• 2 days ago
💁Agenda of the Video▶️: Detailed Overview of Cash Flow Statement Report.
In this Video, I am trying here to work on Cash Flow Setup, its periodically Forecast (prediction) and Reporting.
Cash Flow Statement:
The Cash Flow Statement is a Part of a Company's Financial Statement that tracks its Actual "Cash Movements", providing a clear picture of Liquidity and its Financial Lifeblood.
✅Hint 1: You may Modify / Edit or Redesign... Cash Flow (Account Schedule, Report) based on the Standard Accounting Concept.
✅Hint 2: In Business Central, you may easily find, Inbuilt Cash Flow Account Schedule, Report in Demo Company (Cronus).
Just follow the Shared Video, the Sample Data, Setup and Posted Transactions/Entries.
Note: Showing, Indirect Method of Cash Flow Statement. Only this format is available in the Business Central.


