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I've sold my Porsche 911 GT3 RS to buy something else. I never thought I would see the day. But an opportunity came up which I couldn't resist and so the GT3 RS had to go. A sad day but also an exciting one. Join me as I spec up my new car.
I've sold my Porsche 911 GT3 RS to buy something else. I never thought I would see the day. But an opportunity came up which I couldn't resist and so the GT3 RS had to go. A sad day but also an exciting one. Join me as I spec up my new car.
00:00I'm selling my Porsche 911 GT3 RS.
00:03It was just over a year ago that I was here at Porsche Centre Reading to collect my car.
00:08That was one of the best days of my life. I managed to buy my dream car.
00:12Let's have a listen.
00:15A car that I never thought I would ever sell.
00:21But here we are. It's got to go.
00:22The reason being is that I've been offered a unique opportunity.
00:27You see, I've come here to Reading today to spec up and order another new car.
00:32I'm excited!
00:37Here we are then. Slightly emotional moment.
00:39I've got the keys to my GT3 RS. I'm going to head inside here at Porsche Reading.
00:43I'm going to spec my new car.
00:45But before I can do that, something else has to happen first.
00:48In order to get the funds for the new car, I need to sell the GT3 RS.
00:52And before I can do that, I have to get it valued.
00:54The first part of which is an inspection to make sure it's in top condition.
00:58The outcome of this inspection could affect the valuation.
01:01An expert tech, Lewis Ingram, will be grading my car.
01:04With almost 20 years experience working on Porsches, nothing will get past him.
01:09All right, Lewis, let's do it. Be kind.
01:11I'm always kind.
01:12Okay, let's have a little look. Start from the back, shall we?
01:15It's a bit dirty.
01:15It was raining today.
01:17So is there anything I need to know about?
01:19You on the offs?
01:20Well, this is normally the first place to see. You normally see some scuffs here.
01:24Nothing at all. It's all clean.
01:25Everyone's commenting now, going, that's because he's not driven it enough.
01:28Do you know what surprised me?
01:29I can't believe how low the tyre tread depth is.
01:31Like, I've only done like 2,500 miles, not even launched it once.
01:34They do come a little bit lower than you would normally get on a tyre,
01:37because it's a performance tyre.
01:38They don't look too bad for me. We can measure them.
01:40No, it's all right. Just leave them, because you're knocking me down on price.
01:43So let's have a look under here.
01:44Just looking for any signs of any sort of damage or leaks,
01:48like if this has been pushed up or anything, which it hasn't.
01:50So what would you be looking for then?
01:52What kind of accidents would be concerned about when you're checking these cars over?
01:55So if you've taken it on a track, you might have gone a little bit hard on the kerbs.
01:58Yep. And what can that do? Pushing that up can then do what?
02:01Where you've got the sump is right underneath.
02:02So you could hit it and you might not necessarily know you have,
02:06but obviously you haven't, because there's no marks on there at all.
02:08I've not taken it on track at all, which is one of the reasons why it's going,
02:12because I couldn't bring myself to take it on track.
02:14I just know that when I take it on track,
02:16it'd be that time when I'm like going backwards towards a barrier,
02:18thinking, why have I taken it on track?
02:20No, you can tell instantly it's not been on track. The tyres are not track.
02:23Same down the middle, really.
02:25Sometimes you find on these cars, if they've been on some sort of transporter,
02:29you might see marks when they've been hit and stuff.
02:32Nope, this one's all good.
02:33So you've got a little bit of scuffs here, a little bit.
02:35These can be replaced.
02:36Oh yeah, just three screws.
02:37And that's just from speed bumps or something like that.
02:40Very religious with the axle lift.
02:42So the front should be okay.
02:44So I'm actually surprised to see a few scuffs here.
02:46Yeah, this is quite common.
02:48Again, it sticks out quite a long way.
02:49It's just speed bumps that do that.
02:51Bloody speed bumps.
02:52Yeah, but this is as I would expect.
02:55Sometimes you see these because they stick right out, these air ducts.
02:59Which call the brakes.
03:00Yep, sometimes you see those like snapped off or something like that.
03:03Yours are both there.
03:04And while that isn't a problem, because they're not going to be expensive, these parts,
03:08it does make you think what else has happened.
03:10What's gone on behind it?
03:12And then you're going to like dig deeper into the car.
03:15I can tell straight away this has not been used for any sort of abuse.
03:18You mean it's not been used for the manner in which it was built?
03:23It's not been tracked.
03:24I bought it because I just love the look of it and the engine and just everything about it.
03:28And when I filmed the first review of it, it just blew me away.
03:31Anyway, let's carry on.
03:32I'm trying to distract you now so you don't notice the big damage.
03:34No, there's no damage.
03:36What are we looking at here?
03:37Score marks where like a stone or something like that might have got caught in the brakes.
03:42That looks okay.
03:43Because the caliper is quite close to the rim, isn't it?
03:46These carbon ceramics are really close.
03:48And people sometimes get stones caught, don't they?
03:50Usually about here.
03:52You get a ring around the wheel if it's got a stone in there.
03:54Did take this on a really bad road once, which was really quite...
03:57I shouldn't be saying any of this stuff.
03:58Which was quite stony and I do not one mile an hour as a result.
04:02I've just been driving.
04:02The car's developed a strange noise, like a...
04:07There's lots of stones in there.
04:09Can you see?
04:17I think that might have been a stone or something.
04:26Just in one of the wheels rattling around.
04:28I whipped out a couple of stones that just lodged in the wheels.
04:31They haven't scratched the wheels.
04:32Because I know that can happen if you get one caught between the brake caliper and the wheel.
04:36Oh, panic over.
04:38Well, now you said that, should we check to make sure the wheels aren't buckled?
04:41Go then.
04:43Yeah, that's all right.
04:44Do you know what?
04:45I'm one of these people that talk too much.
04:46If ever I was arrested for something...
04:48You'd talk yourself into prison.
04:50Straight into prison.
04:51As you can see, this one is all right as well.
04:53There's no ring on the wheel.
04:55General things I can check here as well.
04:57Make sure we've got no punctures.
04:58Not picked a nail up or something.
04:59There's nothing in there at all.
05:00What's the mileage?
05:02Okay, okay.
05:03So you've broken it in for someone?
05:04Your press cars have basically run into about two and a half, aren't they?
05:07So I have done that work.
05:08So whoever buys this car next, I think they're getting a great car.
05:12Not launched it.
05:13I've not tracked it.
05:14I've really looked after it.
05:15I even gave it an oil change after its running period.
05:18And I didn't use the Porsche running period.
05:20I used Andreas Prodinger's suggested running period, which was longer.
05:23And obviously it's finished in this beautiful matte PPF.
05:26I'm not sure why I'm trying to sell it.
05:28I think you've sold it to yourself, haven't you?
05:29Yeah, I'm going to buy it back.
05:32But that's ticked off underneath.
05:33Nothing's going to come back.
05:34Okay, good.
05:35So sign off on your clipboard because I don't want anyone else coming back and going,
05:38actually we spotted blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
05:40We'll leave the wheels for a minute because I'm going to have a look on the outside.
05:43Warning lights we haven't looked at yet.
05:44You're not doing me any favours are you, Lewis?
05:46I'm giving you the same service as I give anyone else.
05:49Non-genuine parts.
05:50Well, that's all right.
05:50Windscreen we haven't looked at yet.
05:52Underside damage.
05:53That's good.
05:54Interior damage we'll look at shortly.
05:55Exterior lights we'll look at.
05:57They're okay.
05:58And no service required.
06:00So yeah.
06:01All right.
06:01Let's go down and look at the bodywork.
06:03I was confident there wouldn't be any issues.
06:05But then Lewis saw something.
06:08Okay, I did spot something here, Matt.
06:09Got a little bit of a bubble in your decal here.
06:11Do be looking into that.
06:12What do you mean looking into that?
06:14All you have to do is just work it to the edge of the sticker and it should disappear.
06:19Should disappear.
06:20It will disappear.
06:22We can make it disappear.
06:23We can make it disappear.
06:23A bit of heat.
06:24Okay, a bit of heat.
06:25It's all going to be fine.
06:26Don't worry me like that.
06:28Lewis continued to go around the rest of the car with a fine tooth comb.
06:31It was almost as though he was trying to find something just to wind me up.
06:35But would he?
06:36So what's your verdict on the exterior?
06:38Can't really fault it really.
06:39Other than that bubble we mentioned.
06:41Obviously it's got paint protection film on it.
06:43What do you think of it?
06:44It's a really good job actually.
06:45Sometimes you see like the edges are a bit rough, but this is really, really neat.
06:49Thank you Onyx Automotive in West Brom.
06:51All right, mate.
06:52It's good for us because we know the paint is going to be okay underneath.
06:55But other than that, outside as it should be.
06:58Did you notice anything about the windscreen?
06:59Not that's jumping out at me.
07:01It's had a new one.
07:02I had a crack.
07:02That means whoever's put it in has done a good job.
07:06But it wasn't you.
07:07It wasn't me, David.
07:08Okay, let's do the last bit.
07:10I guess it's the interior.
07:12Yep, interior.
07:13Lewis then inspected the interior, but was unable to find anything to criticise
07:17until he looked in the glovebox.
07:19Okay, so we've found a few bits here, Matt.
07:24What is that?
07:25I mean, I've noticed this.
07:26I almost threw it away.
07:26I don't know what it is.
07:27Where did you find it?
07:28It was just like in the door bin, but I left it in the door bin.
07:30But I wasn't even sure it was from this car, and then it says Germany on it.
07:33So that is the tool for taking off the centre caps
07:36and for making sure the locking pin comes out correctly.
07:40I didn't throw it away then.
07:41So the fact that you found that in the door, have you had the wheels off?
07:45So I think when the guys PPF'd it, they did something to the centre locking cap,
07:48so they sprayed it with something because apparently they can change colour
07:51under hard braking because of the heat.
07:52Okay, so what we'll do then is we'll check and make sure the wheels are on.
07:55Okay, right.
07:56I'm sure they are.
07:58You've still got your ordnance tray in the bag, so it must be a charger.
08:02We know what that's for.
08:03So where your cup holder is, that's an alternative.
08:05You can have that instead.
08:06Yeah, I'd never use that.
08:07Never even knew.
08:08Then you've got your toolkit, which is in your glovebox.
08:11We'll just make sure that everything's in it.
08:12It's all there, right?
08:13Yeah, tyre gel.
08:15Actually, I'm going to keep that.
08:16Oh, that's your special one, isn't it?
08:17Yeah, so I did an Instagram story or something about the fact that you get an Audi
08:21towing guy with a Porsche 911 GT3 RS.
08:24So the guys in Germany made that one for me.
08:27Okay, Lewis, what's your final verdict on my car?
08:29It's a very good example.
08:30Very clean.
08:31Well looked after.
08:32The next owner is going to be really happy, I think.
08:34So clean bill of health?
08:35Clean bill of health, yeah.
08:37Do you know what?
08:38I'm a little bit sad that this is going to be the last time
08:40I'm going to see this car.
08:41I feel like I need a little bit of time alone with it before I hand it over.
08:46Now, I shouldn't be too sad because I do have a Spyder RS at home
08:50on loan from Porsche Great Britain.
08:52Though I have had a bit of a problem with that car.
08:54I'm adjusting the Porsche Spyder RS and I've had a warning come up on the dash
08:57saying check oil.
08:59So I'm going to just run the oil checker.
09:02Just going to give it a moment.
09:04Okay, so that's come back with refill oil possible to drive on.
09:08So I need to get some oil.
09:09So what I'm going to do is go onto my phone.
09:12Go onto
09:14Put the reg in of the car.
09:16Search by oil and get the right oil for it.
09:18It's a very specific GT standard oil from Mobil 1.
09:22So that's the one I want.
09:23I'm going to use the code MW25 for 25% off.
09:27All set up.
09:28Just got to wait for it to arrive and then I'll top this car up.
09:31The next day, the oil arrived in the post and I put about two thirds of the bottle
09:34into the car and then checked the oil level again, which was now spot on.
09:38Now, if you need some oil or any parts for your car,
09:41you should head over to
09:44You can do that by following the link in the description of this video
09:46or the pinned comment or by clicking on the pop-out banner
09:49appearing in the top right hand corner of the screen.
09:50You can also scan the QR code which is on screen now using your mobile phone.
09:54And don't forget to use the code MW25 for 25% off.
10:00The time has come.
10:01I'm going to leave this car here and I'm going to sign it over to the guys at Porsche Reading.
10:06And then I'm going to inspect my new car.
10:08I sat down with the used car manager, Jamie, and we discussed what to do.
10:12There were two options.
10:13Porsche Centre Reading could just buy the car outright for me for cash
10:16or I could do sale or return where they sell the car on my behalf
10:19and take a commission on the sale proceeds.
10:22This could actually yield me quite a bit more cash but would take time.
10:25In the end, I just decided to minimise my risk
10:28and sold the car direct to Porsche Centre Reading
10:30so that I could get the cash immediately to spend on the next car.
10:33You can actually see my car up for sale on Porsche Centre Reading's website
10:36if you're interested in buying it from them.
10:38I can highly recommend it as a brilliant car to own and a well looked after vehicle.
10:44That's it.
10:45It's gone.
10:46I'm not going to lie.
10:47That was a touch emotional.
10:49And to tell you the truth, I did feel a bit of a fraud
10:51as I had said numerous times that I would never sell the GT3 RS.
10:56But hey, here we are.
10:57Things change and I think you'll understand the reason why.
11:00I'm here with Harry Derbyshire.
11:02Hello, Harry.
11:03How are you doing?
11:04I'm really good.
11:05I'm really excited.
11:06You actually handed my GT3 RS over to me just over a year or so ago.
11:10Very special day for me.
11:11But here we are.
11:12Back again.
11:13Back again.
11:14Sooner than what you thought or?
11:16Yeah, well, I never planned to sell that car,
11:18but then obviously you guys gave me this opportunity
11:20and I just couldn't turn it down.
11:22Yeah, we're going to spec up a new car.
11:23Obviously, it's a...
11:25It's a 911.
11:27So shall we get and do it?
11:28Let's do it.
11:29Carrera T.
11:32Carrera T is a good car, yeah.
11:33What about it?
11:34That's what you wanted, wasn't it?
11:35So less track focused?
11:36Yes, because I've never done a 3RS on track.
11:39Yes, a manual bit more involved.
11:40Yes, yeah.
11:40Okay, cool.
11:42Let's do it.
11:43Okay, yeah.
11:44No, God, please, no!
11:48So, Harry, when we talked, it wasn't Carrera T.
11:52It had another consonant before the T.
11:56Not an S.
11:57Not Carrera S.
11:58Carrera ST.
11:59ST, oh, okay.
12:02Is that...?
12:03Is that...?
12:10I was a little bit worried there had been a miscommunication
12:13and I'd sold my 3RS for a Carrera T.
12:16Fortunately, Harry was just having a little bit of a laugh at my expense.
12:19Now, though, I'm going to spec up my dream 911
12:22and we'll see how much I'm going to be spending on options
12:25and what the total price will come to.
12:28No doubt, it'll be quite a bit more than the £231,600 starting price.
12:34Oh, well, here goes.
12:35This is what I need help with because I just don't know.
12:38I've been messing around with the configurator
12:40since I found out that I could get one.
12:44But I need your help to walk me through the different specs.
12:47We'll have a look at it on the big screen.
12:48Yeah, let's do it.
12:49Okay, so it's interesting that it starts off on a black car.
12:52So, do you know what?
12:53When I went on the launch of the car,
12:54Andreas Preuninger had his ideal spec as one of the cars that we could test
12:58and that car was in black like this
13:01and he just said,
13:02the ST, it's all about lightness, go minimal.
13:05And, you know, he's the guy behind the car,
13:07so I kind of feel like I should consider him.
13:10Maybe go off his advice.
13:11I went off his advice in terms of like the spec on my 3RS
13:14with like the gold with the silver.
13:16Let's try specking up a kind of like minimalist ST.
13:20So, these are your standard 20, 21-inch 911 ST wheels.
13:24Standard is silver.
13:25So, they're kind of like a matty silver.
13:27I think it works with the black car.
13:28And that's the interior that he had on his car,
13:31which is just plain black.
13:32Just a standard interior.
13:33You get sort of the green speedometer as well.
13:35So, those seats are basically what I've got in my 3RS, aren't they?
13:38Very similar.
13:39Apart from the trim through the middle,
13:40so you've got more of a race tech.
13:41Yeah, it's your version of Alcantara, isn't it?
13:43But you can't say Alcantara
13:44because then you have to pay Alcantara people some money for the Alcantara.
13:48But on the ST, you still get the nice carbon fibre bucket seat.
13:51Well, come to the interior in a moment.
13:53Let's try some of the colours first.
13:54Yeah, let's do it.
13:55So, let's have a look at white.
13:58There you go.
13:58I actually think I prefer white.
13:59I think, really?
14:01You don't?
14:02No, but I prefer it in the black, personally.
14:03I quite like white cars though.
14:05Especially 911s in white, just look really good.
14:07Yeah, they do.
14:08It's just something about the black with the black interior.
14:10Let's try shade green metallic.
14:12Shade green.
14:13So, that's quite a new colour for Porsche.
14:14I'm starting to understand what that might look like.
14:16For me, I prefer the more darker greens rather than the lighter greens,
14:20but I think it does work on this car.
14:22How about gentian blue?
14:24So, again, this is a colour which you can have on pretty much any other 911.
14:28It's a really nice metallic colour as well.
14:30You can get it on lots of other cars, yeah?
14:31Yeah, you can get it on the standard 911, Pro-T, GTS.
14:34What do you think of GT Silver?
14:36Yeah, in your car with the matte PPS.
14:37Should I just get GT Silver?
14:38It's a little bit different.
14:39What do you reckon?
14:39GT Silver in matte, because I love matte PPS.
14:42Yeah, I think it really works.
14:43I think it works more on your RS than what it would on this car, I think.
14:47And you've had GT Silver before.
14:48Okay, so you're just banning me from having GT Silver.
14:50Yeah, so you're not allowed that.
14:52Ice grey metallic.
14:55And ice grey, very similar.
14:56I find it weird though, ice grey.
14:58I'm never sure what it is.
14:59Depending on the light, it just looks different.
15:00It's mainly a white, really.
15:02Very, very light grey sort of metallic colour to it.
15:04And on all these colours, there's no extra charge for any of them.
15:08There's no charge.
15:09Have you got any of them on the wall so I can get like a feel for it?
15:11Let's have a look.
15:12So, right, so that's your gentian blue.
15:14Okay, let's line them up.
15:16So that's gentian blue.
15:17It is pretty nice, but it seems quite mainstreamy for my liking.
15:20It is, yeah.
15:21Solid white.
15:22Yeah, I really like white.
15:24Just plain white on a 911 just works.
15:26Shore blue.
15:27So shore blue, we haven't looked at yet.
15:28We haven't looked at yet.
15:29But it's the colour that I drove when I was on the launch.
15:32What do you think that would look like with like matte PPF on?
15:35I would stick with the metallic.
15:36Okay, keep it classy.
15:37Personally, yeah.
15:38Shade green.
15:41Okay, so that...
15:42Again, a metallic.
15:43It's very similar to shore blue, but like slightly green, isn't it?
15:46It's a bit putty coloured.
15:47That's, obviously, you can see the blue in it.
15:49And then you've also got a solid black that we haven't got up here,
15:51but I know you've seen that in 911s before.
15:53Yeah, so...
15:54And then ice grey as well.
15:56Ice grey is which one?
15:57That one there.
15:58So you can sort of see it next to the white.
16:00You know, it is...
16:00It looks grey now, but put it there on its own.
16:02Put it next to the blue.
16:04And there it looks...
16:04A bit more white.
16:06Looks white, so...
16:07It's quite interesting, actually, out of all these colours here when they're lined up,
16:13just as like a swatch.
16:14That's my favourite, gentian blue.
16:15And the one that I'm less interested in is actually the shore blue on here,
16:19but I like it actually on the car.
16:21On the car, yeah.
16:22It's really...
16:22A lot of the cars that are out there at the minute are in the shore blue, so...
16:25Yeah, there's ST...
16:26You've seen that, yeah.
16:27Let's go back to the configurator and have a look at some other things.
16:30Actually, while we're here, let's just try shore blue.
16:33As soon as we add the shore blue, it's an exclusive colour
16:36and it is part of the Heritage Design 60 Years 911 package.
16:40And that package is the interior.
16:44Yeah, so the black and the cognac interior.
16:46Let's have a look at that then.
16:47Accept that.
16:49So now let's have a look at the inside.
16:51That's the cognac interior.
16:52That was the car that I drove on the launch, had that interior.
16:55Actually, when I was on the launch, I could have filmed the black one
16:57or I could have filmed this one.
16:58I went for this one because it was just more visually interesting on camera.
17:02To tell you the truth, I do like a brown interior.
17:05Brown interior.
17:06And I think it really adds to the ST, you know, what the car stands for as well.
17:09Can you get this Heritage interior on any other 911 as like an option?
17:14Not on the bucket seats, but yeah, you can in the standard,
17:16the 18-way or the 14-way electric seat.
17:18So you can get that brown cognac?
17:20But you can't get it with the bucket seats?
17:22Not with the bucket seats, no.
17:23And this is the only car that will have brown bucket seats.
17:26Due to touring.
17:27Oh, really?
17:29Right, so it's not fully exclusive then.
17:32But the Sure Blue paint, can you get that on any other car?
17:35I do like the interior.
17:36I think I...
17:37I know that adds weight because it's got leather rather than Alcantara,
17:40so a little bit of weight.
17:41So it does go against, you know, the whole lightweight.
17:44But I think as a combination, that Sure Blue with that interior, it works.
17:48I'm not sure about the exterior, Sure Blue.
17:50So can you have that interior with, let's say, let's try it with the black paint.
17:55It's a quick look at the exterior.
17:57And then look at the head-on shot.
18:04Now do it with the white quickly.
18:05Yeah, that's the white.
18:06I like that as well.
18:07I mean, it's a nice contrast against the white.
18:09Try Genshin Blue.
18:11There we go.
18:12Honestly, those brown seats just make such a difference.
18:14Don't care what Andre's pointing and says.
18:16He can keep his lightweight in.
18:18We're sticking with that interior.
18:19It goes with all of the colours that you like.
18:22So the guys at Porsche marketing division are like, yeah.
18:25Those are the worst.
18:27Let's go paint a sample.
18:28Can I get a sample?
18:29Not on this build slot, unfortunately.
18:32Trying to see what, if I had one.
18:34Should we?
18:34What would I do?
18:35I think I know what I'd dig.
18:37Should I try and pick it?
18:38What I think you'd have.
18:39I like a green, right?
18:40You're straight to the greens.
18:42I would say British Racing Green.
18:43Let's have a look.
18:44German car though.
18:47But Irish Green.
18:48So Irish Green is slightly lighter, isn't it?
18:51Than British Racing Green.
18:52Slightly lighter.
18:52Do you know what I like?
18:53I went on the unveil of the new GT3 and they had it in Oak Green Metallic.
18:58I love Oak Green Metallic.
18:59There we are.
19:00Oh, it looks so good.
19:01Such a nice colour.
19:03And the rear.
19:04That's what I want.
19:05Or actually, do you know what?
19:07Seeing as you can get that on the GT3 Touring, it seems a bit wrong.
19:10Because that's the launch colour for the new GT3 Touring.
19:13I think loads of people are going to do that colour.
19:15And also you can get it on the Macan EV as well.
19:18Doesn't make it as...
19:18Dead to me.
19:20Do you know what?
19:21If I had paint to sample, Irish Green.
19:24And there's no way.
19:26Like, not even like a little...
19:27No chance, unfortunately.
19:29So basically, you're given a number of paint to sample.
19:31Customers come along, go, I'm going to spec my car.
19:33I'm going to choose paint to sample.
19:34And you basically just work through that.
19:37It's like an allocation of paint to sample.
19:39Because we're at the end of the year, they've all gone.
19:41Yeah, we're completely out.
19:42If I was doing it at the beginning of the year...
19:44Maybe towards the end of the year, early 2026.
19:48Yeah, it's quite a long time.
19:49Yeah, it is quite a long time.
19:51But the...
19:51Okay, here's another thing.
19:52So there's a customer out there who has ordered paint to sample on their car.
19:56Even if someone sold me their slot, there's no way that you could...
19:58Like, if I found someone who would sell me their slot.
20:01I don't think so.
20:02No, not now.
20:03Bit too late.
20:05Do you know what?
20:06I've got an ST.
20:06I'll shut my mouth.
20:07Yeah, I was going to say that.
20:08Don't complain.
20:11So I think my favourite colours, black, white.
20:15Just put on GT Silver.
20:17GT Silver.
20:17Because I just love GT Silver.
20:19Again, with that interior, it does work.
20:21To be honest, I think that interior works with most of the colours.
20:24It does, doesn't it?
20:24I can't have GT Silver again, though.
20:26I think white, black, or because it's the launch colour,
20:30and I like it in person, the Sure Blue Metallic,
20:33and I like the fact that it's exclusive to this car.
20:36What are we proceeding with on the configuration?
20:37So leave it as white, black?
20:38Leave it as black.
20:39Does look awesome.
20:40Painted wheels, though, so you can go for different colour wheels.
20:43If you have in the Heritage package, then the wheels will stay white.
20:46So if I click on, let's say, the Satin Dark Silver, I lose it.
20:50So you can see that package will come off.
20:51I can't have Sport Seats Plus because that does the same thing, doesn't it?
20:55You lose the...
20:56You'll take the package rule, yeah.
20:57The fact is, Harry, I'd rather have Sport Seats Plus
21:00just because I think you have Isofix on them,
21:02and so I can take my daughter in the car in the front.
21:04But the reality is that she's not going to go in that often.
21:07So sorry, Grace, you're not coming.
21:09Exterior mirrors, painted.
21:10Would you do that?
21:12I would, yeah.
21:12I think it finishes off the look of the mirror
21:14and then works nicely down into the exterior paintwork.
21:19Why aren't they just painted on a 200 and God knows how much car?
21:23Yeah, I mean, being an exclusive car, you know,
21:25you are going to have to pay for the options.
21:27As you probably know, you know, with Porsche.
21:29You're just thinking, don't make me answer awkward questions, Matt.
21:33Yeah, exactly.
21:34Employed by Porsche, shut up.
21:35Porsche logo LED.
21:36Porsche LED logo light, which will shine the Porsche underneath the door.
21:40Bit cheesy, but I'm cheesy.
21:42But yeah, you are.
21:45So we'll take that, yeah?
21:46And the exterior mirrors painted.
21:48Oh, so that will remove the package.
21:50So that will take them off.
21:51Do you know why?
21:52You get a different projection on the floor.
21:54It's a different puddle.
21:54Of course it is.
21:55The awful heritage one.
21:57For those, that Porsche LED logo light, you know, you can have on any 911.
22:00They're trying to make it, but anyway.
22:02Trying to make it a little bit different.
22:03Do you want me to add the mirrors and paint it?
22:04Let me just sigh, because it's like £4.75.
22:07We'll come back to that.
22:08Right, so this is the thing with the decals.
22:09Let's mess around with the decals.
22:10And this is probably the best place to look at the decals on the black car.
22:13So go for the standard light.
22:15This is with the number and everything.
22:17So that's without the number.
22:18It looks weird without the number.
22:19Put the number on it.
22:20Doesn't look a bit odd.
22:21So if we go to...
22:22I think if I'm the round door, I'm having the number.
22:24And that's from 1963, when the 911 was introduced.
22:28Can we try it without the round door?
22:30There we go.
22:31I mean, that looks better.
22:32Personally, I do as well.
22:33I like having Porsche on it.
22:35Honestly, that black now, it really does work with the wheels as well.
22:38What do you reckon, Oli?
22:39I love the black.
22:40You were here when I specced up my 3RS.
22:42Did I make the right colour choice in the end?
22:44On the GT3, yeah.
22:45So for me, Harry, definitely just that Porsche logo down the side.
22:48Leave that as it is.
22:50So we've got a six-speed manual, which is why I'm buying the car.
22:53Another definite I'm having, no matter what, front axle lift.
22:56Very handy to have.
22:57What do you find when you're selling a car that hasn't got axle lift?
23:00Are you always a bit like...
23:01For a 911, I would say it's quite an important option.
23:05But I wouldn't say it's like a must-have.
23:06It's all personal preference.
23:07Someone might live on a steeper driveway.
23:10But what about you as a salesman when you're selling the used car?
23:13I would probably recommend it.
23:14It's nice to have.
23:15It makes it easier for you to sell the car on.
23:17The only thing is, it does add weight.
23:18So once again, that's against the ethos of what Andreas Preuninger was trying to achieve
23:23with this car.
23:23But I've already just ruined that with the exclusive interior.
23:26Yeah, with the interior.
23:27Yeah, definitely having the axle lift.
23:28But you don't want to damage the bottom of the car, right?
23:29No, I don't.
23:30So I've added that on there.
23:31The next thing is the carbon fiber roll cage.
23:34I'm in two minds about this.
23:36Because it says the ST is not a track car.
23:38So why would you have the roll cage?
23:40So I think this is one of the...
23:41It's a marketing thing again.
23:43I mean, it obviously is more of a road-focused car.
23:45Whether you'd need the roll cage in there.
23:47But then from a safety point of view, it is always recommended to have it in there.
23:51It does look cool as well.
23:52This is my problem with it.
23:53It looks cool.
23:54If I ever crash it and I'm going through the air upside down,
23:57I might be thinking, ah, I should have spec'd that.
24:00But the reality is that most of the time, if I'm going away, it makes it less practical.
24:04And I've got this potential plan of fitting aftermarket rear seats to it, maybe.
24:09But then the flip side is that roll cage is £3,707.
24:13I wonder how much it would cost.
24:15But let's say you damage it and you need to replace it.
24:18It's going to cost more than that.
24:19I would say so.
24:20It's a tough one.
24:20Let's leave that out.
24:22We'll leave that off for the moment.
24:24Yeah, I think so.
24:25Lights and vision?
24:26Absolutely not going to mess about.
24:29Top of the range lights.
24:30Straight in with the tinted.
24:32Because, oh my God, it just makes such a difference at night.
24:36As I'm getting older, my eyesight driving at night is not as good.
24:38No, the matrix lights are fantastic.
24:40I'd always recommend them.
24:41But yeah, you've got two options.
24:42So you can either have sort of more like the see-through
24:45or you can have this sort of slightly darker tinted look.
24:48I quite like tinted.
24:49I would go with tinted.
24:52And then taillights.
24:53So I went for the exclusive taillights on my 3RS.
24:57I think on the RS, I think it worked.
24:59On the ST, not so much.
25:02Let's have a look at the exclusive.
25:04Another angle of it there.
25:06Okay, quickly.
25:07Let's just try the car in white from that angle.
25:11And in shore blue.
25:12There we go.
25:13Shore blue as well.
25:14And then scan down.
25:15Let's see it in the exclusive.
25:17What do you reckon?
25:18I know you like the exclusive lights, didn't you?
25:19Because you had them on there.
25:20But it's matching the front then.
25:22That's the thing.
25:23Look at it now.
25:24I think, you know, you just lose that rear end a little bit with it on there.
25:28So it's a non-exclusive design light.
25:30And then...
25:32I prefer...
25:32It's a close call.
25:33It's a close call.
25:34I personally prefer the red.
25:36And you're not making money if you'd suggest that.
25:38There's no words about that.
25:40That would probably be about 10p.
25:42Your commission is that.
25:45Go on, leave it on there.
25:47So we'll leave it on.
25:47Let's go back to black though because I think I'm preferring black.
25:50I think if you go black...
25:51It has to be the red.
25:52That has to be the red.
25:53It's less obvious than the shore blue but...
25:56Oh yeah, the black.
25:57Put it red, put it red.
25:58We'll leave that.
25:59Yeah, it's much better, isn't it?
26:00Okay, cool.
26:00Let's move on.
26:01Privacy glass?
26:02Absolutely not.
26:02Definitely not.
26:03I don't like it.
26:04If we had...
26:05If I could blank out the front one as well, then I'd do it.
26:08Otherwise it just looks stupid.
26:09It looks a bit odd.
26:10Now all of these, I can't...
26:12If I want that...
26:12You can't.
26:13So that's part of the heritage package.
26:14That, I mean, that's the interior.
26:15So we can't change the stitching.
26:17I'm just noticing the running total is £251,000.
26:21Okay, let's move on.
26:23It could be worse for us in the Ferrari dealership.
26:25And the car will be worse as well.
26:27Interior design.
26:28So we've already got the limitation number on there.
26:31We can paint the key.
26:33Do you paint the spare or just the one?
26:35Just the one.
26:35And then you know what's going to happen?
26:37You're going to use the spare.
26:38Because you don't want to lose the £380.
26:41Yeah, exactly.
26:41Paint your key.
26:42So no, let's not do it.
26:43Pedals in aluminium?
26:45You can personalise your floor mat.
26:47It comes with floor mats of the same portion, right?
26:49Yeah, you've still got the standard floor mats.
26:50Cup holder trim.
26:51You don't need that.
26:52Fire extinguisher.
26:54Can I just nick the one out my RS?
26:57Definitely don't want traffic sign recognition.
26:59Park assist with the camera.
27:01Need that, right?
27:02Car phone usability.
27:03Light design package.
27:04Light design.
27:04Can I even have that?
27:06Don't know what HomeLink is.
27:07Essentially just means you can open up electric gates,
27:09electric garage from inside the car.
27:10Or you can do it with the blipper that you have on your key fob.
27:13And then you've got the bows.
27:14So I've got bows in my RS.
27:17I just listen to the engine.
27:21But I feel like you have to have bows.
27:22It's a very popular option, especially for 911.
27:24It'd be weird to not have it.
27:26And at least with the bows, you know, you've got the option.
27:28So say you wanted just to completely mute the...
27:31Yeah, you can have it off if you want.
27:33It's not mandatory to have it playing.
27:35Yeah, exactly.
27:35You don't have to have it all the time.
27:37Yeah, I'm going to have it.
27:39Let's decide on that later.
27:40Leave it as it is.
27:40What else could I spend that money on?
27:42Bit towards insurance.
27:44Will it add weight as well?
27:45Will you notice the difference?
27:46I don't know.
27:47No, I'll decide later, I think.
27:48Vehicle accessories.
27:49So you can have all-weather floor mats.
27:51Can't have...
27:51Isovix seats, mate.
27:53Don't have Isovix in the car.
27:55Yeah, you're going to struggle with that.
27:56Audio and communication.
27:57Put your cables.
27:58Oh, look, I can get a cable from Porsche.
27:59Part of his jacket.
28:01No, got all that stuff.
28:02Leather cleaning kit.
28:03I wouldn't mind someone taking care of my rim.
28:07You've got rim care set?
28:08And that's the sunroof.
28:09Oh, look at that.
28:11So £252,940.
28:14So there's a couple of things I'm not sure on.
28:15The colour.
28:16I think I'm probably going to go for exclusive manufacturer interior.
28:19Bose sound system I'm not sure on.
28:21The lights I'm not sure on.
28:22Whether having those bits on the bottom of the mirror is really worthwhile.
28:25If I was going for a white car, I probably wouldn't.
28:26If I'm going for a black car, I would, because they're black anyway.
28:29It just looks weird to have two different shades of black.
28:31It's quite nice to have the contrast, though.
28:34Exactly, with a white car.
28:35If I go for the sure blue.
28:37Okay, so that's the spec.
28:38That's how much it's going to cost.
28:40There's a couple of options I'm not sure about.
28:42And obviously the important ones being those three colours,
28:44which I'm actually going to go for.
28:46I'm erring on the side of black right now.
28:48That looks amazing.
28:49I do think if it was metallic, I'd go for it,
28:51but it's just because it's flat.
28:52Something black, yeah.
28:54How long have I got from this date for me to make that final decision
28:57on those last few options?
28:58Four days.
29:00Yeah, four days.
29:01And then what happens?
29:02That's it?
29:02That's it, look.
29:04So not long.
29:05Okay, I'm not sure which way I'm going to go,
29:08especially on the exterior colour,
29:09and on those lights, and on the bows.
29:11Listen, can you comment below and let me know which you think I should choose?
29:16Maybe you've got a different choice of colour.
29:17Just let me know.
29:18I've got four days to do this,
29:20and we will reveal, obviously, when the car gets delivered,
29:22which will be how many months, do you think?
29:24I would say probably about four months.
29:26Four months from now, I'll come and collect the car,
29:28and we'll find out exactly which specification I've gone for.
29:32Anyway, listen, thank you very much, Harry.
29:33You're very welcome.
29:34Deal, anyway.
29:36Yeah, that was an easy sale, wasn't it?
29:39It was a no-brainer.
29:40So listen, I hope you enjoyed the video.
29:42If you did, give it a like.
29:43Make sure you subscribe to this channel, right,
29:45so that you don't miss that video when I collect the car.
29:48Anyway, thanks for watching, and I'll see you soon.