• yesterday
CeeLo Green wants no part of the Donald Trump 2028 chatter -- telling us he prays it doesn’t happen for everyone’s sake, and dropping some serious wisdom about the whole thing.


00:00There's a big movement right now, a lot of people are talking about some interviews that
00:06have taken place where Trump's people are saying he's going to run again in 28.
00:10What do you think about that, man?
00:13The internet's real upset, you know, like, you can't do that, right?
00:17It's like a...
00:18Two-term limit?
00:19Yeah, there's a two-term limit, but the internet, you know the internet, they just don't think
00:23he's going to go away.
00:24They think he may invoke, like, martial law and say, for the good of the country, I've
00:29got to stay.
00:30You know, of course, I would hope not, for all of our sakes, but if you leave someone
00:38too much room to assume we're going to naturally assume the worst, let's be more concerned
00:42about the here and the now and the present and what we can do to correct the wrongs and
00:48indiscretions and shortcomings of ourselves, you know what I mean, like, and be the example
00:54and the change that we want to see in the world, you know what I mean?
00:58And I think the change will just start here, it'll start internally, and you extrovert
01:03the ideal, and you'll be that living, breathing, thriving example, you know what I mean, like,
01:09and we'll deal with the unforeseen future when we cross that bridge, you know?
01:16Is he abusing his power?
01:20I won't have such a fixed opinion about his power, but I can make a statement about power
01:31itself, and anybody that has power, you know what I mean, like, the nature of power is
01:37so delicate, so precious, that it's so easily damaged and corruptible, you know what I mean,
01:44like, so...
01:45Most people can't handle it.
01:47Most people can't handle it, so therefore, we tend to deflect, the powerless tend to
01:54deflect when they feel powerless, you know what I mean, like, have you truly accepted
01:58that you have no power, no say, no opinion, no cause, no effect?
02:03No free speech.
02:04No free speech.
02:05Give yourself some credit, you've got to stand up and be counted, you know what I mean, like,
02:09organize in your states, you know what I mean, like, start small, go big, you know what I
02:15mean, like, but that's going to be what's necessary, what's required of you is a consistency
02:22of character, you know what I mean, like, commit to your own character, you'll be a
02:26better person.
