Hi guyss!! Welcome back! This was a packed day and I'm glad you guys came with me! I had so much fun filming this video for you guys and I hope y'all enjoy it :)
Instagram: emilyy.haa
Tiktok: _emilyha25
Epidemic Music
Instagram: emilyy.haa
Tiktok: _emilyha25
Epidemic Music
00:16Good morning, everybody. It is currently 837 a.m. It's a Monday morning
00:21I am currently in the city and I need to leave my sister's apartment now because I have a fitting
00:28That's like 10 minutes away from your fashion week with Alice and Olivia starts at 9 and it's like a 10 minute drive
00:33And I need to leave like now I also can't find any of my clothes that I brought
00:38So that's gonna be an issue for some reason. It's negative 25 degrees in this apartment like last night
00:44I tried putting the heat up. It just wouldn't work. I don't know how to work this freaking heating thing
00:49I mean like it can't be that hard. I just like said set it to 80 degrees
00:52It was 59 degrees last night in this freaking apartment
00:56Isn't that like insane probably normal for some people but that's not normal for me. Okay, this earrings not going on
01:01I can't find my jeans
01:02So I'm gonna be wearing these pink striped pants from brandy and this white top from brandy as well
01:09So yeah, BRB. All right, I changed I need to leave now. I also forgot my makeup bag
01:15We're just picking out an outfit today. So I don't think it's
01:19Matters that much that I'm not wearing makeup today because I literally don't have anything to wear. This is my hair's
01:30Should I pin it back?
01:33This is just gonna have to be
01:36my current
01:37State for the fitting. Um, no breakfast for me
01:41But you know, that's okay cuz the fitting should only take like 30 minutes anyways, but yeah
01:47I'm gonna probably over now. It's an 11-minute drive. It's 841 right now. I'll get there at 852
01:54I got Evelyn this perfume when you're for Christmas. It's
02:02I had an alarm set from 7. I don't even know when my first alarm was
02:06I think it was at 7 45 7 45 7 58 8 0 5 10 8 19 8 25 8 30
02:1345 8 51 and 9 for all the alarms I set and I didn't wake up to I mean I woke up to them that
02:18I snooze them like two seconds later
02:20So I was like, why am I waking up now if I can sleep for another five minutes wrong mindset?
02:24All right. Let's go downstairs to the lobby because my uber is gonna be here in about a minute
02:29I really hope I don't look too crusty right now because I feel like I'm giving major crust
02:35Like this is just not the vibe. Okay guys
02:38I was in a major hurry
02:39But I switched my pants to jeans because I forgot that I have the only shoes that I brought here are boots
02:45And if I wear those like freaking PJ pants from Brandy Melville boots, I would look a little weird
02:51So I started running around Evelyn's apartment looking for these freaking pants because I didn't want to miss my uber either
02:56But they were just in her closet. I don't know. It's really hectic
02:59But yeah in the car now on the way, I will catch you guys when I get to the fitting
03:05I'm with Erica now, but I'm not kidding you guys
03:07I've tried floors 11 10 and we just tried the fifth floor and they're all telling us to go back to the 10th floor
03:13So we're going there now and hopefully we're going to the right place
03:18Everyone's like looking at us like we have 10 heads. I'm like, bro. I'm just here for a fitting
03:23We're at the Allison Olivia fitting now and I have decided to go with this blazer. It's not even a blazer
03:30It's like this open
03:33Blazer moment
03:37And then this like mini leather
03:40It's not black. I mean mini lavender dress and then I'm gonna try on this one
03:44It's this really cute high neck thing in this pump blazer, and I'm watching Gossip Girl right now
03:50This really reminds me of Blair
03:53This is giving like um Blair Wilder's mom
03:57This is a super to like her fashion show. I'm gonna try this pink one on now
04:03Mm-hmm. I kind of like it without the blazer. I like the dress
04:06Food for thought something that's fun. I have it in black and you can always belt it, too
04:12And if you want to like different kind of look
04:17This dress is cute
04:22Just like whatever vibe you want to go for
04:32And then you can just kind of throw it on
04:45Yeah, you'll feel more comfortable since it's your first fashion week, too
04:51That's exactly what I'm gonna post my story I think all this stuff and everything's like wow, she's not in school
04:56She's getting fitted for a new fashion week. Can I be her?
05:06My gosh, she's obsessed with Gossip Girl
05:14We are done with the fitting they gave us some goodies
05:18I'll show you later and now we're going back to mine to hers and then at one I have a college visit at Fordham
05:25So I can get in an excused absence at my school because I already have news so proof
05:29Um, I just need to get a note sorry have eight annexes absences and if I exceed a certain amount I have to do online
05:35Classes, so that's not what I'm trying to do right now
05:41I will see you guys later
05:45I'm back in our apartment
05:48It's this channel's first time at my apartment. Welcome to my apartment you guys it is a lovely place to be welcome to the crib
05:56I woke up 15 minutes before I had to leave
05:58So I had no time to do my hair do my makeup eat or anything like that
06:03So I'm gonna do my hair because this is not looking too great
06:06I need to eat and then I need a pounce of makeup because I left all my makeup at home and then at one I
06:12Have a college visit
06:16Visiting my college, so I'm gonna give her a little tour of my college. Yeah, I signed up for self-guided tour
06:22Let's actually see like what's that what that's about
06:24We're gonna make a little brekky moment when you arrive to campus inform the guard that you are a visitor and ask for directions to
06:30the under graduate admission reception easy enough to do that
06:33I'm really hungry. So I'll see you guys after I wash my hands
06:36All right, so for some reason Erica doesn't have any food either. So she has some dates
06:43She has some croissants that I'm gonna eat
06:46Throw this in the air fryer for like one minute
06:48It's good, you have an air fryer?
06:59My god, I'll make you coffee. It's so
07:02She is your blank street coffee
07:04You can save money. Let me make you guys my
07:07amazing amazing coffee routine
07:09I got this milk frother and it changed my coffee game and guess what my Nespresso pause would you like?
07:17Almond this is like more nutty flavor. This is like just like regular. I think just like a medium roast
07:23I believe this is vanilla and I believe this is chocolate
07:39Mmm, I think chocolate
07:41I'm gonna do some ice
07:42Pop this bad boy in there. Then we got my amazing milk frother. Okay, I'm gonna do
07:48creamer oat milk
07:54This better be good or else we're rolling up you like some vanilla syrup or honey vanilla you should invest in some caramel
08:03Creamer dash of vanilla
08:08Just frost for you. It's like the hand spinning frother. We don't have to sit there and be like
08:14You just use this bad boy and then in a minute
08:22Butters for losers, I'm kidding. Yeah, I mean, um, where's the butter I keep bringing it in like a fridge
08:29Hey guys ready for my amazing coffee for
08:35She's gonna be like one of those coffees that are like light brown
08:50Do you want a straw perchance? Why do you have nothing in here?
08:55These are clean though, why do you have like for utensil cuz I live alone
09:00I live alone. I live alone. I don't live with nobody. Can you stop?
09:05I feel like you're going crazy guys chat comment down below if you think this is mold chat chat. This is mold
09:11I bought really ripe avocado from Trader Joe's
09:15Literally like that. I have a go
09:17Am I just my coffee done?
09:22What does it look not done these tests
09:25Oh look at that foam on that this looks like someone crafted this as a barista in it
09:38My one piece of coffee, yeah
09:42That's delish she's asking trashy BT
09:45How do I know if there's mold on my avocado visible mode looks buzz your powdery patches? Okay, maybe not. I'll just not eat it
09:54I have to start like thinking about college. Oh
09:59So lame, I know the two like schools that I want to go to are probably either Fordham or FIT because
10:07Like a part of me in me. Wait a part in me. Wait
10:12Part of me. Yeah
10:14Part of you needs to go back to middle school
10:17Part of me like I want to be like a marketing fashion student and that's like perfect at FIT and then another wants to be
10:23By the team, I don't want to be business. I don't know
10:25I made a reservation during gym class the other day for dentifone at 334 today
10:30And I'm literally so excited because the food there looks so good. I'm going with Erica and my mom
10:36My mom is so excited. She was like, oh my god, what do I wear? Okay. Bye
10:40I'll see you guys in a little bit. I
10:43Just finished eating. I really turn on sex in the city and I was just eating my food
10:49Well, she was eating like rice with egg with like sauce in it
10:52So then I made a bowl for myself and then there was also this cucumber salad
10:55Which was really good with this teriyaki sauce from Trader Joe's bomb, but now I'm gonna do my hair. It's currently
11:0211 and I don't really know. Let's actually see how far Fordham is from here
11:07It's a 20-minute drive kind of just want to get there at like 1
11:11Ish so that we could do the tour until 2 go back to my sister's house
11:16Because I want to change my outfit before we go to dentifone
11:20Maybe I'll go to the gym tonight if I have time. Actually, I don't have time to go to the gym tonight
11:23Why because I have a huge physics test tomorrow that I need to study for my next college with it
11:31I'm wondering if FIT has college visits
11:34I mean, I'm sure they do but I want to know like I'm gonna plan out my college visits
11:40Strategically, it's like two
11:42College visits college visits left that I could do in order to excuse my
11:47Absences and do my hair after I do my makeup because I love crusty as hell
11:51My New Year's resolution is to be more active on YouTube and like low-key. It's working. Okay, so Erica's makeup
11:58So, let's see what we have going on here. I'm gonna try the hourglass
12:02Concealer I got a spray tan last week and it's like low-key wearing off
12:07But I don't know now
12:09I'm like addicted to being tan and I want to be tan forever and I want to get a spray tan every single day
12:16But obviously that's not possible fun fact. I drove to the city yesterday
12:20It was kind of scary just cuz like I'm only on my permit and like I've only been on the highway with my mom
12:26Like maybe like once or twice
12:27So this was like a really big step and I'm really shocked that my mom even let me drive to the city
12:33Next step is trying is gonna be driving to
12:38Connecticut which again it shouldn't be too hard
12:40It's literally just like a bunch of highways and especially since I have my mom next to me like honestly shouldn't be too bad
12:46Oh my god, it's just a rare beauty contour. Oh it is. I've been seeing videos about this
12:51I really want to try it now like good for you Sabrina, right? Oh, not Sabrina Selena. Sorry. Oh
12:58Wow that blended really seamlessly, let's try the rarity blush now, this was the shade I would use like every single day
13:06Freshman year. I really like these road peptide treatments. It's actually really good
13:10I like keep forgetting that I actually have to go to college
13:13You don't have to go to college, you know what? I mean when I went to the fitting today for Alice and Olivia
13:18I realized that I actually like would love to work in the fashion industry
13:23That would be really sick like that entire building just looks so cool they were all like working
13:29Sewing that looks like so much fun sign me up for that
13:33I need to start posting more on YouTube because that's my origin. I'm a youtuber. So how to step up my game, you know
13:42I have been having a hyper fixation on the song just us by DJ Khalid and SZA
13:47It's so freaking good you guys haven't listened to it go listen to it if you guys don't like it listen to it again
13:52That's it for my makeup. I don't know nothing special. I don't have any of my makeup with me
13:57So I had to improvise right? Why does she have to tweezerman eyelash curlers?
14:00One of these are definitely mine because I don't know where my tweezer man is
14:03But actually you guys tweezer man
14:06Eyelash curlers are so expensive, right?
14:08I went to Target the other month cuz I lost my eyelash curler
14:12So I went to go to Target to find an eyelash curler and this one was like what like
14:17$20 or something like that and I was like the hell I'm not paying $20 for eyelash curler
14:20And then I saw this $1.79 one and I was like, this is definitely gonna be so ass, but I still bought it
14:26It is the best eyelash curler I've ever owned. It's so good arguably might be better than the tweezer, man
14:32I don't know you guys have been complimenting my lashes a lot and it's with the $1.79 one
14:36In another life
14:38I really hope I don't have a lot of homework
14:40Cuz that'll be really bad if I have a lot of homework today
14:50All right, I finished my makeup and I did my hair it's now
14:551150 Erica house like a blank Street coffee near her
14:57So I'm gonna go grab a coffee and then I'm gonna go back to Evelyn's because my mom was coming around one
15:03So I just want to be at Evelyn's when my mom gets here so I can just give the keys to her
15:06I'll probably just meet up with Erica at Fordham. They just recorded so much for you guys and it wasn't even recording
15:12I'm leaving to go to
15:14Blank Street right now, but I forgot to show you guys what Allison Olivia gave us in their little bag
15:19So this is the bag they gave us I have Evelyn's outfit in my outfit in here
15:22They gave us nipple stickers fashion tape and temporary hem tape. So cool
15:28You can use this when you're like jeans don't fit or like they're too long on you
15:31And then they also gave us this automatic curling iron. Isn't that so cool?
15:35It's like those things where you put your hair in it and it just curls for you. Erica's gonna meet me at Fordham
15:40So yeah, Vamanos
15:42I'm trying to speed walk right now because I hate
15:46Vlogging in public and there's like people around me and I'm getting shy
15:51I'm trying to find this blank street. These freaking boots are so tall and they're so loud and clanky
15:57And I feel like I'm doing too much. I see it
15:59I'm gonna order myself a coffee, but I won't be recording it cuz I have too much anxiety for that right here, though
16:04I'm in the car now
16:06Anyways in the coffee shop, there were these like a group of teenage
16:10Teenage like a group of teenagers and I'm just so jealous of them because they're in high school right now
16:14They're obviously on their lunch break. Their high school is probably nearby. They're complaining about their math tests. I'm in Soho
16:19How better can your life get like I've never been so jealous of them. Like I want to be them
16:25I want to be a high schooler that goes to New York. I go to school in New Jersey
16:28If you guys didn't know and it like it sucks school in general sucks
16:32But like going to school in New York is just like would it make my life so much better and that's my dream
16:36But my mom won't let me because it's my junior year of high school and it's the most important
16:41Oh, this is my coffee. By the way, it's really good. I got the iced aging latte big with oat milk
16:46This is their big girl. Why I normally get my coffees really sweet, but this is still good. Okay. Bye
16:52Okay, guys, I forgot to vlog when I got home, but I didn't do anything
16:57I was just watching tik-toks, but my mom is pretty close to Evelyn's house before she gets here
17:03I kind of want to tidy up the apartment
17:04I kind of already like I clean up the dining table because I ate here last night and I didn't clean that up
17:09But I just need to clean the bedroom because this is where I slept and I have my crap like everywhere
17:15So I'm just gonna just throw everything into my bag and then wait for my mom to arrive
17:19I guess cuz when she arrives that is when I'm going to leave for Fordham
17:26I should probably text Erica to leave soon. I'm probably gonna tour it for like not long
17:31Last night. I was so bored. I was trying to figure out Evelyn's like Tetris game thing, but whatever it heard look just watch
17:40It shuts back off and I don't know why it does that
17:43I'm just gonna make the bed really quickly cuz I just put everything in my bag. Okay. See you guys in a little bit
17:47Okay, so my mom is here, but Erica told me she's on the way to Fordham right now
17:54So I'm meeting her there. Also, it's like an 8-minute drive from Evelyn's. It's not bad. It's like a 20-minute drive from
18:01Erica's apartment, so we should be there around like the same time
18:05I need to get myself a new camera because this lens is cracked. Anyways, um
18:10Started my period today. I don't care if that's TMI. Hopefully I don't have it for prom. My prom is
18:18March 14th, and then I also got invited to another prom the week after that
18:22So I'm going to two proms this year. I'm really excited because now I get to wear two dresses
18:27So a win is a win. Okay. Um, my camera is gonna die. So I'm gonna try to conserve the energy
18:33I'll see you guys when I get to Fordham
18:52I just really want to see what a classroom looks like to be a teenager when I go to school
19:00Okay, we'll take you to some liberal arts looking classes
19:06Which floor would you like to go on? They're all kind of the same. We'll go on third floor. Actually, no, third floor is not that cool
19:1210 out of 10 for the water service. Delicious. I had some classes on this floor
19:16You could study in this area while you're waiting for your classes
19:21And then there's some business classes here. I think it's mostly business some business classes and some liberal arts classes
19:29Classes are really small professor stands here
19:38Do they take attendance
19:43The class is like half-fold so there's not even like that many kids so you can really focus up in this up in this place
19:54Yeah, I'll take you to the business school this this building's kind of boring cuz it's like just the same type of like classrooms
20:01This entire like building
20:22This is the next year and you're grinding at my school
20:39Attention attention all Gabelli students today
20:42There will be a new principal here at Fordham University named Emily Hall. Please welcome her with a kind and generous welcome
20:49Hello everybody
20:51Thank you so much
20:53Thank you, thank you
20:55So I'm actually 16 years old
20:57I'm just presenting Fordham University from now on so please show some respect. Thank you. Thank you everybody
21:04Have a nice day
21:06My friend just saw us walk in here
21:08Actually? Yeah
21:10It's going great. This is the best college tour vibes
21:12It's so like weird how like in college
21:14Like everything's just open
21:16I could never just walk into my auditorium in high school
21:19That ain't allowed
21:21Or like a random classroom
21:23I'm showing Emily the classroom that I had a lot of classes in
21:25Like a lot of classes in
21:27This is like one of the bigger classes I feel like
21:29What class was this before?
21:31Well like any class but I had like my law lib class
21:33Law class here
21:35But it's just like all business
21:37Like it's law business law
21:39Yeah but like law
21:41It's like a word
21:43No like law
21:45Like lawyer law
21:47Like business law
21:49Oh my god guys
21:51She's not ready for college
21:53She needs to go back to school
21:57No like law
21:59Like L-A-W
22:01I thought you were saying law as in like law stood for something
22:03But no law lib
22:07Just business law
22:09So what's lib? No lib
22:11So why did you say law lib? I didn't
22:13Yes you did
22:17You guys are all stupid
22:19Hell no I can never be a teacher
22:21Oh that's awkward
22:23Alright buddy
22:25Let's get out of here
22:27These classrooms are like underwhelming
22:29You can escape a classroom so easily
22:33If I were a college student I would never show up to class
22:35Who's counting?
22:37You're a professor
22:39And then you fail
22:41I brought Emily to our courtyard
22:43It's like prettier
22:45In the summer obviously
22:47People just come out here and smoke at night
22:49This is our built building
22:51Like dorm building
22:53My dorm was literally that one
22:57So this is where we were
22:59When we were on the third floor
23:01And this is the library
23:03And that's the business
23:05No not the library this is the law
23:07Are these all the buildings?
23:09No there's literally 1, 2, 3
23:11That's on Fordham
23:13Kind of just reminds me of a big high school
23:15I mean it's probably like all colleges are like that
23:17They all kind of have their own vibes
23:19The Fordham hallways just like
23:21Have the same interior design as my high school
23:23Like with all the posters of clubs
23:25And stuff
23:27And everyone's just minding their own business
23:29There's no like cliques here
23:31You won't get bullied in college
23:33I guess this is your campus
23:35I don't really care to have a campus at my school
23:37I mean like
23:39This is what my school looks like
23:41Like obviously you have to have a good vibe
23:43So if you want a campus go to the one in Rosehill
23:45Rosehill has a campus
23:47But then it's like the area's not as big
23:49Are you like marketing the school or something?
23:51You haven't even been to the Rosehill one
23:53Rosehill when I go there
23:55It's like literally feels like
23:57That feels like college
23:59You can see the college bars
24:01You can see like
24:03It's very very college there
24:05Yeah so maybe check out both the campuses
24:07So yeah stay tuned for my next college visit
24:09It's gonna be either NYU or FIT
24:11Alright we'll see you guys later
24:17My dumbass thought it would be a good idea to walk home
24:19I mean like no take the subway with my sister
24:21From Fordham
24:23Worst idea because I'm wearing these like 3 inch boots
24:25And my feet hurt so bad
24:27They're like aching right now
24:29The subway dropped me off 15 minutes away from my sister's house anyways
24:31So might as well just ubered
24:33But whatever
24:35It hurts so bad
24:37I can't do this anymore
24:39I quit I'm done with life
24:41I'm walking on my heels
24:43The arches of my foot can't take this anymore
24:45I might just start crying right now
24:47I might need to sit down
24:49My feet have never hurt more
24:51These are the boots you guys
24:53They're tall as shit
24:55My feet cannot handle this
24:57I'm one avenue away
24:59I don't know if I can make it
25:01This is not even funny
25:03My feet are ruined
25:05Bring sneakers if you're going to walk a lot
25:07I didn't know my boots would do this to me
25:09I'm done with life
25:11I hate this
25:13I don't even want to get up right now because my feet hurt so bad
25:15I'll see you guys at the house
25:17I'm just being dramatic
25:19There's worse problems than my freaking feet
25:21So I'll catch you guys at home
25:23I'm not even joking
25:25This is how I'm walking
25:29I'm walking like a literal turtle
25:31I'm on that bench for like 15 minutes
25:33Contemplating whether or not I want to stand up or not
25:35The moment I stood up
25:37My feet are
25:39It hurts so bad
25:41I'm really walking on the heel
25:43If this heel breaks I don't want anyone to be surprised
25:45I'm back at the apartment
25:47It's now 311 and we need to leave
25:49So I'm just changing
25:51This is what I'm wearing
25:53I have these black flare jeans from H&M
25:55And then I'm just going to throw on this
25:57Off the shoulder top from Lukan
25:59So I look like this
26:01I wanted to wear my boots tonight but my feet hurt so bad
26:03That I don't think I can do that
26:05So I need to wash my hair
26:07It's not looking too great
26:09See if I can put it back in a clip
26:11Because my hair is really really not giving
26:13Maybe like this
26:15Is this giving?
26:17Or no
26:19Because I just don't want the front of my hair to be showing
26:21New York Fashion Week is this weekend
26:23I am so excited
26:25It's actually my first New York Fashion Week
26:27That I am attending
26:29Last year I couldn't because I wasn't old enough
26:31I guess this year I am old enough
26:33So yay
26:35Okay I'm going to order the Uber now
26:37It's a minute away
26:39Okay see you guys later
26:41Hey we're at Din Tai Fung
26:43We just set our cameras up
26:45Erica's here
26:47We also got boba drinks
26:49I've heard people raving about this cucumber salad
26:51So I'm really really excited
26:57That's good
26:59Try the honeydew
27:01This one is really good
27:03What is this called?
27:05I don't even know but it's really really good
27:0710 out of 10
27:09This is so good
27:11I like this better
27:138 out of 10
27:15This it's like a 6
27:17Everyone's like it's overhyped
27:19But we grew up eating this
27:21This is like a regular cucumber salad
27:23You can always add with it
27:25Your sauce this morning was better
27:27The one I made
27:29And I don't like cucumbers so I guess that's why
27:31This is a pork xiaolongbao
27:33It looks so good
27:35Guys this is my third outfit of the day
27:37And you know what?
27:39It's just a different jacket every single time
27:41So why did I have to go home to change?
27:43I don't know
27:45Taste test for the pork xiaolongbao
27:51That's really good
27:53With the sauce too
27:55For the green beans
27:57Or the string beans with garlic
27:59Taste test for the garlic string beans
28:05With the spicy sauce
28:09That's really good
28:11The chicken dumplings came out
28:13Taste test
28:17I like the xiaolongbao better
28:19We got an order of shrimp, chicken, whatever
28:21Spicy wonton
28:23I'm gonna try the spicy wonton
28:27This is good
28:29There's like shrimp in here so it's different
28:31I think I kind of like this better though
28:35So good
28:37Chocolate dumplings are out
28:39I also switched spots with my mom
28:47She's like smiling at herself right now
28:49We got
28:51When you take pictures with the squad
28:53You need 4 hours to freeze it
28:57What is this?
28:59She's like oh shoot
29:01It's like sea salt foam
29:03Wait don't
29:05Oh okay
29:15Gooey gooey
29:17I think I only need one
29:19With the foam it's really good, it's hella sweet
29:21Are you our friend or are you my mother?
29:27I'm her guest bro
29:29My mom thinks this is like dinner
29:33I need to wash it down with some
29:37Catch you guys later
29:39Bye bye
29:41Not to me
29:43Don't look at me
29:51Don't ever do that again