Centered: Joe Lieberman
00:00¡Ladies and gentlemen, the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Lieberman!
00:07Warren needed to do something dramatic, something different.
00:11Lieberman checked all those boxes.
00:13You want to know something? It's election day!
00:18You believe you're President of the United States and Vice President of the United States, and then...
00:22This recount is mandated by Florida law.
00:25What can you do? You lose, you lose.
00:28Everybody has defeats. You have to have the faith to get up off the ground and try the next thing.
00:36Throughout my career, I have been persistently, stubbornly bipartisan.
00:42It was about how do we address the issue and help the American people.
00:46He is not a cookie-cutter Democrat.
00:48He was strong in defense.
00:49The civilized world has often had to meet force with force.
00:54More liberal and social issues.
00:56I welcome the President's support of a new Clean Air Act.
00:59He was ahead of the curve on the environment, on gun control.
01:04I'm here because country matters more than party.
01:08Joe and John came together to help form the 9-11 Commission.
01:11It was important for the country. It was important for bipartisanship.
01:15When Joe believed in something, he didn't hold back.
01:20Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell is the right thing to do.
01:24Tratando de unir gente diversa para obtener resultados.
01:28¿Estamos listos para luchar?
01:30Esa es la visión que Joe Lieberman embarca.
01:34Sé quién soy y a qué me refiero.