A biker noticed a reckless driver passing another rider dangerously close. To deescalate, he merged between them to create space but was left confused by the situation.
Things quickly got worse when the rider, carrying his girlfriend as a passenger, tried to pass the car. The driver swerved right intentionally, nearly hitting them. Instead of backing off, he stayed dangerously close, putting them in serious danger.
Just when it seemed like the situation had settled, everything escalated again as they attempted to turn left, leading to an intense confrontation.
Things quickly got worse when the rider, carrying his girlfriend as a passenger, tried to pass the car. The driver swerved right intentionally, nearly hitting them. Instead of backing off, he stayed dangerously close, putting them in serious danger.
Just when it seemed like the situation had settled, everything escalated again as they attempted to turn left, leading to an intense confrontation.
00:00You literally tried to swerve into him, and he's got a girl on the back!
00:03That's a Captain Mercy!
00:04This biker was cruising when he suddenly noticed the car ahead passing another rider way too close.
00:08Trying to de-escalate, he merged between them to create some distance, but was confused about what was going on.
00:13But then things got even worse.
00:14When the rider with his girlfriend on the back tried to pass the car, the reckless driver swerved to the right on purpose, almost hitting them!
00:20Furious, the rider raised his hand, signaling his frustration, but the driver stayed extremely close on purpose, putting them in a life-threatening situation.
00:27Just when you thought things had calmed down, the situation escalated again, as they stopped to turn right, and you gotta see what happened next!
00:33Can I ask you why you're trying to kill us?
00:35You literally tried to swerve into him, and he's got a girl on the back!
00:38You dumb motherf*****!
00:40That's attempted murder!
00:42Go f**k yourself.
00:43Go f**k yourself!
00:44Come on! You wanna get out of your car? Why'd you stop, bro?
00:47What are you gonna do?
00:48I'm trying to figure out why you're trying to kill some girl.
00:50You're trying to murder somebody for no reason!
00:53You tried to swerve into them on the-
00:54What are you talking about?
00:55You swerved to the right of the road when they're on the f**king side!
00:58What are you talking about?
00:58You slowed down! I got you on camera!