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Carly Pearce Says Performing a Dolly Parton Tribute is a 'Full-Circle Moment'


00:00Hey, Us Weekly, we're here with the Carly Pearce.
00:03Girlfriend, you were inducted and honored by Dolly Parton to be a part of the Grand Ole Opry.
00:08I know.
00:09Four years ago, right?
00:10Yeah, four years ago. It's wild. I used to sing at Dollywood when I was a teenager.
00:16I quit high school so that I could work there. So this is like the most full circle
00:20thing to be a part of for me.
00:21I mean, what was that like getting a call from Dolly Parton? Like, what was that like?
00:27To be inducted? She surprised me. I was on a video shoot and she surprised me. And when
00:33she asked me, I literally dropped to the floor.
00:35Were you in immediate tears? I would have been.
00:37Crying my face off. Dying. Yes.
00:41Well, what a special moment. I mean, and you're performing tonight.
00:44I am.
00:45Like doing a tribute to her.
00:47I am.
00:47So tell us about that. Like, what has that process been like? Did you guys work on that
00:50together? Like, does she know about it?
00:53I'm sure that she knows, but I'm singing my favorite Dolly song,
00:58Jolene, but I'm kind of doing my own spin on it. And yeah, it's going to be fun.
01:03That's so exciting. And you're on your U.S. leg of your tour right now.
01:06I leave tonight and I start tomorrow.
01:08She leaves tonight, guys, and she's at the Grand Ole Opry.
01:12So you're leaving right after this to go and start.
01:14Literally get on my bus and here we pick up my band on the side of the road and we go.
01:19Okay, where are you going first?
01:21We go to Minnesota tomorrow and then Milwaukee and Iowa City.
01:26Okay. And so what is what is the main focus of this tour?
01:30Storytelling is the big part of my shows and telling just my journey. And I think the visuals
01:36of this album are really special. And so we kind of brought that to life. It's a very beautiful
01:40set. Just the aesthetic is really nice.
01:42I cannot wait to see it. And another question I had for you, you've been very
01:46open about your pericarditis. And what advice do you have to young women who may be struggling
01:52with similar or other health complications? What's your advice for them?
01:57Know your body. Be your biggest advocate. If your body's telling you something,
02:00listen and go get it checked.
02:01I love that advice. It's so important.
