• 20 hours ago
Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco are both pop-culture icons in their own right, and they have a brand-new collaborative album—"I Said I Love You First"—coming March 21st. Check out the singles "Scared of Loving You," and "Call Me When You Break Up" featuring Gracie Abrams. But how are they with spicy food? Find out as the couple take on the wings of death together and discuss food hot takes, old-soul chats with Steve Martin and Martin Short, and their burning love for one another. Couples goals, Hot Ones style!


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00:00Why? Why do people do this?
00:09Hey, what's going on, everybody?
00:11For First We Feast, I'm Sean Evans, and you're watching Hot Ones.
00:13It's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings.
00:15And today we're joined by Benny Blanco and Selena Gomez.
00:18They have a brand new collaborative album on the way.
00:20It's called I Said I Love You First.
00:21And it's due out March 21st.
00:23Check out the single Scared of Loving You and Call Me When You Break Up
00:26featuring Gracie Abrams.
00:27But in the meantime, it's an early dinner with the wings of death.
00:30Selena, Benny, welcome to the show.
00:32Thank you. I'm so excited.
00:36There's like a perfume of like scotch bonnets in my nose.
00:40What's your mindset like going into this?
00:42Do you feel on the same wavelength that he's competitive?
00:45I'm probably going to win.
00:46I'm I'm a shell of a human already. I'm scared.
00:57Is it crazy to use a fork?
01:12It is a little crazy to use a fork, but I'm not going to stop you.
01:14It's crazy. No one would ever do that, right?
01:16I feel like, whoa, we just go in.
01:19They just go in.
01:28I need ranch.
01:32Oh, yeah, there's ranch right here.
01:33You ask and you shall receive, babe.
01:35Don't worry. Thanks, son.
01:36You want a little ranch?
01:38So I'm curious what it's like to make a pop record
01:40with someone who you have a deep relationship with.
01:43Did that kind of unique collaboration add any layers to the music
01:46that took you by surprise?
01:48I mean, for me personally, for sure, I was able to tell him things
01:52that I don't think I would in another relationship
01:57because he was also
01:59to me, like the conductor of of this record.
02:03And I don't know, I felt like I could tell him things that maybe
02:08I was feeling insecure about that.
02:10I wouldn't feel like I could open up to any other producer that way,
02:15let alone like a partner.
02:18That was a good answer.
02:18That was a good answer.
02:20No, it was like when you work with people, like sometimes you butt heads.
02:25And I feel like every time one of us had like a discrepancy on something,
02:29the other one was like, OK, yeah, that's that's chill.
02:31And we also got to make it like in our house, in our bedroom.
02:34Like it it just felt low stakes.
02:42Oh, my God, that was good.
02:45Oh, this one's got like a nice little like late.
02:48Yeah, it's like a like it's like a little kiss.
02:50Good night.
02:51Yeah, I don't mind.
02:53Little Thai green chili kiss.
02:56So Selena, I want to take a wing to unpack that fateful day in 2019
03:01when we did Hot Ones on The Tonight Show and you were blindsided
03:04by Da Bomb Beyond Insanity.
03:06What do you remember?
03:07Like sort of a play by play.
03:09I remember not liking you after that.
03:11I remember being very upset.
03:13I'm just kidding.
03:15No, it was actually it was hysterical because I
03:19I didn't know what to expect and I love to do a challenge.
03:23So I was like, maybe it'll be like TV hot.
03:26So it'll be fine.
03:27And when when it happened and my face started to melt
03:32and I was using this to
03:36scrape it off my tongue, thinking that would work.
03:40I was just really all I remember is being in a lot of pain.
03:44That's why I was nervous to come back.
03:46She was very nervous, like leading up to it.
03:48She was like, when we were on the way, she's like,
03:50I don't even want to talk about it.
03:51And I was like, what?
03:52I was like, are you like nervous?
03:53Are you like excited?
03:54She was like, I'm like, I'm going to do this.
03:57I now I know what it is.
03:58I just think when you're about to do an interview, sometimes
04:03when you're sweating, I just look back.
04:05Yeah. And you just trust Jimmy, right?
04:07To do like a viral segment.
04:09And then here comes the hot ones guy with the bomb beyond insanity.
04:12Well, you went only to bomb.
04:14Well, on the talk show, it's not this like 10 wing workup.
04:17It's just a straight vertical ring.
04:19You just just full jump off of an airplane.
04:21I was like the third wing that we did.
04:22Don't remind me.
04:23Yeah. Let's just move forward on this one.
04:25Now what's this?
04:26So up next is a pickled garlic sriracha.
04:29Oh, interesting.
04:34Oh, I like this one.
04:41I could do 12 of these just like on the game day.
04:45I don't even watch on the game day.
04:46I don't on the game day, Benny.
04:48Yeah, on the game day, I could totally.
04:50Yeah, it's like a game day type of guy.
04:52Now I just eat wings.
04:55I like this one.
04:56You like that one? Yeah, I actually do.
04:59Do you have a food hot take for 2025 or a dining trend that's driving you nuts?
05:04You don't have to have the pan be automatically as hot as it can be.
05:08I don't understand when people start cooking like the pan is always like full
05:12blast, like you can cook it slower.
05:14It's like, OK.
05:15And like people are always touching it too much.
05:17Like if they're like cooking a steak, cooking chicken, cooking fish,
05:20they're like every three seconds, they're like moving it, touching.
05:22Just like, let it be.
05:23Do you know what I thought you were going to say?
05:25That's when you're always doing something dangerous with a knife.
05:28I always try to hug you in the most.
05:30Oh, yeah. She always whenever it's the most dangerous thing in the kitchen,
05:33I'll be like frying like a like like an entire lobster.
05:37And she like comes up and like tickles me.
05:39Like it's like whatever, whatever.
05:41No, it's like whatever is the like the worst thing.
05:44I just happen to pick those. Yeah, every time. Yeah.
05:49I don't know why I like to smell them before I try.
05:56It has the kick after.
05:58Yeah, like I remember when I did that before and feeling this.
06:01Oh, yeah. This one.
06:03How far are we? We're at number four.
06:05Oh, wow. Out of a lot, huh?
06:07OK, cool. Yeah.
06:10All right, Benny, can you unpack what you mean when you say
06:15that pop songs are like a DJ set crammed into three minutes?
06:18That's fun.
06:19If you went into a fucking club and like from the second you went to the club,
06:24which is like and there was never any break, like you'd have like a heart attack.
06:29But if there's like, you know, there's that second where like everyone's
06:32like the annoying people with the little gloves are going like this.
06:36And it's like, oh, and there's like shit.
06:38People are hanging and like drugs are hitting.
06:42I don't know.
06:44You know what I'm talking about?
06:46I feel you. You know what I'm talking about?
06:47Things are happening, drugs hitting you.
06:49And then all of a sudden they bring you up to the drop again.
06:51It's like that's that's where you want a song to be.
06:54You want it to have dynamics.
06:56Apparently, that's what it sounds like.
06:59Gospel mic drop.
07:01What's something that artists and producers obsess over in the studio
07:04that the general music listening public either doesn't notice or doesn't care about?
07:08We talked about this last night.
07:11You know, we'll work for so long on like the sound of like a snare drum.
07:15And I remember I called my mom.
07:17I said, hey, mom, have you ever noticed like
07:21different snare drums in different songs?
07:23And the first thing she said to me is, what's a snare drum?
07:26And I was like, you know, it's like the thing that happened.
07:28And she said, I thought all of them were the same.
07:30And I said, what about the kick?
07:31And she said, what's the kick?
07:32Like my mom looks at music as it's like one whole blob.
07:35Like to her, it's just like there's music and then there's the acapella
07:39and there's nothing else.
07:40It's just those two elements.
07:42And meanwhile, there's like 75 elements within that.
07:46And I think, though, if you start to take those away,
07:48it like makes the song less exciting.
07:49People can feel it.
07:50They may not be able to describe it, but they can feel it.
07:57This does not sound sweet.
08:02I take it back.
08:02This is a little sweet.
08:08Got kind of a
08:10I like this one.
08:11Somersault vibe to it.
08:12Yeah, I like when you start going like this.
08:16We'll get used to it.
08:18It's getting hot.
08:19Do you want a little napkin?
08:22Oh, yeah.
08:24Perfect. Just make sure I see that.
08:27What's at the center of the Venn diagram of your musical taste?
08:30And then I'm curious on the other sides
08:32if there are genres that you reserve for alone time.
08:35No, I play him everything, even if it annoys him.
08:39I love when I'm alone.
08:41Maybe sometimes I get a little emo
08:45or in the car.
08:46For some reason in the car, I can get really emo.
08:49I feel like our intersection is like Patsy Cline and like Ella Fitzgerald.
08:53Yeah, that's like that's fair.
08:54And then she did get me into.
08:56I honestly didn't know before we started dating.
09:00Like, obviously, I was aware of like Taylor Swift's music, but I didn't.
09:03I wasn't like a true Swifty until I was.
09:06No, I didn't know.
09:07And now I'm like, now I'm like, I'll be like, put that song on.
09:10How's that one go again?
09:11And like, we're in the car and I'm like, wow, I'm just like
09:13singing Taylor Swift songs from like 10 years ago.
09:16And I'm like, feel free, timeless.
09:18What can I say?
09:19Well, Selena, you know where else you've been a very positive influence.
09:21He's a much more manageable talk show guest now than he used to be.
09:25I like that. I like that.
09:27It's noticeable.
09:28Yeah. Total transformation growing up.
09:31What's this song called?
09:32This is Volcano.
09:34Oh, yeah.
09:35Love the name.
09:36You asked.
09:38I'm not I'm not sure if I like the thing that it's doing.
09:40It just like keeps expanding deeper in my throat.
09:43That's kind of the trajectory that we're on going forward.
09:45So now it's like about to be like really bad.
09:47But you know what? We are six down.
09:49We're into the back half.
09:50Let's celebrate the progress.
09:52You once said that if you try to write a hit, that it never works.
09:57To be honest, I haven't had like a like really any number one.
10:01So I don't really think I've ever cared until lose you to love me.
10:06I thought the song was going to be hopefully relatable and beautiful and honest,
10:11but I did not expect it to do what it did.
10:14And it was much bigger than me.
10:16I thought it was going to be a little bit more like,
10:18you know, I'm not sure if I like the thing that it's doing.
10:21It just keeps expanding deeper in my throat.
10:23I thought the song was going to be hopefully relatable and beautiful and honest,
10:27but I did not expect it to do what it did.
10:29And it was much bigger than me.
10:31Had nothing to do with what it actually meant.
10:33It ended up being a song for people that felt the way that I felt
10:38and maybe turned it into another version of a song that suited them.
10:44It was really powerful to me.
10:46And I think that's something I'll always remember.
10:49And I believe that was my first number one.
10:51So I was very happy.
10:54Okay. I'm here for it. Let's do it.
10:56Okay. This is crazy hot.
11:06Now it has kind of like a freshness.
11:09Like, vegetably kind of vibe up front.
11:12Oh, wow. No, I like this one.
11:14And then there's some action.
11:16Yeah, yeah. Later.
11:18I'm feeling it. I'm feeling that.
11:20You feel the action?
11:21It's like so far back.
11:23How did I even know my throat went that far back?
11:25Like, I'm feeling so down.
11:27I'm just, I also, I like, I don't really like the flavor.
11:31So the combination of spice and the flavor, I'm really confused.
11:35She's confused.
11:37Selena, is there an old man tendency you've picked up secondhand
11:41spending so much time with Martin Short and Steve Martin?
11:44I don't know.
11:45I sit there and read the news with them every day.
11:49We talk about...
11:51Don't they eat the same thing every day?
11:53And they eat the same thing every day.
11:55And now I eat the same thing every day.
11:57It's Da Bomb hot sauce.
11:58So it's either a Tudor sandwich with Dijon mustard or sushi.
12:06And now all I eat is a chicken salad sandwich.
12:09And for some reason, I'm excited to get my meal next to theirs.
12:14I feel like my lingo is pretty, you know, I'll say...
12:17Old soul-ish?
12:18Yes, a little bit.
12:19Sometimes I'll say yes, no.
12:21And I remember it was whilst I was...
12:25It's like, who am I, what am I talking about?
12:27But that's just, that's Steve and Marty.
12:30I don't know.
12:31They're the best.
12:33All right.
12:34I blacked out about two minutes ago.
12:36I'm just staring this thing in the face right now.
12:38Right, and we're in this black curtain void.
12:40This is Da Bomb Beyond Insanity.
12:42Oh, cool.
12:43I'm giving you a warning this time.
12:45Selena, don't smell it.
12:47Don't smell it.
12:48I know, I shouldn't.
12:50And now what do we do?
12:51Do we dip it?
12:52Do we...
12:54I just sniffed it, and this is so bad.
12:56Oh, good grief.
12:57What do I do?
12:58What should I do?
12:59Just bite it?
13:00Just rip it.
13:01I was going to say, what do you mean, what do you do?
13:09All right.
13:18Holy shit.
13:21I don't even...
13:22Is this what you did last time?
13:24I'm not even here anymore.
13:25Wow, it's getting worse.
13:27Yeah, and it kind of will.
13:29Does it ever...
13:31No ships.
13:32Yeah, but the good news is we're on the other side of it.
13:34All right?
13:35The rest of the show, it's downhill from here.
13:38I know.
13:39I know.
13:40Oh, wow.
13:41I know.
13:42And on this wing, what we want to do is dust off an old Hot Ones classic.
13:47So this right here is a bucket of questions.
13:50It could be.
13:51It's multipurpose.
13:52Oh, my God.
13:53Hold on.
13:54So if you guys take that...
13:56So here's how this works, is if you reach in there, you pull out a question, and it's
13:59a question that you'll ask to Benny, and then you'll pass the bucket, and then Benny, you'll
14:03pull a question.
14:04Ask it Selena.
14:05I hate you so much.
14:06I know.
14:07I know.
14:08I get it.
14:09I get it.
14:10I understand, too.
14:15It's like...
14:16Which advice songs, not including the ones we made together, is your all-time favorite?
14:21My brain is just going...
14:22It just keeps going...
14:23Will you answer the damn question?
14:25Answer it.
14:30Good for you.
14:34It's like it doesn't go away.
14:37I have to stand up.
14:38Yeah, go ahead.
14:39Take a lap.
14:42Why do people do this?
14:45If you could kill Sean, how would you do it?
14:51It says, what would you say my most underrated song is?
14:55You don't even know my songs.
14:58What just came out of your nose?
15:00What was that?
15:01It was my mouth.
15:05Do you want some ice cream?
15:06Do you want some ice cream?
15:07Do you want ice cream?
15:08Ice cream helps.
15:09You're good?
15:10God, I'm such a little baby.
15:13Did you have any of the Pepsi?
15:15I had Pepsi before I came up.
15:17I don't know.
15:18I don't know what song you would have done.
15:21I'm sorry, babe.
15:23I just get no answer?
15:25All right, cool.
15:27Yeah, don't worry.
15:28All your songs are amazing.
15:30Betty, pull another one.
15:31You can pull another one.
15:32Oh, just ask her another question?
15:34All right.
15:35Also, I don't think I care about anything.
15:38If I were a...
15:40It's crazy.
15:41You lose motor skills.
15:43If I were a wild animal, what kind of animal would I be?
15:50Monkey or koala bear.
15:54It's honestly the two I was thinking.
15:56I swear to God.
16:02If you're ready, we can move on.
16:04Okay, so this is the Sicilian scorpion.
16:09Is this one hotter?
16:11Not as bad as the last one.
16:14The key that I realized is you don't let it touch your lips.
16:21Oh, fuck. I touched my lip a little bit.
16:22Just a teeny bit.
16:24Do you guys each have a favorite cookbook?
16:26Shut up.
16:28Just kidding.
16:30Do we have a favorite cookbook?
16:32You know what?
16:33You know what?
16:34I'm going to stop being this way because everyone's going to go,
16:36she's being so dramatic.
16:39You can already read the comments.
16:41Fine. I'm cool.
16:44You're doing amazing.
16:45We live in a cruel world, Benny.
16:47What, you mean you're just cool?
16:49My favorite cookbooks are like...
16:52I really like the Alice Waters stuff.
16:54So it's like the art of...
16:56Oh, we never breathe in.
16:58Like the art of simple cooking.
17:00And then I also like Joe Badia's pizza book.
17:04I don't want to say any more stuff.
17:05I don't want to...
17:06Oh, Matty Matheson.
17:07Matty Matheson.
17:08He has the best books ever.
17:10And Jake Cohen.
17:13Do we eat the next one?
17:15It is that time.
17:16What are you doing?
17:19Get out more.
17:20What are you doing?
17:22What are you doing, though?
17:23What are you doing, though?
17:28My hands are like shaking.
17:31Can't wait.
17:35This is the last dab.
17:37And we just do like one more of them?
17:39Incredibles one tap.
17:42I'm going for the dab.
17:46All right.
17:50You guys have conquered the wings of death.
17:52Oh, wow.
17:53Having made it through the gauntlet,
17:55do you think this experience
17:57will have a positive impact on the relationship
18:00or cause strife?
18:01Like, do you think couples should go
18:02through the hot ones gauntlet together?
18:04I don't know.
18:05I think it would be so fun to do with your partner.
18:07Can I do one more dab?
18:08You might hate them after, but...
18:11No, no, no.
18:12Honestly, I feel like having her by my...
18:15I feel like I would have crumbled without her.
18:18Honey, you did crumble.
18:19What? No, I...
18:20What do you mean?
18:21I just took another bite.
18:22A double bite.
18:24Okay, you already showed off.
18:28Never mind.
18:29Couples don't play this game.
18:32I don't know.
18:33I like it.
18:34What didn't you know?
18:35You didn't know any of my songs?
18:36Yeah, she didn't even know any of my songs.
18:38We let bygones be bygones in this game.
18:41Long leash.
18:42You guys taking on the wings of death,
18:44living to tell the tale.
18:46Selena, now for a second time.
18:48And now there's nothing left to do
18:49but roll out the red carpet for you.
18:50This camera, this camera, this camera, this camera,
18:52or this camera.
18:53There's a lot of cameras today.
18:54Let the people know what you have going on in your life.
18:57We have an album coming out.
18:59Although I said I love you first
19:01because I was the one that said I love you first.
19:05And I hope you like it.
19:07I love you, babe.
19:08I definitely won't.
19:09I can't.
19:13No, I don't even want one.
19:14Yes, you do.
19:15And I hope you guys like it.
19:16And if you don't, that's okay too.
19:17And I don't think I'll come back to this show ever.
19:25But I'd love to see you anytime.
19:29Oh my God.
19:30Good job.
19:31Thank you, buddy.
19:32It's gonna be awesome.
19:33It's gonna be awesome.
19:34This episode's gonna be a classic.
19:35Like, it will not be in vain.
19:37When you see what we do with it,
19:38you'll be like, I'm glad we did it.
19:39I trust you.
19:41I think it'll be great.
19:42I think it'll be great.
19:49Hot Ones fans, this is Sean Evans
19:51checking in to let you know that it's a new year,
19:54a new season,
19:55a new lineup of hot sauces,
19:57and that means the Season 26 Hot Ones 10-pack
20:01is now available.
20:02Visit heatness.com, heatness.com,
20:05that's heatness.com to get your hands
20:07on the Season 26 Hot Ones 10-pack.
20:10Big spice, big flavor,
20:12but you don't have to take my word for it.
20:14Take on the challenge yourself.
20:16Heatness.com to get your hands on the Hot Ones 10-pack.
