Rebecca Dalley speaks about Canadian Pacific
00:00you for this very, very special occasion. Just a few little notices. We're going to
00:06have a few reflections from our Chair, Stephen Evans, and the Chief Executive of the National
00:13Heritage Lottery Fund, who has been the principal funder of this remarkable project to restore
00:19both Canadian Pacific and the coaches that follow her, both designed by Oliver Bullard.
00:26She will be joined on the stage by, we're absolutely delighted to welcome,
00:32the Deputy High Commissioner from the Canadian High Commission, and they will unveil the name
00:38plate of the locomotive, and then he will give us some few remarks, and then he will be followed
00:44by our wonderful President, Air Vice-Marshal Richard Lacey, who will invite you to board the
00:49train after you've taken whatever photographs you need. So, thank you so much for being here,
00:56and I invite Stephen Evans to come up and give us his remarks. Thank you.