00:29Listen close
00:32I'm from a land called Sparta
00:41I made a deal with the God that cost me my soul
00:46My life is yours Ares
00:51From this day I shall carry forth your will
00:58It was long ago I killed many who were deserving and many who were not
01:15In the service of a cruel God I was tricked into destroying a village
01:21Not knowing my own wife and child were there until their blood stained my hands
01:28From this night forward the mark of your terrible deed will be visible to all
01:37The gods of Olympus have abandoned
01:44The gods lied to me the wrath of Olympus grows
01:49Do not turn your back on me
01:52All Olympus tremble at my name we will destroy the petty God and we will see Olympus crumble before us
02:05Look what you have wrought
02:07You destroy all you touch. Do you have your own sense of honor? And what has that honor brought you?
02:16In the end you'll betray only yourself
02:19I will tolerate your insolence no more. I will have my revenge
02:31How much is enough Kratos when will it end
02:37You are just an animal passing on your cruelty and rage you will never change
02:46My vengeance
02:49Ends now
03:02You are cruel and arrogant and selfish
03:07I know who you are. I know what you've done
03:13But you are more than that
03:16We are more than that
03:20Who I was is not who you be
03:25We must be better
03:38The road ahead is long and unforgiving you must be a warrior
03:45Can you kill something that big