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Aditi Khanna, senior biology teacher and CBSE board examiner, shares expert last-minute tips to help students ace the CBSE Class 12 Biology paper.


00:00Hello future doctors, researchers and bio-enthusiast, this is Aditi Khanna from Orchids International
00:17School, Jabalpur.
00:20Your CBSE 12th board examination of biology is approaching and I know you want to score
00:26big but just studying hard is not enough, you need to study smart.
00:32In this video, I'll share practical tips, common mistakes to avoid and the most important
00:39topics you must focus on.
00:42So grab your notebooks and let's get started.
00:47Biology is not just about reading, it's about understanding, retaining and presenting well
00:53in the examination.
00:56Here is how you can maximize your score.
01:00First of all, to keep in mind that your NCRT is your Bible.
01:05Almost 100% of the paper comes from your NCRT.
01:11Don't just read, few things you have to memorize, for example, some key definitions, diagrams
01:18and in text questions.
01:21In biology, a well labeled diagram can get you full marks even with minimal of the explanations.
01:29Focus on important diagram, revise smartly with mnemonics because in biology sometimes
01:38we struggle to remember examples and processes.
01:42Use mnemonics and memory tricks to memorize such things.
01:49Practice previous year papers.
01:50The next key mantra is to practice previous year's paper, solve at least five years of
01:57the previous year papers, pay attention to the repeated questions, especially from genetics
02:05and evolution.
02:08Even the best student make mistakes, but you won't because you will know exactly what to
02:17First of all, skipping labeling in the diagrams, even if your diagram is perfect, no labels,
02:25no marks, always label neatly, use pencil and underline keywords.
02:32The second thing that biology is not about essay writing competition, examiners prefer
02:40answers in points, not long paragraphs.
02:44It's quite boring.
02:45Be concise and to the point while you're writing your answer.
02:50Thirdly, forgetting to highlight the key points.
02:54You have to highlight the key points, underlining or highlighting the key points can grab the
03:00attention of the examiner while correcting your answer sheet.
03:07Next is that you have to keep focus on the marking scheme, never ignore your marking
03:15If a question is for five marks, break your answer into at least five points.
03:20If it is for two marks, don't overexplain.
03:23If it is for one word, write that one particular word that is being required over there.
03:30Now let us focus a little on the most important topics for biology.
03:36You all must have studied that unit two carries the maximum of the marks among all units.
03:43So genetics and evolution, Mendelian genetics, DNA replication and transcription, genetic
03:51disorders like sickle cell anemia, hemophilia.
03:56Then coming the next one to the biotechnology, the unit of biotechnology and its application.
04:03It includes recombinant DNA technology, PCR and DNA fingerprinting and especially the
04:10most emphasized topic must be that the application of biotechnology in the field of medicine
04:17and agriculture.
04:19Then coming to the last one, that is ecology and environment.
04:24You must focus on population growth curves, biodiversity conservation and economic interactions.
04:34If you master these topics, you are already on track for 90% marks.
04:42Now listen to me carefully.
04:45Your biology board examinations are not your enemy.
04:50It is an opportunity to showcase what you have learned.
04:55Every great doctor, scientist and researcher once sat where you are today, nervous, uncertain
05:05but determined and here is the truth, you are ready.
05:11Keep going, keep believing and on the exam day walk in with confidence.
05:16Wish you all a very good luck.
