• 2 days ago
Do you love driving but feel frustrated by speed limits and heavily policed roads? Modern cars are faster than ever, but enjoying a great drive doesn’t have to mean breaking the law. In this video, we explore how to have fun driving without speeding, with practical tips to make every drive more engaging, even at legal speeds.

Choose the Right Roads – Not all roads are created equal! We’ll show you how to find isolated roads where speed limits still provide a challenge, making your drive more exciting without breaking the law.

Drive the Right Car – High-horsepower, high-grip cars make legal speeds feel slow. Instead, choosing a lower-power car with less grip can make every corner and straightaway feel engaging. Think lightweight, fun-to-drive cars that deliver thrills without needing triple-digit speeds.

Embrace the Challenge – Driving conditions can completely transform the experience. Rain, mountain passes, or even simple backroads can turn a normal drive into an adventure. We’ll talk about how to make the most of challenging conditions to maximize your enjoyment behind the wheel.

Why Watch?
If you’re a car enthusiast looking for ways to make driving fun without speeding tickets, fines, or risks, this video is for you. Learn how to enjoy every drive, no matter what car you own or where you live.

The website mentioned - https://www.bestbikingroads.com/

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00:00 Intro
01:26 Location
05:30 Car choice
07:21 Challenge


00:00How to enjoy driving without speeding.
00:05Let me outline the problem for you first.
00:08In today's world, it's very difficult to have fun in a car
00:12without exceeding the speed limit.
00:14You've got speed cameras.
00:16You see the sign for it just over there.
00:18A lot of our roads, such as the motorway
00:21that I'm currently on, are heavily policed.
00:25There are static speed cameras
00:27and there are mobile speed cameras
00:29that will post up at random locations to catch you out.
00:32In this video, I'm gonna go through three main ways
00:35to enjoy driving without either speeding
00:40or getting caught speeding.
00:42Police reported ahead.
00:44This is what I'm talking about.
00:46The problem also has a secondary layer to it,
00:51which is that today's cars are too fast.
00:54Now, I'm very fortunate.
00:55I've got an M2.
00:57Who am I to complain about cars being fast, right?
01:00There's 500 horsepower in here,
01:01but your normal car is also too fast.
01:05A lot of cars are hybridized and electrified.
01:09And even your bog standard car these days
01:11with a 1.6 liter engine will have circa 250
01:15or 300 horsepower.
01:17Now that is in my opinion,
01:18too much power to have fun on the road.
01:21But we'll talk about that and some of the other factors
01:23for having fun driving a little bit later in the video.
01:27Okay, so the first thing that we have to talk about
01:29is location.
01:32This is not the right location for driving fast.
01:35There are no corners to interact and enjoy with your car.
01:39There's nowhere to change gear
01:40and actually have fun driving.
01:42The only thing you can do here is go 150 miles an hour
01:47and pretend you're on the Autobahn,
01:49which unfortunately in this country is illegal.
01:52So you will get caught speeding.
01:54There is no way to have fun on a motorway.
01:58So what you have to do is go and find some roads
02:01where the speed limit is a challenge.
02:04Let me show you some examples.
02:07Find yourself an area like this.
02:09This is the Snake Pass.
02:13And doing 50 miles an hour around this corner
02:17would have been very dangerous.
02:19But this is the kind of road
02:21where the speed limit is a challenge.
02:24The thing about roads like this as well
02:25is that you've got awesome scenery.
02:27If you've got better weather than we have today,
02:29then you can actually enjoy looking out
02:31and you don't necessarily want to drive as hard as possible.
02:35It's a big benefit of just going to nice places.
02:38Driving around the same roads,
02:40we might be driving to work
02:41or we might be driving to go shopping or whatever.
02:44See our family.
02:45They're all the reasons we always go for drives.
02:48Sometimes you want to have fun driving.
02:51You got to just make the time to have some fun.
02:56Me and Phil, who's driving the MX-5 in front of me,
02:59got up at 6.30 in the morning today.
03:02We were out on the road at 7 a.m.
03:05And now we're out doing this
03:07while we don't have too much traffic.
03:08It is a bit of a sacrifice, but it's what you have to do.
03:11Now you might notice the weather conditions are,
03:17it can only be described as appalling,
03:19but this is by design.
03:21And I'll talk about this in the third section of the video.
03:25But look at this, we're having fun.
03:26This is a 50 mile an hour road.
03:28It's fairly twisty.
03:31It's a mountain pass.
03:32So there's a bit of danger either side.
03:35But to be honest, you can take any car in the world,
03:38the biggest shitbox you can think of,
03:41and you can come up here
03:42and you can do 50 miles an hour around these corners.
03:45It's really not a crazy speed.
03:48There's also other types of roads
03:50that are not good for driving fast.
03:52This road doesn't have a center divider line.
03:55So it's really sketchy for trying to enjoy your car
03:59under the speed limit.
04:00Now, if you've got a smaller car like Phil's MX-5,
04:04you can do a little bit better.
04:05Or if you've got really good visibility,
04:08you can cut the corners
04:10and then you have more space on the road.
04:12But if you've got traffic coming the other way
04:14and you have to genuinely deal with situations,
04:17this is not an enjoyable road to drive fast on.
04:21Even though you might be driving within the speed limit,
04:24you're not going to be enjoying yourself
04:25because it's going to be too tight.
04:27It's going to be too stressful.
04:30There's a balancing act to find there.
04:32But look at this situation.
04:33Like, this car is far too wide for this stuff.
04:38This is not enjoyable.
04:38This is not fun, you know?
04:41So you've got to find the right road.
04:43You've got to find roads where
04:45not only are you going to have fun
04:48and be able to enjoy it and it's a good road,
04:51but it has all the right ingredients
04:53in terms of width and in terms of space.
04:57If you're on a road you don't know,
04:59leave the sat-nav up so you can see what's coming up.
05:02That's a really good tip for anybody that enjoys driving
05:06and might be going to roads that you don't know.
05:08A great way to find good driving roads
05:10is to use the link below in the description.
05:12The website's called Best Biking Roads,
05:14but it is the best, like, route planner
05:18that I've ever found.
05:20It's not some corporate thing.
05:21It's not a sponsorship.
05:22It's just some dude has made this website
05:24and it's literally my favorite website
05:26for finding driving roads.
05:28I've made a whole video about it,
05:29which can be linked up here.
05:31That brings me quite neatly onto the second point,
05:34which is your choice of car.
05:36The car that I'm driving right now
05:40is aspirational for a lot of people, you know?
05:42M2, manual, very cool, right?
05:46But it's not the perfect car for today's drive.
05:49You can click the video up here.
05:50I've spoken at length about the downsides of the M2,
05:54the downsides of being too wide,
05:56the downsides of being too powerful,
05:58and that's all visible today, right?
06:01This car's a bit too wide to really have fun on this road.
06:04This car's probably a bit too powerful
06:06to really accelerate out of the corners.
06:09If you had something with short gearing, not much power,
06:12something like Phil's MX-5, for example,
06:15you might be having a little bit more fun on this road
06:18at 50 miles an hour.
06:19Now, if the speed limit here was 60 or 70,
06:23we might get closer to this car's limits,
06:25especially in the wet.
06:26And then we might be having
06:27a little bit more fun in this car.
06:28But the car you choose is incredibly important.
06:31And you have to remember,
06:32there's lots of different types of driving roads.
06:35You might find something that's five minutes
06:37from your house that's really narrow and twisty.
06:40And then you might want a smaller car
06:42to really enjoy that road.
06:44You might go out to the mountains
06:46and find something like this,
06:47where it's got a higher speed limit.
06:49And in that case, you might want a bit more power.
06:51If you're up at elevation,
06:53you might want a turbocharged car.
06:56On this narrow road, a car like Phil's is absolutely perfect.
07:01He could have a little bit of fun.
07:02If he wanted to hang out the rear end of the car
07:04and go sideways around here, he could.
07:06There's enough space on these roads
07:08that he can do those things.
07:10In my car, unfortunately, there is just no space.
07:16You know, the car's really long and really wide.
07:18If I was to have it sideways on this road,
07:20it would take up the entire road.
07:21Now, the third thing you can do
07:23to make driving more interesting and more fun
07:26and to have fun driving without speeding
07:30is to make driving challenging.
07:32As you can tell by the conditions
07:35and the visibility distance,
07:37we've made driving challenging for ourselves here.
07:41You can barely see the corner that's coming up.
07:44It's obviously wet, so it's hard to get the power down.
07:47You're going to be fishtailing all over the place.
07:49But this is how you make driving more fun for yourself.
07:52You make it more challenging.
07:54And it's self-imposed, right?
07:55Nobody's telling us to go out
07:59on this miserable day in the wet
08:02with all this, what most normal people
08:05and not car people would consider dangerous conditions.
08:08You know, you've got to drop over there.
08:09You go over that edge.
08:10It's a long day.
08:12But if you're a petrol head
08:13and you want to have fun within the speed limit,
08:16this is brilliant.
08:17Because the truth is,
08:19when you're going 50 around some of these corners,
08:21sometimes it can feel a bit boring.
08:23It can feel pretty pedestrian, the pace.
08:26But if you have these conditions,
08:28it suddenly feels a bit more on edge.
08:31You know, you're like,
08:32ooh, I can't see very far.
08:35Ooh, the road's a bit slippery.
08:37Ooh, there's a drop over here that I might die from.
08:41So use the weather as a challenge.
