• 5 hours ago
Video taken from:

Video 1: Never be afraid, young girl (Just fight the nodes of evil) || Acharya Prashant, at BITS Goa (2023)
Link: https://youtu.be/KpXixhyVriA?feature=shared

Video 2: Do you overthink? Here is a beautiful solution || Acharya Prashant, Sir J.J. College, Mumbai (2022)
Link: https://youtu.be/QqbS9tBa3aA?feature=shared

#AcharyaPrashant #आचार्यप्रशांत #Philosophy #BhagavadGita #ignorance

Video Information: 08.12.2022, Sir J.J. College, Mumbai & 12.01.23, BITS, Goa


What is a worthy purpose?
Why did Bhagat Singh choose martyrdom?
How did Bhagat Singh respond to his mother regarding marriage?
What is important?
What is real love?
A life like Bhagat Singh's

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Some battles need to be fought just because they deserve to be fought.
00:08Not for the sake of victory, but for the sake of the fight itself.
00:12And victory is indeed possible.
00:18We are all hypnotized since birth. That's what is called Maya.
00:27The most fundamental hypnosis, Maya.
00:31We are hypnotized. Just as somebody can hypnotize us, somebody can also break the hypnosis.
00:38It is possible. Never, never lose faith. It's possible.
00:44And even if you perished in the attempt, it's a life well lived.
00:51It's a death well deserved.
00:55There is glory not only in living, there is glory also in perishing.
01:04What's the problem if one perishes for the right reason? Or is there a problem?
01:09How long did Bhagat Singh live?
01:13Do you look at him as a loser? Oh loser, the light died just when he was 22 or 23. Do you say that?
01:21Who in his right mind would call Bhagat Singh a loser just because he lived only 22 years?
01:28What's the problem in perishing at 22?
01:37Fight the right battle. That's it.
01:41And remember, they don't have some kind of a copyright over victory.
01:48Arjun was never guaranteed a victory, but it turned out that Arjun won.
01:53And Krishna never tells Arjun, not a single verse in the entire Bhagavad Gita.
01:58Arjun, I am with you, you will definitely win. And Krishna could have very easily made that promise.
02:04Don't you find it surprising? Krishna never makes that promise. All he says is you have to fight.
02:09You have to fight and I will not assist you. I will never pick up weapons.
02:14The fight is yours, you will fight it and you must fight. Fight.
02:18And he does win. It's possible he might not have won.
02:23Still the Gita stands its place. Let's say Arjun was killed.
02:29Would that undervalue the Gita? Doesn't matter.
02:34Duryodhana won. Arjun got killed. Arjun fought valiantly and was martyred. Fine, very fine.
02:41So try and don't think too much of the result.
02:50The attempt is sufficient. Make it a heartful, honest attempt in love.
02:59Love the fight. That's real love.
03:03Give all your inner space to something that is beautiful for you.
03:11Let there be no vacancy. Get a headband, no vacancy.
03:23Or have a t-shirt, straight on your heart here, no vacancy.
03:33Occupied. Engaged.
03:43The knowers in the spiritual domain, they have said we are wedded already.
03:58And not only in the spiritual domain, obviously you know of Bhagat Singh.
04:06So he was just 22 or 23 when he laid down his life.
04:15His mother had approached him once, you'll have to marry.
04:22You'll have to marry. He said, but I already am.
04:30And she was shocked. How can my son do that? What's her name?
04:36And what did he say? What did he say? Azadi.
04:41So no vacancy. The girls are all beautiful, but sorry, no vacancy.
04:52Teri dulhan ka naam kya hai? Azadi.
04:57Already married, no vacancy.
05:04And that's why you remember him today.
05:08And that's why all others have become the dust of time.
05:14And Bhagat Singh is immortal.
05:17Even though he left his body at 23, yet he is immortal.
05:23And there were those who lived long lives for 90, 100 years.
05:28And yet, as we say, are just the dust of time. Who cares for them?
05:37That's the difference.
05:45Have an early wedding, as early as possible.
05:54Not the kind of wedding that requires social, religious and legal sanction and ceremonies.
06:03An internal wedding. Let nobody know of it.
06:14Freedom. Azadi.
06:19What do you think? Bhagat Singh had time to think of miscellaneous things?
06:24How occupied he was, you know of it.
06:31Even on the eve of his hanging, he was still reading the Bhagavad Gita.
06:43A copy of that, in fact that particular copy is still preserved.
06:53Was he thinking, tomorrow I will die, what will happen then?
07:00Was he thinking? No. He said, but I still have a few, I still have a few hours.
07:07Let me spend these hours with the beloved.
07:10I have something very important to do.
07:15Was he doing nothing in particular?
07:20Was he doing nothing in particular even in his last hours?
07:25He said, let me spend this time in reading and he was a voracious reader.
07:33At your age, he was so well read.
07:42Never had any time to waste.
07:51I don't know this one is from Bhagat Singh or one of the other great revolutionaries.
08:00But they actually marked the last page they read in their favourite book.
08:07And somebody out of curiosity asked them, tomorrow you are going to be hanged.
08:12You will be no more. Why are you marking this page?
08:18And very mystically he said, because I have to continue from there.
08:27No time for self-pity, inner misery, sad thoughts. No time.
08:40I am busy with the right thing, even in my last moment.
08:48How about such a life?
08:59Does it not excite you?
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