• 12 hours ago
A gang of outlaws defend their hideout until they discover a shocking secret about who they are and what they're up agai | dG1fNWNwTkRnZE04R2c
00:00They replaced real cops years ago.
00:04When one of them dies, they just recycle them to make more clone cops.
00:08We've got something pretty special brewing over here.
00:12Isn't that neat?
00:14All right, let's make some replicates.
00:17Okay, this place was designed to keep people like us out.
00:20It's a rigged system.
00:21It's only rigged if you play by the rules.
00:23We have a live feed coming in from every single replicate in the field.
00:26Welcome to the party.
00:28And we're going to show you all the action up close and personal.
00:31How do I look?
00:37What the hell was that?
00:38Freeze, criminal scum.
00:40Have you been having sex with the replicates?
00:43Aren't you afraid of catching a clone meeting?
00:45Are these guys serious?
00:50I said dance.
00:53Behind you!
00:54You've got to be jazzed at the school of work.
00:57One clone down, one criminal down.
01:00Mama say not me.
01:02I'll go.
01:03Okay, enough goofing around.
01:04Let's get serious.
01:05I'm ready.
01:07I'm going to go kill this thing.
01:08Good luck, moron.
01:09I live in space.
01:11Everybody, everybody, go, go.
01:13We are already on surveillance, and now they're sitting in special forces.
01:19They weren't that special.
01:20Ooh, shiny.
01:21Hurry up, come on.
01:23This is all I've ever wanted.
01:26We will find you.
01:29Oh, you sleek, sexy son of a...
01:33Clone cops.
01:34I'm Paul.
01:35Let's get you a gun.