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En Vivo I Emisión Vespertina con #Claudiogomez de #informativosTA 21/03/2025


00:08Hello, it's great that you are joining us today in this special show.
00:11Earlier, since we will be bringing you at 1 and 10 in the afternoon,
00:16the sprint training, the sprint training games,
00:19giving follow-up to Juan Soto, Antillas TV,
00:23official channel of MLB in the Dominican Republic.
00:27And completely deteriorated are the streets of Hato Nuevo in Santo Domingo Oeste,
00:33where its recipients say they feel forgotten by the authorities
00:38with a problem that generates serious difficulties.
00:42Our partner, Paula Valls, expands us in the following report.
00:47As orphans, so are the communities of Hato Nuevo de Mano Guayabo,
00:51where the streets are impassable.
00:53In addition to the bad conditions, they assure that due to the lack of sidewalks,
00:57even children are forced to risk their lives walking through the vehicle area.
01:02We, the elderly, cross the street with all the sidewalks broken.
01:07It is dangerous, we stumble, these gentlemen and so.
01:10Here we have serious problems with the street.
01:12Yes, there have been several accidents, even.
01:15The children have to cross the street because the sidewalks were supposedly broken by him
01:19about two years ago, but they have left it as it is.
01:23Abandoned, we are orphans of the government, of everyone.
01:27What is spoken is a lie.
01:29It's all a screen.
01:31It's all a screen.
01:33The more range they have, the less they are doing.
01:36It does not seem that we have leaders from here, from the area.
01:40The deterioration of their main roads also generates economic losses,
01:44since they must constantly repair the vehicles whose parts are frequently damaged,
01:49as well as delays to reach their destinations,
01:52since they must cross the streets quite slowly.
01:56Indisputably, the street around here is devastated.
02:00There is no sidewalk, there is no container.
02:02When it rains, people have to walk down the street,
02:06taking the risk of being hit because the sidewalk is devastated.
02:10It's been like four years since they broke it, and what to fix it, and nothing, nothing.
02:15The vehicles are not returning anything.
02:18Do you understand? And it's chaotic here.
02:20When it rains, no one can pass here.
02:23It's incommunicable. Do you understand?
02:25Look, there, mainly, in that hole over there, we have a broken tube.
02:29That belongs to the house.
02:32We reported that to the city council, and no one has said anything.
02:37The street is absolutely destroyed.
02:41The vehicles are destroyed quickly.
02:43You can't at least walk fast because of the situation on the street.
02:48The situation also affects the hundreds of families
02:51who have decided to move to the community
02:53after acquiring apartments from government programs
02:56looking for better living conditions.
02:59Paola Baez, Informativos Teleantillas.
03:02Meanwhile, residents of the El Bonito sector,
03:05located in San Isidro, in Santo Domingo Oeste,
03:08are screaming to heaven
03:10for a series of problems that affect their quality of life.
03:14Our colleague Reina Ramirez went to the place and brings us the report.
03:19Among the main problems that affect the residents of this neighborhood
03:23are the proliferation of improvised waste dumps,
03:26obstructed filters, and the accumulation of black water on the streets.
03:30Situations that not only generate an unhealthy environment,
03:33but also represent a risk to the health of the community.
03:37This whole street is flooded, proliferating many diseases.
03:41The steel and the containers are slippery.
03:44Many children, many elderly people have suffered serious accidents.
03:49This is the case of Mr. Rafael Ortega,
03:52who claims that he is tired of living with black water in front of his house
03:56for approximately seven months,
03:58causing mosquitoes and flies to not leave his home.
04:02He assures that the relevant authorities have done nothing to fix this situation.
04:07There are four holes and none of them work.
04:10Because people come, they cover it up and fill it with water again.
04:15And no matter how much they complain in the city council,
04:17they can never come here to fix the water.
04:19It's uncomfortable for them to throw away the garbage.
04:21Everything is uncomfortable, really.
04:23The cars pass by, the deliveries can't pass by.
04:26In addition to the blocked filters that prevent the adequate drainage of the water,
04:31causing strong floods during the rains,
04:34the situation is also aggravated by the bad smell
04:37caused by the accumulated mud of the water.
04:40For a long time, the streets are full, the sewers are closed.
04:44When it rains, we can't go out to the streets.
04:47The residents of El Bonito are still waiting for concrete actions in their community
04:52and demand the collaboration of the authorities
04:55to maintain a clean and safe environment.
04:58Reina Ramirez, Teleantillas News.
05:02We now go to Santiago, where in Franco de Terrioro and in a state of abandonment
05:07is the housing market of the Yaque in this province.
05:11This has been denounced by sellers of the Agricultural Trade Center.
05:15Our colleague Fabiola Núñez visited the place
05:18and presents us with the problems that even buyers face
05:22where there is not a single bathroom where to make their needs.
05:30This has to be fixed because everything is falling apart.
05:38Located in the southern area of Santiago,
05:41the housing market of Yaque has more than 70 years
05:45being the main Agricultural Trade Center,
05:48not only of this province but of the entire region of Sibao.
05:56From Constanza to Montecristi,
05:59there are sellers and buyers who make their commercial exchange of products
06:04in the middle of residual waters, garbage and all kinds of unhealthiness.
06:15Despite its importance, for decades the market has never received a deep intervention.
06:22Today it is evident the state of abandonment in which it is.
06:25Sellers thus confirm it.
06:28That hole has been there for I don't know how long,
06:30that hole has been covered.
06:31And it's a water that...
06:32Piperos come here.
06:33Yesterday I saw a pipero of everything there,
06:35collecting to clean and sell to people.
06:38That has to have security also for what people are going to eat on the street.
06:42Garbage is inevitable.
06:44You know that no one has been able to control this
06:48because of the system that is garbage and all the environment
06:51that is around the market of Yaque.
06:53They come to throw garbage in Guagua, here in the market.
06:56Another of their complaints is the number of sellers who are on the streets,
07:00which means a great disadvantage for them.
07:03They assure that the bad conditions keep their premises empty.
07:08We don't have a bathroom.
07:10The market...
07:12Almost people don't go inside.
07:15We who are in here, we feel disadvantaged.
07:18The people that we have in the Yaque market,
07:20we don't finish the Yaque pieces.
07:21So what happens?
07:22The administrators who came here to the Yaque pieces in those years,
07:25what they started was to sell ports and to take streets that are not markets.
07:29The lack of bathrooms.
07:31Closed for more than seven months,
07:34the streets are in a bad state,
07:36the pipes are blocked and the mud is part of the daily life.
07:39The buyers also complain about this situation,
07:42however, they can buy their products at a lower price.
07:46A lot of garbage, it is very neglected.
07:48A lot of waste, everything is washed away.
07:51They are not cleaning.
07:53There is a lot of mud and the streets are full of waste.
07:57Anyone can fall and get hurt.
08:00Garbage should be collected more often,
08:05because this is where food is spent for human consumption.
08:09The mayor of Santiago, Ulises Rodríguez,
08:11announced the intervention of the market in May 2024
08:15and little has been done.
08:17The EDIL, recognizing the conditions of this place,
08:20said they expect more support from the government
08:23to start with the work of adaptation.
08:26We are hoping that they can provide us with additional resources.
08:30Meanwhile, what has to do with operativeness, cleaning, improvement,
08:34we have already made a process of solicitation
08:36that will be announced in the next few days.
08:39Both sellers and buyers trust that local authorities
08:44start once and for all the transformation of the housing market,
08:48since today it is submerged in total deterioration.
08:54Fabiola Núñez, Teleantillas News.
08:58Very well, let's go to the break.
09:00Stay tuned with us.
09:02The Atiemar Tower, a majestic apartment building,
09:25is in a legal limbo,
09:27after its owner was convicted in Spain
09:30of embezzling more than 1,200 kilos of cocaine.
09:33Our colleague Guillermo García
09:35presents a recap of this case.
09:44In October 2005, then-president Leonel Fernández
09:47gave the first pitch for the construction of the Atiemar Tower.
09:52At that time it was presumed that the multimillion dollar investment
09:55was the result of international trust
09:58for the stability that the country had regained
10:01after the financial debacle of 2003 due to the Van Inter case.
10:05Four years later, at the end of 2009,
10:09Arturo del Tiempo Marqués, owner of the tower,
10:12was the host of a reception
10:14to inaugurate the 19-story building,
10:17where each apartment has 450 square meters,
10:23with exit and entrance through Pedro Enrique Zureña Street and Mexico Avenue.
10:29After Arturo del Tiempo Marqués, owner of the tower,
10:32was transferred to Spain to answer for drug trafficking charges,
10:36it was revealed that he was an associate of the National Police
10:40in the management of Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzmán Fermín,
10:44who supposedly owned one of the apartments,
10:48which was later announced that the real owner was his father,
10:52he is also director of the police Rafael Guillermo Guzmán Acosta.
11:09Arturo del Tiempo was sentenced in Spain in August 2013
11:13for trafficking 1,212 kilos of cocaine,
11:17to a sentence of 7 years and 6 months in prison.
11:22More than 15 years have passed and the work remains in a legal limbo,
11:27many attribute it to the weakness of the Dominican judicial system.
11:33Guillermo García, Informativos, Teleantillas.
11:38We continue now with the president of the Dominican Council of Evangelical Unity,
11:43Feliciano Lacen, who expressed his deep concern
11:47about the accelerated increase of the dollar,
11:50recognizing that this is an independent variable,
11:53however, urges the government to take measures to contain inflation,
11:57since this situation is directly impacting the cost of life of citizens,
12:03shortening essential products and strongly hitting the most vulnerable families.
12:11I am very concerned about the increase in the exchange rate of the dollar
12:18in the Dominican Republic, recognizing that it is an independent variable
12:23that does not necessarily have to do with the local context,
12:27however, the Dominican state is the guarantor of maintaining stability
12:31in the family bank, since when the dollar rate rises,
12:36the products of need for the supermarket also have an overwhelming increase.
12:43Lacen called on the government to implement urgent and effective measures
12:47that allow to mitigate the effects of this rise in the US currency,
12:52which is generating a domino effect on the prices of goods and basic services,
12:58from food to medication.
13:03The deputy of Alto Mayor for the Revolutionary Party,
13:06modern Carmen Ligia Barceló,
13:08stated that she submitted a bill that creates a national alert brigade
13:13for the search of missing persons,
13:15composed by the Attorney General of the Republic,
13:19the National Police, Indotel, 9-1-1 system, among other entities,
13:24with the aim of providing services in the first hours of disappearance.
13:30A committee or a central command of operations where they have a representative
13:35and they have a subordinate who has to be informed at all times
13:39of what the main representative of the institution is doing,
13:42and they have to be people who have technical knowledge
13:45of the key areas of the institutions they represent
13:49to be able to operate quickly in that system.
13:54Barceló stated that this project not only includes the range of action
13:59of search of minors of 18 years,
14:01but also of people with cognitive disabilities,
14:05senile dementia and Alzheimer.
14:08This information was broadcast on the 1 plus 1 program
14:12of your Teledentillas channel.
14:16Well, let's go to the break.
14:18You keep in tune with us.
14:20Remember that we are Teledentillas,
14:22the official channel of MLB in the Dominican Republic.
14:45A woman who suffers from an unusual disease
14:48that causes blisters on the skin
14:50asked for help to buy the medicines
14:53and thus alleviate the pain that this condition produces for more than five years.
14:57Our companion Fabiola Núñez moved to Jacagua,
15:01in the northern part of Santiago,
15:03and tells us the human drama that this family is experiencing.
15:07My life changed. I was a happy woman.
15:11And not anymore, not anymore.
15:15Because the pain is killing me.
15:17This disease is already in my body.
15:31The life of Juana Bautista Paulino, 47 years old,
15:35took a 180-degree turn
15:37when she was diagnosed with Pemphiguanpulloso,
15:41a rare and autoimmune disease
15:44that appears when the nervous system attacks the skin
15:47and causes blisters.
15:49It is not very common.
15:50That is why there are no medicines for this disease.
15:52And the medicines that are given to her
15:54are to maintain the disease,
15:56but it produces something else.
15:58And they are high-cost medicines,
16:01but very high cost,
16:03that I get because God puts in the heart of the person
16:09that this is not a formed theater or anything like that.
16:14Juana was a productive woman,
16:16but due to the advanced state of her disease,
16:19she is already in bed.
16:21And not anymore.
16:22With the COVID, I sold my ice cream too.
16:26With the COVID.
16:28There, when the COVID came out,
16:31a few balls came out.
16:33I thought it was because of that.
16:35And then I got sick.
16:37She lives in a humble house
16:39with her husband, Angel Luis Acosta,
16:41who no longer works,
16:43since he is dedicated to taking care of her.
16:45The few resources he gets
16:47do not even allow him to take his wife to the hospital
16:50to receive the necessary medical assistance.
16:58I took her to the hospital,
17:00and she was fine.
17:02But in a year here,
17:04I can't take her anywhere,
17:06only with a vehicle,
17:08and I don't have a vehicle.
17:10But God always takes care of me.
17:13He has never left me alone.
17:15The saddest thing for Angel Luis
17:17is to see his wife in that condition
17:19and complain about the pain.
17:21But he is hopeful that God
17:23will give his healing hand.
17:25Both ask for the help of the government
17:27and the authorities to improve their quality of life.
17:30I ask for help.
17:32You have to touch their hearts
17:34to help me.
17:36Because the remedies they give me
17:38are very expensive.
17:40The only thing I feel
17:42is her suffering.
17:44That's the only thing I feel.
17:46As I said in other media,
17:48I don't care about that.
17:50What I care about
17:52is her.
17:54To see her suffer so much.
17:56If you want to collaborate with Juana,
17:58you can send your contributions
18:00to the Bank Reservas number
18:08in the name of Angel Luis Acosta
18:10or contact him at
18:16Fabiola Núñez,
18:18Teleantillas News.
18:22It's a very sad event.
18:24I know that the friend's hand
18:26will reach this lady and her family.
18:28We continue with a woman
18:30who confirms that her ex-partner
18:32tried to take her life
18:34with a strange substance
18:36that has not yet been clarified.
18:38This happened on March 12,
18:40in the municipality of Jarabacoa.
18:42Ana Mendes worked on the subject
18:44and tells us more.
18:46This is Julissa Claribel Capellan Rodríguez,
18:4838 years old,
18:50who confirmed to this media
18:52that she lived a calvary
18:54when in her own house
18:56for six months
18:58she placed a chemical substance
19:00in a bunch of beans
19:02that she was cooking.
19:26Then when she came back,
19:28she took the garlic,
19:30I took the dye,
19:32and she was already in her house.
19:34Capellan Rodríguez
19:36clarified that the incident
19:38took place in her house
19:40and that only that day
19:42the private of Libertad
19:44identified as José Ricardo Valdés
19:46of 53 years old,
19:48her father, Julio Capellan,
19:50of 83 years old,
19:52and her.
19:54No one else.
19:56So you have to pay for that.
19:58The woman revealed
20:00that during their relationship
20:02they had indifference
20:04because supposedly her ex-partner
20:06did not let her go out
20:08and decided to end the relationship
20:10with him.
20:12At the same time,
20:14she asked the authorities
20:16to condemn him
20:18so that the death
20:20of his father
20:22would not happen.
20:24The toxic substance
20:26that took his life
20:28from his father-in-law
20:30and his ex-partner
20:32left her in a delicate state.
20:34It was a difficult situation
20:36for them,
20:38because they said
20:40that I had brought them
20:44and at the time
20:46I brought them food
20:48because there was no way
20:50that this would happen.
20:52I prayed to God
20:54that she would recover,
20:56but everything will be fine
20:58because I will not pay her.
21:00So far, and according to the police report,
21:02Valdés is the main suspect
21:04and is under arrest
21:06for investigation purposes,
21:08while the authorities
21:10continue the process
21:12to clarify this unfortunate incident
21:14that has cost the community.
21:16It is expected that in the coming days
21:18the authorities will offer
21:20more details on the case.
21:22Ana Méndez, Informativos, Teleantillas.
21:48From Mexico, Reina Ramírez.
21:50We continue.
22:18The following are the statistics of the families
22:20who are waiting for their families
22:22to receive them and take them to their homes.
22:24Europe and ACE Central
22:26reported more than 127,000
22:28cases of measles,
22:30a figure that doubles
22:32that of the previous year
22:34and that represents the maximum incidence
22:36of this disease in the region
22:38in more than 25 years.
22:40The World Health Organization
22:42and the United Nations Fund for Childhood
22:44UNICEF warned on Thursday
22:46that children in 53 countries
22:48in Europe and Central Asia
22:50did not receive their first dose
22:52of the vaccine in 2023.
22:54They warn that some nations
22:56in the region have reported
22:58vaccination rates of only 24%,
23:00far from the 95%
23:04to achieve the so-called
23:06group immunity.
23:08A High Court ruling
23:10in India issued this week
23:12argued that
23:14holding the breast of a minor
23:16is not a violation
23:18or an attempt at violation,
23:20citing a precedent that has unleashed
23:22today a conviction of female
23:24leaders and activists.
23:26The Minister of Development
23:28for Women and Children, Ampura Devi,
23:30publicly denounced the error
23:32as incorrect and urged the Supreme Court
23:34of India to take immediate
23:36knowledge of the matter,
23:38warning that such error
23:40will send a wrong message
23:42regarding the seriousness
23:44of sexual assault.
23:46To present a charge of attempted
23:48violation, the prosecutor's office
23:50must prove that it had gone
23:52beyond the stage of preparation
23:54for the attack, said the court.
23:56Reina Ramirez, Informativos Talentillas.
23:58And back to the local plan,
24:00the Popular Pension Fund Administrator
24:02held her extraordinary
24:04and ordinary annual
24:06Assembly of Actionists
24:082025, in which she presented
24:10the satisfactory results of the fiscal
24:12exercise 2024,
24:14highlighting the sustained growth
24:16of the funds administered,
24:18the diversification of its investment
24:20portfolio, and the commitment
24:22to the social responsibility
24:24of its affiliates. During the event,
24:26the President of the Popular
24:28Pension Fund, Eduardo Urrión,
24:30reported that the funds
24:32administered by the company reached
24:38million pesos, thus consolidating
24:40a market share
24:42of 33.48%.
24:44In addition,
24:46she highlighted that the active
24:48and responsible management of these
24:50resources allowed to obtain an
24:52annual profitability of 9.92%
24:56benefit of its affiliates.
24:58And today,
25:00the weather environment is
25:02conducive to
25:04outdoor activities.
25:06Rainfall will continue to be reduced
25:08and there will be a sky of little cloudiness
25:10towards most of the provinces.
25:12However, in the early hours,
25:14some isolated showers
25:16will occur towards the
25:18mountains of the southwest,
25:20while at the end of the afternoon
25:22and early hours of the night,
25:24towards the towns of San José de Ocoa,
25:26La Vega, Monseñor Nobel,
25:28San Cristóbal, Monte Plata,
25:30and sectors of the great Santo
