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00:00On the day of the surgery, the whole neurology department was filled with a strange sense
00:06of nervous anticipation.
00:08Blaine had begun the surgery on the patient at 11 o'clock that morning.
00:12Now it had been five full hours, and the operation still hadn't ended.
00:18Blaine reached out his gloved hand, and the sharp scalpel was placed in his hand.
00:22Damn it!
00:23His finger has been pierced!
00:25Jose cursed as his face turned pale.
00:27Blaine tried his best to remain internally calm as he moved his hands away to protect
00:31Kelly and comforted everyone on the scene.
00:35Jose was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.
00:38Dr. Dexter, hurry up and go rest.
00:41Let me do it.
00:42Why are you still here?
00:43No, Dr. Ramirez.
00:46Blaine told him firmly in an attempt to calm him down.
00:49My hand has already been pierced.
00:51I will finish suturing the patient.
00:53Step away from the operating table.
00:57Jose faltered.
00:58He didn't know what to say.
01:00Blaine finished suturing the patient, and the operation was finally over.
01:04The operation itself had been quite successful, and he thought the patient's prospects overall
01:09were very good.
01:11That weekend, Zoe was spending time with Max at the hospital.
01:15Zoe was stirring the sugar into her coffee when she heard Luna and the other nurses say
01:19Blaine's name.
01:20Did you hear what happened to Dr. Dexter?
01:23Luna asked.
01:25Hearing Luna's question, all the other nurses hurriedly gathered around the nurse's station
01:30It happened when he was performing surgery on an HIV-positive patient a few days ago.
01:35I heard that he had his hand pierced by a needle on the operating table and was told
01:40by the hospital director to stay home until he got his HIV test results back.
01:45Zoe could no longer hear what the nurses were saying.
01:47Luna, I have something urgent to do, and I need to go out.
01:51Will you let Max know when he wakes up that I'll be back as soon as I can?
01:54Of course, Zoe.
01:55Do what you need to do.
01:56I'll let him know.
01:58Luna promised.
01:59Thank you, Zoe said as she rushed into the elevator.
02:03Now that Zoe was standing in the lobby of Blaine's building without even thinking, Zoe
02:07pressed the buzzer for Blaine's penthouse.
02:11After ten minutes of buzzing, the phone in Zoe's pocket rang.
02:14She hurriedly answered her phone.
02:16Blaine, is that you?
02:17Are you there?
02:18She asked anxiously.
02:20Zoe, for God's sake, stop pressing the buzzer.
02:23You're giving me a headache, Blaine told her wearily.
02:26Then immediately after he finished speaking, he hung up on her.
02:30Zoe ran outside and began to shout, Blaine, let me in, Blaine, open the door, let me in.
02:37Zoe yelled at the top of her lungs.
02:39Blaine's penthouse was on the 20th floor, but she didn't care.
02:43She figured if she yelled as loud as she could, he'd hear her.
02:47Blaine stood by the window and looked down at the stubborn figure standing below.
02:51Seeing the woman downstairs, Blaine realized that she must have been scolded by the other
02:55residents by now.
02:57That should have made her give up.
02:59However, this was Zoe.
03:01She would fight to the death to make something happen.
03:04She'd never give up so easily.
03:06As he watched her, suddenly a basin of water was thrown from above.
03:10Damn it, Blaine swore.
03:13He obviously hadn't expected that to happen.
03:16He didn't even think.
03:17He had to get to her.
03:19Blaine grabbed his jacket and rushed downstairs.
03:23When one of Blaine's neighbors dumped cold water on Zoe's head from above, she finally
03:27went silent.
03:29Zoe, can you be any more stubborn?
03:32At the sound of his familiar voice, Zoe felt a rush of relief go through her.
03:37She felt a warm coat being wrapped tightly around her.
03:40Zoe's face lit up.
03:42She looked up at him with misty eyes.
03:46When Zoe said his name, Blaine's eyes darkened even further.
03:50Then he told Zoe in an extremely calm tone.
03:53My penthouse is equipped with soundproof glass.
03:58Blaine hadn't been able to hear her shouting.
04:00Now she was soaked and freezing.
04:02Why didn't you say so earlier?
04:06Zoe hissed at him through her chattering teeth.
04:09Blaine pulled the coat tighter around her.
04:11Stop talking.
04:12I don't want you here.
04:14I'm not leaving.
04:16Zoe stubbornly refused.
04:18Blaine, don't push me away.
04:19Not right now.
04:21Zoe, get lost.
04:23Blaine suddenly shouted.
04:25Zoe didn't move.
04:26I'm not going to leave.
04:29Zoe tried to shout back at him with all her might, but her throat was already so hoarse
04:33that she could barely get the words out.
04:35I'm not going to leave.
04:37It's just HIV.
04:39I'm not afraid.
04:40I will stay here and take care of you today.
04:43No, you need to leave.
04:46His tone was domineering and unyielding.
04:49At this moment, Zoe could clearly see the loneliness reflected in Blaine's eyes.
04:53He then added in a hoarse voice.
04:56Don't get involved with this mess.
04:58Go home.
04:59Go home and stay as far away from me as possible.
05:02Zoe's eyes were completely flooded with tears from his depressing words.
05:06Don't chase me away.
05:08This time Zoe didn't argue with him.
05:11Her voice had softened.
05:13As soon as she spoke, her tears began to fall.
05:16She reached out and wrapped her arms around Blaine's muscular waist to hug him, ignoring
05:21everything else.
05:22She pressed her face against his soft shirt and whispered,
05:26Blaine, don't chase me away.
05:28I'm not leaving.
05:29I don't want to leave.
05:31Please don't make me.
05:35Hi, Zoe here.
05:36If you are wondering what happens next, then download the Pocket FM app and listen to the
05:40exciting episodes of Rekindled Heartache now.
