八点最热报 | 美国总统特朗普上任后,便大力为联邦政府"瘦身",他最新的动作是签署行政命令,推动关闭美国教育部。特朗普指出,美国教育部在学生身上投注的资源最多,但偏偏学生们的成绩却远远落后,在全世界范围内"吊车尾"很久了。相反的,中国学生的成绩却在世界上排进前10名。所以特朗普认为,是时候要推出教育改革了。(主播:蔡心慧)
00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:30Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline
01:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline
01:24Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline
01:54Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotline
02:08On Thursday, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order to shut down the Ministry of Education,
02:12the White House and the Eastern Hall.
02:15Several elementary and middle school students sat in their seats and listened to Trump's speech.
02:20After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
02:27After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
02:39After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
02:51After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
03:21After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
03:51After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.
04:01After the speech, Trump asked the students next to him if they should sign the executive order.