It's time to play Astro Bot and see if the globally agreed upon Game of the Year is actually good... and the answer is yes.
#astrobot #alpharad #goty
➤ Duncan:
➤ me (i am astro bot)
➤ Koro:
#astrobot #alpharad #goty
➤ Duncan:
➤ me (i am astro bot)
➤ Koro:
00:00Look, I didn't even know Astro Bot came out when it did.
00:02In fact, the first thing I ever learned about this game
00:04was that it was apparently very, very good.
00:08At first glance, I thought it was just $60 worth of product placement,
00:11but this is like the most heart product placement has ever had
00:15and a genuine love letter to PlayStation's entire history
00:18that I admittedly know like 25% of.
00:20So, I went in blind and thank God I did
00:23because Astro Bot is very, very good.
00:26But before I knew just how true that was,
00:29I had to start from the beginning when Astro Bot died
00:32and then came back alive to save 300 of his closest friends.
00:37Little guy, do I have to... Oh, I do hit him.
00:39Oh, okay. So, I just have to interact with them.
00:42No, I have to hit them to save them.
00:43Oh, wait. Oh my God, look at that.
00:46I didn't realize the little guys get little costumes too.
00:49Oh, he spins too and swims so well.
00:52What is it? Oh, it's a little secret level?
00:55Oh, so many little guys.
00:58Okay, there's another puzzle piece.
01:00Don't quite know what those do yet.
01:01Look at the party in my controller though.
01:04Oh, oh, oh, oh, actually go down.
01:06Go, go down, go down.
01:07Let's get this.
01:11Are we rebuilding the ship or that's just the level?
01:13I think the fact that they have little cameo characters,
01:16it just reminds you that PlayStation actually has games.
01:20Oh, I try to hit... Oh, let me grab him.
01:23Okay, that's... Solid Snake, what?
01:25Okay, so he's before it.
01:28Let's find the guy who's tracking the ice kingdom.
01:31Oh, hello. Oh, it's Gray Fox.
01:33Oh, we got all of Snake and his best friends.
01:37Oh, God. That one felt so violent.
01:42Okay, nice little crash landing.
01:43Our controller just disintegrates.
01:45Okay, I'll hit the chest. Is it a good one?
01:47Oh, oh, I got some range.
01:49Wait, look at this. He doesn't even have the robot eyes.
01:52That just crashed.
01:53Oh, it's just Crash Bandicoot.
01:57Oh, I missed the thing.
01:58Oh, champ... Oh, we got a boss fight, maybe.
02:00Actually, if you just spam this shit...
02:01Like, thinking is the wrong play here.
02:03If you're trying to control your punches, you are actively losing.
02:07You just spam.
02:08If we have all the... Oh, there's another rift in there I have to find.
02:10And I missed a guy.
02:12Oh, I'm gonna have to go.
02:13Yeah, I'm 100%-ing this game, I feel it.
02:15So, now what?
02:17Oh, they all spawn.
02:19Are they flossing?
02:21Wait, why are they flossing?
02:22Oh, big monkey.
02:24Oh, what do we got? What's the power?
02:25Ooh, a little dog.
02:26What does he do?
02:27Oh, he's a jet... Of course he's a jetpack.
02:29I got a balloon!
02:31Oh, we'll get you down from there!
02:32Oh, there he is.
02:34Oh my god, what's happening now?
02:35Is something chasing me? Uh-oh.
02:37So, out of all the places you can come...
02:39Okay, hello. Yeah, that does make sense.
02:42Hoo! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!
02:44Wait! Get the hell out of me.
02:46Oh, Bell.
02:47Oh, this is an awesome fight.
02:49Oh, and just dashing him?
02:51Oh, and it's fucking odd.
02:53Oh, actually, no, this boss fights sick.
02:54Oh, wait, wait. Go downtown?
02:56There we go, we missed one.
02:57Oh, now we gotta hit the... Sure.
02:59Oh, we got fireworks.
03:00Yeah, rip Bozo. He... The ape has been escaped.
03:08That's not the guy I thought we were...
03:10I thought we'd get the monkey.
03:12Free him!
03:13Oh, there's... There's more?
03:14Is there a hidden monkey level?
03:18Oh. Oh, we... Oh.
03:22Wait, how many cool cameos is this gonna...
03:24Oh, we're him. We're literally him.
03:29Wait, we can be the little monkey guys, too?
03:31I think just the fact that the camera turns like that...
03:34Oh, it makes me so happy.
03:35It feels like a corporate cash grab, but with heart.
03:38Yeah, isn't that the weird part?
03:40Oh, I thought it was just gonna be more monkeys.
03:42Uh, what am I gonna do here?
03:43Oh, not die. Not die. Not gonna let it happen again.
03:45All right, what do I do with this? Do I get magnet?
03:47Oh, I got dynamite. Uh, catch it?
03:52Oh, he looks a little out of place, though.
03:54Actually, no, he just has friends.
03:56Oh, that is how this game works.
03:58I forgot we're Pikmin-ing right now.
03:59Is it the surgery sim?
04:04Oh, I got it.
04:05I don't think that's the correct direction.
04:07Oh, what is that?
04:09Oh, what is this?
04:11Rescue Zoo?
04:12Spyro? Not even a guy. It's just Spyro.
04:14What is the power of the guys?
04:16Who do we think this is?
04:17Honestly, I am gonna guess Sly.
04:21Oh, well, now I feel stupid. It's from Dreams.
04:23It's the cursor from Dreams.
04:25Actually, hello?
04:28How is there still more?
04:29What is this? This is Retro Rampage?
04:32Oh, I thought it was gonna be like a boss rush, like retro games.
04:36Oh, well, oops. Oh, goodbye.
04:39All right, we just keep moving.
04:40Oh, Ryu? What is he doing here?
04:43What is this game about? Little guys doing little guy things.
04:46Oh, oh, oh my God. I definitely coyoted on that one.
04:49Like, I was dead to rights.
04:51Okay, so I guess don't hit the bumpers.
04:54And we got...
04:55No, no, no, it was me again.
04:59Oh, oh, very generous respawn.
05:02Okay, well, we got this one.
05:05Don't look at me. Don't, don't look at me.
05:08Got it. Oh, just wait. Just be patient and wait, I guess.
05:11I'll do the crumble rumble. As they say, the crumble rum...
05:14Oh, oh, oh, I, oh, I see.
05:17Okay, I gotta be careful. I gotta think through.
05:19Oh, nevermind, it's over.
05:21Okay, well, we did it.
05:23Who's he? From MLB The Show.
05:26Oh, oh, duh. The bad guy is just here to move us forward
05:29because I just want to collect my guys.
05:31What is my sand power? Oh, monkey.
05:34Tilt the controller like this is how it works.
05:36How do I... Oh, that doesn't...
05:38Oh, actually, maybe if I drop it, it breaks.
05:41I was right and I'm dead.
05:42There ain't no way that's being suspended by that.
05:45Really now. Another guy who was actually...
05:47Oh, well, if you look to your left right there,
05:50it seems as if I could not save them all.
05:52This is the end, right?
05:55That makes sense. That, I don't...
05:57I feel a little silly.
05:59Oh my God. That is not the crab I thought it was going to be.
06:02All right, now we go. Monkey, go.
06:04What a nice and convenient power for me to have.
06:10That was fun.
06:11I can't think of a better game I've played this year,
06:13but we are about to play Funko Fusion soon, so...
06:17I can probably make this jump, though.
06:24They got Dante in this? I mean, of course they have Dante.
06:28I just didn't think we'd get it so soon.
06:30Downside surprise. Look at all these mice.
06:33I'm a little... Oh, oh, I'm a little guy.
06:36This world is so charming and so detailed.
06:39It looks great. Oh, wait, that's so cute.
06:42I have to get very little for it.
06:45Oh, wait, wait. Actually, I want to get big. Actually, I'm scared.
06:47Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, that guy was about to die.
06:51Just another one. We saved just seconds before death.
06:54Who put him here, though? Yeah, free my man.
06:57Do I just... Oh, I break him out. The prince! What?
07:01Oh, he looks so good. Little froggy.
07:06Oh, we go in here. Hello.
07:09Now he's free. Now that's the guy.
07:12Okay, one more. We got to find the Rift.
07:14Oh, okay. Thank God. I thought I... I scared the hell out of myself.
07:18I thought it was going to launch me off.
07:19Oh, what's this one? Oh, retro something?
07:21Boxel Boss Up. That's a lot of guys.
07:23I love the pixel slime... Never mind, I hate him.
07:26All right, no one gets me twice. We've been over this.
07:28What is that? Who's that guy? I didn't think they'd throw him in there.
07:31Dude, I can be the little polygon. That's deep cut Sony right there.
07:34Hello. Wow, that's a whole ass guy, isn't it?
07:38Whoa! Oh, he looks awesome!
07:40Does something happen if I break this again?
07:42I guess we'll never know. What the...
07:45Oh, the triangle. Oh, that was right.
07:47What I think is actually really funny is triangle isn't even a usable button in this game.
07:52We got something fun. Yeah, maybe that's why... What the hell is this?
07:58What the fuck was that?
08:00Okay, now we got the triangle power. Cut and grind! Okay, sure.
08:03It'd be even funnier if we just unlock the triangle button.
08:06Oh, who's this? So I need to turn the camera up because my depth perception was ruined there.
08:10Okay, these are rails. I see.
08:11Hey, that wasn't too bad.
08:13And there he is. Oh, that is Leon Kennedy.
08:15What else do we got here? I guess we'll just go one by one.
08:18We'll get all the triangles.
08:21Oh, I thought I could like loop around for a second.
08:24Oh, do I have to do that all from the start?
08:25Damn. Okay, that's a long level.
08:27You can't be scared. You can't think you're about to die.
08:30You just got to make the jump you don't think you can make and die and just die.
08:33What's this?
08:35Oh, just... Don't fall, asshole.
08:37I was so scared about missing that jump anyways.
08:40Oh, Teddy. The model looks great, though.
08:43Look at the little guy. Is it Jill?
08:45It didn't look like Jill to me.
08:46Oh, got saved there.
08:48That wasn't hard at all.
08:50Yeah, my favorite Resident Evil characters.
08:52Leon, Claire, and Teddy.
08:54And who completes the quartet here?
08:57Yeah, I guess... Oh, we did it.
08:58Okay, we... Whoa, what the fuck are these?
09:00Spin? I...
09:03I couldn't spin down there.
09:04Okay, so let me spin first. Let me prepare a spin real quick.
09:08Oh, but I hope I get to play as her right now. I love Aigis.
09:11My guess is that those are just going to be like the hard platforming levels.
09:14Oh, we have 55? We're up there.
09:16What is this power? Splash my dash.
09:18I feel kind of weird making it not the normal PlayStation color.
09:21Oh, but now it's black and badass.
09:23Oh, more? What the fuck is that?
09:25Do we shoot all these individual things or just him?
09:28Okay, just the big guy with the PlayStation 5 water gun.
09:32Big tree!
09:33Would you like to be saved?
09:34Day's gone. Okay.
09:35John Day's gone. Got it.
09:38He do be singing. This dude's a vibe.
09:40Oh, what's our flower power here?
09:42Oh, he's a goop guy. How many charges do I get?
09:45Three. Okay, that's... I thought it was going to be one.
09:47Wait, then I refresh my double jump.
09:48There's some movement you got here, actually.
09:50Oh, orange goop. What's orange goop?
09:52I think we have solved this mystery already.
09:57Oh, wait, that's so brutal.
09:59As far as I'm aware, that is a Mortal Kombat fatality.
10:02Oh my God.
10:03Oh, Jesus Christ.
10:05Oh, that... Like, they did not deserve that.
10:08Oh my God, I can get...
10:09Oh, well, that's an achievement.
10:12Okay, what do we got in here?
10:13I assume that was the first thing I needed to grab.
10:17Game is hard, by the way.
10:19One thing I do really like, I keep saying it,
10:20but just everything's one hit,
10:23so it just makes it to where, like, there are stakes all the time,
10:25and I appreciate that.
10:26It's funny that a lot of the answers to this
10:29is not the methodical planning on when you're going to swing,
10:32but just spam in your enemy's face every single time.
10:35I mean, I'm going to come back.
10:36Oh, because the level's not over. Got it.
10:38That... Oh.
10:41Oh, okay. I thought I just died.
10:43Oh, it's an escape mission.
10:44Whoa, and I'm dead.
10:45Oh, this is simple. We got it. We're out of here.
10:48I'm so grateful that he has these two...
10:51Oh my God.
10:52I don't know why I thought that wasn't scripted for a second,
10:55as if I could actually die.
10:56Oh, this guy is awesome.
10:58Oh, I didn't want him to die.
10:59I kind of just want to stare at him.
11:00Okay, well, now we got another guy to stare at.
11:01Look at him. What does he do?
11:04Just a little headbutt.
11:06Oh, that's another friend.
11:11Okay, so we're playing arms.
11:13Legitimately playing... Do I have to hit him?
11:15Okay, there we go. That makes it much more serious.
11:18I thought I had to hit him.
11:20That makes it much more serious.
11:21I thought I just had to frame perfect that.
11:23I thought I was playing off reaction.
11:26Whoa, look at the water effects.
11:28Oh my God.
11:29Ah, see, that's where the health comes in.
11:30I understand now.
11:31Do I launch into him?
11:32Oh, it peaked.
11:35Oh, and he has a big boo-boo mark on his side.
11:38But I feel like I say that, and then there's like a phase two or something.
11:40Oh, it's not over even.
11:41He's out of punches.
11:42The other thing is that I just couldn't be able to chase him.
11:44Oh, he's parting the sea.
11:45Oh, shit.
11:47Oh, wait, this is cool.
11:48Is he going to throw stuff at me, though?
11:51Oh, okay.
11:53That's a yes.
11:53That is okay.
11:54Go fast, go fast, and we're back.
11:56What's crazy about our cute little astrobot,
11:58he kind of brutalizes all the bosses.
12:02Like, think about the little chicken eggs.
12:05He tortured those things before they died.
12:11Oh, wait.
12:14So, we unlock two characters.
12:15I get a Hi-Kratos and Boy.
12:18And I just get another—
12:19Okay, so we still have a good amount.
12:21Let's do Crumble Rumble first.
12:23Oh, oh, I see.
12:25And then maybe I—
12:26There, got it.
12:27Oh, who are we saving?
12:29Just Golf?
12:29Retro Rampage shot.
12:31Do you like the Crumble Rumble a bit more?
12:33I do forget you can't just one-shot him.
12:35Don't even try to compete with him in the air.
12:38The game is not kind to you when you do.
12:40And that was it.
12:40Oh, Ken!
12:41Oh, I didn't realize we got both of them.
12:46I like his cosplay.
12:47Okay, I was seeing if we had, like, any Kratos powers.
12:49We do.
12:50Wait, actually?
12:51Bot of War Ragnobot.
12:53Got it.
12:53A lot of thought put into that one.
12:55Boy would love PlayStation 1.
12:57I just can't believe how strong little Astro Bot is.
13:01He doesn't need to be like that.
13:03I don't have my axe.
13:04And I did not die—
13:05I did die to the spikes, actually.
13:06Well, now we have to do the boss.
13:09Does he just get—
13:10Nope, that does not work how I thought it would.
13:12Just throw him, just throw him.
13:13Is that it?
13:14Was that—
13:15Was that all we had to do?
13:20We just got to build our PS5 a little bit.
13:21It's almost a PS5 Pro.
13:23All right, let's take it apart.
13:25I think we should unfreeze it first.
13:28Or chainsaw.
13:29There are better ways to do this.
13:31Have things ever gone wrong with people using a chainsaw for surgery?
13:35Well, let's just slam this shit in.
13:36And he's so happy.
13:37He's so proud.
13:39That is—
13:39Is it a new guy?
13:43I don't know what this reference is.
13:45It's Dog, but what is it from?
13:47Real life?
13:50Oh, I forgot.
13:51We are chasing the big bad guy.
13:56There is a plot to this game,
13:58but we're going to keep chasing the big ba—
13:59Oh, gambling!
14:00What is the casino power I'll have?
14:04Oh, the PSVR headset.
14:06What is—
14:07Ah, that does make sense.
14:09Because if I were to take it off,
14:11that happens.
14:12The game has a lot of ideas.
14:13They execute them pretty well.
14:15The whole world—
14:16They give you so many unique ways to just climb up things in slow motion.
14:20I think it would be so easy to get real boring,
14:23and they don't let it.
14:25Like this!
14:25Look, that's so sick!
14:27You have this evil cart.
14:28That's so cool.
14:29Sly Cooper!
14:30Oh, we'll get you out of there, my friend!
14:33We finally found him!
14:34Oh, wow!
14:36There we go.
14:37Oh, wait. I want to jump off these real quick.
14:39I don't know—
14:41Of course!
14:42Of course this is where we find him!
14:44Joker Persona 5!
14:46Oh, what a—
14:46What a great day.
14:48And we get to kill the spike guys with no remorse.
14:51Life is good.
14:52It's so good.
14:54Look, I think any level where you give me Sly Cooper and Joker Persona 5,
14:57and that one,
14:58pretty damn good level.
14:59Uh, excuse me.
15:00Oh, I got it.
15:00What's the bat house power?
15:02Okay, they can go one of two ways.
15:04No, they can't.
15:05That's just a different way.
15:06Am I a sponge?
15:08Oh, I'm a sponge!
15:10Oh, and now we make the sponges bigger.
15:12I see—
15:12I see how it works.
15:14Uh, excuse me.
15:14I'm not here to fight.
15:15I definitely don't want that smoke.
15:17I just want to save the little guy.
15:18What is he doing?
15:18Look at him!
15:19He's making a mess of this beautiful art.
15:21Oh, that's the second one, isn't it?
15:23Oh, that's crazy.
15:25I had to climb for that one.
15:26Ah, I do.
15:27What the fuck is that?
15:28My bad. Slow reaction time, I suppose.
15:30In his defense, I did break into his home.
15:33So, that does make sense.
15:35I don't think he's in the wrong—
15:36Oh my god.
15:37Okay, let me...
15:38Let me just dodge.
15:39Let me just bob and weave here.
15:41Okay, what happens if I hit the switch?
15:43Oh, I leave.
15:43I don't want to do that.
15:44So, I did not win.
15:46Actually, I just ran away.
15:48Which still...
15:51He's actually invincible.
15:52He can't die.
15:53Been a while since I've gotten one of the Lost Galaxies.
15:55Uh, Furnace Fever.
15:57Oh, the volcano is sick.
15:59Oh, poor guy.
16:00Objective survived.
16:03Can I?
16:04Oh, the meteorite splits in half.
16:06Of course.
16:06Oh my god, he's back.
16:07I've learned.
16:08I've learned.
16:08Oh, how cool would it be if this is Sonic?
16:10That's Sonic.
16:11I got the rubber ducky power.
16:12I didn't think about that.
16:13Oh, giant rubber ducky.
16:15Straight in the volcan—
16:16Oh, he's sick.
16:17Does this help him?
16:18Does he feel better now?
16:20137 out of 300 guys.
16:23We're making progress.
16:24I just love the blank stare of Spongeguy.
16:26Look at him.
16:27That's great.
16:28Oh, is this obnoxious?
16:30Do I have to just keep coming back for water?
16:32Oh, that is not how the level works.
16:34Actually, what if I can just do this?
16:37Oh, actually, I—
16:41I think I overcomplicated all of it.
16:42Oh, okay.
16:43I gotta hit this.
16:44I gotta hit the free gamble.
16:47I almost missed it.
16:49What is this?
16:49Oh, I forgot I unlocked bowling.
16:53Oh, and that's a puzzle piece.
16:55I like how every single time we've ever seen a robot,
16:57we've just swung at them for whatever reason.
16:59But as soon as we find one guy who's bigger than us,
17:01we're like, yeah, I think we can team up.
17:03Hey, you're free.
17:04Be who you want to be.
17:06You can do good now.
17:08Oh, we are out of the realm of characters I recognize.
17:11Oh, it's Jane.
17:13It's John, Shadow of Colossus, or Jane.
17:15It's funny that my review of this game is that it's incredible,
17:18but I wish I understood more of the references,
17:20which would have taken like hundreds of hours of my life in the past
17:25to have acquired said references, but great game.
17:28Okay, so all of these levels are themed.
17:30We typically get like one game.
17:32Oh, am I wrong?
17:33I thought it would be Castlevania.
17:35Oh, it's John of Medieval.
17:38Whoa, am I supposed to talk into this?
17:41Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
17:44Okay, it is Circles next, but this shit sounds so fun.
17:47We can see a little preview of the guy.
17:50Oh, I didn't get a look at him. He's gone.
17:51Maybe I can first try it.
17:53Maybe we'll save him right immediately.
17:57Oh, didn't even need it. Doing all right so far.
18:00Oh, would you look at that?
18:01Oh, this one's pretty simple.
18:02Does it get harder?
18:03I feel like I'm just at the start of it.
18:07Oh, that's it. Okay, so I got to react to this.
18:09I have this little spin jumps.
18:11Okay, I guess that jump was like the last part.
18:13Whoa, whoa! No, that's not the spike guy.
18:16Oh, they know my weakness.
18:19Oh, fuck. Okay, so now I got to be ready.
18:21It's a simple jump, really.
18:25I don't think this could actually hit me,
18:26but I think just the fact that wasn't the end terrified me.
18:29Oh, I also forgot we do have Crumble Rumble 3.
18:32Oh, it is truly the Crumble Rumble, I see.
18:34Okay, stop, stop. You don't need to do more.
18:36Okay, somehow that one down there got me.
18:38Oh, John FIFA, my bad.
18:40Yeah, I guess we did get MLB the game.
18:42I feel like I haven't died to spikes in a while.
18:43I think I've been very good at it.
18:45Something to do with sand, right? Or chickens.
18:48Oh, it's a rocket launcher. Got it. My bad.
18:51Oh, that's cute. Got to grab the handle.
18:54There's a lot of like brutalities in here
18:56where you just utterly destroy the person you're trying to face.
18:59Oh, well, hello.
19:01What are you doing up here?
19:03Oh, we've been in a time. Oh, all right.
19:06We're dropping off a lot of the kids here.
19:09Nice. Go have fun. Play well with the others,
19:12including you, John Journey. Oh, we only got one guy.
19:15I guess we've only ever had one guy.
19:17The difference was we said boy last time,
19:19which was just an accessory to Kratos.
19:21What's the snake powers of the frog?
19:22Oh, I was hoping for the froggy gloves again.
19:24They seem to really like those. I think with all the power-ups,
19:27they could make a hilarious kind of only up version with this,
19:29but now I'm just here.
19:30Oh, I got three lives. Oh, we're fighting the snake.
19:32That's bad. Do I hit her? Oh, oh, I see.
19:37Oh, oh, it's like the thing they showed me.
19:39Oh, game design. I get it. I get it now.
19:42Ah, ah. Oh, it's so simple. This is a cool fight.
19:47I mean, all the fights have been pretty. This game is just pretty.
19:51I think that is the less talked about feature simply
19:53because the game is just really good in all other aspects.
19:56I wish I could. Oh, okay.
19:58So I'm on one life with like most of the fight ahead of me.
20:00Things are not looking good. I was right though.
20:05Wow. Okay, the one cycle. We're not done yet, I guess.
20:09So is that the? Oh my God. Tipple run?
20:12Okay, not the direction I thought this fight was going to go.
20:14I get scared when I got that close
20:16because I thought maybe I might get hit with just some unreactable.
20:19See, that fight is so good. It just keeps changing.
20:21And we're damage-less. See, we didn't get hit a single time.
20:24What's in Nathan Drake? I like getting the butterfly net, the axe, and then just a gun.
20:29I think it's funny how hidden some of the guys are
20:31and then some of them are just just sheer desperate.
20:34Oh, this is fun. This is a good little obstacle course.
20:37I'm just going to hold forward.
20:38Nothing's bad ever happened to the person who just held forward.
20:41Oh, never mind. I was wrong. I was so, oh, I was wrong.
20:43I was wrong. My bad, my bad, my bad.
20:44Oh, this is so different than what I thought was going to happen.
20:46We haven't really played at like this perspective before.
20:49Oh, well, that's why. That one, that means laser,
20:52but from that perspective, I see.
20:53What are we worried about? That's fine.
20:56Oh, wait, what is, I forgot we're still like fixing our ship.
21:00Oh, the GPU. Oh, I forgot new piece means new meteor strike.
21:07Oh my God. Congrats. You got an achievement for being an asshole.
21:11We have everything in the game so far outside of the last level I just plugged.
21:17I don't remember these being too hard. This is fine.
21:19And we got the dog. Been a while since we've had this.
21:21Yeah, you know what? I'm going to, I'm going to take these guys out after myself.
21:25And there we go. That's it, right? That's it.
21:26That's the crumble of the retro rumble with Chef.
21:29I like the little armadillo missions.
21:31They remind me of like very Mario Galaxy.
21:36Well, wow. Do I just ride the momentum? Is that the easier play?
21:40No, it's hard. Maybe the strat is really just like slow and steady,
21:46which I am famously bad at.
21:49I just realized you just have to jump on all these because I was trying to roll over the edge.
21:53And like once you do that, it's pretty simple.
21:55Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, oh, oh, I see.
21:58I see. Oh my God, I almost did it.
22:03I almost jumped. I almost went for it.
22:06Oh, someone. Oh, duh, a flower.
22:12Oh, we got to meet the big bad green alien who is just hate PlayStation 5, I guess.
22:19Oh, wait, they're hanging out. He's chill now. Oh, and there it goes.
22:22Well, first off, here's a guy, our first guy of the run.
22:25Oh my, oh, that makes so much sense. Of course, Lara Croft.
22:29I got baited with Lara Croft.
22:30Oh, okay. We wait. We have to wait. Oh, oh, I see. I see now.
22:35Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the whole operation.
22:39There we go. Oh, what an embarrassing moment.
22:44I'm guessing helicopter, something like that.
22:48What? What? Metal ball? What is this?
22:51This guy looks cool. Oh, he shoots me.
22:54Oh, I said I know where the rift is and I just actually lied.
23:00Oh, oh, oh, that's so funny.
23:04Just one and done, baby. We're good to go.
23:06Oh, the cube. Oh, punk hazard. Do I launch this?
23:10That is how that works. Okay, it's like Kirby.
23:13But what does that blow up? Got it.
23:17Who is this? Oh, is that the little, is that like the PlayStation VR thing?
23:20Does this, is that enough? Okay, that sure is.
23:26Oh, that's fun. That's a fun way to watch them blow up.
23:31No way. It's fucking Knack. What am I doing here?
23:35Is this a water level? We have had very little water in this game,
23:38which is probably why it's peak. Penguin, penguin friend.
23:41This is going to be a mean level if it comes down to it
23:44and they just have six guys all at the end.
23:46Oh, well, there's one. Octogad? That's like the last guy I expect.
23:53Really now? Worm? Oh, I am a tiny guy in a big world, it seems.
23:58Whoa, buddy's back. Our friend, big brother.
24:02Squit. Oh my God. That's from the first level. It's been a while.
24:07Oh my God. I'm sorry. I've said it before.
24:11Astro Bot has some of the meanest fatalities of any video game character ever.
24:16I don't know why they made me do all that. I don't know why the rift is so early.
24:21Yeah, I guess we'll come back later. Oh, because we're going into the danger dojo.
24:25Oh, look at him. Oh, little guy. A samurai no more.
24:29Is it John Goes or John Tsushima? We don't know. We just don't know these things.
24:36Yeah, I'm not going to act like I played this game.
24:37Actually, if you mask this shit, you can... Oh, that's sinned. You can sin that, actually.
24:42All right, drop off some new guys.
24:47I think it's so funny that Knack is flossing. Just to save... that one.
24:54I guess they say we beat it. I don't feel like we did, so...
24:57Where the fuck is that guy? Oh my God. Klonoa? Wait, they're actually up here?
25:02Wait, really? Not a character I expect to see here.
25:08Perfect. Does he have the goal in his hand? Oh my... What? What?
25:11Oh, okay, never mind. Spooky time. Any predictions? What spooky characters could we see?
25:16I wouldn't be surprised if I die. Wait, wait. I know I just need to slow this down, but this is hilarious.
25:23Oh, is that Krispy? Yeah, my bad, my bad. John Breaks the Evil.
25:26I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. God, I don't... This is a mean level.
25:30I'm kind of full sinning it. Yeah, that's all good enough.
25:33There she is. All right, we knew she'd be here. We got the alpha female.
25:38Welcome back, Jill Valentine. I thought it would just be hidden. Oh, it is. Wow.
25:44Oops. We got the squares. I think the voids are kind of my favorite level.
25:49You just get four fun and difficult platforming challenges, and I don't feel like they're easy.
25:56Like, you're not supposed to be on the first try, and if you do, you feel like a fucking gamer.
26:02Okay, I got it. Oh, I'm through. I've done it. Don't get hit by this guy.
26:07Oh, beautiful. Oh, it's still going on. The level is not done.
26:12Whoa, whoa. Okay, that was scary. Oh, that was scary to jump in the middle of that.
26:17What am I scared of? Got it. Got it. Message received.
26:20Okay, so now I've learned just dodge these. I thought I was just a little off when I did it.
26:26Oh, that was just a nicer path. Like, I just got lucky. They just RNG'd me nice.
26:30Oh, that's so sad. Who do we have now? Is that John Yakuza?
26:36Oh, that's funny. That'd be a funny way to die.
26:38I'm just kind of holding forward until that proves to be a bad idea, and it's working out so far.
26:44Oh, that's fun, though. Yeah, it was easy. That was that. It was done and done.
26:48Ooh, who's going to be the big PlayStation guy? I don't know.
26:53I don't know who they're going to throw in this level. Who are we going to save at the end of it?
26:57Oh, okay. He's there. Got it. The Mecha Leon. Not the most offensive power-up.
27:03Right? This feels correct. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:08Ow. Oh, my God. This fight's cool. Actually, this might be my favorite one yet.
27:13I thought... I was like, how do you make the slowdown power-up work here?
27:18Oh, and it's so cool. Uh-oh. Oh, we're not done. It just feels so involved.
27:25They have so many cool ways to slow down time and use whatever as platforms.
27:31You know, you have the ghost who blew shit up. You have this. You have the cards in the casino world.
27:37Like, say what you will about this game. They've got ideas.
27:41Ow. Holy ow. Ooh. We just have the most brutal fatalities.
27:46I say it through and through, but he always one-ups himself.
27:50That... ow, little guy. He's concocting something evil in his mind at all times.
27:57Or just take us up.
28:12Locoroco, huh? Ape Escape, God of War, Uncharted. Locoroco, huh?
28:20I... gotta say... was not ready for this.
28:26Don't know what you do in the game, but I'm about to learn. Show me how to Locoroco.
28:36I'm a little blue guy. How... how did I get...
28:40Okay, so don't touch the spikes. Just my... my gamer intuition is alerting me that that could be bad for us.
28:46Is that... is that a bot? Okay, that's... that is the bot we're rescuing.
28:50I think this is the kind of level I'm just gonna see where it takes me and I'll come back to complete it later.
28:55Yeah, that's not... actually, that's not a choice anymore.
28:58I can only imagine what a full Katamari level would have been. Oh, that would have gone crazy.
29:01In fact, it probably would have looked like this to some degree.
29:04Yeah, we got Loco. We're done. Oh, the cooling fan. Thank God.
29:09Yeah, that's a problem for me in, like, three minutes.
29:11Ooh, any big guesses? Well, every time I've gotten one of these, they've just been, like, some inanimate object.
29:17Uh, car. Okay, kind of close, though.
29:21Hmm, it's not a normal humanoid character. This is, like, your Spyro.
29:27No, I'm gonna lock in car again. Ah, well, that was close.
29:32And this is the last asterisk world, unless they pull a video game moment on us and give us a final last last one.
29:40But we're gonna run into the bad guy being bad.
29:43Oh, well, don't I look stupid?
29:47Okay, now don't I look stupid.
29:49Oh, we got Death Stranding in here, don't we? I get the vibe already. I saw boxes, and that's all I needed to see.
29:54Oh, I'm rubbing the lamp. Oh, I thought I see it. Okay, I was definitely overcomplicating that one.
30:00Hello, genie. Oh, this doesn't look too good. Okay, what's in here? Something's in there.
30:05Nope, just bad stuff. Bad stuff's in there. Don't go in there.
30:07Now I see the solution. It is a lot easier than I was making it out to be. We just wait.
30:12It's just my favorite mechanic in all video games. All right, we're fine. Hello. Welcome.
30:20Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is the one I'm missing, is it Cat? Gravity Rush?
30:25There she is. Oh, that's huge. I'm so happy to see her.
30:30Again, one of the PlayStation characters, the exclusives that I absolutely adore. I love Cat. Gravity Rush.
30:36You know I like that game because that character wasn't just named John. Ow.
30:40So the secret exit is around here, right? How evil is it?
30:46What the... Why? What? Is it on all... Oh, is it on all these tiles?
30:53Oh, that is... Huh. I would call it the most intuitive.
31:00I got there, though. At the end of the day, I did get here.
31:02So we got a couple more levels. We got High Suction Hero. Interesting.
31:05What is this one? Oh, I remember him. Am I making... Oh, whoa, wait. Oh, Ice Bridge. That's sick.
31:14Oh, that's so sick because you can jump out of it. Oh, that's so cool.
31:18Hello, is this also John Killzone? Is this... Are they friends?
31:23Oh, hi. John, Joe, and Jack's Killzone. We found them. I'm still missing... Wow, I am missing guys.
31:30Ah, okay. Little guy. Oh, that was a fun one. I liked it.
31:35Short, sweet, and I got everything kind of... It was in plain sight.
31:38Oh, a little red raptor. Oh, uh-oh. Oh, I thought it would be cute. I just put her through a life of hell.
31:44Ah, all right. You know what? I'm ready. No, no, no. I'm excited. I love these levels.
31:48Okay, what is that? Is that Sol? Oh, that's actually Sol, isn't it?
31:51Oh, just time... This sounds obnoxious. Woo, yep. I was right.
31:56Ha ha ha, oh my god. Now I know about the missiles that are facing my way. I see now.
32:03That was it. I think it's a little bit of a cycle issue. What the... What the hell is this power?
32:08So, it's the slowdown power, but I... I... I break? It's like a consumable?
32:12Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. I... I cannot remember what button to throw it.
32:17Uh, we got this?
32:19Ho ho ho ho ho ho! Okay, well, I know... I know what I gotta look out for now.
32:23I just gotta go fucking fast. Oh, I... I... Please.
32:27Okay, that's so crazy. Okay, you have to be fast enough, I see. There we go. Okay, so it's not that hard.
32:32It's really just that last jump. It's a timer. Oh, do not get frozen right here. I swear to Christ.
32:37Oh, that's it? Oh, I thought that level would be longer.
32:40Who is this? Last... Oh, Kazuya, Misha! I... Actually, I don't want to save him.
32:45Oh, that cycle was satisfying. Oh shit, what the fuck is this?
32:49I got so lucky there. What the fuck is this?
32:54Yo, did I... That was first try. Beautiful. Mwah! Incredible, actually.
32:59Uh, and... Oops, that was... That was the wrong direction. Oh shit.
33:03I... I don't think I did one right thing in that intro.
33:06Whoa! Oh, I thought... I keep thinking we're gonna run into Mr. Stranding, and I...
33:12I see the bag on his back, and I was like, that's gotta be him.
33:15Oh, it's the end of the level, guys! Whoa! Who could have seen that coming?
33:21Uh, hmm. How do I get over there? Oh, I see someone. I can't tell who that is.
33:26They're fighting for their life. Oh, I see how I get over there now.
33:29Oh! Wait, is that the guy I was... I was literally just talking about you.
33:34I don't know when video games started doing this,
33:37but when they decided that you have to have a special twirl animation when jumping off of ice, love that change.
33:42I don't fully think I understand. I don't... I don't even really know what I'm doing.
33:46Oh! Oh, I see. Okay, that's just, uh...
33:50I have to come back through this level anyways, right?
33:53The game is looking more and more over... Oh, that's it. Is that... Is this the last one?
33:56No, it's probably one... I don't... Turtle? I don't know.
34:00I'm just scared of this game ending, you know what I mean? I've just enjoyed it so much.
34:03Oh no, the pollution! What are we gonna do about this?
34:08Wha-wha-wha-what? Him?
34:12The sleep paralysis demon? Oh my god, who is... I know...
34:15I just got such a vivid flashback of... Patapon?
34:19Wha... How do I... How do I know him?
34:21I know him well, and it's like, as a kid, it's a past memory for me.
34:25Got him. Oh, wow. Almost skipped him.
34:27Oh, not the... the mega glooper?
34:29Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's safe!
34:31Okay, with motion controls, a little hard.
34:33I think we just did it, actually.
34:35Okay, well... That...
34:39Yeah, that level was cute. It's weird, for like, the last...
34:43Because we got everything. Yeah, that's...
34:45Uh... Sure, we're coming up.
34:48We're running out of guys. Is there a...
34:50Oh... One final little gift.
34:54I am excited.
34:56Oh, friend. Oh, oh... Wait, maybe this is easy.
35:00Maybe it's a fun little celebratory level.
35:04Oh, look at this. It's simple.
35:07It could also be the Gates of Hell, but we don't know that yet.
35:11Oh, it's a power of... What is it?
35:13Monkey? I'm just scared.
35:15I think Final Encore makes me think it's gonna be hard as hell.
35:17Okay, so it's like the one, like, Mario Galaxy 3D World stuff, right?
35:22When, like... But instead of jumping, it's whenever I clap.
35:24I mean, it's only cameos should be easy, because they're all kind of...
35:28Never dying again. Never dying again to this guy.
35:30Are these... Are these Rhythm Gamers?
35:33It's from SingStar. Oh!
35:35Oh, I remember SingStar.
35:37But why would I... Why would I be ready for SingStar in this game?
35:42Okay, clap again. What do we got?
35:44Clear the path for me.
35:45Yeah, okay, this is a nice, easy, fun level.
35:48Oh, do I have to... I do. Got it.
35:49Okay, I see what we gotta do.
35:51There we... I got...
35:55Speaking of sleep paralysis demons...
36:00John Foguy?
36:03Okay, I think out of all the characters, I did not expect it.
36:06Do I just step on it? Do I clap it?
36:08Whoa, whoa!
36:14Oh, is this... Okay, they're all just music and...
36:18Whoa, okay. We got some Russian dolls.
36:21That's the... Oh...
36:23No way!
36:25No way they threw Lala in this?
36:27We got Space Channel 5?
36:29Oh, that is so sick!
36:31Okay, was not on the list!
36:33Did not expect her!
36:34The one, the only...
36:35Oh, of... Of course!
36:38For SingStar...
36:39Oh my god, that blue microphone.
36:42That was the first USB mic I ever had.
36:44When I made, like, Roblox videos way back in, like, 2008, 2009,
36:50that was the mic I used.
36:52Trivia test, there it is!
36:54Look, I remember that box!
36:56Oh, oh, I have to... Oh, I see.
36:58I see. He just keeps...
37:00How many more things does he have?!
37:02I thought it was gonna be, like, three gimmicks!
37:03Oh my... Okay.
37:05I see now.
37:06We still got a good amount of stuff to do here,
37:07but at least I got all the... Warp realms, I suppose.
37:11I did all the X ones.
37:12I did not finish this level, actually. I now remember.
37:17Oh, this is violent.
37:19Oh my god, we...
37:21We hurt people in such insane ways.
37:23Oh, hurt people truly do hurt people.
37:27Yeah, I guess he was rude first.
37:29Oh, there was a guy in the thinky-took.
37:30Yeah, so of course I'm gonna find him.
37:32Let's do...
37:34Oh, we got three levels left.
37:36If I... Oh...
37:37I will save you, my friend.
37:39Oh, I did. Oh.
37:40The Tearaway game?
37:42I mean... I mean, John Tearaway?
37:43I'm sure there's probably an easier way to have done this.
37:47I'm gonna be so mad if I flip this and it...
37:50See, that would have been the easier way.
37:53Who are you?
37:54Is that Sackboy?
37:56How is he...
37:57Okay, they knew everyone was waiting.
38:00I feel like this really could have been a LittleBigPlanet game, but here we are.
38:03Okay, we're moving.
38:04I was so scared of getting those guys dropped on me.
38:06Oh, goodbye, sun.
38:08Oh, hello, moon.
38:09Oh, thank you. See, the moon's sick.
38:11The sun wouldn't have done that for me.
38:12Did I get the bottle? I did. I got everything.
38:19That's cute.
38:20Uh, do I have ducky powers now?
38:22Oh, no, we're going ball mode, which is good.
38:24Do I tank the hits in ball form?
38:26That's all I needed to know.
38:27Oh, wait. I see a guy.
38:29Yeah, the level screaming mini boss.
38:32Yeah, that makes sense.
38:35Okay, that was a little scary.
38:36I just had to improv and hope that worked.
38:39Okay, it is good eye. See, that's where we start.
38:41That's the good strat.
38:42Or not that there's so many guys.
38:43It's just that they covered me so well.
38:45I like that the mini bosses are never really, like, all that hard.
38:48They're just something to do in between. Just mix it up.
38:52Well, I don't know why I felt like I should read that, but we did.
38:56Okay, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine.
38:58Everything's good.
38:58Ooh, lots of cameos.
39:00Oh, look, the level's over.
39:02Okay, they've done the gimmick several times, but that one is way too early.
39:07They should have just given it to me. It would have been funny.
39:09Okay, I'll just get all of them.
39:10Oh, I didn't...
39:12Game was kind.
39:13This is, like, my last level before the boss.
39:15Are these the... Oh, these are the bombs, right?
39:17I think I just run away.
39:18I'm just gonna guess.
39:18Going over here.
39:21Just a shot in the dark.
39:22Thank God.
39:23Oh, is this just... Is he just PlayStation?
39:26Oh, is that Tony Hawk Pro Skater?
39:28Before I do this, I can bring in the boys one last time to smash the lock.
39:35I know this isn't, like, the final FINAL boss.
39:38We know it's a bird, and that's about it.
39:44Just a bonk.
39:45Okay, the boss fight has started.
39:46Oh, okay.
39:47The hard part about the bosses in this game is not that the bosses are necessarily hard.
39:52It's that you just don't always know how to beat them exactly.
39:56What? Oh, I flip.
39:57Oh, sure.
39:58Yeah, this is a weird calm before the storm.
40:00If this is truly what the last fight's gonna...
40:02Why make it harder than it has to be?
40:05Who have I not seen yet?
40:08There's gotta be a big one.
40:09Oh my God.
40:10Okay, this is my guess.
40:11It's PlayStation.
40:12They're shoving it down our throats.
40:13It's Horizon Zero Dawn.
40:17Game, set, match, boys.
40:23It is a little sad that the last five characters I'm gonna unlock, I definitely do not know.
40:30Oh, but it is pretty.
40:31It is pretty.
40:32Let's get my first taste of Horizon Zero Dawn.
40:35So what am I gonna...
40:36It is not enough to wield the bow.
40:39You must first become Aloe.
40:43Do you see her firepower?
40:45Honestly, insane shots per second.
40:47Yeah, I didn't think it was gonna be peaceful.
40:50Oh, I know nothing about the game.
40:52Y'all got dinosaurs?
40:53Oh, that's crazy.
40:55Oh, wait, this guy's from Astro's playroom?
40:57Oh, that's even cuter than being in a Horizon thing.
41:00Oh, I did not finish that game.
41:02I thought it was a tech demo.
41:03You're telling me I'm missing out on a full other experience like this?
41:06Just shoot him.
41:06Just shoot him right there.
41:07I see it.
41:08What is happening to me?
41:10Why did I see through the floor so many times that level?
41:13Okay, well, we're good.
41:14We're landing on the turtle.
41:15Everything's fine.
41:17I shot so many arrows.
41:20Oh, there's our PS5.
41:21Or is that just another PS5?
41:23Oh, it's not over, is it?
41:25So, my bad.
41:27Well, I can still shoot arrows.
41:33I'm gonna wait with it.
41:39What is my game plan?
41:40I don't...
41:42I don't...
41:43That's fine.
41:44Oh, poor guy.
41:46All right.
41:46Let's free the last PlayStation.
41:48Oh, that's...
41:48Oh, oh, that's the part.
41:50Oh, that's our PlayStation.
41:52All right.
41:52I've played too much Power Wash.
41:54So, just get rid of all of them.
41:56Now, I know how much I have to do.
41:58Not all of it.
41:59So, we can just cheese by.
42:01Oh, that's a PlayStation.
42:02Oh, that's almost a PlayStation.
42:04Okay, got it.
42:05I couldn't figure out what button.
42:06Oh, is that $2.99?
42:09Are we right there?
42:11Oh, no, we got them all, actually.
42:12Hold up.
42:13Every single little guy.
42:14Every single...
42:16I guess I didn't get all the puzzle pieces.
42:18I'm sure this in case of emergencies button is okay.
42:21Oh, angry PS5.
42:22Let's go.
42:23With our powers combined.
42:24Okay, that is 300 guys we got.
42:27That's a lot of guys.
42:28Some might even say all of them.
42:31Now that we're actually fighting the last boss,
42:34he just looks so silly.
42:36I don't know if he's a guy we're like actually scared of.
42:39Every other boss has been a cook and now I trust this one.
42:43And that's all the guys.
42:44Let's hit the PlayStation.
42:47Oh, look, it's all the products.
42:50Wait, okay, actually.
42:52Oh, wait, that's actually so cute.
42:54They're all on their respective consoles.
42:56Oh, that's so...
42:57Okay, it's like so product placement,
43:00but it's pretty cute, actually.
43:03I like it.
43:05It's the PlayStation Avengers.
43:08Okay, play squadron go.
43:10PS1, save a safe escape.
43:12Oh, take you.
43:15Okay, so don't get hit.
43:16Got it.
43:16Okay, the asteroids.
43:17The PS2 eye toy made an appearance.
43:20That was a deep cut.
43:21PS2 though.
43:22Okay, dodge these, dodge these, keep dodging.
43:25I love the hoverboard of the memory cards.
43:27Oh, what the hell are these guys doing?
43:29See, this is what I was looking for.
43:30This was the game I wanted to play.
43:31I want to be scrapping.
43:31Okay, okay, the cameo bot.
43:33Y'all can help.
43:33Wait, what is this?
43:35Oh, the PlayStation power.
43:38The boss never looked this menacing.
43:40And there he is.
43:41Just a giant goober.
43:45Oh, my God.
43:47Oh, crazy.
43:48Oh, yeah, I fell for it.
43:49You know, I thought, I was like, he surrenders.
43:51That's crazy.
43:52Oh, but the power of the PS5.
43:56Wait, the final boss is on the PS5.
43:59Okay, so we got locked.
44:00We're back.
44:02Space Bully Nebulax.
44:05That's his name.
44:05This, uh-oh.
44:06Oh, wait, this is fun.
44:08Which power do we get?
44:09Um, what was that?
44:12Oh, I, okay.
44:13It's a gentleman's sport.
44:14I see.
44:15Yeah, let's go squid first.
44:16Are we mixing it up?
44:17Are we, uh, should I be scared anytime soon?
44:20Are we, uh, I can grab one of them, right?
44:23And then he's gonna, yeah, yeah, yeah.
44:24Got it.
44:24Got it.
44:27Oh, my God.
44:27What, why not open with this attack?
44:30Oh, I thought it was over.
44:32I hate being one health in this.
44:33Oh, oh, hit it back.
44:37Thank you, Nathan Drake.
44:38I will throw this at not the skull.
44:40He flips it to the skull, though, right?
44:41That's just kind of what, oh.
44:43What is his beef, honestly?
44:44Like, what did we do to him?
44:46He just wanted the new PS5.
44:50Oh, was that it?
44:52Was I literally at the, that is, that is a little upsetting.
44:56No, no, there's a second phase.
44:57There's a second phase.
44:58There's nothing to worry about here.
45:09Okay, I'm still waiting.
45:11Okay, we're almost there.
45:12I believe it.
45:13We're almost there.
45:14They're all flossing the victory.
45:16Wait, here it, there it goes.
45:17Okay, I feel better about my death now.
45:20Oh, thank God.
45:21He needed to come back for my own sake.
45:24This scalper just wants a PS5 so badly.
45:27Yeah, bring the controller out.
45:29Oh, we got the, the PlayStation.
45:31Oh, the boss fight's actually over, isn't it?
45:33The power of PlayStation on our side.
45:36All right, one more for the fans.
45:38One more for the fans.
45:46I think, despite everything, the boss fight was just absolutely not what I expect.
45:52Oh, it's not over.
45:53That's why.
45:56How funny would it be if you didn't have every guy?
45:59You didn't have enough to reach them.
46:03Oh, we have them.
46:04Oh, oh no, what's happening?
46:28Why am I about to, like, cry?
46:29I grew so attached to our little astrobot.
46:32No, he comes back.
46:53Okay, Jesus Christ.
46:54I was like, honestly, tears in my eyes.
46:56I got so attached to him.
46:59Oh, honestly, insane fakeout.
47:01They got me.
47:01They got me.
47:03I was like, that's crazy.
47:08A beating heart.
47:13What a guy.
47:14He gave up his life.
47:19Astrobot, I know they would never kill you.
47:26They got me, I will say.
47:28I thought they were really gonna do it.
47:30I thought they were actually crazy enough to pull it off.
47:34Oh, thank God.
47:36I would have respected it,
47:37but I grew way too attached to this little fucker
47:40to let him die like that.
47:42Oh, what a good game.
47:46There it is, monumental achievement.
47:48All the puzzle pieces.
47:50Oh, we got to build a big, what the hell's up here?
47:52I'm gonna unlock this last guy and just get up there and say,
47:55I don't know who that is.
47:57Who is it?
47:58Who is the PlayStation guy?
48:01The nether portal?
48:08Is it John John?
48:15Oh, we got one more.
48:16All right.
48:17Thank God.
48:17You know what?
48:18I wanted a bit more of a challenge.
48:19Oh, I assume this is a one and done kind of two, right?
48:22Here we go.
48:25I got the twofer right there.
48:28Whoa, what the fuck?
48:29I think I have all the momentum in the world on my first run.
48:32It's always my best for a while.
48:34When I'm just full sinning shit, I'm at my best.
48:36See, hard part's over.
48:37I mean, maybe. You know, maybe.
48:41It's a mate.
48:42Now I'm going to think about it.
48:44See, that was the mystery.
48:45See, that's all I need to do.
48:46I wasn't sinning it enough.
48:47All right, we are gaming.
48:48We are gaming.
48:52Oh, fuck.
48:52Oh, no.
48:53Oh, God.
48:54Okay, okay.
48:55Whoa, fuck.
48:57Oh, oh, I can't believe that one.
48:59Okay, triangles.
49:02I think I do have to go through one of them.
49:04Yeah, I do.
49:05Okay, square.
49:05That's easy.
49:06Whoa, actually not as easy as I thought.
49:09That's fine.
49:10Circle, though.
49:15There we go.
49:15It was just triangle.
49:16The triangles was what had me down.
49:18Wait, is that it?
49:21I'm scared.
49:22I'm scared.
49:23What's at the end?
49:23I could still fall.
49:26Oh, there ain't no way.
49:28He was waiting for me.
49:30You just gotta believe.
49:31You gotta believe.
49:33Are we done?
49:34Am I free?
49:35All right, back to the nether we go.
49:39I won 301 out of 300.
49:42That was good.
49:43What a fun experience.