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In this video, Luke Peterken offers some simple advice for playing the punch.
00:00Hi guys, Neil Tappin here from Golf Monthly and welcome to this iron play tips video in
00:11which we're going to be taking a look at how to hit the punch shot more effectively. I'm
00:15going to be joined by Luke Peterkin from Honmar. He's Honmar's custom fitting specialist here
00:19in the UK. He's also a PGA pro and he's got some great advice on how to play this shot
00:24more effectively, more repeatably. Guys, if you're new to the Golf Monthly channel, please
00:28do hit the subscribe button to make sure that you don't miss any of our videos. Hit
00:32the like button if you like what you're watching and comment below. We'd be interested to hear
00:36your thoughts, but let's head out now to the golf course here at North Hance and find out
00:40about Luke's punch shot tips. Okay, so fifth hole here at North Hance, we've got about
00:45160 yards and it's slightly into the wind, probably not enough really today to force
00:51you to hit a punch, but still a good one to be able to show everyone how to do it. Luke,
00:56what's the thinking? How do you bring that trajectory down? So, again, if we use our
01:01say stock iron shot as a benchmark to work from, so 155, maybe a 7-iron, just a stock
01:09me 7-iron. So I would take then my length of swing and my swing speed of my stock shot
01:15and then dial it down a bit. So I wouldn't swing back as far and I wouldn't apply as
01:20much club head speed. Both of those already will change my trajectory quite a bit and
01:25especially with this shot where the pin is right at the back, we've got lots of green
01:29to work with, so actually this is quite a nice shot to employ because those effects
01:33that we're going to have on our trajectory will mean that the golf will roll out that
01:36little bit more. Okay. So it's a nice shot to play if there's no danger in front of the
01:40green. We've got two greenside bunkers there, but we're going to be nice in between those
01:44and try and run it up there. So usually you'd be hitting a 7-iron from here, but you're
01:47going to club up? Yeah, club up a little bit again to counter the fact that we've dialed
01:52down the swing speed and the swing length. Okay, let me give you a 6-iron then. So not
01:57only that, there's also a couple of address changes? Yeah, a couple of set up changes,
02:03exactly. So I would take my ball to target line and then work a little bit left of that.
02:11So setting feet left of it? Feet slightly left. Why do you do that? So similar to where
02:17we said about the shorter pitch shots, so we're already kind of setting, pre-setting
02:21our hips into our kind of impact position because we're not using as much speed. So
02:27it gets us delivering the club in a consistent way. Right, okay. In other words, I can keep
02:32my club face much more stable by keeping my hips a little bit more open with this shot
02:41that we're choosing. But crucially, shoulders are not open to target line? No, not so much
02:45at all. I'm keeping those actually fairly parallel to the target line itself. It's just
02:49the hips to give me the space to then not get into any of those type of habits where
02:55we're flipping the hands over. Okay, good. Give us a go. Okay, so slightly left. My ball
03:00position will be slightly back of centre as well, but that's about it. Shorter swing and
03:05less speed. And then it will chase up there. Perfect. So you can see from that, Luke, have
03:16another go for us. Just how easy Luke makes that seem to play that shot. Because you're
03:21taking speed out of it, because you're taking more club, you can make a more sort of relaxed,
03:26easygoing swing at it. It should be one that every golfer out there can really play and
03:29control. So plenty of run on it when it's hitting the ground, hasn't it? Yeah, exactly.
03:37So we're able to cover a yardage of 155 yards, but like you say, in a very controlled, repeatable
03:42way. And we can apply that to many different scenarios as well. So there you have it. Some
03:46great advice there from Luke on how to hit the punch shot. Really simple, really easy.
03:51Something that every golfer should be able to do. Guys, thank you very much for watching.
03:55If you've liked what you've watched, please do hit the like button. Also, leave comments
03:58below. Do you have any thoughts yourself about how to hit the punch shot? We'd be really
04:01interested to hear what you have to say. Also, do keep your eyes peeled for the other videos
04:06in this series. As Luke mentioned, we've got some great advice on how to hit full and half
04:10pitch shots, as well as some advice on how to practice, some ball striking tips. So keep
04:14your eyes peeled for those. But for now, from North Hans, it's goodbye.
