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In this Minecraft video I survive 9871 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials Used:
Orbital Strike Cannon: https://youtu.be/q78LRgHt_zU?si=mKjRVScP5SkIzBIu
Music Disc Farm: https://youtu.be/p-Z0B37rFcE?si=KEjzOvFRgA74B602
00:00If we're going out, then we're going out with a bang.
00:03The Orbital Strike Cannon is Minecraft's strongest weapon,
00:06holding the power to destroy entire worlds in an instant.
00:11And since I'm going to be jumping in the void at 10,000 days,
00:14I'm gonna, well, you know what?
00:15Just see for yourself.
00:21But way before that, I've got to build this massive monstrosity.
00:27And it also works with Wireless Redstone.
00:29Yep, you can be thousands of blocks away from the cannon
00:31and control everything wirelessly.
00:34As you can imagine, building this requires a lot of Redstone items,
00:38a load of TNT, and lots of building blocks.
00:42But in addition to that, it also requires 544 music discs.
00:48Yeah, I'm gonna have to make a pretty powerful farm to get all of them.
00:52But before that, another item that I need loads of is Copper Bulbs.
00:57They can be crafted from these items,
00:59or I can just easily grab some from Trial Chambers.
01:12That is all of them.
01:13I've got about five extra.
01:15And next, I need Honeycomb because 40 of them are waxed and 55 are not.
01:19And I don't want my Orbital Strike Cannon to look old.
01:21So waxing them is going to be very important.
01:23And don't you worry, I'm SP737.
01:25So of course, I've got a farm for that.
01:27It's right here next to the Terrorized Villagers.
01:29Look at them, they can't get a good night's sleep.
01:31And all being well, yeah, okay.
01:32That is way more than we need.
01:35So I can place all of these down,
01:37give them a little wax on, Daniel-san, and mine them up.
01:40And guys, I'm also gonna say that you should definitely make sure that you are subscribed.
01:45We are just one week away from 10,000 days.
01:48So you should definitely turn on notifications
01:50because I do not want you to miss it.
01:51And I'm also gonna say that even after 10,000 days,
01:55you should stay subscribed because with what I've got planned,
01:57you don't want to miss it.
01:58I can't really tell you what because it's a bit of a secret.
02:01But all I can say is that you just need to trust me and stay subscribed
02:04because I promise I will not disappoint.
02:06Now, on the other hand, or on another subject,
02:09I need 1,251 Activator Rails.
02:12Very conveniently, I've got 51, which means we need another 1,200.
02:17Which incidentally will require 1,200 Iron Ingots to craft.
02:22That, to be honest with you, I don't have.
02:24I do have an Iron Farm though.
02:25It's this massive rollercoaster-like farm,
02:28where at the bottom, yeah, we've got a lot of it.
02:32In fact, there's so much that I can refill this shulker
02:34and my inventory as well for that matter.
02:36I'm also gonna need a load of Sticks and Redstone Torches to complete the crafts.
02:40And now I think it's time I tackle the Music Discs issue.
02:44I have quite a few of them in my bedroom.
02:46As you can see, the chests have got a decent amount.
02:49And I have this set up for a farm right here,
02:52which gets me 150 Music Discs per hour.
02:56But realistically, I don't want to spend hours and hours waiting for them,
02:59when I can build a way more powerful one that gets me 8,000 Music Discs per hour.
03:05Now that is more like it.
03:07It involves sending Creepers to the Nether,
03:09Villagers spawning new Golems for Skellies to fire at,
03:12and a pretty complex sorting system.
03:14As you can imagine, such a farm is going to take a lot of materials,
03:18most of which I will have in my chest room.
03:21Some I have ready and waiting at other farms,
03:24and some I'll have to farm completely from scratch.
03:28A lot of carpet is going to be needed for spawn proofing.
03:30And very conveniently, there is a lot of wool right here for that.
03:35I've already got a lot of the needed items right here.
03:38Yep, there's so many stuff needed.
03:40But I still need plenty more, so I'm gonna get to work.
03:43And on a side note, they also added fast crafting to Minecraft.
03:46So if you press the space bar, it'll just do the exact same craft again.
03:50So you can craft really, really quick now.
03:53It's so good.
03:54Like imagine I want to turn all of these ink sacks into dye.
03:56Well, look how quickly I can now do it.
04:00It's such an awesome feature that is way quicker than doing it manually like this.
04:04No, you could just go like that.
04:05Anyway, I can't spend too much time getting excited about Minecraft updates.
04:09Instead, I'm gonna get to work grabbing absolutely everything that I need.
04:14It took a little longer than expected,
04:16but every single needed item is in this double chest.
04:21And for the nether side of it, I've also got to build with all of those items.
04:25This really is a bigger project than I thought it was gonna be.
04:27In fact, I don't even have enough inventory space to carry all of the shulkers yet.
04:31It really is a mega project.
04:33I'm gonna build it a little bit further away from my world
04:35because I don't want any other nether portals to interfere.
04:39And for the best results, it should be built in a perimeter,
04:41but I'm not gonna make one of them.
04:42I'm just gonna build it over an ocean.
04:44This is probably as good a spot as any.
04:46Most of the items are now safe in this chest,
04:48but I've just got to fly back home, spawn a load of creaking on the way.
04:52Yeah, that's a little crazy, isn't it?
04:53To grab the remaining items.
04:55The bottom of this farm is gonna be a massive water collection system
04:59that pushes any creepers that spawn into nether portals.
05:02That is just one of the platforms done,
05:04and there's gonna be four of these in total.
05:06You'll also notice these little gaps.
05:08These gaps exist because this is where the portal edges are.
05:11It's gonna be obsidian.
05:12A creeper won't be able to go through the portal.
05:14So instead, I'm gonna place wither roses to get rid of them.
05:18And with the bottom layer of this platform done,
05:20I'm now gonna build up all of the other ones.
05:29Perfect, and now above this,
05:31I need to add another layer going all the way around the edge,
05:35which will hold water in that pushes the creepers into the portal.
05:38But of course, I can't add the water until the portals are lit.
05:43So I shall build these up like that.
05:46Add signs above every wither rose so they don't get flooded.
05:48And then after activating all these, I can use water to push everything along.
05:54Perfect, collection pool number one is officially now done,
05:57which means it's time to do the exact same thing three more times.
06:01There we go, all successfully done.
06:03And then to spawn proof the portals, I'm just gonna add a load of carpet.
06:07With all of that done below, I can now focus on the spawning platforms.
06:10And trust me, there's gonna be a lot of them.
06:13So the way this will work is that creepers will spawn on the red concrete
06:16and the tripwire hooks will detect that,
06:18sending a redstone signal into the block
06:20and activate a piston that will push them off.
06:23Iron trapdoors are required as well,
06:24so that only creepers can spawn on these blocks
06:27because trapdoors make the height space a little bit lower.
06:30From there, everything needs to be spawn proof.
06:32Carpets can go on all of this,
06:33and that needs to be slabs on top of the trapdoors.
06:36And with that done, it's basically gonna be the exact same thing
06:40repeated four more times above this,
06:42so that they have loads and loads of places that they can spawn.
06:46It's a pretty big project, but it'll all be worth it for the music discs.
06:49So I'm gonna get to work.
07:02And that is the farm completely done.
07:05Up here is the spot to AFK at,
07:07and at the moment, it will only spawn creepers at night
07:10because as you can imagine, it's definitely not dark enough.
07:14And I'm just gonna grab a crazy amount of slabs
07:17to cover this entire farm in darkness.
07:29And that is now also out of the way.
07:32Is it way bigger than it needs to be?
07:33Eh, probably, but you can see the dark shadow around it now.
07:38And now I shall remove this portal that links to the farm
07:41and build another side of the farm right here.
07:45On both sides here and also over there,
07:47we've got shulker box loaders
07:49that basically collect all the gunpowder
07:51and then we'll put it in these chests
07:53because it does get a lot of gunpowder as well.
07:54And this right here is a music disc sorter
07:57that uses the output strength that a jukebox gives
08:00when playing a music disc,
08:02and that strength makes each item go in a different barrel.
08:04I'll show you how it works. It's very, very cool.
08:06So yeah, a music disc will go into the jukebox
08:08through the hopper and will instantly be pulled out
08:11by the minecart hopper.
08:12And then it'll go into that hopper
08:14and how far along these droppers it goes
08:17depends on how much strength it sends to this comparator.
08:20And because they all give out a different signal strength,
08:22that allows them to all be sorted into different chests.
08:25And with the collection and sorting system now complete,
08:27I'm going to focus on what actually produces the music discs.
08:32So right here, iron golems are going to be stored
08:34and the creepers are going to land right here.
08:37Then the skellies are going to try and shoot the iron golems,
08:38but they're going to hit the creepers
08:40and that's going to produce music discs.
08:42Using this combination of enchantment tables and trap doors
08:45means that there's only that tiny, tiny little gap
08:48for the arrows to go through.
08:49Look at that.
08:50I can't even really trick the camera to fit through.
08:52It's a very, very tiny gap.
08:54And it means that the golems are almost completely guaranteed
08:57to be safe.
08:57Now, the important thing for me to do is fill these three slots.
09:00That's going to be a little bit of a challenge,
09:01but my idea is to build a platform that mobs can spawn on,
09:05then add a minecart track that goes straight to the top.
09:09From there, if I fly upwards, mobs will spawn.
09:11I didn't want a ghast to spawn.
09:12That is, that is not part of the plan.
09:15That guy, on the other hand, he's going to be very useful.
09:18In this shulker box, I have netherite armor
09:20that doesn't have thorns on it,
09:21which is probably the right thing to wear.
09:24Then I just need to lure this guy over here
09:27and into the minecart.
09:28That was surprisingly easy.
09:29From there, we drop him right in, break the minecart
09:32and repeat the process.
09:35That's all three of those guys in.
09:37That was probably the hardest part done.
09:39And with that out of the way,
09:40I can now build where the creepers fall down
09:42and where the iron golems are going to be spawned.
09:46And that is nether side also done,
09:49except for two things.
09:51And those two things are cats.
09:53Cats to scare away the creepers.
09:55Now, the cats in this farm have been here
09:58for nearly 10,000 days.
10:00So you know what?
10:01It's finally time for you to be free.
10:03And by free, I mean, you can briefly leave this farm
10:06and instead, live for the rest of your life.
10:09I mean, you can live for the rest of your life.
10:11You can live for the rest of your life.
10:13And instead, live right here.
10:16I'm also going to manually spawn in the iron golems
10:18rather than using the farm.
10:19It's just going to be quicker to set up
10:20and I've got loads of spare iron to do it.
10:22Next, when I break these blocks,
10:23they should start shooting.
10:25Yep, they're shooting arrows,
10:26but most of them are never going to get through.
10:29Just an occasional one will.
10:30Then I can disable my mob switch
10:33so that down below, creepers will spawn.
10:35And I thought I'd lost this cat.
10:36Turned out he must've gone through a portal by mistake
10:38because I had to replace him with another one.
10:40Well, I'm glad I found you.
10:41I guess you can now be my companion and live up here.
10:43But as all of those creepers go through the portals,
10:46they are constantly getting shot at by these guys.
10:50And the music discs are going through this chest
10:52into the jukebox and filling up the chests.
10:54As you can see, each chest has its own music discs in.
10:57And that means I've now got enough
10:59to start adding them to the item frames.
11:01And I did also have to rotate the disc sorter.
11:03It's directional, I didn't realise.
11:04So yeah, I just had to rebuild that and move it.
11:06But yeah, I'm very, very happy with the farm.
11:08So I'm gonna let the music discs fly through.
11:11A few days have passed
11:12and I reckon that's probably all that it takes
11:15to get the discs that I need,
11:16assuming that the farm is working fine.
11:20I mean, the jukebox is still doing stuff,
11:22which is a positive.
11:23And oh my goodness.
11:27I have never seen so many music discs.
11:31This farm is ridiculous.
11:32I was only there for like two or three days
11:34and I have every single one that I need
11:37for the orbital strike cannon.
11:39Yeah, kind of forgot that we were building that.
11:40And with that out of the way,
11:41all of the other needed items for the cannon
11:43are pretty straightforward.
11:45So I shall put my best foot forward
11:47and start collecting them.
11:50And once I crafted these daylight detectors,
11:53I've got absolutely everything
11:55and I'm almost ready to get started.
11:57The only thing that I do want to quickly do before
12:00is put that in the pill there.
12:01So it's loading the chunks.
12:02So those shulkers are loaded
12:04and mobs won't spawn
12:05because I don't want to be disturbed
12:06whilst I'm building.
12:08I'm going to build the cannon
12:09somewhere in this direction.
12:10At this height,
12:11you can build it underground
12:12and make it all secretive,
12:14but I'm the only person in this world.
12:16There's no point in hiding it.
12:17So I'm going to be building it in open space.
12:19And whilst you can't really see my world from here,
12:22if I bump up the render distance,
12:24there you go.
12:25You can see the logo I built.
12:27You can slightly see the factory.
12:28So we're not a million miles away,
12:31but we're far away enough.
12:32The design for this cannon,
12:33like all the other ones,
12:34is by Cubic Meter.
12:35And I am very glad that his designs nowadays
12:37are so much more survival friendly and minimal.
12:40He takes into account so much more,
12:41which is very, very helpful
12:43when rebuilding his machines
12:44because they are just so, so useful.
12:46This right here acts as a player detector.
12:48So the redstone is only activated
12:49because the minecart is only loaded
12:51when a player is nearby.
12:52And that controls so many parts of the machine.
12:55And it's such an important mechanic
12:56to make sure that it doesn't break
12:58whilst the player is in the area.
12:59Adding the water is pretty important
13:01because if something goes wrong
13:03and TNT explodes where it's not supposed to,
13:05it's not going to destroy stuff
13:06because it'll end up landing in water.
13:08It's a very, very clever way to protect the machine.
13:11Loads and loads of water is going to be dotted
13:13about all over here, really.
13:15Whilst placing water everywhere
13:17does lower the chance of screwing something up,
13:19it is also kind of annoying to add it all,
13:22especially with the limited inventory space.
13:25There's going to be TNT right here
13:27and there's also going to be TNT under these observers,
13:30but I'm not placing it just yet
13:32in case something goes wrong
13:34and I activate a redstone current
13:36that blows everything up.
13:37Yeah, I definitely don't want that to happen.
13:39So TNT placing is the very last thing to be done.
13:43I also now feel safe adding the TNT in there
13:45because I'm now adding a waterlogged slab.
13:47So if anything went wrong when the TNT activated,
13:49it would be underwater anyway
13:51and it wouldn't break anything.
13:52And whilst I've done so much of the redstone,
13:54as you can see,
13:54the rest of this build is just to continue layering it up.
13:57I think I've done most of the complex stuff,
13:59but I've still got stuff like loads of activator rails,
14:03just loads of items and blocks to get down really.
14:06So I'm going to keep going,
14:08keep being busy and complete the build.
14:21And the orbital strike cannon is now complete.
14:27Well, kind of, this part is anyway.
14:29I do still need to set up the nether side of the chunk loaders,
14:32which is very, very easy indeed.
14:33It's literally just two portals with netherrack on fire.
14:38And then the final thing that's missing
14:40is the wireless redstone interface
14:42that will connect to the machine.
14:44It's literally a password protected system,
14:45which is kind of cool.
14:47I'm going to set the password
14:48to be every single one of these lamps lit up,
14:51which might not make a lot of sense right now,
14:53but trust me, it will once the build is done.
14:55And as far as the position
14:56that I'm going to build the interface,
14:58it can be anywhere in the overworld,
15:00as long as it's far away enough
15:02to unload the orbital strike cannon.
15:04So the strike cannon cannot be in my render distance.
15:06And I do also need to grab a few extra items
15:08to actually build the control panel side.
15:10Also, if you're wondering why I've got shears,
15:12it's because I use them to fill up the barrels
15:14to output a certain signal strength.
15:16I'll show you on the machine when I get to it.
15:17And the list of needed items isn't too extensive.
15:20So I'm going to get busy and get to work grabbing everything.
15:24And with that, I've got everything,
15:26as you can see, nowhere near as much as before.
15:28And I'm also once again,
15:29going to need boats for a chunk loader,
15:31a load of random items,
15:32which I've got loads of redstone dust.
15:33So a load of random items to go in the dispensers
15:35or the droppers, they're not dispensers.
15:37And a hopper mine cart will come in very handy as well.
15:40So like I said, it doesn't really matter
15:42where I build this control panel.
15:43All I do have to worry about
15:44is that it is far away enough from the main cannon.
15:47And I reckon right here is as good a place as any
15:49to build it, not that far from my world,
15:51but just far enough.
15:52It's crazy how much better wireless redstone has got
15:55since I last used it.
15:56I haven't used it for thousands of days
15:58in my hardcore world.
15:59I'm just putting a load of redstone dust
16:01in these droppers,
16:02which is what is going to be part of the system
16:06that detects the wireless redstone.
16:07It's done through items being dispensed through droppers.
16:09It's pretty complicated,
16:10but it's pretty crazy how cool it is as well.
16:12I've become a bit of a dab hand
16:13at setting up these chunk loaders now.
16:15Let's get that in there.
16:16I think this is the last of the droppers
16:18that I need to fill with items
16:20to make the machine work, which is good news.
16:22I've also nearly finished the control panel.
16:24It's basically a giant QR code system
16:27where you press different buttons
16:29and it lights up different bulbs behind it.
16:32And that will send very specific information
16:34to the orbital strike cannon.
16:36It's so, so cool.
16:37It's like a QR code.
16:38And that is every single redstone component down.
16:41I think I've done it all correct.
16:42It's mainly filling the droppers
16:44that's the most important thing.
16:45The very final thing to do is head through this portal
16:48to set up the chunk loader and it's ready.
16:51Absolutely everything is ready.
16:53I wish I could blast this guy with it, to be honest.
16:54What are you doing?
16:55You know what, I'm not going to kill you.
16:56I'm just going to push you off.
16:57Apparently he refuses to go off.
16:58All right, that's it.
16:59You're going.
17:00Yep, and so are you guys as well.
17:02Flicking this lever will turn on the chunk loader.
17:04I guess I can just double check it's working.
17:06Looks fine to me.
17:07So when it comes to executing this,
17:09first things first,
17:10I need to make sure that both
17:11of these chunk loaders are switched on.
17:13I need to make sure that this lever is switched off.
17:15Now the wireless receiver is switched on
17:18and I can get ready to fire the cannon.
17:21This spreadsheet by cubic meter
17:23allows me to put in all sorts of different data
17:25so I can put in the exact coordinates
17:27that I want it to be, the size, the type,
17:29and it gives me the QR code to enter.
17:31And I reckon first things first,
17:33we should do a test firing right here.
17:36The TNT is going to come down there
17:37and if possible, I want to see the blast happen
17:39but not be too near to it.
17:41So I'm linking up a portal that's a safe distance away.
17:44Next, I need to take this exact QR code
17:47and recreate it with these copper bulbs.
17:50The lamps in this red column mean it's at full power.
17:52Yeah, we're doing the most powerful nuke
17:54that this machine can.
17:55And then this one is the password.
17:57So you remember I lit up every single lamp
18:00at the password of the cannon.
18:01So that one's also all lit up.
18:03The QR code is now inputted to send it through.
18:06I just have to push this button.
18:08Now, if it has got a signal
18:11and a connection with the cannon,
18:13I will hear a sound.
18:15There we go. Did you hear it?
18:18So now you can see it's communicating
18:21with the orbital strike cannon
18:23and it's going to take about four or five minutes
18:25to build up the charge.
18:27Once that finishes flashing, I'll know it's done.
18:30It's now finished the operation.
18:31It did a little ding
18:32and we're going to head through this portal.
18:35It's probably the best idea.
18:37And now when I head through this portal,
18:39the TNT should load over there.
18:43Okay, hold on.
18:44I've just seen a...
18:46What on earth has just happened?
18:49Oh my goodness.
18:51Look at the destruction, ladies and gentlemen.
18:55What a massive blast.
18:57Okay, that is kind of crazy.
19:00Imagine this, but on top of my hardcore world.
19:02Okay, hold your horses, ladies and gentlemen.
19:05Embrace yourselves as I put in the details
19:07for the coordinates of my hardcore world.
19:11And with that, I am just one button push away
19:14from blowing up everything in my hardcore world.
19:18The whole shebang is going to be destroyed.
19:22And so three, two, one.
19:26I'm just kidding.
19:27I'm not going to push it today.
19:29You see, I'm currently on day 9,871,
19:31which means there's 129 days to go.
19:33So on day 10,000, I will push the button
19:37and blow up my world.
19:38But before that, there's a bit more to be done
19:41and 129 days left to play.
19:43But 10,000 days in hardcore Minecraft
19:46is coming on the 29th of March.
19:49That's the day the world will be 10,000 days old
19:51and it's the day that I will be 10,000 days old
19:55in real life too.
19:56Kind of poetic, isn't it?
19:57So I'm looking forward to the final video
19:59in the hardcore world and I shall see you guys there.
