"I Am Opposed to BLA..."
PTI Official Social Media Run From Where? Hamid Raza Unaware
PTI Official Social Media Run From Where? Hamid Raza Unaware
00:00Did you not tell this to Maulana Sahib till night and Senator Kamran Murtaza himself told me that we sat till 1.30, 2.30, 2.30 in the night and prayed till then PTI did not tell us that they have decided that they will not go.
00:16No, if you look at my tweet, I think it came at the time of Isha prayer that I am not going.
00:22And around 11.30, 12, the set information of Sheikh Waqas Akram Sahib, the tweet also came from him.
00:32Sir, Sir, do you want unity from JUI or not?
00:35We want it, why not?
00:36So you are telling them to keep looking at our tweets, secretly.
00:39We did not tell them.
00:40So you are saying that the tweet came, so announce it.
00:42Tell them, call the units and tell them.
00:44Look, there was a mistake.
00:46It was said at the residence of Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar Sahib, it was given a different colour.
00:51It should have been told.
00:52It should have been told before going.
00:54It should have been told even if we did not want to go.
00:57This is my opinion.
00:59When the decision was made that there was a conditional permission, it was not told at that time.
01:05It is not that they were informed earlier that we are going, how could we have informed?
01:09The second thing is that I am not a member of the political committee.
01:11You left it.
01:13What did you leave it on?
01:15Leave that.
01:16No, no, tell me, what did you leave it on?
01:18You were a member of the political committee.
01:20Imran Khan Sahib trusts you.
01:22He made you a spokesperson, despite the fact that you are not a part of his political party.
01:28Then why did you leave the political committee?
01:30There are some internal problems.
01:33With whom?
01:34Not with anyone, all are brothers.
01:36Who can I have a problem with?
01:37But I think…
01:38Just tell me, with the Pakistani leadership or sitting outside with some people?
01:41No, this is my opinion.
01:43Let me tell you one thing.
01:45I say that all this chaos is being created because for the past six months,
01:50political people have not been given access to Imran Khan Sahib.
01:53Because of which some decisions are being disputed.
01:56By disputed, I mean that the way social media was bashing the PTA members,
02:03it should not have happened.
02:05Because they…
02:06You are very under pressure.
02:08You want to take a good decision and social media starts from there.
02:10So what?
02:11You don't care?
02:13We are sitting here today because of this social media.
02:15Because we are talking about social media.
02:17So if he questions…
02:18No, you are not sitting because of social media.
02:20No, I am sitting because of social media.
02:21You are sitting because of Allah.
02:22No, the grace of Allah, the grace of the Prophet of Pakistan,
02:24the prayers of my parents, Imran Khan is the reason.
02:27But if I did not go into my circle,
02:29and I have been successful,
02:31then along with the voter of my circle, the biggest role was of social media,
02:34which reached my mark.
02:36Social media was of a medium.
02:39But social media, which at this time,
02:41is going 180 degrees different from your policies,
02:45who is running it, Mr. Sehbzad?
02:47So what?
02:48No, I am talking about the official one.
02:50I am telling you.
02:51Not independent.
02:52Some 180 degrees, at least from my point of view,
02:55it is going according to my point of view,
02:57there can be small or big differences in small things.
02:59Not small or big.
03:00No, mine is small and big.
03:01Do you remember the Jaffar Express incident?
03:03Jaffar Express was condemned.
03:04What is wrong in that?
03:05Imran Khan himself was condemned.
03:07I will show you Imran Khan's tweet.
03:10Why didn't you tell me?
03:11I will show you.
03:12Yes, tell me.
03:13Where was the information minister of Pakistan?
03:15Where did the information minister of Pakistan come from?
03:17The state had to fulfill its responsibility on Jaffar Express.
03:19For 36 hours, your defence minister did not speak,
03:21nor did your information minister speak,
03:25nor did your interior minister speak.
03:27The operation was going on.
03:28If the operation was going on,
03:29we were not saying,
03:30you tell me how many soldiers are going there,
03:33there is a combat operation,
03:34there is a non-combat operation.
03:35What did you want?
03:36We wanted to know about the happenings there.
03:38You should have told us.
03:39In the form of videos,
03:40you should have told us.
03:41It was spreading everywhere.
03:42It was spreading everywhere.
03:43You should have told us.
03:44You should have told us.
03:45That was the responsibility of the state.
03:47But two wrongs cannot make a right.
03:49Your mistake cannot be erased from their mistake.
03:52I want to ask their mistake from them.
03:54I want to ask your mistake from you.
03:56So, I am against BLA?
03:57As simple as that?
03:59And the official account…
04:00And the official account…
04:01Is that also against BLA?
04:02There were such tweets from the official account,
04:04which were in their favour.
04:05Okay, listen to me.
04:06If a child or an individual tweets something…
04:10From the official account.
04:11Listen to me.
04:12If a child or an individual tweets something…
04:14This incident has happened, right?
04:15It has happened.
04:16That the BLA…
04:19Absolutely terrorists.
04:20Absolutely terrorists.
04:21Tell me this.
04:22When DGISPR and CM Balochistan
04:24operated in Afghanistan,
04:26when DGISPR and CM Balochistan
04:27operated in Afghanistan,
04:28DGISPR said that terrorists
04:29DGISPR said that terrorists
05:01So, why didn't you come in front?
05:04Who didn't come?
05:05Why didn't you come in front?
05:06I was sitting in front of all the channels.
05:07I was sitting in front of all the channels.
05:08To oppose that this retweet
05:09from our official account has been wronged.
05:10It is not right.
05:11You can differentiate between
05:13our statement and DGISPR's statement.
05:16In which DGISPR himself is saying
05:18that BLA has left people on Lassani grounds.
05:21So, tell me this, Mr. Sahebzad.
05:22I asked a question earlier as well.
05:24Are you running PTI's official social media?
05:29This is a very serious issue.
05:31I don't know.
05:33If it was being run from here, then you would know.
05:36No, if it is being run from somewhere else and I want to know, then maybe I would know.
05:41But I have no concern.
05:42As it is going on, it is going on fine.
05:44It is going on fine.
05:45But because of this, a lot of problems are being created with regards to the leaders here.
05:49You know this too, right?
05:50Yes, I know.
05:52No, there is no such thing.
05:53Of the record, we have spoken to a lot of leaders, Mr. Hamid Raza.
05:56You must have had one too.
05:57I have had one too.
05:58Yes, so your smile is telling us how it is.
06:00Not to that level.
06:01Your smile is telling us, Mr. Hamid Raza.
06:03Not to that.
06:04I can say what I have to say.
06:05No, not to you.
06:06My score is 100 by 100.
06:08Mr. Khan, I am not saying this because I am a politician.
06:11I am not saying this because I am a politician.
06:13I am not saying this because I am a politician.
06:15I am not saying this because I am a politician.
06:18My score is 100 by 100.
06:20The tweets of Mr. Khan are retweeted from my page.
06:23That is 100 by 100.
06:24So, I have a blind trust.
06:25Do you do it yourself or someone else does it?
06:27My team does it.
06:28So, even if you don't read it, it can be retweeted.
06:30So, leave it.
06:31I have no issues, right?
06:33That is your prerogative.
06:34That is your prerogative.
06:36That is your prerogative.
06:37But you don't know where it comes from.
06:40No, honestly speaking, I neither know nor have I tried to find out.
06:45Last question, Mr. Hamid.
06:47What is going to happen after Eid?
06:51Let the time come.
06:53It will be better.
06:54No, don't leave so much suspense.
06:55It is not a suspense movie.
06:56It is a current affairs show.
06:57Tell us what is going to happen.
06:58Look, there are phases of the movement.
07:04I have a very important responsibility.
07:06It has to do with the protest.
07:07You have to decide what is going to happen.
07:09No, I don't just have to decide.
07:11All the representatives of the Jamaat are involved in it.
07:13But you are the head, right?
07:14I have been made the head.
07:15I will give you the entire mechanism.
07:17I will give you the entire roadmap.
07:19How we will move forward after Eid.
07:22So, tell me the first step of the roadmap.
07:24Don't tell me the rest of the roadmap.
07:25I guess.
07:26We have two things first.
07:27One, we are going to do APCs in Balochistan, KPK, Sindh and Punjab.
07:32And after that, we will do APCs at the national level.
07:35The APC in Balochistan will be related only to the problems and terrorism in Balochistan.
07:40The draft that will be prepared there, that will be the part of the national draft.
07:43Will all the Jamaats be invited, Mr. Hamid?
07:45All the Jamaats in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab.
07:48People's Party Summit?
07:49That's what the leadership has to decide.
07:51Or Tariq-e-Tahfiziyan in Pakistan.
07:52Whatever they will decide.
07:54This has not been decided yet.
07:55So, all the Jamaats mean that there will be PMLN in Punjab, People's Party in Sindh.
07:59If there will be PMLN in Punjab, then there should be a meeting.
08:03I may not be present.
08:05No, my…
08:06Is it a personal matter?
08:07Consider it personal.
08:08No, you are saying that all the Jamaats…
08:10If you consider it personal, then it will be personal.
08:12I want to know.
08:13Then it will be personal.
08:14Consider it personal.
08:15That's how it is.
08:16Is it an enmity?
08:17It is an enmity.
08:19Mr. Hamid, I will not probe into it.
08:21If it is a personal matter.
08:22No, no.
08:23If you want to know in detail, then I have no issues with that.
08:26We will leave that for another show.
08:27As of now, the APC that you have to do, the details of that…
08:29Not just APC.
08:30We will go to the conventions.
08:31After that, we will go to the Jalsas.
08:34And after that, Inshallah, whatever will happen, the final attempt will be final.
08:41The final attempt will come.
08:42So, step by step, this way.
08:44You have to run the protest movement in the context of the protest movement.
08:48Like in the past, we have 70 years of protest movement traditions.
08:52This time, the discussion that took place in the meeting is this.
08:56Some things are premature or immature, you can say, that have happened to us.
09:00I am not sitting on my own.
09:01Whether I was in it or not, whether I opposed it or not in that decision.
09:05But when the decision was made collectively, my point of view was different, but I am part of it.
09:10Then you stood by it.
09:11Yes, I stood by it.
09:12Yes, you did.
09:13Now, we will try not to repeat the mistakes that we have made.
09:16Got your point.
09:17Saabzada Hamidul Saab, thank you very much for joining me in the program.