00:00In this case, Allah gives the example of two opposite things and swears that like day and night, man and woman, and rich and poor, in the world, one of the biggest blessings of Allah is wealth.
00:20By having wealth, you get a lot of facilities and you can make a better future for yourself and your family.
00:30Wealth can also create pride and arrogance.
00:34With wealth, you can also make other people's lives better.
00:39For example, you can give charity, you can take care of a child's education, you can help in the construction of a hospital, and you can do countless good deeds.
00:52The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave a lot of emphasis on giving charity and encouraged all his companions and the Ummah to help others.
01:05Some of the most prominent companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were wealthy.
01:11Like Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Usman, may Allah be pleased with them.
01:16And the wife of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Hazrat Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her.
01:23They spent all their wealth in the way of Allah.
01:27Helped Muslims and solved their problems.
01:32We should never forget that the wealth that has been given to us is from Allah.
01:38And there is also our test in this.
01:41If we are stingy in this and become selfish, then we will be on the wrong path.
01:47Allah says in Surah Al-Lail,
02:02And as for he who is stingy and self-sufficient and denies the good,
02:11We will make it easy for him for hardship,
02:15And his wealth will not avail him when he turns back.
02:31And he will be content with the blessings of Paradise.
02:34And as for he who is stingy and denies the good,
02:40His life will be full of hardship and he will go to Hell.
02:46Allah has declared stinginess as the opposite of righteousness.
02:51A stingy person can never be happy.
02:54His life will be full of problems.
02:57Everything will be difficult for him.
03:00His indifference and his attitude of not caring for others will destroy him.
03:06The wealth that he will collect will be of no use to him.
03:11Rather, he will be asked about it.
03:15And finally he will be put in Hell.