• la semaine dernière
Egaré loin de sa petite communauté, un jeune coquillage prénommé Marcel vit aux côtés de sa grand-mère Connie dans un Airbnb. Lorsqu'un documentariste du nom de Dean emménage dans le logement, il découvre le petit coquillage et décide de le filmer au quotidien. Le jour où il met sa vidéo en ligne, elle devient virale. Le résultat est complètement inattendu puisque l'histoire du coquillage fait le tour du monde, et notamment des plus célèbres émissions de télévision. Marcel y explique le destin de sa communauté qu'il n'a pas vue depuis plus de deux ans. Mais grâce à Dean et à ses vidéos, il retrouve petit à petit l'espoir de parvenir à retrouver les siens...
00:00All right, so I'm making like a little documentary.
00:03Oh, it's like a movie, but nobody has any lines and nobody even knows what it is while they're making it.
00:13Tell me about, what's life like?
00:16It's pretty much common knowledge that it takes at least 20 shells to have a community.
00:20My cousin fell asleep in a pocket.
00:22And that's why I don't like the saying, everything comes out of the wash.
00:26Because sometimes it doesn't, or sometimes it does, and they're just like a completely different person.
00:31So, it's actually only two of us now.
00:34Myself and my grandmother, Nana Connie.
00:37We like to watch 60 Minutes because Leslie Stahl is fearless.
00:42Nana, make the noise.
00:44Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
00:47Sometimes, I find my mind wandering, thinking, what would my family think?
00:54Do you think they could be out there?
00:59Marcello, let's forget about being afraid.
01:02Just take the adventure.
01:05Okay, let's do it.
01:09Hi everybody, it's Marcel.
01:11I'm recording this video because I'm looking for my family.
01:14Marcel, how long has it been since you've seen your family?
01:17I couldn't tell you, but the space in my heart gets bigger and louder every day.
01:22Dean, do you know how long?
01:23That's two years.
01:24Two years?
01:26Oh, that's nice to know.
01:27There are so many places they could be.
01:31Marcel, Lachelle, with shoes on.
01:38Goodbye to the audience of the 60 Minutes.
01:41See you next week.
01:45It's nice to see you again.
01:53Goodbye, see you next week.
01:55Wow !
01:56Tu es magnifique.
01:59Il doit y avoir tellement d'autres comme moi.
02:10Il doit y aller.
02:12C'est pas que je n'aime pas Arthur.
02:14Je suis là-haut.
02:15Je suis là-haut.
02:16Non ! Oh mon Dieu !
02:17Arthur !
02:18Arthur !
