Y’all saw my birth story from Bailey’s perspective, today Dakota and I are going to give our perspective and what really went down when the cameras were off - this is my Unmedicated Birth Story!
Baby Archer’s birth story is definitely an unforgettable one!
❤️'s - Brooklyn
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Baby Archer’s birth story is definitely an unforgettable one!
❤️'s - Brooklyn
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00:00I am officially your back back ish from maternity leave
00:04We are just gonna tell all of the details about our story all the nitty-gritty details
00:09I thought I was gonna die. I was like, this is awful not to scare y'all, but it was awful
00:15Obviously we put up a vlog of that day and showed a good chunk of it
00:19But there are a lot of details that we did not manage to catch on camera because the day was just so hectic
00:24You gas and that scared me cuz I thought he was like coming out right there
00:28And so we thought we would come on here and just tell the whole story
00:32He was all up in that thing, which we had never seen on a single ultrasound
00:38So that night I actually got invited to like a basketball game yeah a Mavs game
00:42So I was what 38 weeks and three days
00:45So I didn't think there was a chance that I was going into labor because I wasn't feeling anything
00:50Like fine. I was just fine. And so when he was like, can I go to a Mavs game?
00:53I was like sure like I'm fine. And then he jokingly said watch you go into labor while I'm gone
00:59It's a what happened was I was at Bailey Nisa's house
01:01Yeah, and I was hanging out with them and I jokingly was like, you know what let's play just dance
01:06Maybe it'll put me into labor, you know by the time you're at the end of your pregnancy
01:09You were so ready to have the baby. I was like anything to put me into labor like anything
01:14so we played just dance and I was like
01:16Haha, like we'll see if this puts me into labor and then like five minutes later at Bailey Nisa's house
01:21I lost my mucus plug
01:23which is like a
01:24One of the like indicators that you're probably gonna go into labor relatively soon within a handful of days
01:30So we thought it was so funny that he actually kind of joke that labor was gonna start while he was gone
01:35And then I had like my first sign that labor might start while he was gone
01:38But obviously I didn't have any contractions or anything at the time. I lost my mucus plug
01:42Which if you're not familiar with what that is, there's like this little
01:46Plug that your body creates to help prevent bacteria from getting up into your uterus and like stuff where the baby is
01:52Obviously when the baby needs to come it starts to want to come out that plug has to leave
01:56It looks like just like it's not right. Yeah, it looks like it's not which is a gross description
02:00So sorry TMI, but it does look like it's not whenever you lose it
02:03It's kind of be an indicator that you're going into labor obviously because that baby wants to come out
02:08That's what happened on Thursday night Friday night Friday night. Yeah, I'm like, what were the days?
02:14Forgetting Friday night Saturday. No Friday morning Saturday morning. Wait, what was I'm getting good Friday night Friday night that happened
02:21That happened and then Saturday or sorry. Oh
02:25My gosh, I know Friday night. So later that night slash the next morning is yes 3 2 a.m
02:31So I lost my mucus plug at whatever like 10 p.m. Yes, and then at 3 a.m
02:35almost on the dot 3 a.m. Our bed was I
02:39Literally remember waking up and feeling like a little trickle which is
02:44Normal by the end of your pregnancy then it just like went from a trickle to like seriously like a waterfall of water
02:51Oh and I was laying down in bed and that's when I gasp you gasp and that scared me because I thought he was like
02:57Coming out right there. No
02:58No, I thought the water was gonna break as we were giving birth. Yeah, you did kind of like it was loud
03:04I thought he was like coming and I got out of bed and I as soon as you got I remember coming out of bed
03:09I'm being like, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
03:11That's I just kept saying that over and over again
03:12And then I looked at Dakota like I think my water just broke my midwife told me that some people's water doesn't like break
03:18Dramatically sometimes it can be a leak. No, you're mine broke. So what dramatically opened her underwear a little bit and it just
03:26All over like in the movies splash all over the bathroom floor and I was like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh
03:33I just remember kind of our bed was too. Yeah, the bed was soaked the floor was soaked
03:37I remember just kind of being in shock like oh my gosh is happening
03:40I'm like Dakota Dakota my water broke and at this point I'm like, I don't know what to do because I'm not having contractions
03:45So normally you're having contractions and we contacted our doula and just said hey
03:48like Dakota said hey her water broke and she advised that I like clean myself up and
03:54Get myself to go to sleep and get as much sleep as possible
03:58Because inevitably because my water broke I was going to have the baby in
04:03One to two days and so she was like if you can catch up on as much sleep as possible
04:08Get rest and I slept that whole night. Yeah, you're just fine
04:11And I woke up hoping that I would have contractions and I had no contract the whole day. Yeah Saturday
04:18Yeah, by the time I woke up and didn't have contractions. We were both kind of like like what's going on?
04:23Like what do we do? So that's when we texted the midwife
04:28Suggested that we come in for an appointment
04:30That day so she can just check everything out and make sure I look okay and make sure there's not an emergency
04:35That I don't need to go to the hospital for some reason. And so we went in to the appointment
04:40Basically, she told us that like 90% of moms whose water breaks prematurely
04:47So before they start labor will inevitably start labor within 48 hours of their water breaking
04:53So at this point, I think it had been 12 hours since my water broke
04:56And so I had another like 36 hours before she was really gonna be concerned
05:01She was gonna give me a 48 hour window to start labor
05:04And then if I wasn't ready and I wasn't starting labor on my own then I she would send me to the hospital
05:09We tried everything that day. We curb walked we bounced on the labor ball. We I got a funny story
05:16So we were curb walking that day going back and forth down the neighborhood and our neighbor saw Brooklyn curb walking
05:24Two days later he walks. I was like congrats on the baby. It looks like the curb walking were
05:30Dakota's right we curb walked and we did all these things during the day and nothing
05:34No, nothing worked and I tried finally in the evening
05:37I tried the mile circuit and at this point we went over to dinner with Bailey and Asa and I started to have
05:45Very mild contractions like every 10 minutes 10 15 minutes. They weren't super consistent
05:51So I was bigger than your Braxton. They were bigger. Yes bigger than Braxton Hicks, but not like super painful or super consistent
05:57they kind of felt more like just period cramps, but inevitably those got worse and
06:02More consistent over time and by the time 10 p.m. Hit and I was like in bed
06:07I was having very consistent very pretty painful contract. It went from like 10 minutes to like 6
06:14Yeah, it kind of progressed really quickly
06:16We were at Bailey and Asa's house for dinner at like 6 o'clock like 11 and by the time we got home
06:22My contractions were consistent and painful. I try to get as much sleep as possible that night
06:26I mean if you have ever experienced a contraction in your life
06:31It's impossible to sleep through that. They hurt bad like bad by bad
06:35As Dakota, I would like roll over and I would count to 10 to get through the contractions
06:44And then 2 o'clock it and then to it was a totally different ballgame the way contractions work is they progressively get closer together and
06:51More and more intense and that's like kind of an indicator of how dilated you are and like how far along you are in your
06:58Labor process. I probably was dilating what to like a four or five in the beginning and then two o'clock
07:04I probably hit like a five and I just when it ramped up and I remember we really painful
07:09I remember putting you in the tub and you like the pain was gone. Like it just was a lot better is better
07:14Yeah, it was a lot better and then we're timing the contractions is like two minutes 30 seconds and this whole time
07:19I'm like messaging our doula our girls like alright, it's time to the birth center. I was like Brooklyn. Let's go
07:24She didn't know she's like I'm not getting out of this
07:33We took classes and our doors like you will know when it's time because they will not listen to you and
07:39They will not want to leave. They will not want to leave the house. Yeah, they won't want to leave the house
07:43so at this point my contractions are every two minutes, which is usually a regular indicator that like you're probably gonna have the baby within a
07:48Handful of hours and so the midwife and doula were like come in like baby time
07:53So at 530 in the morning, we let the drive me to the midwife
07:59We had called Bailey and Asa and they had come over and Bailey was helping get us ready and like make sure we she grabbed
08:05All of our bags and everything and they drove with us to the midwife appointment because Bailey and wanted to be there for the birth
08:11And we didn't we didn't want a ton of people in the birth room. The only person that
08:15Came in was Bailey everyone else. I wanted to come and see me after the baby was born like the drive
08:22Awful because you guys you don't know pain till you're literally
08:28Contracting and having to hit bumps on the road
08:32You're trying not to speed because you don't know when he's coming like
08:35Yeah, it was crazy
08:37The other thing about my birth was because my water broke my contractions were more
08:42Intense like my doctor said because my water was broken like my contractions were basically she said gonna be more painful
08:48When I was contracting it wasn't contracting on water like a squishy water balloon
08:53It was contracting on like the baby's elbows and knees, which is a lot more painful
08:57And so I think that's part of why I was like in so much pain the whole time was because I was you know
09:03I had no cushion when I was having a contraction. Anyway, so that's why you like hitting bumps on the road
09:08I was literally gripping everything and groaning. It was awful, but we get to the it's hard for me because there's like nothing
09:14I know
09:15I'm just in the passenger seat like
09:17Anyway, so we get to the cut to the birth center went inside and we started doing laps
09:22Yeah, I started walking and pacing I did not want to sit down. I did not want to lay down in bed
09:29I wanted to move because movement I felt like was gonna help me progress. I got my mind off of it
09:34So my doula started working with me through exercises and walking. Our doula was awesome
09:39She was like Brooklyn's is doing laps around the building inside and our doula was just sitting there like rubbing your back
09:45Yeah, I literally couldn't have given birth without the doula
09:48So if you if you learn anything from this video, it's get yourself a doula up good. They're amazing
09:55What ended up happening was my labor kind of stalled out which is pretty typical
09:59My midwife said for when you transition locations
10:03Sometimes it can like put your body into a stress mode a little bit your labor can stall
10:08And so my labor ended up stalling so we got to the birth center and my contractions were two minutes apart before we got there
10:14And then we got there and they spread out there to like to like four to five minutes apart and it stayed that way
10:20For a few hours like I stalled out for a few hours
10:23Inevitably what we ended up doing was I got my cervix checked by the midwife and she knew that she checked
10:30Yeah, she told me I was at a nine
10:32So I was literally
10:35gonna have him and except that she said I had a little piece of my cervix that was
10:42Hanging on by a thread which was preventing me from dilating to attend but Archie's head was right there
10:49So he was ready to come out
10:51I just needed my cervix to dilate and what was happening was every time I
10:54Contracted this little piece of cervix. His head was coming down and pressing on it and pinching it. That was causing me
11:02Excruciating pain normally when I would have a contraction
11:04I would try to relax into it so that my body would dilate instead of trying to resist it whenever I had these
11:11Contractions where it was pinching. I couldn't relax like it when I got worse than you're it hurt worse than pushing him out. Yeah, I
11:18Literally was in the most
11:21Excruciating pain I've ever been in in my life. Like I thought I'm gonna die
11:24I was like, this is awful not to scare y'all, but it was awful
11:28It was just cool because they knew exactly what was happening
11:31Yeah, I knew exactly what to do how to fix it as soon as we figured out what's going on
11:34We worked through some like labor position even like 30 minutes probably. Mm-hmm
11:38And I at this point I am doing anything to take my mind off of labor
11:41I we turned on new girl and I watched new girl for probably two and a half hours straight
11:47Try to feed you as much as we yeah, she did. She just didn't want to eat
11:51No guys. Mm-hmm. And then what happened was okay. This is the craziest part for me, you know in the movies
11:56They always like are like, okay now push and they tell you when to push my midwife did not
12:03Ever tell me my doula did not ever tell me when to push but there is a natural
12:08Push instinct in your body. Literally. It's crazy. Like all of a sudden you'll be having a contraction and then you'll just like
12:15Literally, you can't physically resist it
12:18You can't you can't stop your body from pushing like it will literally push on its own
12:22So my midwife wanted me to wanted to make sure I was ready to push so she waited until I started to push on my
12:28Own so what ends up happening is you kind of just lock up and like
12:31You know like a pooping basically and I started pushing as soon as that like cervix went away on its own
12:37So that's how they knew the cervix had resolved itself was because I started naturally pushing and then we worked our way over to like
12:43A stool where I stood when I like up on a stool with my arms around Dakota
12:48And I probably pushed like that for 45 minutes
12:51And that's when they could see his head
12:53Was when I was pushing like that and they were checking his heart rate and everything. He was really a
12:59Okay, he was having a grand old his heart rate was steady as could be like they kept laughing
13:05They were like, he's unbothered and they're like, he's having a good time. Meanwhile, I'm dying
13:09I'm pushing and it was really interesting because my contractions had been so
13:17Excruciating up until this point and as soon as I was able to start pushing your pain that pain just went
13:24Gone, like it was gone
13:26It basically felt like I was trying to feel the pain leave before you got in the tub
13:30Before it was even less in the tub
13:33But it was pretty much gone when I was trying to push like the contractions just like stopped hurting
13:39I was under the impression that the worst part of birth was going to be pushing the baby actually out
13:44No, the pain like went away. The worst part was a hundred percent the contractions at the very end go figure
13:51Maybe that's just my birth experience. I did not hurt to push him out
13:54That should give some of y'all hope because I know that seems scary
13:56But it really wasn't that bad and basically what ended up happening is they could see his head. Did they show you his head?
14:01No, I didn't see his head till we got in the tub and yeah, I put the mirror in
14:06Okay, so they told me his head and she asked me. How do you want to birth?
14:10Like do you want to birth on your hands and knees or do you want to birth in there out of the tub?
14:13I said I wanted to birth in the tub on my knees
14:15And so we got in the tub I got on my knees and I started pushing but it was really weird
14:21My contractions were still only coming every four to five minutes, which was super weird
14:27Normally by the end of labor your contractions are coming very frequently
14:30Mine were only coming like every five minutes so I could only push with my contractions
14:35So I could only push one time every five minutes getting him out was a little bit of a slow process
14:40I probably pushed on my hands and knees for what like 30 minutes and then they could really see his head
14:46But I just didn't feel like my body didn't feel right like something didn't feel right for me
14:50I was like, no, he's not gonna come out like this. Like I don't know how I knew that
14:53I just knew that and I immediately laid on my side in the tub like this and as soon as I laid on my side
14:59It felt like he just slipped out. Oh my gosh. That's a cool thing and it probably took another
15:0515 minutes 20 minutes of me pushing on my side
15:08I kept checking his heart rate like and then they would stick your mirror down they could see his hair
15:12They kept asking me if I wanted to feel his head. Yeah, and you want you with it?
15:16I was you did not want guys. I love my baby. Don't get me wrong
15:20I was sicked out by the idea of touching the head
15:23I don't know why the idea of like feeling myself
15:27Stretch like that while also feeling the baby's head while he's inside me sicked me out. That's scared the crap out of me
15:33I was like cool heck
15:34No, they asked me probably seven or eight times while I was pushing you and I feel him and I was like, ah
15:40I did I did him one time because I was like, okay, I'm gonna regret if I don't I was scared by that
15:46I did touch it, but it was gross. I didn't like it after that is the real fire
15:49yeah, and then
15:51Yeah, I was in the ring of fire, which is basically where you're you know
15:54Dilated really really big and their head is about to come out
15:56He like kept coming like clear to his ears. Then you went back in. Yeah, go out to his ears go back in
16:02He was kind of stuck behind my pubic bone for a little while
16:04so he would like peek out and then come back in and peek out and then come back in and peek out and come
16:07Back in and I just had to like get a really good push to get him out
16:10But I wanted to make sure that I didn't tear so I didn't want to like push so hard that if my skin tore
16:15And so I just tried to let it naturally happen and it did
16:18To his ear the rest of the body. Yeah
16:21So then he just kind of popped out his head popped out and then like the next contraction his whole body came out and that
16:28Is when the craziness happened the craziness started Dakota was actually never
16:33Yeah, it was kind of crazy is the scariest day of my life
16:36I pushed the baby out mind you this whole time like I'm in the ring of fire
16:40I literally didn't make a single noise
16:42Like I I like the movies make it seem like you're like screaming and maybe some people are maybe it's really painful for me
16:47It literally felt like taking a poop. Like I was like pooping like scream when you poop
16:51so I was silent so I didn't even know like really what I had delivered him like all I did all I felt was kind
16:56Of like a like a look like almost like I had lost five pounds
17:00Which I did and so I asked I'm like is he out and the midwife was like yes
17:05But he has the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck his arms in his legs
17:10He was all up in that thing, which we had never seen on a single ultrasound
17:14He had I think that he may have just gotten tangled in it at the very end. We pulled him out
17:18We um, like tried to unwind. Yes. Yes, and at that point we can't stick him back under water
17:23So that's when we had Brooklyn stand up
17:26the reason why you can't take him out of the water is because
17:30They breathe out of the placenta when they're inside your womb and so they don't actually need oxygen
17:36So if you deliver a baby into water, they actually can stay underwater as long as you haven't delivered the placenta yet
17:43Originally when I delivered him I delivered him into the water and then they saw he was tangled up and tried to unwrap him in
17:49The water but they couldn't they didn't have enough room
17:51so she said I'm gonna pull him out of the water and I have to be quick about
17:56Unwrapping him because if she can't get it off of his net
17:59He would have been suffocating basically because he needs to breathe oxygen, but you can't breathe if something's choking you
18:04So I had just pushed him out on my side. So I'm like
18:08Probably five seconds ago and immediately they're like stand up stand up stand up stand up
18:12They yanked me up to my feet so they could untwist him and then pass him to me
18:16But unfortunately the lack of food Brooklyn had in the blood that she lost
18:20I don't know what it was. It was probably a combination of all of the above but I remember from my perspective
18:26They unwrapped him. She freaking she was a boss woman. She literally I delivered him
18:32And she had him unwrapped from that umbilical cord in probably less than 15 seconds
18:37Like she was a BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM
18:39So this all happened so fast and then she just they stood me up so fast
18:43Like I just gave birth literally just gave birth and they just yanked me to my feet because they wanted to make sure they could
18:48Help him, which is totally fine
18:49Um, whatever they need to do and then they passed me the baby and I sat back down and I was holding him and I
18:55Just remember being in shock. Like oh my gosh, I just delivered him like this is insane
18:58And then I looked to the side and I could see all of this blood draining down the tub, which is normal giving birth
19:06there's a kind of a messy business, but something about the combination of
19:10Lack of it lack of food lack of getting up quick and then standing up so fast
19:16I mean imagine having like a baby in there
19:18all of your organs are like up in here and then they stood me up and all my organs probably just like crashed to the
19:22Bottom of my body and just like put my body into shock
19:26We were kind of talking for like a minute and I just remember getting
19:29Woosier and woosier and woosier and all of a sudden I was like someone take the baby someone take the baby
19:34And they managed to grab him in just enough time that I like passed out
19:39I literally just went boom like out and at this point, I don't know what happened
19:43I know I was born like a baby. I like I jumped in that freaking tub so fast
19:48I like they like told me to pick up your legs. So I picked up your legs
19:51I mean we just had to sit there and wait for a second you came back from what I've heard from everyone who was
19:56With you between you and Bailey what happened was like I like pale white
20:01Yeah, I was super pale my eyes like went in the back of my head and I just like kind of collapsed
20:05They have the baby. He's still attached to me. I have not delivered the placenta
20:09They were trying to get you to cut the umbilical cord and you were panicked you were passed out
20:16We're crying they were like trying to get you to come over and like cuz they because I mean I'm passed out
20:21But they had in order to get the baby off me. They have to cut the umbilical cord
20:24So they were like Dakota come over come over come over cuz I wanted him to cut the umbilical cord and they were gonna you
20:28Know what? I appreciate my doctor so much. They were going to follow my birth plan. They were
20:33They they want I wanted to go to cut the umbilical cord
20:36They were gonna make it happen, even though I was still passed out
20:38They brought Dakota over and they had you cut the umbilical cord. I remember waking up to you cutting his umbilical cord
20:45They cut the umbilical cord. They were able to take him off of me Dakota cut the umbilical cord like a champ
20:50Like he just like he took twice. But yeah, yeah, he was a tough
20:55And then he grabbed the baby and he was able to take the baby while the midwife
20:59Made sure I was okay and then it was game over the one he freaking laid on my chest
21:04Then he was in love and then inevitably they helped me climb out of the tub and work my way over to the bed where?
21:10Dakota was with the baby and they handed me the baby and I got to hold Archer on my skin skin on skin and
21:17They helped me
21:19Cry to singing about that. Yeah back. Yeah, it's the most special thing. Yeah, it's insane
21:23Like when he cried, I'm literally just like I was in so much shock. I was just like I did I did it
21:28I had it. I had a baby like baby cries. They're like annoying. This is just like so
21:34beautiful sound you've ever heard like that just whenever you deliver the baby and all and you just hear that little like
21:41Like that is like the most beautiful sound to your ears
21:44It's like music and for like it probably an hour and a half two hours
21:47We just need Dakota and the baby and we just laid there all of us with our shirts off
21:52Like they were teaching me how to put him on the boob so that he could breastfeed and he ate
21:56Right there like ten minutes after I gave birth
21:59I mean is pretty cool from when you gave birth when we left was only like three hours
22:03Yeah, we were home four hours after I gave birth. Yeah, they took him after the two hours. They weighed him
22:09They gave him all of his day he needed so they measured the placenta. Oh, yeah, so this is a great part
22:15Yeah, the bell for the above. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Don't go quick word and I guess common umbilical cord is like 20
22:2221 inches this was 41 41 41 inches. Yeah
22:28Yeah, freaking jump rope a little guy. We keep joking. He was roping and he was a roping in there
22:34I had a really hard time standing up
22:36Like I wasn't even able to take a shower
22:37After I gave birth because I couldn't stand up for that long because I just felt so lightheaded
22:42So they literally wheeled me out of the birth center. I don't even think of it a wheelchair
22:47I think it was just like a rolly office chair. They didn't have a wheelchair
22:50Yeah, it was just a rolly off because they didn't have a wheelchair
22:52So they just rolled me in an office chair to the car and I had to lay down
22:55In the passenger seat of Bailey's car and she drove me home and you drove Archer home
23:00Yeah, our car seat was in his in our car. Yes the seat behind the passengers
23:05So yeah, so we got to split up so I can lay down and then we got home and my parents were here
23:10And they had food like it was the best honestly because everything was so overwhelming in the birth center
23:16It was so nice to be able to come home and then have my family there
23:18They were watching Archer and then we just yeah, they kind of yeah
23:22They kind of watched him my mom came in and helped me like deal with everything, you know
23:26Just a lot going on after you gave birth to a baby and she stayed with us for the entire week
23:31Which is just like so nice a lifesaver because I'll be honest
23:34I had no idea you and how to hold the baby a little burp. Yeah a diaper
23:38It's like a whole thing. So she helped us and anyway, so that is our official and I'm pro now
23:43Yeah, I can freaking change a diaper that my eyes closed you go to the pro dad. I am becoming pro
23:49You are pro mom
23:50We are figuring it out
23:51but that was our crazy crazy birth story all of the details that we were able to capture on camera if you guys are
23:58Curious about anything or have questions or like want to know more about like I don't know the process of giving birth
24:04The way I did it leave questions in the comments below. Yeah. See you next week. I guess I'm back. So see you next week
24:09Bye y'all. Yeah