• 2 days ago


00:00Hey guys, welcome back to another video. It's your girl, Miss R-Fabulous, Pretty Pony, Nysad and
00:11Pretty Nairie live. And welcome back. You know what to do. If you're new to this channel,
00:16please make sure you like, comment, subscribe. If you're a returning subscriber,
00:19big up yourself all the time. Big up, big up, big up. And let me tell you lots of that. And before
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00:32push this video to other content creators. Please make sure you're watching the ads because you know
00:37it runs up the revenue. And guys, let's get straight into this video. Okay. I haven't been
00:41able to sleep as much because obviously I have a newborn and my sleeping pattern is really,
00:46really like really bad. I'm not going to carry my baby, my daughter's bag. I'm just going to
00:51carry this bag that I got from TK Maxx when I'm just going local stores or if I'm going to
00:55Walthamstow or wherever, I will just carry a small little bag. Or if I'm going to Stratford,
01:01I will just carry like a small little bag like this. And I just have her nappy and her wipes
01:05and a bib and a bottle because I know I'm not going to be out for too long, probably like an
01:09hour or two hours. And I need to have some stuff in this bag because I'm just going local. Do you
01:14know what I mean? I don't have to carry her bag because it's local to home. So I'm going to
01:19quickly make her bottle right now. I ordered the cab to take me to B&M. Um, I don't know,
01:25like I've been fixing up my house slowly, slowly. Do you know what I mean? Taking my little time
01:30fixing up my house. And I'm not going to lie to you. I'm really liking the process so far
01:35and just keeping my mind busy. Like it really, really helps because it's a lot going on chat.
01:41It's a lot going on. So I recently ordered a carpet for machine. Absolutely. I love the carpet.
01:49I'm working on my hallway. I'm trying to make, make my walk my hallway as cute as possible.
01:56Um, because like it's the hallway. Miracle is in the buggy in her doona because I'm not going to
02:04be out for long. I'm literally just going to see if I can get anything from B&M to put in the hallway
02:10to just decorate the hallway and make it a bit much nicer because I have, I have like
02:14shelves in the hallway and I would like to put a little cute little like decor stuff.
02:18And I do have a carpet in the hallway and like, it just looks a bit plain still. And I want to
02:23make that touch it up a little bit. I also need to go to Sainsbury's or Tesco's or Asda. I need to
02:28get, I need to get kinder milk. This is my last can. Um, I have other milks, but my daughter loves
02:37this. She loves the goat milk. Like the way she drinks goat milk is different compared to the
02:41liquid one. I want to take off the pre-made one and keep it on the goat because she loves this
02:45one. And this one it's just much better. It helps with the digestive. Like when she digests the food,
02:51it just helps. She's not in like uncomfortable. She's not making those noises. These are already
02:56made. So it's like, I just see a difference basically when she takes them. So kitchen is
03:02literally all over the place chat. So please do not, do not mind how my kitchen is. I have
03:07barrels in my kitchen because I need to pack my barrels for summer. My barrels are for summer when
03:12I'm going to Jamaica. Um, so you know how that goes, just pack barrels and send it to Jamaica again.
03:18So this is what I'm going to be in and see what I can get for my hallway. When later on, when I get
03:24back home, um, it's currently 7.30 right now. I have a promo to do for an artist. So when I'm in,
03:30when I'm in BNM, I will do that promo for the artist. I know he's running me down and I've
03:34been delaying and I'm so sorry about that. But as a new mom, there's just so much going on. I really
03:39do not even have the time for myself sometimes. So yeah, my room's a mess. I need to clean up my
03:43room when I get back. So I'm in BNM right now. I don't know why I'm in the dog section because
03:48Winter's got a bed already. I've already bought Winter a bed when she came out. Um, I do need to
03:53get Winter some treats to put in her treat box. Cause when she comes home, I have to continue
03:58with the training that my lovely supporter was doing, Charlene. She did a great job. Yeah. I
04:06definitely need to get one more washing rack because the one that I have is just not good.
04:11The one that I have is not enough. I need to get Charlene. Sorry. I need to get Charlene. So
04:18basically I'm just in BNM. I'm just looking to see what I can get to continue fixing up the house.
04:24Um, so yeah, I'm just going to be like looking around to see what I can get and stuff like that.
04:30Oh, I just hope nobody just, I hope nobody bothers me. I see people go down there. I just hope they
04:37don't stop me or anything. Oh, BNM does puppy pads, but who's buying puppy pads? Oh, they do puppy pads.
04:45I'm going to get one of these for Winter cause she's coming home. She's coming home soon.
04:50The days are approaching. My baby's coming home. I miss Winter so much. I don't need to get nothing
04:56for the bathroom because the bathroom is already done. It just needs tidying up right now.
05:00That's it. I don't know what I'm going to get for my mum. I really and truly do not know.
05:04Oh, those are 20 pounds guys. If you 20 pounds for that set, that's cute. That's very cutesy.
05:12Oh, okay. First of all, I need to get Charlene now. Floating shelves and I have no idea what the hell.
05:19I don't, I have no idea if this is the size that I need,
05:25but that just feels so light. I don't understand.
05:30That feels bare light. This is a hundred centimetre.
05:38A hundred centimetre floating shelves.
05:40Always have things on a bargain price. If you're on a budget and you're a budget bear,
05:44you definitely need to come to B&M. Period. Okay. I've been meaning to get a shoe stand.
05:49So I'm definitely going to get a shoe stand because this was on, this was in my basket
05:54on Sheen. So I'm going to get a shoe stand and look, it's great. So far I've got two shelves.
06:02Let me get a shoe stand for the hallway. They have these ones, but I don't, I don't like that.
06:09It's too long. I don't know. So I'm going to get some picture frames. Um, I'm going to get some
06:18picture frames. So far, so far, this is what I've got in my basket. I don't know. I might put some
06:23stuff back when I get to the tilt. Um, I'm going to get some picture frames because I want to put
06:29me, Miracle and Sio in one. So I think I'm just going to go for white picture frames. This has,
06:39this is, is this two? Okay. This is pixel free. So this is perfect for 3.99. So I'm going to get
06:45this and I want to put pictures of me and Sio and Miracle. I'm going to get another one so
06:53that I can put on these shelves, put on these shelves as well. I'm looking for the massive
06:59frames to go in my, to go in behind my living room. I feel like this frame is not so big.
07:05I need it to be a bit bigger. This needs to be a bit bigger.
07:14But I do like this frame. So I'm going to, I'm going to get two of these.
07:19This is for my hallway guys. Guys, I'm actually really fixing up my hallway.
07:24I want, I want to have Siam's 91 in one. And in another one, I want to have another,
07:29another, um, payer. B&M doesn't have the big, big frames and that's the big,
07:33big frames. I'm probably going to have to get online because that is for, um,
07:37the back of my living room. We're talking too much. Look, I think I've seen the big ones.
07:43So look, they had the big ones here, the big frames here. And this is what I want to have
07:48at the back of my sofa. So the back of my sofa, there's a massive space there and I need to have
07:53this in the back of my sofa because it's so cute. See this size. I want to get a bit bigger,
08:01probably a bit, bit bigger. Probably a bit bigger would be great for me.
08:07My mom finishes work at nine. She's going to come to my house tonight and then go home on
08:12Sunday to get a mirror for the hallway. To do is get a mirror for the hallway. Inspiration
08:17is a gold circle mirror. So circle mirror for the hallway. Oh my gosh.
08:24Look at that mirror. Oh my goodness. That one's 16 pounds. This would be the size that I need.
08:32This would be the size that I need for the hallway. That is the size that I need.
08:39And for the living room, I'm going to need a mirror too, but I don't know what to get in the
08:45living room. I'm definitely need this.
08:55That is the, how a basket's looking. That's how my trolley is looking so far. I need to get a
09:01mirror for my living room. I have one for the hallway. Now I need one for the living room.
09:06Now I'm stuck in between. I probably have to put a silver in there. So I probably put this silver
09:12mirror, which is basically 40 pounds. That mirror is 40 pounds. That mirror is 40 quid. That can go
09:22in the living room. Not going to lie. That can go in the living room behind where my ring light is.
09:29And then my frames can go next to it out of here. I don't want to do too much, too,
09:34too much black in my house. Even though like I love black, like you just can't go wrong with
09:39black honestly. Hi guys. So I'm in, I'm in the decoration aisle and these are cute little
09:45decorations that I can put on the shelves in the hallway. I want something that's mean,
09:51meaningful, like mean, meaningful things. These are very, very cute. Probably just put one of
09:58these in the hallway. This is cute. She looks pregnant. It's very cute. So probably put one
10:06of these because it already comes with those little things in it. That's, I don't know what
10:11that is. That's dead. Um, I most definitely would like to put a candle, but that candle has zero
10:21smell in it. It's like, that is the motto. That is the energy that I'm going for. This is three
10:34This is cute. I like this. I also feel like one of this can go in there.
10:52So I'm back home. These are the stuff that I got from B&M and the stuff that I got from
11:07Sainsbury's. I couldn't do a lot of shopping because I'm by myself, but the most important
11:12thing was my daughter's milk. That was the most important thing was making sure I stuck up on
11:17milk. So I got them in this one and I also got them in the goat one because there wasn't enough
11:24goat on the shelf. So I just had to make sure I got some of these ones. So I just mixed them
11:29so she can have it. She is no longer a infant. I will no longer be giving her these. I'll just
11:36be giving her the powder formula. So this is the last time she's going to be drinking these ones,
11:41but she'll only be on the formula. The rug I got from Sheen was about 20 quid.
11:47And that's also, I don't know what that's for. I can't remember. These things I'm going to put to
11:52the side because I'm going to have to get the handyman to come and to put back the mirrors.
11:56And this is the hallway mirror. Like I told you, this is the hallway mirror and the hallway
12:04mirror is going to go right here in this empty spot. This is the two shelves.
12:10So this mirror is going to go up here. So I want to basically have this mirror right here in this
12:16little spot here. It's going to be like this. And I'm going to have these little cute little
12:20decor on this that I purchased. I'm going to show you guys. This also needs to be hanged up as well.
12:26It's going to be hanged up closer towards that side so I can put my keys and stuff on it.
12:30Um, yeah, I just thought I'll get, this was like, um, a couple of pence
12:34from Sheen. So this was very, very useful. I'm not going to lie. I say it's home. Just
12:38put my little keys and stuff on it. So yeah, this was very cheap and it's very light as well.
12:42Like proper light.
13:14Hey guys. So, um, I'm about to make my daughter a bottle. Um, she's currently drinking six ounces
13:20right now of kingdom milk. Um, one thing about me, I like to make sure that I'm stocking up with
13:27all of Miracle's, um, milk. I believe as a mother, the most important thing you should have
13:32in your house is baby nappy wipes and food. Those are three most important things, making sure you
13:40have their food, nappies and wipes. Always make sure those are three things that you consistently
13:44stock up on. Um, because I had help with my registry, I do have a lot of nappies and wipes.
13:50I'm good for a few months. Um, so when it comes to her milk, I do always stock up with her milk.
13:57Um, she has great godmothers that also make sure that they, um, do their parts and like always
14:03making sure she's good. Always asking if she's okay, if I need anything for her. So like, I'm
14:08really appreciative of her godparents. They know who they are, big them up. For this bit of the
14:12clip, I did go to Sainsbury's and I did manage to get, um, a lot of milk, but yeah, I want to show
14:18you guys the milk that my daughter drinks. So my daughter currently is drinking kingdom milk,
14:24the infant, the first infant. I give her this one sometimes. She's loving the kingdom milk goat.
14:31So she does drink the kingdom milk goat first infant milk. And I think that's why she's put
14:37on so much weight. She's literally addicted to this. Um, and she loves it so, so much.
14:44And it's quite expensive. It's 20 pounds for one. One of this is 20 pounds. Um, so I give her like
14:52this sometimes, or I do give her that sometimes. So it all depends to be honest, but it's basically,
14:59it's milk at the end of the day and it's still kingdom milk. Do you know what I mean? So
15:02I give her this sometimes or I give her that one sometimes.
15:09So right now she's currently sleeping, but I'm going to wake her up to give her a bottle.
15:13So she's on six ounces.
15:19So she's currently drinking six ounces. And when I tell you this is drugs to my baby, she loves
15:44kingdom milk. She absolutely loves this. And I actually do see a good, like, I see a massive
15:49improvements with her. Like she goes to the toilet, doesn't actually poos. She, um, it's
15:56been putting on a great amount of weight. The midwives and the health is that has come to see
16:02me. I said that she's put on great amount of weight and they are very happy with it. So I'm
16:06going to go ahead and tidy my bathroom. I'm going to put this in some warm water. She's currently
16:12sleeping. I want to wake her up soon. I'm going to clean up my bathroom right now. Cause I feel
16:16like I haven't cleaned my bathroom in a while. I haven't like really given my bathroom that tender
16:21loving and care, even on my monthly this month, the first time I've seen a period after I've given
16:26birth. So I'm literally going to take it easy and just clean up my bathroom right now. On Sunday,
16:32I want to actually lay in bed. I don't really want to be doing things. I want to lay in my
16:35bed and rest up. So I want to do all the things that I have to do tomorrow tonight while I'm up
16:40and I have the energy to do so.
19:41My entire bathroom is so tidy. So nice. This is a storage bag, which basically has toilet tissue,
19:49extra funnels. And it also has like shower curtains that I've used and I haven't used.
19:54So I basically did some deep cleaning. That's my daughter's bath up there.
19:59And that's it. Lovely, nice and tidy. So this is just it. That's all my soaps and stuff,
20:06the baby things. And this is just a candle. I'm going to get a new shower head because the
20:12shower head that I have can't go up because when I moved in here, it was broken. So I'm just going
20:18to change the head and change that for it to fix because this is the shower head that came in the
20:25house and it just, it doesn't, it doesn't bloody, it don't even work. It doesn't even hold it. So
20:33I had to change this whole entire thing, but that'll be in another vlog. I'll do that in another
20:37vlog. I'll have to get a handyman to come do that. I'm going to use some Fabreeze Air Mist. It's my
20:42favorite. Love it. It smells absolutely nice. Whenever I finish cleaning, I always just spray
20:47a lot in the bathroom. And what I like to do, I like to keep the candles burning for some.
20:55Say thank you to the people that bought these two of my wishlists. I really appreciate it.
21:01Big up, big up to whoever bought me that toilet roll stand and whoever bought me the storage thing
21:06to keep extra things in there. Another thing that I'm going to purchase I've seen is the storage
21:11for under the sink. It's really, really much needed. Some stains are at the back, which I
21:16can't remove. I've tried to remove it, but it's stained onto the flooring here. So I'm going to
21:22get a storage sink to put underneath here. I washed these carpets. These are freshly washed and dried.
21:29And this is my bathroom, guys.
21:41I'm going to light this candle that I got from TK Maxx. And it says,
21:45Happy Mother's Day on the top. I think it's Mother's Day this month.
21:51So I'm just going to light it. It smells really nice. And whenever I clean up my bathroom
21:55or when the bathroom is nice and tidy, I like to light my candles just to keep that nice little scent.
22:04Just to have that nice smell. You know, one thing about me, I love candles. I love candles so much.
22:13Love candles. It was £14.99. The smell was so good. So I'm just going to leave that there.
22:25Leave your family in the cold and rain. And I don't think it'll ever change your ways.
22:32Because my house is not a home with no one there. So alone, no one's there.
22:40Should I move on since no one's here? Here. You know what you got is...
22:55That gives us 58 minutes. We're going to need every second. I'll hold off the press.
22:59Find this clown and do it fast.
23:07They arrested a car thief three days ago. Had a stack of flags. $20 bills on him.
23:10He's claimed to have received them from a guy at 5th Century's Description.
23:15And don't get this. With their security camera footage around the...
23:24Why are they using them?
23:55I guess the show wasn't over, was it? I can see you're disappointed.
24:03You know, you're not the only one who likes to deliver surprises.
24:13You did a lot of damage to a built city hall and there was no loss of life.
24:21We'll figure it out with you, bro.
24:31What are you wearing, Sven?
24:34I'm taking out that. I told you.
24:49The vase.
24:50And I'm going to go back for it.
24:52How much was it? £1? £40. We're going back for both of them.
25:00Go back for them. Watch.
25:03Watch. I'm going to go back. Check my time.
25:10Bare flowers.
25:13Can I go back?
25:50in our basement. I just want to have a picture.
25:58Remember in my room, I had my frames. I'm going to put my black and silver frames there.
26:04On the wall, yeah. Quotes about God, like Psalm 91.
26:10I'm going to put Psalm 91, I'm going to put a picture of me next to the Psalm 91.
26:16In the mirror, and then another Psalm, and then a picture of me and Thea.
26:22And us. A picture of me, Thea, and her, together as three.
26:34Fix up my house, man. Comfortable, enough to go nowhere, enough to go to people's yard.
26:39You just stay in your yard. When you stay in your house, you don't spend money, you stay home.
26:44Just get my life back to being comfortable and stable.
26:48And then I can start living my life. Pay off my fucking debts.
26:53Yeah, these guys be on me, they ain't see what's wrong with me.
26:57You know?
26:59They have somebody to take care of.
27:03Spend time, give them all their time, with their family.
27:08Of course.
27:10Because you're only getting older, you're not getting younger.
27:13Time waits for no one.
27:19So I do do do that.
27:23And I have someone to care for, I have a life to care for.
27:27And I'm saving this world to care for.
27:30I'm going to get another one, so she can have a sibling.
27:34And they can grow close to each other, and have a close bond.
27:39And watch them grow, when I grow old.
27:46Take care of yourself.
27:49100 badness.
27:52You know what I was saying?
27:54A friend, he grew up with his dad, but the dad's in jail.
27:59And the dad's coming home soon, so the dad's going to try and get back in the son's life, and try and get the son back.
28:04After 100, Dawn got close to the son, moved the son in.
28:08You know, all these things.
28:10That's the thing about these parents.
28:14They dash for their picnic.
28:16And then when it's their picnic, they grow up with other people.
28:23The dad was a serious gang member, mum.
28:25Not have time for a picnic, I be a badness in inner.
28:29And I leave other people to look after the youth.
28:33The son just turned bad.
28:35Following father's footstep, inner crime and all these things.
28:39Undertaking my way from the street life.
28:42Because 100 is a police officer.
28:44So 100 took him away from the street life, and let him know, listen.
28:48There's more to life than crime.
28:50Crime, you're going to end up just where your dad is.
28:56Hey guys, so it's currently 7.47 in the morning.
29:01I haven't slept.
29:03I finished cleaning the bathroom.
29:06And after I cleaned the bathroom, I cleaned the kitchen out.
29:10And then after, I fixed up the shelf.
29:14The little shelf that goes in the corner in the room.
29:18I will show you how that looks later on in the day.
29:21I'm going to feed Baba.
29:24Try to get her back to bed.
29:26Get some sleep.
29:27And then when I wake up in the morning, I will show you guys what I did with the shelf.
29:32I want to try and go to the Excel to go to this showcase today.
29:37Because I am starting back my hair business.
29:40And I am doing a whole rebrand of my whole entire business.
29:43When I was pregnant, I was on maternity leave.
29:46I literally stopped doing a lot of things.
29:48Wasn't doing anything anyways, you know.
29:51But now I'm back on the jog, I'm back on the hustle.
29:58You alright there, Miracle? You loving the milk?
30:01This Kindermilk has my daughter doing the most.
30:04She starts moving like she's doing aerobics or gymnastics.
31:01It took me some time, but now I'm alone.
31:05Because I realize I've got you.
31:25You're in control and you say that you love me.
31:29Your family told me one day.
31:31Hi guys, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning.
31:35It's the following day.
31:36Oh my gosh.
31:37Right now it's 9.08 in the morning.
31:39We've been up since 8 o'clock.
31:40I got Miracle ready.
31:42I'm ready.
31:43I'm about to put my top on and my jumper on.
31:45And we're going to just lay down in bed and wait for her godmother to come.
31:48Because we have to go to the church today.
31:50Because we have to visit Auntie Faye.
31:52She dropped off Miracle's birth certificate.
31:55And I have to fill out a christening form.
31:57As you know, my daughter is getting christening very soon.
32:00And I'm super, super happy about that.
32:02She's supposed to be getting christening with my sister's kids.
32:06So, it should be like a joint christening.
32:10I was supposed to go to my mum's house last night.
32:14Follow my mum back home, my sister.
32:17To get the other kids birth certificate.
32:20To basically bring it to the church today.
32:23But my mum told me to stay home.
32:25Because it was too late to go outside with the baby.
32:28So, she just told me to stay in.
32:30And that if I can come get it in the morning, I should come get it in the morning.
32:32If I can't get it in the morning, then just leave it for another day.
32:35But I'm still going to go to the church today.
32:38And show up for my daughter.
32:40And I'm going to drop the birth certificate and fill out the form.
32:43And then come back home.
32:45And I'm going to be resting for the rest of the day.
32:47I'm super tired.
32:49I really do want to put up the mirrors and the two shelves.
32:52I really want to get that done today.
32:54The handyman is charging me an arm and a leg.
32:57Just to put up two mirrors and two floating shelves.
33:01The handyman is charging me an arm and a leg to just do that.
33:04It's ridiculous.
33:06So, I feel like since I put up that five store shelf by myself.
33:12I feel like maybe I can do this.
33:15You know, I'm nervous.
33:18I've never done something like this before.
33:20I feel like I want to go buy a hammer.
33:22I want to buy a drill set.
33:24And just do this shit myself.
33:26Because I'm not being funny.
33:28Charge me £45 each to put up one bloody shelf.
33:31And then you're charging me £30 something odd to put up two mirrors.
33:37It's a joke.
33:38So, I feel like if I do buy these equipments myself.
33:41I will be motivated to do things around the house by myself.
33:44I want to put up the two shelves underneath the TV.
33:47Because I really want to buy a Playstation.
33:49I really want a Playstation.
33:51When I was in Jamaica, I became a gamer.
33:53I realised that when I was in Jamaica.
33:55To keep away from certain things.
33:57I was always at home playing Playstation.
33:59And I fell in love with Playstation.
34:01My baby dad plays Playstation a lot.
34:03So, I don't know.
34:05It just clicked into my head.
34:06And I started playing fighting games.
34:08I would play Grand Theft.
34:10There are certain things that I would just sit down and play.
34:13I found myself being so occupied.
34:15I want to not be on the media so much in 2025.
34:19If it's not about making money and drinking.
34:21I don't want to be on the media so much.
34:23I really don't.
34:24So, I really want to get myself a Playstation.
34:26I feel like for myself.
34:28I actually want a Playstation.
34:30Do you understand?
34:31That's something I want for myself to share.
34:32I want it and I'm claiming it.
34:34I'm speaking to existence.
34:36So, that's something that's missing from my living room.
34:39The shelves are for the Playstation and the projector.
34:41I saw a projector.
34:42I think I saw a projector on Sheen.
34:45And it's in my basket.
34:49And I'm going to purchase one.
34:52I'm not going to lie.
34:53These TikTok GIFs have been helping out.
34:55Because these TikTok GIFs have been helping me to clear my basket.
35:00And you know.
35:01I'm currently waiting on stocks to arrive.
35:04In from China.
35:06My daughter is constipated right now.
35:07I did give her some bright water.
35:09So, I really hope that loosens up her bowel system.
35:11Before we go out.
35:12I really want her to poo before we leave.
35:14In it we are.
35:15She just had a bottle.
35:16She's sitting down.
35:17She's relaxing.
35:18She's comfortable.
35:19So, yeah.
35:20Right now, guys.
35:21I'm waiting for stocks to arrive into the UK.
35:24Regarding my brand.
35:27I am rebranding.
35:28The brand is called Miracle Collection.
35:31Named after my daughter.
35:32So, you know.
35:33Every single thing.
35:34That whole entire company is for my child.
35:37That's her future, basically.
35:41So, another thing.
35:43I also have to open up a savings account for my daughter.
35:45Because I do want to save for her.
35:47I do want to save for her until she gets to 18.
35:50I want to make sure she's set for life.
35:52That's one thing I know.
35:54In my life.
35:55And that's my dream.
35:56Is to make sure that I save for Miracle.
35:58So, that when she's older.
35:59She's set for life.
36:00And she ain't got to worry about a thing.
36:01You know.
36:02I just want to set her future up for her.
36:04So, she can look back and say.
36:05You know what?
36:06Mommy did this.
36:07Mommy tried.
36:08Like, Mommy was thinking about me.
36:09While she was on the hustle.
36:10While she was jogging.
36:11You understand?
36:12So, yeah.
36:14Right now, this morning.
36:15I'm waiting for her godmother to come.
36:17Her godmum's going to take us to the church.
36:19Sort things out for her christening.
36:21Then I'm going to come back home.
36:22And see if I can try and get these stuff put on the wall.
36:25If I can't.
36:26I'm just going to have to give this man the money that he said he wants.
36:29But even though it's just a lot.
36:30But it's just like.
36:31Do you know what I mean?
36:33After that.
36:34I'm going to rest.
36:35Because I do need to sleep.
36:36I can't lie.
36:37I'm really bloody tired, guys.
36:38So, I'm finally ready.
36:40Just got my jumper.
36:41My bonnet.
36:42I'm going to wear my bonnet today.
36:43Just finished washing my face.
36:45And brushing my teeth.
36:47Had a shower.
36:48And guys, guess what?
36:49A parcel came in the mail today.
36:51So, we're going to have a look.
36:52And check what it is.
36:54So, let's have a look.
36:56At what came in the post today.
36:58From Amazon.
37:08Vaseline, guys.
37:10Vaseline came in the post from Amazon.
37:12Because, you know.
37:13Baby Miracle.
37:15We use Vaseline for everything on her skin.
37:17She's very, very sensitive.
37:19That's one thing I learned about you.
37:21Didn't I, baby?
37:22Didn't I, not princess?
37:23That you are so sensitive.
37:26Miracle is very sensitive.
37:29Like, anything that I use on her skin.
37:31I have to be so, so cautious.
37:33Because she's so sensitive.
37:36Like, it's not a joke.
37:37And so far, so good.
37:39I feel like Vaseline is just working perfectly for her.
37:41How can you go wrong with Vaseline?
37:42I don't understand.
37:43Like, it's just been the best.
37:45So, bag.
37:48One has to always be in her bag.
37:50No matter what.
37:51So, one stays in her bag.
37:52And never comes out her bag.
37:53And then I always have one in her little storage.
37:56A little box thing.
37:57That's always next to me in the bed.
37:58So, yeah.
37:59Pack of six Vaseline.
38:02And that's going to go literally with all her stuff.
38:04We're not going to be out for long.
38:07She's going to get her, fill out the Christian form.
38:10And show proof of her birth certificate.
38:13You know, and that I'm the mum.
38:15And then we should be back home.
38:16We're just not going to be out for the whole day today.
38:18Because I need to rest.
38:19I'm so tired.
38:20I do have a lot to do today.
38:22I do have a lot of editing to do.
38:24This month is March.
38:26And this is money March for me.
38:29Who remembers Seabiz when Seabiz did that trend?
38:32Money March every year.
38:34I feel like, yeah, let's bring it back.
38:36Money March is the month.
38:38We're jogging every single day for 31 days.
38:41We're hustling for that cheddar.
38:42Any means necessary.
38:43Yeah, so we're jogging.
38:46That's the role we're playing.
38:48And every single day until the end of the month,
38:50I am going to be hustling my ass off.
38:52I have debts to pay.
38:53People to pay back that help me a lot.
38:55So, you know, I have people that I want to give back to.
39:00And clear my shit with them.
39:02Because they've been such a big massive support system.
39:04I just want to always big up my supporters.
39:06One thing about it, I am so grateful for my support system.
39:10I'm so grateful for my lovely supporters out there.
39:12You know, the ones that help me sort myself out.
39:16You know, people that help purchase a gift of my wish list for my house.
39:20For my daughter.
39:21I just want to say thank you lot so much.
39:23I appreciate you lot so much.
39:24Big up, big up, big up.
39:26I'm not going to disclose you lot's name.
39:28Because I know you lot are genuine supporters.
39:30And you lot want me and you lot to just handle our business privately.
39:33So, I appreciate that, you know.
39:35But you know who you are.
39:36To the ladies, you know who you are.
39:38I love you guys.
39:39Thank you for supporting me.
39:40Thank you just being my rot.
39:41Thank you just having an understanding.
39:43Like, big up yourselves.
39:44Like, you lot are a great, great MVP.
39:47Like, big up, big up, big up.
39:49Hey guys.
39:50So, me and Miracle, we're about to go outside.
39:53Her godmother's here to pick us up.
39:55We're going to the church to go meet Auntie Faye.
39:57And to give the document and to set the date for the christening.
40:03So, let's go.
40:33Let's go.
41:03Let's go.
41:34Let's go.
41:35Let's go.
41:36Let's go.
41:37Let's go.
41:38Let's go.
41:39Let's go.
41:40Let's go.
41:41Let's go.
41:42Let's go.
41:43Let's go.
41:44Let's go.
41:45Let's go.
41:46Let's go.
41:47Let's go.
41:48Let's go.
41:49Let's go.
41:50Let's go.
41:51Let's go.
41:52Let's go.
41:53Let's go.
41:54Let's go.
41:55Let's go.
41:56Let's go.
41:57Let's go.
41:58Let's go.
41:59Let's go.
42:00Let's go.
42:01Let's go.
42:02Let's go.
42:03Let's go.
42:04Let's go.
42:05Let's go.
42:06Let's go.
42:07Let's go.
42:08Let's go.
42:09Let's go.
42:10Let's go.
42:11Let's go.
42:12Let's go.
42:13Let's go.
42:14Let's go.
42:15Let's go.
42:16Let's go.
42:17Let's go.
42:18Let's go.
42:19Let's go.
42:20Let's go.
42:21Let's go.
42:22Let's go.
42:23Let's go.
42:24Let's go.
42:25Let's go.
42:26Let's go.
42:27Let's go.
42:28Let's go.
42:29Let's go.
42:30Let's go.
