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00:00These are the most insane minecraft scenes of all time, but I wouldn't know are they real or they just fake
00:06My sister said this was not normal
00:08Tell me what is not normal the fact that we're in an overworld
00:11The fact that we're playing block game for living or the fact that she's flying
00:14Or the fact that this mansion the craziest thing about this is it has a massive haircut
00:19Why and how did the mansion get a haircut and okay now?
00:23This is this is this is this could not be your skin
00:26Imagine I would see this right away like if you loaded into Minecraft and didn't notice the fact that there is a
00:33Buzzed mansion top you need to get your eyes checked. I just want to know why is the top of the mansion buzzed?
00:39What purpose does this serve maybe Mojang itself was like hey?
00:42We need to just buzz cut this thing because this thing shouldn't be as tall as it is look you can even see where the
00:46Prison used to be this thing is just abnormally long. Oh, I think I summoned something
00:51How do you think wait?
00:52How do you think that you summon something if you summon something surely you would know yeah like look at this?
00:57We've got a little we got a couple of pieces of cactus that are just broken off
01:00They're sitting there in the desert. They even do anything wrong oh
01:03No, I think I see the summon. I thought this was like a big old footprint at first, but maybe it's just oh
01:09It is a big old footprint. Okay, dude like you summon something this big also. Is it just me
01:15This is like the perfect foot my gosh, dude. I swear each toe is one chunk
01:19I feel like we would straightaway should we not notice this thing being real like you can't really miss a giant foot
01:26Oh look at this. We have like a bit like they look like warts
01:29They're like little mounds going on in our little planes over here
01:32Tell me there's not something going on with our grassy terrain because you can kind of see what?
01:36Maybe at one point in time were the craters for the toes
01:39I don't know because it's like did somebody cover it up. I don't know I don't see a foot
01:44I just I do see a bit of a shape though. There's something going on here, but I don't see the entire foot
01:48There is no way this makes sense. I mean we could have been saying this for a lot of things, okay?
01:53And also like what makes sense versus what doesn't make sense. You know I mean you can make sense out of anything
01:59Is it the fact that there's like a swirl?
02:01Oh, I just feel like I just saw a double rainbow
02:04Do you see what's happening here the elements are coming together from the different biomes one?
02:10Desert swamp slash forest ice spikes biome and then we have the Mesa. Oh my gosh, dude
02:16This might be where the avatar is buried. Oh, please tell me tell me we get to see the biomes touch
02:21This is like going to Niagara Falls. Oh
02:24Well at least we know we're in the right area we see the Mesa. Yeah, that's okay. This is this is the right spot
02:29Oh my gosh
02:31I just gotta give this thing a moment like let this thing have its moment look at this look at this you can almost
02:37Stand I can stand on three different biomes at the same time
02:40I can't stay on the fourth because for some reason the swamp is little he's kind of nervous
02:44This is crazy, and I don't even think they pointed this out, but there's a we got abandoned mine shafts over here
02:50We have the desert temple over here swamp hut they didn't point you that out
02:53They're just excited to touch the biomes all at the same time
02:57Have you ever even seen this before tell me this is a first because for me. This is a first
03:01I think somebody is trying to tell me something, okay? Oh
03:06Is it the fact that my zipper is down somebody told me this once and it said he said XYZ which stands for examine your
03:13So now you know if you ever hear that it means something
03:16Okay, now that I'm done talking about my zipper the oh, it's it's just pink wait. No. It's not pink
03:24Hold on. It's trying to is it trying to spell something
03:31Why is this okay the the trees are the person's is it the trees are the seeds, but they are the worst texture hey
03:38Hey what hey what we can't just be getting hey, and then there's nothing else cuz that's for horses the terrible joke
03:44I'm gonna find the hey, where's the okay?
03:47Hey, this is definitely the blossoms that cherry, but I need to see is there a cryptic
03:52Message spelled out in this I mean, I don't know about y'all, but I'm not really seeing a whole lot of hey, okay
03:57I feel like I can
03:59This might be German
04:02Sprang it maybe I'm seeing things cuz I want to see it's not as clear as the hay that we saw in the video
04:07I will say that it's please examine your zipper just in case okay
04:11This wasn't in the patch notes. Okay. Well first of all that implies that minecraft actually gives us updates regularly
04:18Which they don't?
04:20Anyways doctor says keep the stress levels down
04:24This was definitely not in the patch notes. No like this is a massive mob spawner area
04:29What is this like an entire chunk wait how many spawners are there? I mean if we count these bad boys up hold on I
04:36Think I'm right. I think 15. This would be a deadly area. This is like a training ground
04:40You come down here. Just a grind XP. Oh this guy definitely looks like a grinder. I mean look at this guy
04:44I mean hey, maybe I did miss the patch notes
04:46maybe this whole time minecraft's been updating the game, and I've just not been paying attention or or
04:52Something is going on with my minecraft. I don't remember seeing the floating ones. Yeah, where did the floating ones come from, huh?
04:59Oh, and they even take a little bit of damage for me meanwhile look at this. We have a nice little comparison
05:04This is what they normally look like and for some reason on the seed. This is what they are looking like
05:09There's a way more than 15 here. Do you think this is gonna be just generation? I don't know. This is just generation
05:14Oh, yeah, I am I'm not the hero of this story
05:16I think my friend is pranking me. Oh, no, but that is genuinely what friends are for. Sorry
05:21I'm sucking on these oats right now. So tell me right now
05:24Are they gonna just gonna find a chest that has insane gear or no?
05:28They're just gonna find another village that's attached to this village with multiple blacksmiths
05:33this is where the real estate developer just came in and said we're gonna put all the blacksmiths in one area and
05:38Ravine for all of our local speedrunners
05:41Oh my gosh, dude, wait a sec. Okay, come on. This is like one in the gillian
05:46I don't even think there's math to know what the chances of this are you come right here
05:50I didn't even really there's another portal built into the village
05:54Now you go and like this video if you think this is real cuz like ah, this is actually the same
05:59You'd be able to just to like the portal if you even wanted to like come straight out and then jump down here
06:05Water bucket all the way down to the water bucket. Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about
06:08And then jump down here water bucket all the way you don't even gotta go into the nether because every single portal is already full
06:15It's awful. But who knows? What do I know? You know, cuz right now I'm technically drinking coffee
06:19Well, technically it says coffee on the outside, but I guess what's on the inside. It's green tea
06:25Anyways, we would like to see the seed. I'm seeing a village. It does look a little bit similar to the one that he had
06:30Oh, yeah, I'm seeing the blacksmiths now to wait a sec. I'm actually seeing the blacksmiths. That's a lot of blacksmiths
06:36He didn't even look at the loot. Do we even look do we dare to look at the lootations?
06:39Like why did he not look at the lootations, huh?
06:42Okay, because obviously it's just ridiculous. So now I can get my full diamond gear in like two seconds
06:48We get all this overpowered gear and then there's that one village area that has this insane nether portal
06:54Thank you. Yeah, there it is in the flesh. Yep, and
06:59This is just dumb like this is this is so stupid man. This is not a real seed. This is not real
07:09Just getting all I forgot the chances but it's like one in a trance. It's it's in what are the chances again?
07:14It's like incredibly low approximately one in a trillion. I still think this is insane
07:20Has anybody even generated a trillion minecraft worlds yet? I don't think so
07:23I've always known dude like somebody doing some hocus-pocus on my minecraft
07:26And I don't know freaking how my mom told me to go outside after this name a more true story than this
07:33My mom often told me to go outside, but it was because I did not shower. I did it was just like every other day
07:40Nether fortress in the overworld
07:42I feel like what the mom of the nether fortress said is go to the overworld like you got to go outside and it's just
07:48Stuck out here and it's like what do I do here? I'm in the overworld like there's nothing fun to do
07:52Why would you ever even want a nether fortress out here?
07:54Okay, so if I was a nether fortress that spawned in the overworld because the nether fortress's mom said please go outside get some
08:00Grass, I would be in the grass. Where'd a jungle at? Oh
08:04Jungle, this might be too much jungle because it was also next to the door. Well, wouldn't it be just right here?
08:09I think it would be actually right here. Oh, yeah, it would be here
08:11Hold on if it would be here and we're in the same area where the jungle trees and the villagers meet
08:16Um, and we're not seeing another fortress. I think that means that the nether fortress would be in the same area
08:21And we're not seeing another fortress. I think that means that the nether fortress is in fact not outside touching grass, but it is brick
08:29Well, well, well, I feel like I'm slowly approaching something that I saw to the corner of my eye
08:34Was it this village house? I was at this villager
08:36Maybe is there think it might have been the villager cuz he's got the McDonald's farmer hat on
08:40Yeah, plus literally nothing in the house. Okay. Thank you for wasting my time
08:44Now, you know that the nether fortresses are not outside touching grass
08:48You're welcome
08:49My grandma says I play minecraft too much grandma is always going to say that okay
08:55She doesn't understand you found too much diamonds Gerald. Oh my
09:00That's not a diamond. We got a pillager inside of the villager house. Oh my gosh. Wait, this is like freaky Friday
09:05Did y'all ever watch that? I don't know about y'all but I'm feeling like there's been a cosmic swap
09:09The pillagers are in the village. Oh
09:13And that means that the villagers have got to be in the mansion, oh, they're not just in the pillager outpost
09:19They're also in the mansion. This is a weird swap
09:22Oh, I could do an entire video where we just swap the locations of mobs in Minecraft
09:27This is throwing me through a loop. And also why are they so judgmental? Hello. Hello little village
09:32All right
09:33So if I find pillagers in this village is my grandma gonna tell me I play too much Minecraft cuz I'm seeing
09:41Seeing the pillagers, I mean they're in the village. What are the chances of them being friendly because they're in the village. All right
09:48Hello, oh
09:50Wait, they're they're neutral. No, they are neutral indeed. They are neutral. Wait, are you gonna tell me though?
09:55That means that the villagers have a chance of being hostile. Oh, that would be crazy. Oh, look at look at look at
10:01Rapunzel let down your hair just kidding. You're a villager and you're bald, but they're in the outpost
10:06Oh buddy, are we about to get into a fist fight?
10:08Oh, I'm rolling up my sleeves for this buddy. Firemerch.com merch sleeves are going up
10:13I imagine they don't even do anything to us. So they just like look at us. How's it going? Oh
10:19Who's giving me? Okay. Somebody's whopping me
10:22Did this guy just he's just kind of whopping it just went down the stairs villagers have some like secret magic or something
10:27I'm gonna go and just say it on a limb. I don't like it. How did these spawn here?
10:32They keep saying this and I don't even know what the seed looks like we're in the nether
10:36You know a lot of things spawn in the nether a lot of very hot things. I've been told. Oh, wait. These are not
10:44My gosh, I don't know what to say to the nether. Why does the nether have so many bones?
10:48You're just coming in here and you're like, oh my literally the nether has a bone to pick with me
10:52Not one but thousands of bones to pick with us and for what purpose?
10:58I came to the bone graveyard
11:02Oh, I don't know about you. I'm not seeing a whole lot of bones
11:05Well, okay, never mind I'm see I've seen a whole lot of bones I need a logical explanation for this look at that
11:11That is definitely not how the bump. What is that?
11:16Am I seeing the phase logo I'm seeing things that I should be seeing right now
11:19Do the bones go all the way to like the top?
11:21You know how like in the top of the nether we have the bedrock like the top our bones growing all the way up here
11:26Or do they stop? I need to know that these bones end. No, they don't
11:30They just keep going even on top of the nether this is good, this is okay
11:34Our nether has been taken over. I almost deleted this world after I saw it. Oh, don't be deleting a world
11:39What is so bad that you would delete your world after you see it? Oh
11:44The upside-down
11:46Mansion I could see this being a reason you would delete the world
11:52But also you would have to save this
11:53I thought that just the mansion itself was gonna be upside down, but we got literally the mobs even defying gravity
12:00Guys, we have a carpet is defying gravity. I can't explain this one. I
12:04Cannot explain this one. Also, why?
12:07This guy is the bachelor
12:09I mean, I would I would I would subscribe to the guy if that was actually, you know, a real seed just saying and
12:19Pretend it's look at this
12:22That's crazy, you know, it's not well, hold on maybe the mobs or the furniture something inside the mansion could be upside down
12:29Furniture is right side up. The carpet is also normal. We haven't okay, and the mobs are also
12:34Okay. Well, I figured but you know, I'm going into things with an open mind
12:39I can hate you guys next time be upside down. I think my cousin hacked my world
12:43Why would you think your cousin be hacking the world?
12:48Okay. Well, maybe maybe we could put the two together now. What even is this?
12:53It's just prismarine blocks that go up like there's stilts. Oh my gosh. No way
12:58Dude, this is like monster truck jam ocean monument version. They're on these. I mean they're missing wheels
13:04They're just on giant stilts and what's inside. We still have the gold. That's a mm-hmm
13:09I need to swallow some oats what's the cousin a hacker or not?
13:12Cuz this person obviously could have just did it themselves have been
13:16Blame it on my cousin because you know, they live five hours away from me or whatever not speaking from personal experience
13:21I have never blamed something on my cousin or siblings
13:27Now I might I this would probably make me change my mind and start blaming my cousins for everything
13:33It's like we're I'm gonna explain how I feel it is
13:37In fact, it's it's I mean, it's it's the ocean monument now if there's two here. Oh, wait a second. Yeah
13:43Okay, this one's the short king right like that one's shorter than that one. This is a battle for height
13:48This guy is clearly winning. I don't know how but he is winning. Oh
13:51Look at this
13:53The Guardians even made it up here. Now. What else is in here? Oh, yeah the gold. Let's make sure that's in there
13:58Hey, we got the gold baby. All right. All right short king
14:00I mean, what do you get you got to offer a lot of here, you know, oh we have the elder
14:04Go look at his tail. It's flopping around
14:06All right
14:07I'm starting to like the shorter one more than the bigger one because bigger is not always better now
14:12Hold on. No something here look a little bit different something here looks a little different. Oh, we're missing the blocks. I think right here. Oh
14:18Wait. Oh
14:19My okay. Hold on. Hold on. I
14:24Don't know about y'all but I'm pretty sure the short king is holding out on us
14:27Did the gold go down infinitely with the taller monument or is it just the shorter one? I don't I don't think we even check
14:34Oh, wait. No, there's not even uh, there's not even a pillar that comes out from the middle. Look at that. No pillar
14:38Thank God, dude. This is just another moment
14:41Even if this is not real and it's a fake seed it still makes me feel proud to be a short king
14:46Oh, no, my little brother swears. He did not touch my world. I
14:58Feel like I'm in Toy Story, this is a giant desert temple
15:02Let's just go ahead and right now and you and I we're gonna use our imagination. We're gonna pretend this is a hundred percent real
15:08I am so excited to go into the world's largest desert temple watch. It's not even what if it's not even there
15:12But I love it. I can't wait to go inside the world's largest desert temple OMG 100% legit the one moment
15:18I asked for us to use our imagination and I don't even see the desert temple. I well I see one
15:22I think it's a little it's it's a little like a little bigger than that, though
15:27It shouldn't oh my look at this. Okay, just from a size comparison
15:32It's like one pillager outpost to one of the sandstone blocks. Okay, whoever built this
15:39I know somebody had to build this because this is not not real
15:44They didn't even put the chest or anything else down here. They just stuck a rabbit down here and said we're done
15:53Never mind I stand corrected. This is crazy
15:56I mean, this is great who would even think to build a giant desert temple?
16:01All right. Well, we definitely know that this is not a real seed plus there's a whole lot of other ones
16:05I mean, what are you guys thinking? There's a whole bunch of nonsense happening. Oh
16:09Wait, would you look at that? Yeah, my tea's about to run out. Looks like I need to go refill
16:16Wait a second, is that new wait, hold on. Okay. So this whole time
16:20I told you somebody's been messing with me and it was either noob or it was chase
16:24I mean it has to be somebody that's very bad at hiding their tracks and has about they have about the same IQ level
