off.
18:46So, shall we start with toys?
18:50We found a whopping 1,231 plastic toys in the Bowens' house,
18:56and I'm itching to help them shift some.
18:59Why is there three of the same minion?
19:02You know what, you can be on my team today
19:04because they're the kind of questions we need to be asking.
19:06The Bowens family now need to decide what to keep
19:09and what to donate, recycle or sell.
19:13I was going through the toys earlier
19:15and I found this little nugget.
19:20So, I was thinking, why don't we play a game?
19:23When you've collected ten of your toys that you're happy to let go of,
19:27you press the buzzer and we'll see who gets the most buzzers.
19:31Does that sound like fun?
19:33Right, on your marks, get set, go, go, go!
19:36Two, three, one, one.
19:39Oh, Olivia, you're smashing it.
19:41Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
19:45Go, press your buzzer, you've got ten, you've got ten!
19:48One, two, three, four, five, six.
19:50I already smashed it!
19:52Wait, Olivia, that was my duck.
19:54Throw away my duck.
19:56Olivia's a tornado and I love it.
19:58Go, press the buzzer again!
20:00She could give Diddy a run for her money.
20:02Olivia's taking all of everyone else's.
20:04Olivia, are you cheating?
20:07Olivia, you've been throwing stuff in there, that's my bear.
20:10I like this one.
20:12But everyone check Olivia's barrel, just in case.
20:15OK, I think Mummy is the only one yet to press her buzzer.
20:18I used to be scared of this because it used to follow me around the room.
20:25I got five buzzers.
20:28Do you know how many teddies that is?
20:31Right, here we go.
20:32I'm not a very good driver, am I?
20:35Straight to the donate pile.
20:37Three, two, one.
20:41Well done!
20:43This is a really brilliant start.
20:46This is more than 50%.
20:48First section of the day done.
20:53On the other side of town...
20:55Oh, the first thing I want to do in here is sort this carpet out.
20:58..the team are planning how to make the best use
21:01of the newly cleared family room.
21:03What a room, by the way. Yeah.
21:05But it was toys, also dining...
21:07Toys, yeah.
21:08..and some sitting and some laundry.
21:10And no clear zone. No clear zone.
21:12For any of them.
21:13For all of the toys, this here's my side.
21:15OK. This is my zone over here.
21:17OK, nice.
21:18And it would be to build a nice large unit,
21:20so it's really going to take up the entire wall.
21:22We're going to have a special seating area here
21:25that's also going to act as storage built into the unit,
21:28and then you're going to have your dining room table,
21:31and then the sofa can go on that side, right over here.
21:34Oh, yeah. OK.
21:35Oh, my goodness, imagine sitting here,
21:37you can actually just see treetops.
21:39That is a beautiful view.
21:40And before, all you could see is, like, pants and bras.
21:44While Rob gets started on storage,
21:46Ewan brings out the carpet-cleaning cavalry.
21:50I've brought in the big guns.
21:51I've actually hired this from the supermarket.
21:54You can pick it up for as little as, like, £15 a day.
21:57A lot cheaper than getting the professionals in.
22:00Look at the difference here.
22:05Am I too big for this? No, no, I mean for adults.
22:07Oh, my gosh, look at my hooves.
22:09Back at the warehouse, I'm trying not to hog all the limelight.
22:15You look like a pig.
22:16I look like a pig? Beautiful.
22:19Oh, wow, yours looks good.
22:21Shall we get rid of the pig and kick the dinos in?
22:23Right, I'm going to walk myself straight to the recycle.
22:26Go on.
22:29Five hours in and having blitzed through dress-up,
22:32it's time for the section I've been waiting for,
22:34Taylor's cosplay collection.
22:37I've never had a cosplay section in the warehouse.
22:40Is this all yours?
22:42Pretty much, yeah.
22:43Oh, I love it.
22:44It's basically like playing dress-up. I love it.
22:46It helps me escape after, like, a long day.
22:48I can just be that character.
22:50Cosplay is definitely a huge part of my life.
22:53I try and imitate the characters as, like, a whole different me.
22:56It just makes me feel so much better about myself.
22:59So what do you do when you're that character?
23:01Do you, like, go online, find other friends, do you make videos?
23:04I just make little videos myself,
23:06but I don't feel confident enough to post them yet.
23:08Oh, would you like to post them?
23:09I'd love to.
23:10And you're just too nervous?
23:12What of?
23:13Just people online, just generally judgy.
23:16If you want my advice and not that you need it,
23:18maybe now's the time to build your resilience
23:20for what people might say or might think.
23:22And then you'll be prepared, you know?
23:25You try it on.
23:26Shall I?
23:28OK, I don't know who that is, but...
23:30Oh, you look stud-insane.
23:31Do I?
23:34We could always record something, and then you've got it.
23:36And maybe it'll be that one video that gives you confidence,
23:39like, every time you go to start it,
23:41you can look back on it and say,
23:43maybe now's the time.
23:45Shall we?
23:47OK, yeah.
23:49Why do I look like my nan,
23:52and you look like a really cool character?
23:55Wow, Tay.
23:57Just dance.
24:06Oh, it's over.
24:09OK, that's amazing.
24:12Just have in the back of your mind
24:14that the people that mind don't matter
24:16and the people that matter don't mind.
24:19So is this jacket staying cos it's the OG?
24:21That one can go.
24:22Oh, we're saying goodbye?
24:25OK, great.
24:27I'm going to get into cosplay, I think.
24:29That's mum's.
24:30I don't think that's going to fit her anymore.
24:32That's mum's.
24:34Go on, mum.
24:35That one can go.
24:36Oh, Wonder Woman!
24:38These are mum's shoes.
24:39She'd kill me if I even...
24:40Are they your mum's shoes?
24:41They're my mum's shoes.
24:42I am so getting to know your mum.
24:46I love these.
24:48Your boots.
24:49Oh, no, you can't get rid of my boots.
24:51I love them.
24:52I only ever wore them once.
24:54Well, shall we let go of them then?
24:58I'm not ready to.
25:00She's terrible.
25:01I have to be continued.
25:02Right, let's take this down.
25:04Come on!
25:05Are my boots still there?
25:07Yes, we've left your boots.
25:09Right, go on then.
25:10All this in, donate, mate.
25:12I love this family.
25:14They really care about each other.
25:16They're working so hard and it's just lovely to see.
25:20Three, two, one.
25:25Yes, Tay.
25:26We did it.
25:28Back at the house, Rob is making progress
25:30with the much-needed storage solution for the Bowens family room.
25:35I'm using 18mm MDF with white veneer.
25:39It's really durable, it's water-resistant
25:42and what this does, it saves you from then having to paint anything.
25:48We are going to try and squeeze every nook and cranny,
25:51every bit of storage we can get out of this place.
25:53We're going to get it.
25:54And to help Taylor embrace her next phase in life,
25:57Ewan is upcycling her bed.
26:00Taylor's got this really nice headboard.
26:02Our tastes change as you're growing up.
26:04Taylor's got bored of this silver grey and she's much more into her colour.
26:09We don't often paint fabric, so the trick is to work in small sections
26:14and get the paint really into the texture of the fabric.
26:17Look at the difference. This is going to be so nice.
26:21He's armless. He's armless.
26:23Sorry. No, please. I love a bad joke.
26:28At the warehouse, it's time to move on to what might be
26:31the toughest section of the day.
26:33Achievements. You must be so proud.
26:36I love it. All of these photos.
26:38Carter when he was tiny.
26:40So many memories that also are not up around the house.
26:42Yes. Sorry, but...
26:44She's cute.
26:46What are these?
26:47What are these?
26:48These are Taylor's wristbands when she was in hospital.
26:51Ah, OK. And this one?
26:53Olivia, when she was born.
26:55And her measurements.
26:56So these are like similar times?
26:58Yeah. There was very much an overlap.
27:00Taylor was having a treatment for her chemo.
27:03And you were going into labour?
27:05Yeah. Oh, my God, so that must have been so difficult for you.
27:07It was, yeah. It was when Taylor was at her most poorest.
27:10She had a bad reaction to her chemo.
27:12Oh, my God.
27:13She was really ill.
27:14She was probably about six stone, six and a half stone.
27:19It's OK.
27:23And it was the time where...
27:26..I wasn't sure if she'd make it.
27:30And then I had to try and...
27:33..have her baby at the same time.
27:36So it was...
27:38It was a lot. That is a lot.
27:41I was in hospital for about four days
27:43because Olivia didn't want to come out.
27:45Then I'd run to Taylor's room in the daytime
27:47and spend the day with her.
27:49But it was...
27:50I did think we were going to lose her.
27:53And I remember saying to her,
27:55it's OK, she needs to go.
28:00And she just lay there.
28:03It's like she had no fight left in her.
28:07And I felt guilty at the time
28:09because I was bringing new life into the world.
28:13And she's fighting for hers.
28:18And then she did take a turn for the better
28:21and she started smiling and it was kind of like,
28:24OK, she might make it now.
28:28Olivia was born on the Saturday morning
28:30and Taylor was released from hospital
28:32at 10 past 12 on a Saturday afternoon.
28:35So we all went home together
28:37and it was honestly one of the best weekends I can remember.
28:41How do you deal with something like that?
28:43Well, I was kind of juggling the two,
28:45trying to carry on for both of them.
28:48That's what it was.
28:50That is so hard.
28:52It was in its sillys.
28:54But I did do it.
28:56We got through, so...
28:58I was obsessed with ducks.
29:00Don't know why, but I loved them.
29:03You were there for every single step of the way
29:06and look at both of those babies.
29:08They are.
29:10She's an adult next week.
29:12She is an adult. You got her there.
29:14She got through. She's doing it.
29:16Actually, I found something for Taylor.
29:20I've found something I wanted to show you.
29:25Come on!
29:26What have we found?
29:28So, when we were looking through all of your stuff...
29:35My beads of carrots!
29:39Thank you!
29:40Don't be silly.
29:42So, these are...
29:44You get a bead for every treatment.
29:46Well, for every individual thing in the hospital.
29:49When we found them, I was like...
29:54Do you feel good? Yeah.
29:55Oh, I'm so glad. You're not sad?
29:57No, I'm very happy. Like a happy-sad?
29:59OK, good.
30:02When we got each individual bead,
30:04it would go on a long string so we could keep them.
30:07Some people, like, were so long,
30:09we'd, like, hang them around, like, the machines and everything.
30:12It's definitely a reminder of how far I've come.
30:15Shall we just keep everything here?
30:17Yeah, keep all the pictures.
30:19That's absolutely fine.
30:22I'm going to leave you for a minute.
30:24No, you are. You are amazing.
30:28We have done so well today.
30:30Big pat on the back for us.
30:32We have got half an hour left.
30:34So, we need to go crazy.
30:37So, wipe it in the wheelbarrow into the piles, OK?
30:40Three, two, one, let's go.
30:43I'm going crazy!
30:46There's 30 minutes left.
30:48It's time to cut to the chase.
30:51How many pairs of scissors does one family need?
30:54I'm actually getting the hang of these.
30:56I don't think you need them.
30:58I'm all right with the highway code now.
31:00What are your favourite books?
31:02These series. I think I'm only missing one of these.
31:04Which one?
31:06It's the 156.
31:08Is that annoying? Yeah, kind of.
31:1030 seconds, gang. Let's go.
31:13They're going, they're going.
31:16Slow down. Liv, slow down.
31:19Last drop of the day.
31:25Oh, my goodness.
31:29I'm going to go out and say
31:31I think this is my best warehouse day ever.
31:35This is incredible.
31:37I'm going to sleep.
31:39Yeah, me too. I'm right behind you.
31:42It's the end of the day.
31:44I genuinely am so happy with the outcome.
31:46These guys just deserve this boost in life
31:49and so I feel a lot of pressure
31:51not to let Katrina down.
31:53She's worried about not letting the kids down.
31:55I'm worried about not letting her down.
32:02There's one day left for the Bowens
32:04to halve their possessions
32:06and for once, I am pumped for Dilly
32:08to see the fruits of yesterday's labour.
32:11I mean, she's done very well, Stacey.
32:14I mean, look at all this lovely white space.
32:18Morning. You OK?
32:20You did so well yesterday.
32:22We do, however,
32:24have a huge amount to get through
32:26so we have to be ruthless today, OK?
32:28To let go of even more today,
32:30Katrina has asked for the help
32:32of her best friend, Andrea.
32:34Oh, here comes the backup.
32:38Oh my goodness me.
32:40Trust you to fill all this.
32:42I know.
32:43So you are going to be on my side
32:45helping them?
32:48Tidy house, tidy mind, Katrina.
32:49That's the goal.
32:51Some might think you've only been around twice
32:53in the last five years.
32:54Yeah, I think this is the reason why.
32:56It's just overwhelming.
32:58So for Katrina to try and relax
33:00in that kind of environment would just be too much.
33:03Time for Katrina again, isn't it?
33:05Try in.
33:06Get in there.
33:07You go in too.
33:09So now we just need to get in blitzing.
33:11Let's go.
33:12Have you got the boob bags?
33:13I don't need 7,000 lip balms.
33:16Get rid, absolutely.
33:18That's a bummer.
33:19That's seen better days.
33:20Get rid, get rid, get rid.
33:22Good luck.
33:23Good old days.
33:25Why didn't you tell me about the fringe?
33:28Look at that.
33:29I know.
33:30How long have you two been friends?
33:3233 years.
33:34Stuck with her now.
33:35You're more like my sister.
33:36I know.
33:37Aren't you?
33:38We're like twins.
33:40I've just got those boots.
33:42They're like a weapon.
33:43I mean, what are we going to do with these?
33:44I'm keeping these boots.
33:46These are my 40th partying boots.
33:47You've got no chance.
33:49Babe, you're going to get arrested.
33:51The only way you're keeping them is by putting them on now.
33:53We can't get them on now.
33:54Give it a wiggle.
33:55You're going in.
33:56I don't want to break the tree.
33:58I will get my foot in there.
34:00Babe, you won't.
34:01All right, we might put those in the cell pile then.
34:05Well done.
34:06Proud of you.
34:10Better than the walk of shame would have been in those boots.
34:14Right, with that, let's have a look at clothes.
34:17We don't want floor droves.
34:19We don't want chair droves.
34:21Door droves.
34:23We want everything in the wardrobe, OK?
34:26Let's go.
34:27Ready to set it go?
34:28Yep, it can go.
34:29That can go.
34:30That's horrendous.
34:31That can go.
34:32That's like 20 years old.
34:34My mum's wardrobe is full of so much dark stuff.
34:39I feel like my mum was very lost before.
34:41But seeing her finally come back to the person she was,
34:45which was bright, colourful, bubbly,
34:48and just finally getting my mum back, it's just lovely.
34:52I love this dress.
34:54My favourite colour is blue.
34:55I think it's one of the last times I remember being me.
34:59How are you feeling since the separation?
35:01I'm finding me again, which is nice.
35:04I think with my partner leaving last year
35:07and me and the children, this is our future now.
35:10I think we've done a lot of the bad.
35:12I'm looking for all the good now.
35:14Ready, steady.
35:16Out with the old and with the new.
35:20You OK?
35:23We got this, didn't we, babe?
35:24Do you know what?
35:25I want to get rid of all your dresses.
35:27You want to get married again?
35:30Well done.
35:33This warehouse is tough.
35:35Yeah, but I'm tougher.
35:36Ah, yes.
35:37Yes, you are.
35:39Back at the house, Rob's transforming the old junk room
35:43into a den for Carter and Olivia.
35:45I'm going to start shaping out my door inside the door.
35:49The perfect quiet space for the kids
35:52that they can get to through a magical door.
35:55The idea of this is the kids can use the small door
35:58and then when the big people want to go into the room
36:01to tell them to tidy up,
36:02they then can open the main large door
36:05and walk inside the room.
36:07And Ewan has a nifty solution to the household's laundry problem.
36:11I do not want to see any more washing
36:13hanging in Katrina's living room window,
36:16so I've put one of these retractable washing lines
36:19in this section of the garden.
36:20And I love these because then when everything's dried,
36:23you can just take them off and they retract.
36:29And the washing line is gone.
36:31Love it.
36:34Come on, you donut.
36:36Come on, come on.
36:38Go on.
36:40Let's go for it.
36:41Ready? Go!
36:44How often do you think you sit at this table
36:46and drink from that lovely china?
36:48My intention was to have afternoon tea,
36:50sit there and relax, but it just never happened.
36:53Do you think you will if you have more time?
36:55I really want to, yeah.
36:56So do you want to keep that set?
36:59Right, OK.
37:00I don't know how we can't mention that clock.
37:02The gorgeous clock. I love my clock.
37:04I mean, I like it, but look at all of that furniture.
37:07It's really plain.
37:08And then you've got this orange and black clock.
37:10It stands out.
37:11It does stand out.
37:12Doesn't it?
37:13So do you think you want to keep this clock?
37:15I would love to keep the clock.
37:16The clock was my thing when I first moved in.
37:18The children have never been bothered with it,
37:20so it's just mine.
37:21So it's the only thing in this warehouse that actually is just yours?
37:25OK, the clock's got to stay.
37:27There is just one hour left to race through the final sections.
37:31Right, everybody, let's go.
37:33Oh, definitely keep these. We need to keep the...
37:36This is baby photos.
37:37Quick, quick, quick.
37:39You take the top, I'll take the bottom.
37:41Excuse me.
37:42No, no, no.
37:43Got rid of the boots.
37:44I'm keeping the clock.
37:46Time is of the essence.
37:48Wait, no, watch.
37:50Come and grab these quick.
37:52Five, four, three, two, one.
37:59That's it.
38:00I'm in.
38:01Well done.
38:02Give each other a big hug.
38:04Honestly, you've done so well.
38:07Well done.
38:09After two challenging days,
38:14the family have successfully managed to cut their belongings by half.
38:20Oh, my goodness.
38:22Oh, I mean, that warehouse was so big
38:25and somehow we'd managed to clear it.
38:27And, my God, do you know what?
38:29That family were incredible.
38:31All of them, absolutely amazing.
38:33I think they all had one goal and we smashed it.
38:38Morning, morning, morning.
38:40Oh, careful, careful.
38:41Watch your step.
38:42I love how you ain't got one box, Rob.
38:44I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders here.
38:46It's 9am and with under 50% of the family's possessions
38:49making it back to the house,
38:51I've got a clear idea of this morning's most important task.
38:55They moved to the country for a reason
38:57and they've not been able to enjoy the surroundings
38:59since they got here, so I feel like it's mission,
39:01bring the outside in.
39:03What's everyone doing, Rob?
39:04I'm wrapping up the unit, putting the shelf on.
39:06Doors will be going on.
39:08I need to organise the toys into this section.
39:10So you're finishing up the unit, then you're going to get in with the unit.
39:12Ewan, come with me and help me unpack the van.
39:14No, I've got big plans for the garden.
39:17They've got all this countryside surrounding them
39:20and I feel like Katrina needs a vegetable patch,
39:23so that's what I'm going to make her, using these old pallets.
39:27While Ewan creates a place for the family to embrace a good life,
39:30I'm embracing the power tools.
39:33This is picture moulding.
39:35I am cutting some 45 degree angles
39:37because I'm going to frame that bulky telly
39:40and make it beautiful.
39:42I don't want to offend tellies out there,
39:44but they're hideous, OK?
39:46So, not for long.
39:49I've just got this vision of radishes, lettuce,
39:53maybe some carrots.
39:55It's quite tricky to get these out.
39:57I don't know what these nails are,
39:58but my goodness, they're tough ones.
40:00Ewan, mate.
40:02You look like you're struggling down there.
40:03Hello, Romeo.
40:05What are you doing up there?
40:07Well, looking down upon thee.
40:09Oh, don't start judging me, Rob.
40:11No, I am here to help, not to judge.
40:14And you know what I'm going to make?
40:16Your life easier.
40:17Oh, please do.
40:18Are you going to come and help me?
40:19No, I'm going to give you the tools.
40:20What's this?
40:21That is called a wrecking bar.
40:22What you need to do, stand on top of the pallet.
40:25And then you line it up, get it underneath.
40:28There you go.
40:29Now, doesn't that feel easier?
40:31Oh, my goodness, that was so much quicker.
40:33This is my kind of DIY.
40:41So I'm using these wooden slats from the top
40:44to create a bit of a wall here,
40:46and that's going to stop the soil
40:47from spilling out through the sides.
40:50Upstairs in the box room,
40:52I'm adding some touches
40:53to the perfect calm space for little people.
40:57Carter and Olivia love small spaces,
40:59so they're going to have their own little den.
41:01I'm going to make it all really magical in here.
41:04And Rob's building a little mini door.
41:06So I've drawn the shape of my door.
41:08I'm happy with this positioning.
41:10The kids can easily squeeze through this.
41:18You don't need a lot of paint when you're doing a stencil.
41:20The magic, really, is to go one way and quickly.
41:24All right, you ready?
41:26Three, two, one.
41:30How beautiful is that?
41:35And there's our little door.
41:38And in our little smurfs,
41:40we're going to be able to crawl through here.
41:42We're going to want some privacy.
41:44All right.
41:46Look at that.
41:47So we've got a little vegetable patch herb garden,
41:50and all it took was two pallet crates,
41:53and it cost nothing.
41:54Thanks for the wrecking tool, Rob.
41:55Yeah, no problem.
41:56What do you think?
41:58How about that?
41:59Oh my gosh, Ewan!
42:01That's amazing!
42:02And as well as that, your basic planter is biodegradable.
42:06Yeah, exactly.
42:08I'm working on a special display
42:10of Taylor's treasured Beads of Courage.
42:13These are all treatments she had to go through,
42:15and you get a bead for each one.
42:16I'm going to try and somehow really carefully
42:19put the beads on this piece of card and into the frame.
42:22And hopefully every time she sees them,
42:24she gets a real sense of pride.
42:27I've lined them all up.
42:29I'm now going to sew them into the cardboard.
42:33Ewan's in the kitchen,
42:34and he's got something new to clean.
42:37I found Taylor's cosplay wigs.
42:40I want to get these looking their best,
42:42so I'm going to give them all a little shampoo.
42:44Welcome to Ewan's salon.
42:47So are you going anywhere nice on your holidays this year?
42:50This ginormous clock was orange before,
42:54so I thought, let's paint that blue,
42:56one of Katrina's favourite colours.
42:57And in here is cupboard space,
43:00so I'm going to make this into like a drinks cabinet.
43:03Now it's time for the paint.
43:06While we keep grafting in the house,
43:08Taylor is donating some of the family's unwanted toys
43:11to the nursery where she works.
43:14I have got some lovely toys and some books.
43:19Stephanie would like Mickey Mouse.
43:20You'd like Mickey Mouse in your room?
43:26Oh, they spoke to me!
43:28Did they speak to you?
43:32Back at the Bowens,
43:33I've escaped outside in pursuit of the perfect photo
43:36for my picture frame telly.
43:38I need a picture!
43:42Why are they running away?
43:46I think this pressure's got to them.
43:49We are sheep people!
43:51They've lost it.
43:52Oh, that's the money shot, guys!
43:54Keep grazing!
44:00Dilly has a neat idea for ensuring Katrina's snug
44:03remains tidy and sleepover ready.
44:06So Katrina's best friend Andrea hasn't been to this house
44:09in two years,
44:10and the whole idea of having this amazing room
44:12is so that she can have girls' nights in.
44:14So I'm going to vacuum pack some bedding
44:16so that when she does come over,
44:17it can just be popped behind the sofa.
44:19Vacuum pack bags are a saviour
44:21because they reduce the space.
44:23So all you need to do is seal it,
44:25grab your hoover,
44:27and then watch the magic happen.
44:29This now slots perfectly into here.
44:33Oh, the joy.
44:35The joy of storage.
44:37More than half a day's gone,
44:39and we still haven't finished one single room.
44:43I thought this room was done.
44:45Well, it's quite done.
44:47It's getting there.
44:48Well, we've taken a lot of stuff out of boxes.
44:51I'm just sorting out the storage.
44:53Because we did well in the warehouse,
44:55it made everyone sort of go,
44:56OK, we're fine then.
44:57We can just go slow,
44:59take it at a nice, easy-going pace.
45:01But you can't.
45:02We have got to put the day into perspective,
45:05otherwise one of the best warehouses we've ever had
45:08is going to result in us not finishing.
45:10Now I feel like we're chasing our tail again.
45:12We're in the position we get ourselves in
45:14every single time.
45:15Let's make this happen, gang!
45:17Come on!
45:18Oh, it's going to be so much nicer for Taylor.
45:21All beautifully organised,
45:22and this is going to be the walk-in wardrobe of dreams.
45:25Just going to write a little phrase.
45:26The people that mind don't matter,
45:28and the people that matter don't mind.
45:33Got the old pressure washer on the go.
45:35Look at this.
45:36Look at the difference.
45:38You win!
45:39You win!
45:41Right, boys, are you done?
45:42This will be so much lighter, doesn't it?
45:44We need to flip this over.
45:46Hold on, hold on.
45:47I'm sweating,
45:48and the pattern on this tablecloth's not helping things.
45:51I need to put my picture on the tilling.
45:54Oh, yeah.
45:56Picture of a sheep's bum.
45:58It's not the bum, it's the whole sheep,
46:00and the background.
46:01Now I can frame it.
46:03So do the top ones first.
46:05I'm in.
46:07Oh, my goodness.
46:10Come here, guys.
46:11Well done, guys.
46:13Oh, my God.
46:15Oh, my gosh, no more laundry in the window.
46:18Look at this busy outside.
46:19It's so, so special.
46:21Just going to be dinner with a beautiful view.
46:24I'm proud of us.
46:25Yeah, me too.
46:29This time last week,
46:31the Bowen family home was in chaos,
46:33piled high with clutter
46:35that totally obscured the view of their idyllic surroundings.
46:42Now it's time to see whether their hard work of letting go
46:45of half of their possessions has paid off.
46:50You look beautiful.
46:52Oh, my God.
46:53Look at your hair.
46:55I'm so excited to take you back to your house.
46:57I do get a bit nervous on these days.
46:59You delivered for us in the warehouse,
47:01so hopefully we have done the same.
47:03Are you ready for it?
47:04I am.
47:05Are you ready?
47:06Should we get in there?
47:10Come in.
47:12Oh, my...
47:14Oh, my gosh.
47:17Welcome to your family room.
47:20Seven days ago,
47:22the family's living room served as a laundry room
47:24with piles of clothes and toys,
47:26preventing them from sitting together as a family.
47:30What do you think of this?
47:32Now it's clear from clutter,
47:34zoned into a peaceful sofa area
47:36and spacious dining area.
47:38This is brilliant.
47:40And it's got the view as well.
47:41Well, now it has,
47:43cos there's no laundry hanging off of the window.
47:45That picture I took of your sheep just in the garden.
47:49OK, that is brilliant.
47:51Rob built this really lovely unit.
47:54Now there's storage for all of the toys.
47:57And it's all labelled.
47:58And it's all labelled, it's all in sections.
48:00And there's more toys on that side.
48:02And, Carter, did you know
48:04that this here lifts up?
48:08Watch your bum.
48:09And inside...
48:11Oh, my goodness!
48:13Oh, that's amazing.
48:14All your board games and games and fun.
48:16I've got the buzzer!
48:17You've got the buzzer!
48:20There's so much more to show you.
48:22Are you ready?
48:24Wait for me!
48:25Upstairs, I'm bursting to show Taylor her new bedroom.
48:28Are you ready for this?
48:31Welcome to your new grown-up room.
48:37Oh, my God, I love it.
48:39Do you?
48:41I'm going to cry, I love it.
48:47Oh, my God.
48:52A week ago, this room was stuck in Taylor's early teenage years.
48:57Now, as she turns 18,
48:59it's a room fit for the young adult Taylor has become.
49:03What you had before was beautiful,
49:05but it wasn't functioning for you.
49:08And see your headboard?
49:09Oh, it's blue!
49:10It's blue.
49:11You unpainted that.
49:12Did he?
49:13Yeah, how clever!
49:14I love it.
49:15He also cleaned your wigs.
49:17He washed them.
49:18He washed them?
49:19Yeah, he washed them.
49:20Put them on their little wig stands now,
49:22so now they won't be shoved in a drawer
49:24or get all matted and stuff.
49:25I remember when I came in your room, right,
49:27and you said,
49:28I wish I had my beads of courage, I can't find them,
49:31and I did this silly thing where I promised you
49:33that I would find them.
49:34So I framed them so that you can recognise
49:37just how far you've come
49:38and what an incredible human being you are
49:40every single time you look at them.
49:42I love it.
49:44I see them all the time now.
49:46I'm just so happy.
49:48Does it feel like what you imagined?
49:50I love how grown up it actually makes me feel.
49:52Good, I'm so happy.
49:54Oh, I'll show you your wardrobe as well,
49:56because you remember that was like...
49:58A mountain.
49:59Now, you've got a functioning walk-in wardrobe.
50:04Oh my goodness.
50:06Dilly has sorted all of your stuff.
50:08All of your cosplay outfits are hanging up on the route
50:10as well as your clothes.
50:12It's all organised.
50:13All your drawers are organised and labelled by Dilly.
50:15They're all labelled.
50:18This is the cupboard of dreams.
50:21It's so much more practical now.
50:25Oh, I love it.
50:27It's amazing, isn't it?
50:29I love that.
50:30That's a bit of you, isn't it?
50:31That is a bit of you.
50:33You deserve this.
50:34This is for you.
50:36Now, just keep it clean.
50:38I will, I will.
50:40Woo-hoo, next room.
50:41Just seven days ago, this junk room
50:43was not a functional space,
50:45stuffed with impossible-to-reach clutter.
50:48Do you notice anything different down here?
50:54What is it?
50:55A little door.
50:57A tiny door?
50:58Do you want to go through it?
51:03The room has been emptied
51:04and now makes the perfect place
51:06for a magical children's den.
51:08What do you think?
51:12I know how much you both love tiny spaces
51:15and making dens.
51:16See there, what looks like a little settee
51:19that opens out and builds up into a den.
51:25Got lots of toys in there and books and stuff.
51:28Now that the toys have a designated space,
51:31I can't wait to show Katrina
51:33her new toy-free bedroom.
51:36Katrina, welcome to your new room.
51:41Oh, my God, I love it.
51:43Do you?
51:45Once littered with more of her children's stuff
51:48than her own, Katrina's room has been transformed
51:51into a bedtime sanctuary.
51:54It doesn't feel like mine, is it?
51:56It is yours.
51:58You've lost yourself in this bedroom.
52:01You know what?
52:02Now they've got their little den
52:04and their rooms are sorted.
52:06No more toys in here for you.
52:07This is Mummy's room.
52:08This is Katrina's room, not Mummy's room.
52:10This is Katrina's room.
52:12Let's write this out.
52:14No adult.
52:16And your wardrobe...
52:18Oh, no.
52:19Do you remember it was bursting at the seams?
52:21You did so well in the warehouse.
52:23I'm in.
52:24I'm stuck.
52:25I feel like you've done so much.
52:27I don't want to jump on the bed stays.
52:29Oh, my God, I'll do it with you.
52:30Shall we?
52:31All right, are we ready?
52:32Which way are we going?
52:33Should we go backwards?
52:34Three, two, one.
52:38I'm not wearing the right bra to jump on bed stays.
52:42No, if I wasn't wearing the right bra,
52:44mine would be, like, whacking me in the face.
52:47This is chumpy.
52:49It's really small in here.
52:50But it works.
52:51Next up, I've got a surprise for Josh.
52:55Dilly has organised all of your books
52:58and she's sorted them into the ones you've read
53:01and the ones that you haven't read yet.
53:03And I know, but you were missing one, weren't you?
53:06So we've got it and added it to your collection.
53:09Oh, thank you.
53:10We ended up speaking to the author who writes these books.
53:13He wrote you a message and he signed this book for you.
53:19Hi, Mum.
53:20I've got the last books of the collection.
53:22Oh, you've managed to get them all in?
53:24And even better, it's signed.
53:25Oh, that's brilliant.
53:27Oh, are you OK?
53:29Oh, that's brilliant.
53:33I think he's happy.
53:35We love you.
53:39One last room just for you, Katrina.
53:45I love it.
53:46Oh, this is brilliant.
53:49It's lovely.
53:52Previously full to the brim with toys, paint, umbrellas and prams,
53:57we've given this room a stylish new look,
54:00giving Katrina a lovingly curated adult-only space.
54:04Sorry, I can't say anything.
54:06Don't, you apologise.
54:08And it's blue.
54:11You have just spent such a massive part of your life
54:14caring for everybody else.
54:16We wanted to make sure that you had a space for you
54:20to enjoy relaxing, be Katrina in, have your friends over.
54:24I love it. I've still got my clock.
54:26I know that we had mixed views on the clock.
54:28Yeah, but doesn't it look amazing?
54:30The makeover, I think, has helped it a lot.
54:33If you look inside it as well, there's a little surprise in here.
54:37Oh, my teacups!
54:39And it's lit up with an electric blue.
54:41Yeah, that's definitely a bit of me. I love that.
54:44This turns into a sofa bed.
54:46OK, that is brilliant.
54:48So you can have people over to sleep.
54:50In here, Dilly has folded and packed some spare bedding
54:53for when Andrea does come to stay.
54:55I love this.
54:56It's so nice.
54:57Ah, nice and cosy.
54:59Imagine Andrea comes round, she can have a drink.
55:02She'll be spilling drinks on the floor.
55:06Come in then, come in then.
55:12How are you doing, guys?
55:14Thank you for my garden.
55:15You're so welcome.
55:16What do you think?
55:19What do you think?
55:20It's amazing.
55:21Yeah? Do you like your room?
55:23All done.
55:24That was so lovely.
55:27Do you know what?
55:29When Katrina and Taylor and all the kids were like,
55:31thank you so much, I almost felt like saying, no, thank you,
55:34because there is no better feeling than walking
55:37the most grateful, incredible, deserving people into their home
55:41knowing that they're going to start afresh.
55:43Like, what a privilege that is for me
55:45and for the whole team to be a part of.
55:47And that was amazing.
55:50I had so much fun washing your wigs.
55:55I'm loving this hair as well.
55:57Bit of blue.
55:58This is it.
56:09Can I come?
56:10Yeah, sure.
56:11It's a makeover.
56:12The house has been brilliant, hasn't it?
56:14We've all got our own little peace and quiet.
56:16The children absolutely love it in the den.
56:18Mummy's not allowed in.
56:21It's our secret room.
56:23I do actually read a bit more in my room now,
56:25just because I don't have to worry about tidying up in the house.
56:28Might have got you a little present for your birthday.
56:32You've turned 18, literally embracing life.
56:34You've got to drive to work now, though.
56:36I had my friends over for my birthday.
56:38They love my wardrobe with all the little labels.
56:40They just go, oh, my goodness, it's all organised.
56:44The vegetable patch card from Olivia, absolutely love it.
56:46We moved the vegetable patch by the kitchen
56:49because our neighbour's cat poops in it.
56:51Definitely say it's the fresh start we needed, isn't it?
56:54Onwards and upwards.
56:56More practical boots.
56:57More brands of gold.