Настя играла со своей кошечкой и та её поцарапала. Настя превратилась в кошку и стала вести себя странно.
01:00Nastya, what's wrong with you?
01:08Nastya, what are you doing?
01:13I'm a cat.
01:15You're a mermaid and a cat at the same time.
01:18Go and eat something.
01:20No, no, no, no!
01:44Stop, stop, stop!
01:46Nastya, what's wrong with you?
01:48I'm a cat.
01:50What's wrong with you?
01:53Sit down.
01:55Ok, Google, what to do if a child becomes a cat?
02:10We need to wash.
02:25Let's go, let's go.
02:27Let's go for a swim.
02:32For cats and cats.
02:53Nastya, daughter, what's wrong with you?
02:55I'm a cat.
02:59This cat has bitten me.
03:11I'm a cat.
03:14We need to wash.
03:18Sit down.
03:26I'm a cat.
03:37We need to wash.
03:42Do you have milk?
03:47I'm a cat.
03:55Finally, it's over.
03:58Let's go, let's go.