• 2 days ago
00:00It's time to announce a never-before-seen game drop.
00:04It's something completely new and I must confess I'm very excited about it.
00:09It's something that helps you build really big structures.
00:13It's something that might make you create a completely new kind of relationship with an
00:18existing mob. And it's also something that makes it extra precious to journey through
00:23the Minecraft world together with your friends.
00:27And it all starts with a rather special and possibly quite sad new block you find in the
00:35More precisely in the soul sand valleys around these familiar odd-looking bone structures.
00:42But if you take a closer look you might notice something you haven't seen before.
00:48It's a bit hard to tell from behind but if you look from the other side you will see a sad face
00:54that you probably recognize. It's a dried ghast.
01:04The dried ghast is a little bit smaller than the regular block and well it has
01:08this cute little tentacles on the sides and has this just a little bit grumpy face to it.
01:16It seems very dehydrated.
01:19Then you might think that well let's put water on it.
01:22But there is no water in nether.
01:26So we can bring it to somewhere where there is water.
01:28We'll pick up the block from the nether.
01:30Bring it with us from the nether to through a portal.
01:34And what better way to rehydrate a dried ghast than just put it in water.
01:41And then we wait.
01:45And wait.
01:47A little bit over time it's gonna start.
01:50First it's grumpy right then it gets neutral then it's gonna start to smile more and more.
01:55Because then a ghastling is spawned.
02:04It's so cute.
02:06It's a baby.
02:07It's precious. It's a baby.
02:09He's smiling. He's happy.
02:16So the ghastling just floats around the overworld.
02:20I mean it's a little balloon basically right.
02:22So yeah it does what a balloon does.
02:24It floats and goes around but it's also very curious.
02:28So it's gonna somewhat imprint over players or mobs and just follow them around a bit
02:33until it gets bored and then it's just gonna yeah go and follow something else.
02:38This one will not spit fireballs but you can feed it with something Agnes.
02:43Yes it actually is quite fond of snowballs instead of course.
02:49I think it's so adorable. It's both hydration and cooling down.
02:54And when it grows up it turns into yet another new thing which is the happy ghast.
03:04Yeah the happy ghast is friendly towards the player.
03:07It's gonna roam around, fly around.
03:09If the ghast brings you fires the happy ghast brings you smiles.
03:16There is one more thing you can do with happy ghast.
03:19You can fly on it.
03:22Which is obviously what you long for when you see your buddy flying around in the sky.
03:26You want to go flying with it.
03:28So if you craft a harness for your ghast you can tempt the ghast to come closer with the harness.
03:34Put the harness on and jump up on it.
03:38An interesting thing about the harness also is that you can use it as an indicator
03:42to see if someone is riding the ghast because well
03:45it's got these goggles and if someone is riding it they go down in front of the ice.
03:52We have a new neat feature as well Agnes. The locator bar right?
03:57Yes so we have a new feature the locator bar which you see like at the bottom of the screen
04:02and there you can see kind of in which direction your friends are.
04:07So then like when you're out flying on the happy ghast for example and
04:10want to find your friend you see okay I should travel here.
04:15You can actually be up to four players on the happy ghast so you can fly on it together.
04:22So you can be the passenger princess on my ghast?
04:24Of course.
04:29I think the happy ghast is going to be a great tool for our survival builders
04:33because it's a bit like being in creative mode but in survival right?
04:38You have this platform that allows you to position wherever you want in the sky
04:41and then you can just dismount and build from the position you are at which is super convenient
04:46when working on mega builds or yeah sky bases or tall towers is super super handy.
04:53What I like is the opportunity we have with all these things.
04:57We have the dried ghast with all of its decorative applications.
05:02The ghastling which is livening up a base which is just lovely.
05:07Then there is the happy ghast with all of the shenanigans you can do with.
05:10You can put the pvp, the construction, racing and so many more things.
05:17Very soon players will be able to try out these new features in snapshots,
05:21and previews and we are so excited to see all the feedback we're gonna get.