The moon of carribees By Eugene O'Neill Summary in Urdu/Hindi | Themes and Historical Background
The moon of carribees, which was written by Eugene O'Neill. It is one act play and it is one of the best plays of Eugene O'Neill because in this play he has portrayed his own character this play is based on the sailors who were middle class workers and working class and they were suppressed, depressed, and saddest people of those era nothing was making them happy even though they used to do dance, taking wine but still they were not happy meanwhile, one of the characters in this play sits under the moon and remembers his past he doesn't want to sit with anyone.last but not least I have also discussed the characters, Themes, Summary, Setting, Historical Background, Culture of that Time, and Biography of the Author. This one act play is the actual image of the past.
#themoonofthecarribees #thoonofthecarribeesbyeugeneoneill #oneactlay #eugeneoneillplays #oneactplaysofeugeneoneil #englishliterature #postcolonialliterature #literaturevideos #englishwitharcomrade
1) The Moon of the Carribees by Eugene O'Neill Summary and Themes of the Play.
2) The Moon of the Carribees by Eugene O'Neill Historical Background and Culture of that Time.
3) Eugene O'Neill Short Biography
The moon of carribees, which was written by Eugene O'Neill. It is one act play and it is one of the best plays of Eugene O'Neill because in this play he has portrayed his own character this play is based on the sailors who were middle class workers and working class and they were suppressed, depressed, and saddest people of those era nothing was making them happy even though they used to do dance, taking wine but still they were not happy meanwhile, one of the characters in this play sits under the moon and remembers his past he doesn't want to sit with anyone.last but not least I have also discussed the characters, Themes, Summary, Setting, Historical Background, Culture of that Time, and Biography of the Author. This one act play is the actual image of the past.
#themoonofthecarribees #thoonofthecarribeesbyeugeneoneill #oneactlay #eugeneoneillplays #oneactplaysofeugeneoneil #englishliterature #postcolonialliterature #literaturevideos #englishwitharcomrade
1) The Moon of the Carribees by Eugene O'Neill Summary and Themes of the Play.
2) The Moon of the Carribees by Eugene O'Neill Historical Background and Culture of that Time.
3) Eugene O'Neill Short Biography