• 2 days ago
THANK YOU for watching today's video :) I am so excited to put some action behind my words and hopeful that I will continue being consistent on YouTube moving forward. I can't thank y'all enough for watching & caring and checking in on my videos, I love these long videos... it feels like a along FaceTime call with a bunch of besties!!!

social media:
- instagram: rhegan777
- snapchat: rhegan777
- TikTok: rhegan777, rhegancoursey & rhegmukbangs
- Spotify: (rhegan777) https://open.spotify.com/user/temtfc25ta4e4erag2j1b99aj?si=3425bda952f1432c


00:00I would start my video like this, looking like this. Y'all these overnight heatless
00:15soft curls are no joke though. I feel like I need to be more on top of trends because they
00:20they typically work. I want to start dabbling in the beauty industry a little bit more this year.
00:25This curling rod I got from TikTok shop. I go to bed looking like that so that I can wake up
00:29and my hair is ready to go. I'm trying to put y'all in game right now. Welcome to today's
00:33YouTube video. Welcome to my channel if you've never watched me before. This week instead of
00:36doing a week in my life because it's Friday, I'm like why don't I do a weekend in my life? I've
00:41never done anything like this before. I'm going out tonight. I'm going out tonight. I want to be
00:47very true and authentic. It's 12 p.m. I've I want to say that I've been productive but I just bed
00:52rot. I'm not gonna lie. That morning after editing all day and getting a video out especially if it
00:56takes me a few days to edit all day sometimes deserves a little bit of bed rotting. It's
01:00supposed to be a sunny day outside. Looking out right now it's pretty cloudy so a little confused
01:05about that. It says oh it says the sun's out right now. A little confused about that. All throughout
01:08today it's going to be 80 degrees until 5 p.m. Dinner is at 8 15. We're going to this place
01:13called Drake's. Very nice. It's more upscale than just the typical dinner that I would go out to.
01:18I was going to get like a spray tan today, Brazilian wax, like do the whole dudes make it
01:22like a self-care day but I honestly would rather sit at the pool. Plus I want to do my makeup
01:26without a tan because I'm so used to doing my makeup with a tan whenever I have a spray tan.
01:30I want to be naturally tanning more this year as much as I can especially now that I'm in Texas and
01:35the weather warms up a little bit faster than whenever I was in LA so I'm like no no spray tan.
01:39I'm addicted. I'm not gonna lie. I think everyone looks better tan for the most part and I think
01:42there's a small percentage of people who don't look better tan. It's totally gonna get clipped.
01:46I think I look better tan. Oh my gosh guys you know how in my last video I got those little
01:51cannabis drinks. I tried it yesterday and I'm not gonna lie it worked so well. I was so nervous
01:55because it says there's five servings per can and I had such a good high for the first time in a long
01:59time. Sea moss, cheers. Coconut coal. I feel like oh you're not supposed to mix it. From what I've
02:05seen it's very hit or miss for some people. I personally love it. Taking the sea moss before
02:10probably helps with the taste and my multivitamin shot. My big three in the morning. Now we can get
02:15started with our day. I'm not gonna do any makeup because I'm gonna do my makeup later. I'm definitely
02:18gonna take a body shower but hopefully I don't have to wash my hair. Hopefully it stays. It's
02:22been really windy in Dallas. When I went to the gun range last Sunday in my vlog I did this
02:26heatless sock curls and they lasted throughout. The top did get a little bit flat but I can always
02:31redo that when I'm getting ready. It's gonna be thunderstorming tomorrow like Texas weather.
02:34It's not that windy. Let's get started with our morning. Afternoon.
02:43Apparently when I'm high I like to get props and I totally pulled this out last night to
02:46have a dance party in my apartment. I need more hats. I need more accessories. Accessories make
02:51or break an outfit and I feel like I used to be so into fashion and I was focusing too much on
02:55being too disciplined when I was doing the 75 part challenge 2023 but I feel like I lost a lot of
03:00little parts of myself that I've completely forgotten about and neglected so sometime
03:04this weekend maybe on Sunday. Sunday I want to do like a true self-care day. I haven't had beyond
03:10cleaning a self-care Sunday in quite a while and those are the best. Tomorrow I get the Saturday
03:14reset for y'all rather than doing it for TikTok because I already have a video filmed that I am
03:19gonna need to edit tomorrow. I ordered a bikini. It's here. I ordered a bikini and it got here last
03:25night. We're totally gonna wear it today. It's the cutest bikini ever. It's from Bytee or however I'll
03:30put it right here but however you spell it. I've wanted a bikini from them for years. They're a
03:34little pricey. Now bikinis everywhere are freaking pricey. I get so many scam calls throughout the
03:40day. Anyways it's really exciting and if it fits well and it looks good then I'm gonna get a few
03:44other ones for the summer. I'm a bikini hoarder. I need to go through my closet before like I need
03:49to do some sort of spree re-evaluation of my goals of my wardrobe. Take some steps forward
03:55which does include a closet clean out. Something that I don't even want to think about but I should.
04:00I didn't go through my closet before I moved here from LA. I feel like I have so many pieces that I
04:04don't wear could donate and sell that would also open up so much free space in my closet for newer
04:09clothes, cuter clothes, clothes that make me feel comfortable. We're gonna do that soon. The spring's
04:13coming up. I think I'm gonna do it the week that it turns spring technically but sometimes I get
04:18impulsive. Maybe I'll do it before then. Most of the time I get impulsive. Most of the things that I do
04:23are impulsive. I need to really work on that. I've literally been drinking these all week. The hype is
04:28real. This one's my favorite. It's the cherry lime bloom energy drink. Oh so good. You can already
04:33feel it waking me up. It's placebo effect. The second that I drink an energy drink I'm like oh
04:37yeah that was all I needed and a little bit of addiction. Let's pick out oh I was gonna say let's
04:41pick our bikini. No let's go get our bikini. I can't wear this in my lobby. Let me show y'all how I walk
04:45around in my lobby. They never see me in a good light. Oh I'm like who am I kidding? I wear this
04:50stuff all the time. I'm trying to downplay. I'm trying to be like they never see me in a good
04:54light. Most people don't see me in a good light. This is what I mostly wear. I'm a comfort person.
04:58What can I say? I've never vlogged around my apartment before. I'm honestly I haven't been
05:02doing the best job about vlogging around Dallas. That's why I feel like oh god we're stopping at a
05:07floor. Hold on. Bad news y'all. This is not my bikini. It wasn't meant to be. Let's see what
05:14this package is. I need to get a move on it. This is what I'm talking about with time management
05:18stuff. Like I could have been out there 20 minutes ago. It's 12 45 so I've spent the last 45 minutes
05:23doing what y'all have seen in this video. That's embarrassing. It's from Red Bull. Okay yay that's
05:30gonna be really exciting to try. I love working with Red Bull. They have been so kind towards me.
05:34They have done so much for me. They sent me to Miami with my friend Laura. Last year I did an
05:39eye sculpting class with them. I did a workout class with them. There are brands that want to
05:42work with you because being a creator is damn near being a walking billboard or a walking
05:46advertisement which is perfectly okay because that's the name of the game. There's also some
05:50brands that will work with you and are so kind, supportive, go the extra mile to reach out, make
05:55you feel seen as a creator and as a human. Red Bull is one of those companies that they're literally
05:59like you don't have to promote anything we just want to do this for you. Obviously in return I
06:04try to promote them as much as possible and go the extra mile whenever I'm doing something
06:07specifically with them like the eye sculpting class or the workout class just as my thanks to
06:11them for treating me like a human and a person before creator. White Fox Boutique is one of those
06:16brands for me as well. If you see me repping a brand like that like Red Bull like White Fox Boutique
06:20in the way that I really do show out for them and constantly be promoting them even when I'm not
06:24necessarily working with them it means that they're going that extra mile for me as well.
06:28It's so much easier to want to go above and beyond for a brand when brand's doing that for you as
06:33well you know it's like when it's reciprocal when you don't feel like you're being walked over you
06:36don't feel like you're just an ad or as easily replaceable. Shout out to those two there are a
06:41bunch of other brands Slate Swim, Giant Vintage. We're not really strangers I'm literally wearing
06:45a hoodie right now. I literally got this right before I moved to LA and I wore it my first day
06:49in LA. They're one of the first brands that I started working with. There's so many more other
06:53brands that I can't think of on the top of my head solely because I'm trying to get used to this form
06:57of content, the long form of content. Oh I don't have to cut things up really fast and be really
07:01precise with my words and I'm allowed to have a slower talk, have a more intentional talk with
07:06y'all on here. That's why I love YouTube so much. I'm gonna get changed here I go
07:09time management y'all. We're off to tan and get some stuff done.
07:12I'm just now getting back from the pool. It's 5 20 p.m. I took an everything shower. I did end up having to wash my hair even though I didn't want to because
07:36whenever I tan and I put on sunscreen I need to put it in my hairline so it just gets my hair
07:40super oily. I can't do oily hair. My hair is too thin naturally to do oily hair. I envy girls that
07:46can do a slick back because they have a hair mask in or their hair's oily and it just looks so good
07:51and they have like the perfect hairline. It's obviously not me but I can appreciate that on
07:55other women even though I can't do it. I'm feeling indecisive on whether or not I want to redo my
08:00eyelashes just because I feel like they're a little lopsided and I've had them on all week.
08:03One of the things that I did that I'm so glad that I did do when I was journaling outside I wrote down
08:09my March moving forward list. Basically just a bunch of things that I want to be doing more.
08:14Small goals, big goals, ideas for my routine, what I want my daily routine to look like versus on the
08:19weekends and how I want that to look like. I'll go through a few of them. Sunday resets filmed
08:24on Saturdays and posted early on Sunday. I mentioned that in my last YouTube video. One YouTube video
08:28a week. I just I feel like I can do it now. I've said that a lot so take that with a grain of salt.
08:35I'm wanting to focus more on action over words moving forward. It's kind of one of my new sayings
08:40that I'm trying to go by moving forward with this year is really putting action behind things rather
08:44than just saying it. I've also said that before. I'm acknowledging it. Reading a book each week,
08:50using my Sundays for rest and self-care, treating my job like a job, content creating, treating it
08:56like an actual job, going more by a nine-to-five schedule just for the growth that I want for
09:00myself on social media and as a person. That's something that I think will be very pivotal in my
09:05social media journey going forward. One solo date a month because I have yet to go on a solo date
09:10since I've been in Dallas and that was something that I was doing pretty consistently in LA. Just
09:15spending time by myself, sitting in a restaurant, bringing my tripod, making myself uncomfortable
09:20for the sake of growing and it really did help me grow a lot. Going to a restaurant, sitting by
09:24myself, not scrolling through my phone, people watching or bringing a book or bringing a journal,
09:29just enjoying my own company in a space in public where lots of people are on dates or with groups
09:34of friends and aren't typically eating out alone for whatever reason. I mean obviously it does make
09:40me uncomfortable whenever I do that. Whenever I did that it's going to make me uncomfortable
09:45especially here in Dallas where recording publicly is a little less known or seen as it is in LA but
09:51at the same time too those are things that one will transform my content and also just transform
09:55my confidence in myself and self-love and I just noticed it made a bigger difference whenever I
10:00was doing that than I thought it did. So focus and consistency moving forward. Tunnel vision,
10:05I need that Regan back. She's coming back. I can feel it finally but I need her back because I
10:11truly give love to all versions of myself but I will say my super discipline, super on top of it
10:17when it comes to social media and workouts and journaling, reading, many of those are things that
10:21make me me and when one of them's gone I've come to find out that it's all gone. All of the little
10:26things add up together. It's not just one or the other that keeps me productive and on top of my
10:31a-game it's every little thing. So focusing on relying on that discipline and creating it again
10:38versus waiting for bursts of motivation which I had been doing since I'd moved to Dallas. I just
10:43lost that part of me. It's my first time navigating this new city. I say new city because I'm not from
10:48Dallas, Dallas. I'm from a city outside of Dallas. This is my first time living in Dallas.
10:52It's going to look differently than my LA chapter but I think I could make it even better starting
10:57from here and here. So focusing on those parts of it rather than the parts that feel good now
11:02and hurt me later. I haven't gone out the last few weeks and I was a little skeptical on whether
11:07or not I wanted to go out tonight but I need to put myself also in those scenarios to see how well
11:12I can do moving forward from them because that's an important part of balance. I can go out Friday
11:17but I'm saying no to anything on Saturday and Sunday so that I can focus on the things that I
11:21need to do in my apartment for social media for myself to decompress and maintain the balance.
11:27I did spend literally all week editing last week's YouTube videos so I'm like okay my little treat to
11:31myself I'm gonna go to dinner with my friends and then if I want to do something afterwards then I
11:36can. I need to be home at a somewhat decent time for a night going out. I need to do my skincare.
11:41My apartment needs to be clean before I leave so that I can come back to a clean apartment so that
11:44whenever I do my Saturday reset tomorrow it's less to do. You know all the little things. Balance.
11:50This era is the era of balance. It's something I've always talked about struggling with especially
11:55when I was doing 75 hard because it's all or nothing. Actually let's call this my no bullshit
12:00era. I'm not taking bullshit from anyone else or myself. You heard the woman. I'm talking about
12:04myself. You heard the woman. I'm the woman in question. Someone else is supposed to say that
12:08not me. You heard the woman. What am I talking about? Okay I'm gonna vacuum pick up my island
12:13area. I look like someone's grandma. Single grandma. Oh if you know you know. If you get it you get it.
12:18It's my spam account on Instagram. We're gonna have a few chit chats that I wanted to have whenever I
12:22was outside but I also wanted to just focus on getting what I needed to get done and out of the
12:26way. I also did some brand stuff when I was outside. I want this video to feel like a FaceTime call
12:30and be very true to whatever I end up doing. And so she did exactly what she said she was gonna do.
12:34She vacuumed her apartment. She cleaned up her island so that she could get ready to go out
12:38with the girls. Can you tell I've been watching How I Met Your Mother? It's my new show right now.
12:42Perfect. Best and worst and sometimes scary part about going out is picking out your outfit as a
12:47girl. I'm either on a scavenger hunt or I know exactly what I'm gonna wear. Today I don't know
12:52what I want to wear. I have no idea what the vibe is. I know it needs to be a bit nicer. One of my
12:57friends said that they're wearing a skirt set. Over there I have my longer dresses but I wasn't
13:01looking at them because the weather's gonna be a little bit nicer. But then I was pondering over
13:05my short dresses and I don't feel like any of these are also a match with like going to a bar
13:09or something after. Like all of my short dresses are nice dresses. Like look at this. Come on.
13:14Super cute though. So we're gonna look and just ponder. I think I just like a long dress. I don't
13:19wear short dresses often. We're gonna ponder on over here. Am I crazy if I pull out the skim dress?
13:24It's like nice classy but also if I go out in this afterwards it's like chill. I'm gonna put it off
13:29to the side. I absolutely adore this dress. If I don't wear this sometime soon this is definitely
13:34being a summer dress for me. I think I tried it on one time and the only thing was that it goes
13:38so low. I felt like a nipple was gonna pop out so I would definitely need to wear this with nipple
13:42pasties and I don't think I have any that are new enough right now that'll like stick. They keep
13:46falling off. So this is what I would love to wear but I don't think we're there yet. This is a good
13:50option. It's like a semi-backless dress. Thick enough that if it does get colder or windy later
13:55I won't be freezing my ass off. Will I be cold? Yes. But I won't be freezing my ass off. I have
14:00to think there's so many of these options that I want to wear tonight. Like this leather dress
14:04I've never worn before. Also there's no such thing as being overdressed. Let me preface.
14:08Learned that a while ago from my friend Matthew but there literally is no such thing as being
14:12overdressed. You just look good. That's it. I used to feel like such a try-hard and now I'm like no
14:16I want to look good and I want to wear what I want to wear. Someone else not dressing their best is
14:20not my fault. My last option would be this dress. I obviously wear this dress with undergarments
14:25but I always wear this dress with either nipple pasties or a bandeau bra and then these like
14:29boy short shorts that I got from Skims because they cover my areas and this is a very very knit
14:36dress. Sometimes I have the confidence and I'm like yeah I can go out like that like embracing
14:41it and then other times I just feel so self-conscious the whole entire time even though
14:44I'm trying my best to fake it till I make it and that is most times. It's weird because certain
14:48things I don't care about. There are also other things that I do care about. I'm very nitpicky
14:53on what shows. Something I'll be like oh yeah that's fine and it's like what? But then other
14:58things I'll be like oh no I can't do that and it's like dude that's not even bad you know? I don't
15:01know. Let's pick a short dress just in case I am feeling a little crazy. I love my short dresses
15:06and I never wear them. Is this a top? I didn't even know I had this. Oh no it's a dress. It's so funny
15:11being a girl because yeah no this is a dress this is not a top. This is really cute though too it's
15:16just god forbid a little piece of wind blows. One little gust of wind and I'm done. Oh I do like
15:21this outfit. I actually ended up liking this dress on a lot more than I thought I was going to
15:25because I'm pale. Usually I would wear a white colored anything when I have a tan but I do really
15:31like how I look in it. This dress is going to have to make another appearance. I've never worn it
15:34before and I've had it for a long time. We're just going to go with those options that I already
15:38picked out for now. I kind of want a glass of wine and I am going to be having a little cocktail
15:43today. I might as well right? I just love getting ready while I'm sipping a glass of wine. I feel so
15:48classy. I have to blow dry my hair and do my hair before I do my makeup because I'm going to put my
15:52hair in that roller again because you can honestly style that with a roller. I do put some heat on it
15:58whenever I'm doing it whenever I'm doing it to go out like an hour or two afterwards. Obviously
16:02heatless is better and it works that way if you do it overnight but you can do it same day as
16:06well for the roller. I haven't tried the sock curl same day and that doesn't seem as promising.
16:10I'm going to blow dry my hair off camera really quick. I don't know if I'm going to go ahead and
16:14style the whole thing but at least do the little roller and then we can have a little girl talk,
16:18listen to some music, and get ready for our night out, you and me.
16:36My hair is curled. Alexi's gonna come over. She lives down the street so we usually carpool when
16:40we go places together. The last year I've gone through a phase where I'm like, oh I want a
16:44boyfriend but saying that not so seriously and having so much fun with my friends like from
16:50whenever I was in LA until now for whatever reason as of this year and it's honestly started more
16:55recently maybe end of January. I've been so comfortable in myself for the most part yet I
17:01also really yearn for a relationship and it's a really weird feeling because sometimes a lot of
17:07people get in relationships because they're lonely. I also am very picky with relationships. I mean I
17:13haven't been in one since my last one. My last one was almost three and a half years ago and wow
17:18that's a really long time. That really puts things into perspective. I've grown so much since then
17:23as a person because of it and I always said that I wanted to have a boyfriend without actually
17:27feeling like I was ready for one but now I feel like I'm ready for a relationship yet I'm also
17:33comfortable with not being in one and being in my own energy and I really do love my own time so
17:38much so it's been a really weird feeling because I really miss being in a relationship. I really
17:44miss being a girlfriend. I really miss cuddling with someone and letting someone in. I'm in between
17:50two thoughts like maybe I'm not as comfortable being on my own as I thought that I was and
17:54it's stemming from that and I need to just work on myself more and it'll come when it comes which
17:58is true regardless but I also know that I just have a really big heart and I have so much love
18:02to give. I give myself so much love so often like I want to give it to someone else. I want someone
18:08else to be able to experience what it this sounds freaking corny but to be able to experience what
18:14it means to be loved by me because it is hard. I have so much love to give within friends, family,
18:19myself. I just feel like I have more. The reason that it's something that I've been struggling with
18:25recently is because I also have not found someone that not that I feel is not deserving of that love
18:31but that I feel like can handle it because when you wear your heart on your sleeve and you do have
18:35a big heart and a lot of love to give, people take advantage of that and I learned it firsthand.
18:40The thing about the person with the big heart is no matter how hurt you are from someone taking
18:44advantage of it or not treating your heart with care, you have a big heart and you're still ready
18:48to give that love to the next person who deserves it. That's what I've been struggling with is kind
18:52of not feeling like there's someone out there for me or like someone who's willing to understand me
18:58and actually get to know me. What is on the surface in terms of what I post for content
19:03because it is my true life and the music that I listen to and fashion or the way that I do this,
19:07the way that I do that, the things that make me me, there's even more that I feel like gets so
19:12overlooked when it comes to talking to guys and being in relationships. It's like yeah I don't
19:16need a man, I can do this all myself which yeah true but also what if I don't need a man but it
19:21would be nice to not do everything alone all the time and to have that company and I love my company,
19:27I love doing things on my own but I love love so much. I cry watching strangers wedding videos
19:33and a part of me, my heart, why am I about to cry? It's a freaking line. I'm so excited to,
19:40this is far-fetched saying this because I'm not even in a relationship, but like get married and
19:45to be loved by a significant other in the future. That's kind of what I've wanted my whole entire
19:50life is to feel that extent of love but I'm also so young and it could happen whenever. It might not
19:57happen until I'm 30. I love being single but I'm also like do I? Because I am such a lover girl
20:03and my only reservations when getting into a relationship because I'm like if I wanted to,
20:07I could be in a relationship tomorrow but it's just never the person that I want for myself.
20:11I think I need to remind myself more that God has his own plan for me and even though it doesn't
20:16make sense now or if I'm ready now, God's the one that truly knows that and I can sit here and
20:21convince myself but if I was ready, my person was here, then I would be with them. Oh I just, I'm so
20:27young and I forget that and I really try to limit myself whenever it comes to that. It's just crazy
20:33seeing people from my high school getting married and maybe that's part of it too and that's something
20:38that I haven't acknowledged is that we are all on our own paths and own journey and things happen
20:43when they need to and the more that I think about wanting that for myself, it's almost like the more
20:48that I'm not going to get that because those types of things are unexpected. You can't go into every
20:54talking stage, every dating, every situationship as if this person is going to be my everything in
21:00the future. That's how you break your own heart by setting your expectations too high because
21:05not everyone's meeting each other at the same level. I don't know, I think I just need to work
21:08on myself more and that I'm overthinking all of this but that is truthfully something that I have
21:13been going through recently. I need hobbies. I need hobbies. That's what this is. Someone asked me
21:18the other weekend while I was out, what do I do, like what activities do I do beyond content
21:22creating and I literally could not tell them. I was like uh uh uh good question. That's something that
21:28I did in LA was keep myself occupied and I was always pushing myself out of my comfort zone and
21:33that's something that I've yet to do but something that I've acknowledged for the first time as of
21:37recently um which is why I talk about that in this video as well because I had this huge realization
21:42after having this chat with y'all that I need to get more out of my comfort zone. I need to do
21:46things that I used to do in LA that I'm not doing right now. I also need to do things that I've been
21:51wanting to try for years, months, that I'm like oh yeah I'll get to at some point and then I never get
21:55to it. I need to really take advantage of these opportunities that I'm getting in this life that
22:00I get to live and make the most of it. I think that's what I'm missing and I'm feeling like it's
22:05a boyfriend but really it's little things like going to a pottery class, taking myself on solo
22:09dates which I used to do all the time. I haven't done one yet in Dallas like getting myself out in
22:13public more alone especially. I think that's going to make a huge difference so that's something that
22:17I'm going to be working on more moving forward. My favorite feeling is having time to get ready
22:22funny enough because y'all know I have time management issues and that's something that I'm
22:25working on hence why I started getting ready at 6 p.m but again those things make a big difference
22:31being able to listen to the music that you like and take your time and not be rushed. I feel like
22:34when I'm rushed for things there's no beauty in the process but I have so much more fun when I'm
22:39able to take my time enjoy myself especially if the night ends up going bad it's like well at least
22:44I had fun getting ready by myself at least I got to listen to this music or make this video or come
22:50home to a clean apartment because I've taken the steps to do things ahead of time rather than doing
22:55it afterwards so I am very grateful that I'm able to take my time. I have less than an hour to get
23:00ready like 45 minutes but my makeup is almost done I just need to do my highlight accentuate my
23:05beauty marks aka my moles which I love by the way you know how it's pretty easy to get insecure
23:12on social media because of beauty standards set on social media well the one thing that I can say
23:18that I'm thankful for because that is a very true phenomenon on social media and I think we are all
23:23affected by it. Social media when it comes to beauty has such a big influence for both male
23:29and female seeing people draw beauty marks on drawing moles on has made me so confident in the
23:36moles that I have which was something that I had always been very insecure about because I'm a very
23:40moley person I mean I literally have them everywhere and this is like the small part of it
23:45this is just what y'all see but yes I get them checked I always get comments about that funny
23:49enough I'm a very moley person so it's something that I've always been very insecure on especially
23:54this one because this one's like right center in my face watching people add them to their face
23:59I could probably see how this could be relatable possibly to someone who has freckles like I just
24:03put freckles on my face I don't have little small freckles I have a few here and there but I don't
24:07have them to this extent someone who was bullied for that whenever they're younger probably now
24:12feels a lot more confident now that more people are adding them into their makeup looks and
24:16incorporating it it's become more of a beauty standard not that moles or beauty marks have
24:20become a beauty standard that has definitely happened with me with my moles now I literally
24:25go out of my way to accentuate them over my makeup and it's not to just say that and be like
24:29yeah I accentuate my moles I'm super confident it's because I truly feel that way I truly feel
24:32like moles add so much character to my face I used to want to get them removed whenever I was a kid
24:36and I always said I was going to get them removed whenever I'm grown and now it's something that
24:40makes my face mine I desperately need to listen to music so let's do it I'm just going to cut
24:45the conversation there oh my gosh this song for whatever reason gets me so motivated
24:55I do love this dress but I know that I love this and I've tried this on before and I went for it
25:00right in Miami this is an option but I don't need to try it on to know how it looks let's try on
25:05all of the options I'm not gonna lie I really like this outfit like no maybe it's not the best
25:11for the nice restaurant we're going to but it's definitely a really good going out outfit
25:16so I'm gonna call my friends and ask them if this is weird to wear is this weird
25:21oh no I don't think it's weird for drakes they're not gonna keep me out no
25:27where's the skim dress I also have this gray dress this is what we're gonna wear I'm gonna
25:31use this plum mac lip liner yes ma'am thank you absolutely we're lining my lips see you
25:40can still get that volume just by doing it momentarily sorry are you there for a while
25:50so cute
25:56Alexi and I met in July off of one of our guy friends one of our guy friends I basically I
26:04came in town for my birthday and I didn't have that many girlfriends here one of my guy friends
26:08I've known since I was like a freshman in high school and so I obviously I wanted it to be mostly
26:13girls celebrating my birthday and Alexi was one of the girls but he literally sent me to her
26:19like we had no conversation nothing I met you on FaceTime right before that day
26:25our friend literally just sent her over and she knocked on my door I was like
26:28yeah it was a little awkward but like it was we honestly I think we handled it really well
26:33yeah it could have been really bad but we handled it great yeah everything happened like so fast
26:38that day that's when I met Cameron too that night what's the fluff for it's the microphone cover
26:45oh it helps with the audio quality
26:50y'all okay hold on
26:56hello guys you can't tell by now especially if you haven't been keeping up with my Instagram or my
27:00snapchat because I post a lot of updates for any of my videos on both TikTok and YouTube on there
27:04today's YouTube video is me combining two separate videos the week in my life from last week and then
27:09the weekend before that except I only have Friday because I lost all of my footage I edited for like
27:14four or five days straight for my weekend vlog so we were supposed to have an upload last week and
27:18then my laptop literally crashed out and my laptop I got in 2020 I've had actually so many problems
27:23with it is MacBook Pro honestly most honestly most laptops that I've owned I've had so many
27:29problems with so I ended up getting a new MacBook I got a MacBook Air a lot of people are like no
27:34that's not that good for editing the Pro is better I always had problems so I wanted to switch it up
27:39I got a 15 inch so it's bigger it's a bigger screen it's been easier to edit I've been playing
27:43around for basically this point of the video moving forward all I had saved of my last video
27:48was Friday and that's it so now moving forward it's new edits that I've made I had a little
27:54dinner clip here that Alexi and I went to because Alexi ended up not going out with us afterwards
27:58because she had a client early in the morning she's a makeup artist completely lost that footage
28:01and I can't find my SD card it just disappeared out of thin air and look I'm gonna randomly find
28:05it like in my bathroom cabinet randomly hope y'all understand I still wanted to get a full video out
28:11and not just post Friday and kind of just do the whole week of my life thing since I had extra
28:15footage anyways there's my little update complete side note I am loving this MacBook Air it's so
28:20fast I haven't had any overheating problems I had really bad overheating problems with my MacBook Pro
28:25and a lot of people were saying the opposite for them the mic is so good like listen to this my
28:29MacBook Pro it was not this good I'm literally filming on my laptop right now plus I literally
28:33have like 0.5 when I'm on FaceTime I can share screen with my iPhone like I'm just there's so
28:37many features I didn't even know existed but I'm just now finding so I'm having a ball everything
28:41happens for a reason because honestly it's giving me a lot more motivation towards editing I wouldn't
28:47have gotten this video out probably because of how many issues I had beyond my MacBook Pro crashing
28:51out every time that I went to edit I would be like please don't mess up because of how often it was
28:56and I've just had spoof sailing the whole editing process for this video so I'm really excited for
29:00what this could mean for future uploads future consistency let's get back into the video it's
29:04an hour long you'll probably be like girl quit talking like yeah I just wanted to preface that
29:08that's why I didn't get a video out last week
29:31today is Tuesday my new favorite series I don't know if I'm going to be doing these every single
29:35week but anytime that I'm not filming a random video throughout the week then definitely it
29:40just makes sense it's currently 2 p.m. I actually just got back from the pool I'm trying so hard
29:45this year to naturally tan I don't think I've been naturally tanned since I was in high school when I
29:50started getting to like junior senior year I wasn't even going out during the summer and then
29:54since then I haven't really actually dedicated I tried to last year and I did for a little bit but
29:58not long enough get a natural tan but anyways yeah so I've been going to the pool since the
30:02sun's been out the uv's been like seven eight which is perfect Coachella's coming up summer's
30:06coming up trying my best to not cave in and get us right down a few activities to do today I think
30:11I'm going to start with with going to the gym trying to tone a bit get my abs back get stronger
30:16so recently I've been doing cardio and abs more so than weight lifting but I do weight lift here
30:22and there just whenever I'm feeling very motivated to weight lift eventually I want to get back into
30:26weight lifting like I was doing previously when I was in LA which was every five six days but
30:31cardio and abs has been really helping me with my goals that I have right now so we're gonna do
30:35cardio and abs today especially because most people at my apartment complex are at the pool
30:39right now it was so packed for the first time which I actually kind of enjoyed because I love
30:44people watching they were playing Frank Ocean it was a good time and I passed by the gym to fill up
30:48my water gym empty plus I can still technically kind of get a tan whenever I work out outside
30:53because I hit abs outside I just love being outside I'd much rather be outside than be inside
30:58I do need to edit for YouTube today so I am going to be inside I didn't take any health shots or
31:01anything today I also haven't had my coconut coal or sea moss today because I'm waiting for
31:05some wooden spoons to come in the mail apparently the metals in a metal spoon mess with the probiotics
31:09so I'm gonna take this probiotic shot also it's Cameron's birthday week this week I don't know
31:14if I'm gonna be vlogging this weekend I'm just gonna vlog up until things start picking up
31:18because I'm definitely gonna vlog this weekend for TikTok but some of the things that I'm doing
31:22this week are gonna be for her birthday and I'll bring that along it could have been worse
31:26I gotta testify come up in the spot looking extra fly for the day I die I'm a touch the sky
31:36gotta testify come up in the spot looking extra fly for the day I die I'm a touch the sky back
31:44when they thought pink polos I heard the ride before cam got the shit to pop the doors closed
31:49I felt like bad boy street team I couldn't work the locks now let's go take them back to the plan
31:55me and my mama hopped in that u-haul van any pessimists I ain't talk to them cause I ain't
32:00have no phone in my apartment let's take them back to the club at least about an hour I'll
32:06stand on line I just wanted to dance I went to Jacob an hour after I got my advance I just wanted
32:10to shine J favorite line dog and do time I'm back from the gym one of the things that I need to do
32:16today is film a skincare video I did the same thing last week I need to film another one this
32:21week I actually need to edit it and submit it today to my management so that they can send it
32:24to the client so that the client can send it to the brand it's a whole thing so I'm gonna take a
32:29quick body shower I'm not gonna wash my hair yet I'm probably going to do a hair mask later on
32:33whenever it's nighttime I really hope the whole going outside and getting a tan thing is working
32:37my I'll show y'all what my setup looks like when I film in my bathroom I just got out of the shower
32:42and I washed my face I'll show you all my setup whenever I put my phone where my camera is but I
32:46don't have three tripods I only have two so I can't do that yet but I did just get out of the
32:50shower I need to do my eyelashes for this video that I'm about to film when you're working with
32:54brands and you're doing an advertisement you could have to reshoot the video for a multitude of
32:59reasons in this case for this video this is the same video that I filmed last week the brand came
33:03back and said that they wanted more clips of me brushing my teeth for it because part of its
33:07skincare part of its dental care and then I also messed up and I used the wrong product which I
33:12had a feeling that I was while I was doing it lost it and I couldn't find it and then I found a
33:16different product from the same company that looked exactly like it so I got them mixed up
33:20made a mistake I use different lashes I really do it based on how I'm feeling I'm going to be using
33:25the flirt today by flutter habit I'm going to show y'all how I do it because in one of my other
33:29youtube videos I was like maybe one day I'll do a tutorial but I was in a rush so I did them really
33:34quick I have a bunch of tutorials on tiktok but why not show y'all how I do it it's really easy
33:39I use the flutter habit glue and I use their tweezers I go from my outer quarter inwards
33:44I'll put some glue as you can see I've already done it because I use some of these lashes but I
33:47put some glue on here I dip the top of the top of the lash if that makes sense I will show y'all
33:53and then I put them on underneath it takes some practice to put them on underneath this glue that
33:57I'm using dries really slow which makes it a little bit difficult as well but it's so worth
34:03it it's worth taking a little bit extra time because this glue also makes them last a really
34:07long time so this will probably be the only time that I do my lashes this weekend unless I end up
34:11wanting to change them up whenever I get to the weekend but this is the key product to the lashes
34:15it's always the glue these lashes you can wash your face with you can wash your lashes use eyelash
34:20serum I'm also going to overlap them a little bit because I want it to look as seamless as possible
34:25that took me like seven minutes maybe ten okay here's my little setup my ipad plus some things
34:31I need to reference while making my video my tripod for my phone and this light I got this
34:36off of amazon also in some good news I thought this video was going to take me a long time
34:39because I had to completely redo it but I can actually just do little overlays so it really
34:43shouldn't take me very long at all I'm procrastinating right now I'll be right back
34:46yeah no problem it's only gonna take me a little bit that's how it usually works every time that
34:53I think this is what I mean by time management why even tell myself it's not gonna take a long
34:57time when I know it could it could since it's dark okay one y'all know on Sunday of last weekend
35:04when I vlogged like my I feel like my teeth are yellow but I know I'm just pale my duvet just
35:08finished drying it hasn't been doing that it did that in my old apartment in LA because my
35:12drying machine was so much smaller but it hasn't done that to me yet here the problem is it kept
35:17getting tangled up and I kept not checking in on it my duvet is finally dry so I think that I should
35:22edit in bed today instead of editing on my couch just because if I edit on my couch and I get
35:26locked in I'm gonna stay up a lot later than I want to and I really would have focused on having
35:30earlier mornings this week than I did last week so if I edit in bed and I start getting tired
35:35then I can just shut my laptop put it off to the side I'm sure y'all might have already seen my
35:39tiktok if not I saw the funniest thing on my for you page a second ago and I have to share it because
35:43I can't be the only one that hears it you're missing someone who knows where you are and how
35:47to contact you let that sink in I posted a video about it and then someone commented yeah no contact
35:52day for you is just a regular day for them hey let's make our bed I really don't want to it was
35:58dry this morning and I could have done it this morning and I chose not to oh it's my dishes
36:02and my duvet that are the most annoying things for me when it comes to cleaning everything else
36:06yeah piece of cake it's so funny because those are two of the quickest things out of everything
36:11so it doesn't make sense I just want to stay in here watch the sunset wow
36:19thank you how
36:22do you love me do you want me are you gonna call me like you said you would
36:29is this really your real phone number
36:34some of y'all go get washed some of y'all just go pop shit some of y'all just go talk
36:40but none of y'all ain't really got shit some of y'all just look lost
36:59I just got out of the bath my teeth are already brushed and my skincare is already done I was
37:03gonna look at my package but I'm wearing a nightgown now and I don't feel like it so I'm
37:08just gonna get straight in bed not even gonna write in my planner or anything and I'm gonna
37:11get to editing but tomorrow I will update my planner for this week for today because I didn't
37:16today and tomorrow my objective is to go to bed at a decent time because I did wake up early today
37:22and I'm debating doing sock curls but I guess we'll find out in the morning if I do whenever
37:26I get out of the bath or get out of the shower and I moisturize which I do every single time
37:29especially while I'm tanning but in general this is what I use it's the Nevaeh Fataytay
37:35cocoa butter I like it in the tub I like to just dip my hand in it's so good and it smells amazing
37:41I love cocoa butter shea butter good morning it's 8am I didn't sleep too good but today I think
37:48because I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone more which I was talking about in my last video
37:52and get out of my house do things like take myself on solo dates do things like go to a coffee shop
37:57whenever I'm editing and get comfortable bringing my camera with me in public because I'm not in
38:02Dallas yet which makes a lot of sense I do feel like because coming from LA that's pretty normal
38:07to see there but in Dallas it's like sticking out like a sore thumb it can make me really anxious
38:12it made me anxious when I first started doing it in LA so everything gets more comfortable once
38:16you've practiced it a few times I'm not discouraged but with that being said I really want to get
38:21myself to go to a cafe today even though I don't necessarily want to I feel like it's gonna be
38:26really good for me and I'm gonna feel really good afterwards I need to continue to edit for youtube
38:29I want to do my makeup I haven't done my makeup in like a week just kidding I did my makeup a few
38:34days ago versus laying on my couch and rotting just got here apparently the cafe that I'm at
38:40it's black sheep coffee in Dallas Texas started in the UK and they just moved one here I'm really
38:45hoping that I have a spot to sit inside I don't know how busy they are their parking lot is
38:49honestly pretty packed I forgot my hard drive and my adapter meaning I can't edit here I'm gonna drink
38:55my coffee and write on my planner and then we're gonna have to go home but I actually love this
39:00spot maybe I'll come here tomorrow taste test I'm coming here tomorrow
39:20I completely forgot that Alexi and I planned to go get these like name cards for Cameron's birthday
39:25we have dinner on Friday and then we're going to the St. Patrick's parade in Dallas on Saturday so
39:31it's gonna be a super busy weekend before I even knew Cam she literally showed out for my birthday
39:36like we went out for like a whole entire week so I'm trying to make sure that I show up for her as
39:40well for dinner we're going to this place called Komodo I've actually done an event with La La Land
39:44cafe with Komodo it was their little collab it was so fun Alexi and I's idea is to go get name
39:49plates we have her guest list for the dinner and we thought that that would be cute to make name
39:54plates for the table I also need to stop into Sephora and I need to get a new bra pencil because
39:59I realized that I ran out today oh my bad girl you're gonna go first
40:06and I was thinking we just like write them with like a calligraphy pen
40:09do you know how to do calligraphy no I stopped into Sephora but they told me that I couldn't
40:14film which is okay so really quick I got the summer Fridays vanilla beige lip butter balm
40:19it's out of the package because I just used it to film a lip combo for TikTok I also got the same
40:24one in cherry these are restocks I ran out of both of them and I was religiously using them and then
40:29I haven't used them for a while because I haven't had them and then this morning I ran out of my
40:33Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz this is in medium brown it's just a brow pencil but it's really good
40:38and then I got my Boy Brow gel from Glossier because I also ran out so just some restocks
40:44I got something in the mail I'm pretty sure it's the hat that I'm thinking about wearing depending
40:49on if my outfit from Outkast that I ordered gets here for St. Patrick's Day which I'll try
40:53everything on when it does get here hopefully before St. Patrick's Day I'm supposed to get
40:57some stuff today it says it's out for delivery and it'll be here around they're in Grapevine
41:01right now so it's a little farther from me but it says it's going to be here around 7 to 11
41:05I got this from PacSun it's cute oh yeah wait I need to tighten it wait this is really cute
41:14wait oh this tank top is really cute too damn it
41:17she be playing that Drake in my car um so she stay playing train his songs whole damn day long
41:27perfect I like it I need to go at it but I need to go at it oh like I'm so bad at time management
41:34I can't wait for that to progress in my videos I'm gonna be in like a month two months from now
41:39or whenever it happens when it clicks so on top of my time management and not be a procrastinator
41:45and it's gonna be so fun to look back on that's what I love about YouTube and that's what I've
41:49realized about YouTube is that I can show up as myself flaws and awe and progress as a person in
41:54a multitude of ways whether it be big or small and look back at those moments like I've already
41:58looked back at some of my YouTube videos recently I'll show you all the one in specific it's literally
42:03a video of me crying about my ex I don't even know if it's I don't think that I necessarily said
42:09it was about my ex but it was about my ex but I'm talking about me it has nothing to like actually
42:13do with him yep life update I lost myself and just watching how I process my emotions and how
42:20vulnerable I am in it and 21 minute video of me crying and being upset with myself and I look back
42:25at it it's two years ago and I don't recognize that version of myself but I also feel for her
42:30and I remember when that was happening but so much has changed now that I no longer carry that
42:35pain that I did in that moment it's nice to look back on even the bad stuff and seeing it now this
42:41video is kind of the start of it all and if you do keep up with me on any other social media then
42:46I like my hair like this it's like orange but I like it was going to be a just mental health video
42:51don't really talk about my emotions which is crazy because I am so much more open like I want to be
42:57even more open but I was so closed off at this time on social media I wasn't making lifestyle
43:03content I was trying to stray away from doing transition videos and social media and I was
43:07really big in the process of figuring out how I can start doing lifestyle content this was like
43:11the start of my lifestyle content I'm still like pretty scared of being open about my emotions and
43:19things I'm going through online just from past experiences of being on social media and having
43:24that kind of be used against me someone who has been through a lot and is just trying to make
43:30their way like just trying to make their way out of it it's hard losing yourself in someone else
43:35and I guess not knowing who you are it's like I don't recognize myself anymore when I look at
43:42myself I see so much hurt and you kind of never lose that I don't know just future Reagan speaking
43:50here you find yourself again and the hurt does go away and I know that there's only growing and
43:56only up from the place that I'm at right now but I'm at the point where I'm like fuck I have to
44:02get through it though it's scary because like what's on the other side for me I don't know
44:06what's in store for me I don't know am I gonna accomplish my dreams am I gonna do these things
44:12that's crazy it's so easy to give people ammunition by saying any part of my personal
44:17life but I love talking about my feelings and things that are going on in my life because it
44:22gives other people someone to relate to but I also like don't have the heart to talk about
44:27some of the situations I've been in because it shines a bad light on other people I have protected
44:32so many people by not speaking my mind and I'm really proud of myself for that when I've had
44:38chances when someone is lying about me online or making videos about me or spreading rumors
44:45false especially I have protected a lot of people who have done me dirty online I just
44:51had something happen with someone online they did me really dirty and it involves other people
44:56and they do social media they felt like they could do that to me because they knew that I
45:01wasn't gonna go make a video or try to get clout off the situation but I could have but I've had
45:07I've had moments where I've accepted things or apologized for things that weren't the full story
45:11solely so that I don't have to drag on the situation even if that means telling my side
45:17like you don't want to hurt them how they hurt you and it's not because I want to be the bigger
45:22person it's because I don't have the heart to do that what I just said it's hard to like choose to
45:27love yourself I'm not even teary-eyed at this video because I still relate to it it's the
45:33opposite I'm teary-eyed at this video because last time I was in a relationship it destroyed
45:39me but I'm so glad it happened this what felt like was going to be a lifetime ended up being a
45:46small little blimp of my story and at that time it felt like I was always going to feel like I
45:51could have sworn I was always going to feel like this I was always going to love this person in
45:54that way I was always going to be hurt and mentally destroyed and I wasn't going to be
45:58able to find myself or pick myself up or be happy again I thought I was always going to be thinking
46:03about this person like it just felt like nothing was ever going to change and it's so crazy because
46:07you look back on it and things do change so much my life has changed so much like maybe this could
46:12just be a sign for someone and I guess this is probably while I'll end up including it because
46:17I'll have talks like this in my YouTube videos or in videos that I make even on TikTok and then I'll
46:22film them and then I'll just delete them or cut them out I guarantee you there's one person who's
46:26watching this video that needed to hear that it's not going to be forever in 2022 let me see when
46:32this video was posted October 2022 yeah in 2022 my 12 year old cousin in April took her own life
46:41I referenced this because I'm selfishly so upset that she did I'm upset that I didn't know anything
46:46was going on I'm upset because I feel like I didn't give her the space to open up as a 12 year
46:51old also being like the only girl in my family or one of the only girls in my family I feel like I
46:56let her down as her role model and watching this version of myself say these things it's hard
47:02because I also get feeling like things aren't gonna get better it makes me so sad because now
47:08I no longer resonate with that version of myself and those things that I was saying and as a 12
47:13year old too you have no idea how much more life is ahead of you and in that moment it feels like
47:18that is forever and it's gonna feel like that forever but it's not that happening losing my
47:24cousin Ava and also going through what I was going through at that time in the same moment
47:29completely changed my perspective on life on myself on my self-worth on how I treat people
47:36on how I treat myself on how I view the world on how I handle situations and from that point
47:42forward I really have acknowledged that how I'm feeling in one moment isn't going to be forever
47:47from that point forward in my life was when I had the most self growth it has not been easy but I
47:53promise you it is possible you're still going to have hard days you're still going to have hard
47:57moments but everything that you go through in your life every memory that you have all collects
48:01to create the person that you are it's hard going through tough times and losing yourself and
48:06feeling alone I have been there is not forever even when it feels like it and I don't know how
48:12else to move on to the next segment of this video I can't I can't remember the last time I cried on
48:17social media probably yeah I can it's embarrassing yes I can I'm still working on being vulnerable
48:23I hope I don't cut that out because it's an important message I don't know how to
48:26move forward so I'm just gonna be right back
48:33yay okay let's do a little try on so that I can wash these after hopefully they fit
48:38Opoly I feel like runs really small I did order my normal size rather than sizing up because
48:44it's also sometimes really long I hope I made the right decision outfit number one from Opoly
48:49I do really like this it has a belt it's a turtleneck jumpsuit the back is backless that's
48:55why I'm holding my hair up right now I like this and I like this with the straight hair too I could
48:59even do an updo but I'm not good at doing updos on myself at least I know for sure like I could
49:04wear this if the other outfits don't work out option two I need a friend's help with so flattering
49:09but it's not even zipped up all the way it keeps getting stuck on the flaps so I need someone to
49:13like hold it in while I zip it up the back is really flattering without it being all the way
49:17zipped up though it's gonna look even better when it's zipped up I actually do like this because I
49:21can see the vision last option ignore a lot of things ignore the belt I did the opposite way
49:26of what I was supposed to do for these two also the corset will be so much tighter I'm just trying
49:30it on and it's just me but I like this I never usually wear skirts like this I like them all
49:47me I took a little break to see what was up with temptation island because I was saying like oh it
50:00comes out today I haven't watched it before it sounded familiar but I'm probably mixing it up
50:04with love island and let me tell y'all it is not love island and I'm so confused I'm about to stop
50:10watching it right now and I'm probably not gonna go back to it or like keep up with it just because
50:14the whole plot of the show is basically the same plot as too hot to handle except couples show up
50:21together and then they go in separate villas and then they have a bunch of guys a bunch of girls
50:26try to tempt the couples separately and like go on dates with other people and like do all this stuff
50:32and maybe I'm just not getting it all the couples were saying like yeah we want to make whatever
50:36version of a big move is for them like I want to be married I want to make sure that I can trust
50:41you I want to take this big step within their relationships but then they're going on temptation
50:47island I don't know I don't get it I'm just not understanding it what good for their relationship
50:52is gonna come out of this you know like anyways I'm gonna go back to editing why are y'all going
50:57down what's going on what the fuck just finished editing well I didn't finish editing but for today
51:03I should go to a cafe tomorrow since I didn't get to edit today because I forgot the stuff that I
51:07need to edit my external hard drive my adapter and my SD cards it's 12 30 a.m right now let's do
51:14skincare and brush our teeth this is my second I mean am I getting a little ahead of myself yes but
51:19it's my second video in the last two weeks like yes where has she been this whole time my pajamas
51:26for tonight is this dress that I got from banana republic it's not actually a sleep dress but it's
51:31silk and anything silk in my head equates to something that I can sleep in I use the Tatcha
51:37matcha cleanser inside the shower but what I'm gonna do on top of that for skincare do a skin
51:42cream by Tatcha after I brush my teeth a little bit here a little bit there I have an eyebrow
51:49appointment to get my eyebrows laminated and tinted on like March 26th or 27th I'll have
51:55to check when it gets a little bit closer and I'm so oh and a lash lift I'm so excited for that
52:01it truly makes a difference I think hopefully it's within the week that I'm getting I think
52:06I'm getting my hair done on April 3rd somewhere around then too I should also check in on that
52:11and so that could be a really good maintenance vlog right before Coachella because of that I'll
52:16probably get my nails done and then when I'm in LA Matthew and I are gonna get spray tans together
52:20sorry to ruin the surprise I'm ready for bed oh let me take these earrings out they've kind of
52:25been hurting I haven't taken these out in like three weeks yo I'm matching my phone cases it's
52:30not so cute good night I'll see y'all tomorrow okay I just took a shower and now I'm gonna start
52:37getting ready I'm definitely in a mood to do my makeup right now I did my makeup yesterday doing
52:42my makeup today and then I know that I'm gonna be having my makeup done tomorrow and this weekend
52:46maybe not Sunday I want to see how quick I can get ready without filming I just blow-dried my hair
52:53but I'm gonna straighten it again because I think that I'm gonna curl it tomorrow it's also just
52:57the easiest and the quickest I'm gonna set a timer see how quick I can get ready and then same
53:01thing as yesterday we're gonna go to the same cafe I'm hoping this time they had like little couches
53:06that I can get a couch because my back will start hurting while I'm editing oh also I did not wake
53:10up at 8am I woke up at 9 15 that hatch alarm wakes me up every single time I just need to adjust it
53:15depending on what time I go to bed rather than what time I want to wake up because those are
53:19two different things okay I'm setting a timer and I will see you afterwards 17 minutes
53:35I rediscovered this song and I was asking my friends if they knew it they were like no I
53:39have no idea what that song is and I grew up on this song please tell me someone else knows this
53:43I'm better than a man, got a block on his head
54:08Good morning it's a new day I was having a not so good day
54:12yesterday I don't know why I was just in a bad mood I was trying to fake it till I make it except
54:17I just wasn't feeling I think my AC is literally broken I'm sweating right now it says it's like
54:2377 degrees I'm gonna put in a work order really quick I was having a bad day and I felt like I
54:28had to film because I am filming but if I'm gonna be doing week in my life's most weeks on most
54:34months throughout this year I need to be able to be like okay I don't feel like filming right now
54:38that is okay because there's gonna be plenty more of these to come and not every single one's gonna
54:42be the most interesting and not every single one's gonna be an hour long I just did a little bit of
54:46cleaning up in my apartment before I started vlogging I still need to make my bed let's go do
54:51that really quick and today I have to do some stuff with Alexi to prepare for Cameron's birthday
54:56tonight and all day tomorrow when I celebrate my birthday sometimes I celebrate it for like the
55:01whole month of July especially whenever I was living in between LA and Dallas it's because I
55:05was celebrating with my family then I was celebrating with my friends here in Dallas
55:08then I'm celebrating with my friends in LA a whole thing so whenever it's people's birthdays I
55:13want to make them feel special and I want them to feel like it's very clearly their day and that
55:17they're loved and appreciated that's the whole point of a birthday and everyone should be able
55:21to feel that way Alexi and I are gonna go get balloons to set up at her seat at the dinner
55:26table so I need to get ready early it's currently 11 something a.m. I have to drive about an hour
55:32away to meet my dad at a golf course to pick up some cash from him yes I could go just pull out
55:36cash I honestly don't love carrying cash but I do think everyone should carry some sort of cash
55:42I sold my Acura that I've had the last few years that I was gonna get fixed I talked about it in
55:47my last video so I'm not gonna go over my words I'm like just watch my last video girl I sold my
55:51Acura and they paid me half through Zelle and then half through cash my dad has it because he's the
55:57one that helped me figure it out he's at a golf course in Royce City Texas right now so I'm gonna
56:03drive my ass to Royce City after I take a shower I'm just gonna let my hair air dry in the car
56:07because I drive with my windows down anyways so I'm like two birds one stone wash my hair and
56:11then I can let it air dry while I'm in the car hot outside they said it was gonna be 60 mile per hour
56:15wind so I moved my couch into my guest room the one that was outside because I thought we were
56:20damn near gonna have a tornado today but everyone's saying it's not windy and it's just sunny and it's
56:24hot outside which I would have preferred and I'm like thank god it's really setting us up for a
56:28good weekend ahead hold on I'm not ready to make my bed yet I took off my eyelashes because they
56:33were annoying me they were falling off of course as I hype up the flutter habit glue that I used
56:39but I think it was user error and not glue error I've used that glue before and it is really long
56:44lasting so we're gonna redo that too but I think I'm gonna do a different set of lashes I found
56:48these in one of my bags little tiktok shop lashes and I remember them being really good
56:54oh hey there oh hey there how did they go
57:03yeah look
57:06cute okay so we're gonna get really cute pictures this weekend
57:18i'm running to you
57:33on my
57:48highways my eyes like them red lights right now I prefer yellow
58:00and unfortunately that is all that I have for this video I tried to add in as many clips as I
58:05could even if I was like okay I don't love this talk or this part of the video I wanted to keep
58:10it long and real even if it's something that I typically would cut out but I hope that y'all
58:14enjoyed it and hopefully we don't run into more problems now that I have a new laptop I'm feeling
58:18really good about the YouTube era now moving forward I'm really trying to push myself to
58:24show it for y'all as a creator and I hope that it just continues to show thanks for watching
