• anteayer


01:00Thank you to all of you, and I see this lady with the yellow flowers. She's good.
05:12There's been a lot of speculation about whether Pope Francis will resign after this health crisis.
05:19It's difficult to say. On the one hand, he has said that it should not become a fashion, is the word he used, for popes to resign instead of rule for life, as Pope Benedict did in 2013.
05:36That said, it depends on how he thinks that he will be able to run the church after this illness.
06:17We have to remember that we're in the midst of a holy year, which he opened, and will end at the end of this year.
06:24So I think that even if he has some thoughts of resigning, he probably would want to live out this year or continue running the church this year, because millions of pilgrims have already started arriving in Rome, and millions more are expected.
06:42And one of the main reasons they come, apart from passing through the Holy Door, is to see the Pope.
