• yesterday
Rodrigo Fuenzalida, ufólogo y director de AION Chile nos habló de los OVNIS. 


00:00And it fascinates us to have him here because he is an expert on this topic, absolutely.
00:04So we receive with a big applause in No Te Duermas, the ufologist Rodrigo Fuensalidas!
00:13How are you?
00:15How are you?
00:17And the music they put on you.
00:19What do you think?
00:23Change the music.
00:24Is it very trillado?
00:26I love it, honestly.
00:28A lot, but good.
00:30Well, we are with surprises.
00:34Many things are happening.
00:36Many things.
00:37Hey, people always ask us, is this recorded?
00:40Let Rodrigo answer if this is recorded or not.
00:44You are live.
00:45We are here live.
00:46Everything to be able to have the contingency.
00:50And I insist, what is happening is remarkable.
00:52Rodrigo, did it cost you to get here at this time?
00:55Did it cost you to wake up?
00:59Did you spend the night?
01:00I came on a trip.
01:01Of course, overnight.
01:02Overnight here?
01:03Oh, you don't sleep.
01:04It's true.
01:05Hey, Rodrigo, you said that there is a lot of information regarding UFO sightings.
01:10Because the US government revealed this report, which shows that sightings were practically doubled.
01:16366 is the number.
01:18Approximately from 2021 to date.
01:22Tell us why there are more sightings, you see more of these unidentified flying objects.
01:27What's going on?
01:28What's going on, Rodrigo?
01:29There used to be a censorship around the subject.
01:32I think the pilots are talking more about the things that happen.
01:37More than that.
01:38The more they are seeing more UFOs, I think there is a relaxation.
01:43And they are no longer going to point you with the finger, that you are crazy.
01:47And there is even a statement by the Pentagon that practically forced the different states,
01:54the US Armed Forces, to speak publicly without any kind of coercion.
02:00So I see it in that line.
02:03In that line, as if there is greater freedom to talk about the subject.
02:06Of course.
02:07It is not clear that there are more sightings.
02:08It is not clear that there are more UFOs.
02:10I think they are more relaxed and we will have more information.
02:15I think there are about six months more about it.
02:17Oh, not so much.
02:18A little more time.
02:19Half a year.
02:20Of course.
02:21There is a new museum where they even have to release some videos that the F-18s have taken.
02:29And especially the Navy.
02:31The Navy leads it, more than the Air Force.
02:35Yes, it is very rare.
02:38Hey, Rodrigo, we are going to review some videos that are the last ones that have come out on this subject.
02:42The sightings have already been made known, of course, in this report of the US government, the Pentagon.
02:48Of course, all this information.
02:49We are going to start with the first video.
02:52So that we can see that it is a sighting of Nimitz.
02:57I saw the image, I reviewed it and I was shocked.
02:59Yes, surprising.
03:00Honestly, I do not believe much in sightings many times, but this image has made an impact on me.
03:06So we are going to review them so that Rodrigo can comment on it here in No Te Duermas.
03:11Look, we are seeing it.
03:13Ah, it's very good.
03:15This record?
03:16Of course.
03:17It was made from an aircraft of the Navy.
03:21The object, in an instant, will even rotate.
03:24It will make a slight turn, giving the idea that this is maintaining a kind of own gravity.
03:31These videos were made known in 2017 by a former Pentagon employee who participated in these investigations,
03:39named Luis Elizondo.
03:40And to this day, of course, look at the turn it makes.
03:42Yes, it turns.
03:43That catches my attention, the changes it makes constantly.
03:45Of course, of course.
03:46And the pilots are super shocked.
03:48The guys know the things that fly, right?
03:52And they are tremendously shocked by what they are seeing.
03:55I feel that this is like the starting point of many other things that, I insist, are going to be seen.
04:01This other one, the Tic Tac, what is it called?
04:04Yes, it's called Tic Tac because of the candy, right?
04:07Of course, it's the same.
04:08Like that size, that shape?
04:09Of course.
04:10These objects were between 2004 and 2014 being observed.
04:16From the Nimitz and the Princeton.
04:18I even knew one of the radar operators who was in charge of all this.
04:22And he told me that it was impressive because the guy saw them on a radar,
04:27came out with binoculars and saw about seven objects like this.
04:32The Tic Tacs align, accelerate and get into nothingness, as if they were getting into another reality.
04:38In front of the eyes of the member of the Princeton radar operator.
04:47And one of these videos was also made by a woman.
04:51A pilot of an F-18, who also had the opportunity to be on a program,
04:55to be talking with her, the program of Mrs. Alcince Misterio.
05:00And this woman chased the famous Tic Tacs and accelerate at speeds more than hypersonic,
05:07something impossible for her to be made by a human being.
05:10Hey, Rodrigo, you talk a lot, you have talked to these people who have been absolute witnesses
05:15of this type of recording.
05:16And what is their vision?
05:17How does the look that one gives you because one sees this image leaves you shocked?
05:21Imagine listening to the testimony of people who lived it in the first person.
05:24Many of them are skeptical.
05:26From skepticism they were convinced when?
05:28When they saw that they were in front of a military operation.
05:31When you suddenly see this object at hypersonic speed,
05:35that you can't reach it, and breaking about 90 degrees,
05:40you detect it on the radar, it was not a military test,
05:44and you say, well, in the presence of what are we?
05:47The good thing is that we live in a culture of seeing.
05:49You live, you show more than you count.
05:52And especially when you have military-type elements.
05:55Radars that give you a certain location.
05:59You can calculate speeds, etc.
06:01And when they are multiple witnesses, I insist, they are war pilots.
06:04It's not just anything.
06:05That's why what you said at the beginning is important.
06:08The testimonies of these pilots were duplicated,
06:11who were formerly repressed.
06:13That is, they said, wow, if I tell this,
06:16they will put me in space medicine,
06:18they will tell me that I'm crazy and I'm going to stop flying.
06:21And as I told you, there was a motion that came from the Pentagon
06:25to lower the profile to disqualification.
06:32That is, not to censor the witnesses
06:36within the armed forces on the subject.
06:38But before, was there any censorship about it?
06:41What happened with the Pentagon?
06:45I'm telling you it was cold.
06:47The gringos thought they were the bad Russians.
06:50The Russians thought they were the bad gringos.
06:53So, talking about the existence of these phenomena
06:58was to be seen as vulnerable.
07:01That is to say, hey, no, there are no aliens.
07:04If there are no aliens, what happened to our borders
07:07were prototypes that we do not know about,
07:10both the Russians and the gringos.
07:13Likewise, today the Pentagon is taking only this with tweezers.
07:18Oh yeah?
07:19Of course, because they have to rule out that they are not weapons of the Chinese.
07:23I said a textual.
07:24I don't think they are from the Russians,
07:25with the war they have today in Ukraine,
07:27we have already ruled out the Russians.
07:29But there is the suspicion that some of these
07:32could be Chinese drones, so ultra advanced.
07:37The truth, I doubt it.
07:40You doubt it?
07:41Because the whole history of UFOs is the same.
07:44That in the Second World War,
07:47they were weapons of the Nazis or the Allies.
07:51Cold War, the same.
07:54We are seeing a speech that is being repeated from time to time.
07:57Hey, Rodrigo, do you think that there is also the access
08:00to show more images by the government of the United States,
08:03of the Pentagon and in general of different authorities
08:06regarding this issue, which was much more trivial before.
08:09Now more official reports are delivered.
08:11Does it also have to do with people's interest?
08:13Because people can now record any image with their smartphone
08:17and that can reveal or show something.
08:19So do you think that the public, people in general,
08:21has pressured to release all these types of images?
08:24A lot, because all this is moved by the political world.
08:26And the political world are the contributors.
08:29In the United States they always do opinion polls before the elections.
08:33And the topic of UFOs has been a topic that is getting stronger and stronger.
08:37And it is good to know the number of audiovisual productions
08:40that exist in the television networks around the subject today,
08:44because there is a genuine interest of people
08:46to want to know what is happening.
08:49And the prosaic explanations are not bought by absolutely anyone.
08:53We probably give presence to some form of intelligence
08:55of unknown origin.
08:57Yes, that is why today there is talk of unidentified aerial phenomenon.
09:00Is that the concept that is used now?
09:02UAP, of course.
09:03Ah, it is no longer ...
09:04It is not UFO.
09:06Here we have a question from our YouTube friends.
09:10Verone Kizachi says,
09:12A question for the expert.
09:13How was the UFO phenomenon discovered?
09:15What are they looking for in us?
09:17Were they really the first colonizers of this planet?
09:21First, we do not know what they are.
09:23If we assumed the extraterrestrial hypothesis, it is possible.
09:27Why not?
09:28But above all, the phenomenon is still not ...
09:31The extraterrestrial hypothesis is one of the many,
09:34even questioned,
09:36because there are other alternative theses
09:38to explain a highly complex phenomenon.
09:41But, of being extraterrestrial, why not?
09:45But I doubt it.
09:46I believe that there is an important percentage of the phenomenon
09:49has another type of origin.
09:51Hey, look, we have a title there for ...
09:54Also, because we are live and we have to mention it.
09:57And also, you who are at home,
09:59are a fundamental part of No Te Duermas.
10:02Have you seen a UFO?
10:04Some phenomenon that has no explanation?
10:08Tell us your experience in a video.
10:11If you have the video, even better.
10:13And send it to our WhatsApp, which is there.
10:15Plus 569-548-34838
10:20Imagine that they send us a video now.
10:22Of course, or an alien.
10:24Look, it can be telling the experience,
10:26or ideal, I'm already dreaming,
10:28that it is the same sighting.
10:30But short. Ideal, 20 seconds.
10:33Remember that this is the key, 20 seconds.
10:35Because television, time is gold.
10:38So, be careful.
10:39We must be attentive to the WhatsApp of No Te Duermas.
10:44We have more videos.
10:45We have more videos.
10:46For example, because we are going to review,
10:47not only do we have Rodrigo's expert vision,
10:49we want you to go reviewing video by video.
10:52And we have a sighting in Temuco.
10:55Let's go.
10:56We are going to see Temuco now.
10:58These images that also draw attention.
11:00What do these records tell you, Rodrigo?
11:03This is an authentic video.
11:04It was investigated by a ufologist from Temuco,
11:08called Víctor Tolosa, a great friend.
11:10This is a person who was going to the beach
11:13and captured in the sky a phenomenon that was spinning
11:16on its axis.
11:19In 2010 this was.
11:21And it was completely static.
11:24And the person has the great merit,
11:27in my understanding, of focusing on the object
11:30and then a zoom out where you have the whole landscape.
11:35You can have a proportion of the distances and all that.
11:40It is a very, very interesting phenomenon.
11:42It is authenticated as a living UFO.
11:45It still does not have a conventional explanation.
11:47It is not a drone.
11:48It is not a drone.
11:49No, no, no.
11:50That is good because many times it generates the doubt
11:53that it is a drone or another type of thing.
11:55When the image is amplified,
11:56it is noticeable that the object is ...
11:58There is something making a turn.
12:01An external structure that is spinning.
12:04It is elongated like a kind of flying unicorn.
12:08The drone, no.
12:09The drone, you are generally going to see the wings,
12:12the legs of the drone.
12:13And you are going to see the light, sometimes also
12:16the navigation light, which is important.
12:20But not this.
12:21And we are talking about the year 2010.
12:23This was almost 13 years ago.
12:25Sure, sure.
12:26A long time.
12:27And the best cases of that are the oldest
12:29because there was not so much technology
12:31as today that you can fail a fraud,
12:34graphic animation or get confused with satellites,
12:37as is usual.
12:39Today we have many, many people who confuse satellites
12:42and things like that.
12:44Hey, Rodrigo, and this is one of the sightings
12:46that have been clearer in terms of video recording?
12:49Or are there others that are more?
12:51I would say that there are others that are more,
12:53but that this is one of the good ones.
12:55Because it has anomalous components.
12:57That is, it has elements that tell you,
12:59no, this is not a fraud here.
13:02It is also not a graphic composition,
13:05computerized graphic animation.
13:07Unfortunately, the best was missing,
13:09that when the object has to be found,
13:11the person could not be all the time
13:14He had to go.
13:15Sure, he was going to hit it.
13:17And there he saw it.
13:18But he had the instinct to leave this record
13:21and this type of object that is like a kind of spy,
13:25a type of UFO that is seen in different places,
13:28that are sometimes hours,
13:30as if they were tracking,
13:32as if they were a kind of, I don't know,
13:35social bolleristas, I don't know.
13:37But the guys sometimes stay at a great height,
13:41practically camouflaged among the clouds.
13:44These types of sightings come for decades.
13:47So this confirms something that people used to denounce,
13:52but they didn't record it.
13:54Today I don't tell you, today I show it.
13:57Sure, the success of the record.
13:59There are more sightings, this is by day.
14:01By day, by one.
14:02Of course, it draws more attention.
14:04There are many at night too,
14:06but we can confuse them with other things,
14:08as you say, like satellites.
14:09Satellites, flashlights, mountain vehicles,
14:16balloons of different types.
14:18For the New Year, people throw the balloons of wishes at Christmas.
14:23These Chinese balloons, right?
14:25Like the Gimnaldas they call it.
14:26There we have a classic example of something complicated.
14:30Hey, people in our community of No Te Duermas
14:33activate quickly and we already have photos.
14:37Let's see.
14:38We have photos and we are going to show them now
14:40that arrived through our WhatsApp of No Te Duermas.
14:43Look, we have this image.
14:45It's from Carla Aranguiz de Rancagua.
14:49It's pretty, but I can't see it.
14:50This is a photo that her husband took two months ago.
14:54Let's see, let's see, wait.
14:56I can't see it very far.
14:57Do you want to zoom in?
14:58I can't see it very far.
14:59Look, Rodrigo needs a closer zoom.
15:02Give it to me, Piti.
15:03So, let's see.
15:04It's getting closer.
15:05It's getting closer to the monitor to review the image.
15:09What do you think?
15:11An insect?
15:12Oh, I love it because Rodrigo, but the shot takes the chip.
15:14But how do you realize that ...
15:16It's out of focus at high speed.
15:19It doesn't have much to do with the landscape
15:22because it's too close to the camera.
15:26And a completely smooth, dark figure.
15:29It's a fly.
15:30We have several of these.
15:32But it's good to learn.
15:33Hey, it's out of focus, but at once.
15:35It's out of focus.
15:36They probably didn't see it when they took the photo.
15:38Of course.
15:39The first thing I tell you.
15:40Of course.
15:41Damn, Carlita.
15:42They didn't see it because ...
15:43I don't care, I don't care.
15:44They were watching the construction.
15:45This insect flew away.
15:46Of course.
15:47And there was like a UFO.
15:48A UFO.
15:49But our expert discards it.
15:50But it's okay, it's okay.
15:51I insist, 99% of the things you get, you explain them.
15:56They already have a logical explanation.
15:58In the past, of course, in the past it was much more enthusiastic.
16:00You take things as they are.
16:02Hey, now we're going to see a video that was taken by all social networks last year.
16:08Was it a sighting or not?
16:10Let's see.
16:11Rodrigo is going to say it here in No Te Duermas.
16:13This figure caught a lot of attention in one minute.
16:16People said, no, this is some phenomenon, something.
16:20Yes or yes, this is extraterrestrial.
16:23It's just a record.
16:24Of course, you see this.
16:26But what does Rodrigo say?
16:27This is Rodrigo because Rodrigo is the one who has the truth, the expert eye that one does not have, let's say.
16:32It also has audio.
16:33Yes, this is out of focus.
16:35It's already deformed.
16:37There it goes backwards too.
16:39But I don't see it.
16:41Look, there it comes back.
16:42That's Venus.
16:44I don't see it fly, it doesn't move.
16:48It has the characteristics of an astronomical body.
16:50It's static there.
16:51It could be an astronomical body, but there it is.
16:54That's what you never have to do.
16:56You don't have to zoom in because it's deformed there.
16:59That's a parasitic image.
17:01It's not the image of the real object.
17:04Of course, it's kind of distorted.
17:06Completely distorted by the diaphragm of the camera that has that shape.
17:10The diaphragm has that diamond shape.
17:14And what we are seeing is an object, a light that is deformed by the diaphragm of the camera.
17:20It is completely static.
17:23I would dare to say that it is an astronomical body, that it is a planet.
17:26Oh, it's a planet.
17:27So it's not extraterrestrial.
17:29No, no, no.
17:30The UFO has to behave as such.
17:33Boom, boom.
17:34Break 90 degrees.
17:35Change color.
17:36Divide into 2, 3, 4.
17:38Look, it's there.
17:39It's static.
17:40It's like a star.
17:41I think what caught my attention was this zoom.
17:44And you see how the shape is moving according to this zoom.
17:49That's what caught my attention.
17:51Pure light saturation in the diaphragm of the camera.
17:56That's a planet.
17:58So, ruled out.
18:01We have another video so that Rodrigo, with his expert eye, can see it.
18:06Let's see.
18:08Another video.
18:09There it comes.
18:10We are still with this planet.
18:11We are looking, yes.
18:12With this planet.
18:13There it comes.
18:14And that it was dubious.
18:15That we were dubious and we too, like that.
18:16Of course.
18:17But there comes another image that will be analyzed by Rodrigo.
18:20Let's remember that you can also send us your video.
18:22This one.
18:23This is the Chiyan volcano, I think it was.
18:26This was in Antuco.
18:27In Antuco.
18:30Let's see.
18:31They are on the hill, right?
18:33And they see something a little lower.
18:34Below, of course.
18:35Something bright.
18:36Very bright.
18:37An object that obviously catches their attention.
18:39Very bright.
18:41It could be a UFO.
18:42This is in the landscape.
18:45It's up there in the landscape.
18:46Like in the valley.
18:48In the valley.
18:50And we are going to see that they are going to zoom in, it seems.
18:54It does not move.
18:55Hey, but that light sounds to me like ...
18:57Look, it also looks like ...
18:59It deforms.
19:00They zoom in again.
19:01It deforms and takes the shape of the diaphragm.
19:05That smells like a roof to me.
19:08A roof of a house?
19:10A roof.
19:11A roof of a house?
19:12Yes, of an installation.
19:13But flying?
19:14No, it's not flying, it's on the ground.
19:16Ah, but the effect makes it look like it's overhanging.
19:18No, but it's in the landscape.
19:19The sunlight reaches it.
19:21That's good to clarify.
19:22The movement because it's moving.
19:24The kid said, it's moving.
19:26No, no, no, no.
19:28Well, the zoom.
19:29Hey, but how shocking, because this video, I remember, when it came out, it also caught a lot of attention.
19:34And people immediately thought it was a UFO, an extraterrestrial phenomenon.
19:37No, that's there in the landscape.
19:41There is a roof.
19:43It's a roof that, of course, overlaps, as a result of all this effect, at the time of zooming in.
19:49And the sun reaches the roof.
19:52Look how it breaks all these myths.
19:54The illusion of the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
19:57Has it happened to you?
19:58Because I think that many times it must have happened to you that someone says,
20:01No, Rodrigo, I have a video for you.
20:03And you get excited, as an expert.
20:06And you get there, and you see it, and you say,
20:09Hey, but this is not it.
20:11It's a beach.
20:12It happened a lot, and that's why one takes distance.
20:15You already have an expert eye.
20:18Of course.
20:19It doesn't fall with any object.
20:20Hey, but maybe some, when they surprise you, they totally surprise you.
20:23Yes, yes.
20:24And has it happened to you, for example, in the last time, in the last months,
20:26some video in Chile or the world that has caught your attention?
20:31Or not?
20:32There is still no phenomenon.
20:33Not yet.
20:34That you say with your mouth open.
20:36And a couple of them that we have saved there.
20:39But we still lack some element to say,
20:43Here we are.
20:45In the test.
20:46The big test.
20:47We are a little short.
20:48Hey, people are very active on YouTube, on WhatsApp about this,
20:51and they have questions for you, Rodrigo.
20:53Go ahead.
20:54I have received questions.
20:55Go ahead.
20:56So I'm going to pass them on to you.
20:57It says, Hello, this is Alejandro.
20:59And I want to make the following query.
21:01How real is it that in the precordillera del Maule,
21:04exactly in the commune of San Clemente,
21:06between the sectors of Vilches and El Ladrillado,
21:10there is a presence of UFOs?
21:13Is it real?
21:14It's real.
21:15I've had to be there,
21:16I've even had to record two UFO opportunities in the area,
21:19a super active area.
21:21It's from Lake Colbuna to El Ladrillado.
21:24There is a lot of historiography.
21:26Colorado sector.
21:27There were light outages caused by UFOs in 1995.
21:32There is a lot of data.
21:34Carabineros, teachers, students,
21:37witnessed the appearance of those objects
21:39that were named the light robbers.
21:42The light robbers?
21:43Because they appeared and there were the outages.
21:46And there are no records of that that you have?
21:50There are records.
21:51Possession, let's say.
21:52Yes, yes, I don't know.
21:53There is material.
21:54There is material about the things that happened there.
21:57And the commune is, the current mayor is very interested
22:03in collecting testimonies and organizing events around the subject.
22:07Because it is a very special place,
22:09the San Clemente commune is very beautiful,
22:12but I am particularly struck by this outage
22:17that happened in 1995-1996,
22:19that the shield broke.
22:21I mean, there is even the date of the time
22:24when a UFO brought water to Lake Colbuna.
22:26And that was recorded at the level of the measurements.
22:31Hey, Rodrigo, speaking of shocking things,
22:33striking situations,
22:34when it comes to extraterrestrial phenomena,
22:36I wanted to ask you,
22:38what is your most impressive experience
22:41that has impacted you in this matter?
22:44Because I think that, well,
22:45we talk about how few things impact you,
22:47but what experience have you lived that has left you marked?
22:51Well, having seen UFOs on several occasions,
22:57there was one there in May 2018,
23:00I had the opportunity to have a meeting with a UFO
23:04while being with an archaeologist friend in Punta Arena,
23:08we were on our way to the airport
23:11and we saw a light in the opposite direction,
23:13I thought it was a truck.
23:15And in an instant we were turning,
23:17and these lights were still there in front of us.
23:20We were turning, turning,
23:21I said, it can't be a truck,
23:23and an object was thrown at us,
23:24which was like a train,
23:26a white train with interior lights turning
23:29at no more than 70 meters away.
23:32Then the object jumped to the Magallanes Strait,
23:35a more absurd thing that I have seen,
23:37because I saw it there, next to it.
23:39You witnessed it.
23:41And how did you stay there?
23:42You couldn't leave like shocked,
23:44you didn't even have a cell phone, let's say.
23:46No, we were with Camilo there,
23:49we were busy, we couldn't translate,
23:53I said, but did you see it?
23:54But did you see it?
23:56What do I do with that?
23:57In shock.
23:58Yes, the next GoPro camera now,
24:01in the vehicle.
24:02They have to be carrying the cameras all the time.
24:05Yes, just in case, maybe they are looking for you.
24:07Rodrigo, I think we are going to continue
24:09checking more records,
24:11we are going to continue talking to you,
24:13we get questions too.
24:14We have to, in a little while,
24:16give the press pass,
24:17and I wanted to leave you with a question.
24:19So, for example,
24:20like this question that came to us,
24:22that they abound in certain places,
24:24is it because they are attracted to certain things
24:26from those places,
24:27like the bricklaying here that they tell us,
24:29in Colbun, what you mentioned to us?
24:31I think there is a component at the level of water and minerals,
24:35Mineral water and
24:37accumulation of electrical energy too,
24:40because that would produce a plasmatic residue
24:43that they could be using, but yes,
24:45I think there is a relationship between
24:49and that they are looking for here.
