Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky spoke to Fortune about his daily routine in 2024.
00:00So I keep like a daily journal and a digital note app like Apple Notes.
00:04Basically like every day I write notes to myself.
00:06They're not complete sentences of prose, they're more like bullet points.
00:09And it's anything that comes in my mind, idea, anything.
00:12At the end of every week I'll go through all my old notes and I'll highlight
00:16or bold the notes I like.
00:18Those notes get consolidated into a notebook of ideas.
00:21Those notebooks of ideas, then I have to take action on them if I think they're really good.
00:26Then I create a giant to-do list.
00:28And then I assign that work to people, say I'll call them and knock down the list.
00:32Like hey we should do this, we should do this, we should do this.
00:34And I'll knock it off the list.
00:36And then every year I basically write all the major things I accomplish.
00:40So I'll write ahead of time all the things I think I want to accomplish.
00:42It's a running list of 30, 40, 50 things.
00:44Kind of tactical-ish.
00:46At the end of the year I look and I compare lists year over year.
00:48So I'm pretty systematic.
00:50I take a lot of notes and I organize those notes.