• yesterday
Junior reporter Sadie Gilbert takes to the streets of Douglas to talk about international day of happiness.
00:00So hello guys here we are today in the heart of Douglas city centre and we're going to ask people
00:05what they think about it being international day of happiness. So what is your name? Anne.
00:10Anne. And how do you feel that today is international day of happiness? I don't know
00:17really. But do you feel any happier than usual? No I've had a quite a bad day today yeah yeah.
00:26Well hopefully now that you know it's the day it'll spark a little bit of happiness.
00:32What do you think about hugs? I love hugs. Yeah.
00:40Well have a nice day Anne. So what is your name? Alex Cowley. And how do you feel that or do you
00:47know that today is international day of happiness? No I didn't. Why is that not on Facebook? Should
00:52that be on Facebook? Will it not? It will after this yeah. I didn't know about it. I'm really
00:57see I have two things I didn't know you used to a media man and I don't know about it. Tell me
01:01about come on. Well international day of happiness is something that is celebrated worldwide and it's
01:07a day for us to recognise how important it is to be happy. I'm happy 365 days of the year. I know
01:13I feel I sound quite like depressing to listen to but I'm actually very happy personally. Well
01:18you're the blueprint for us all. You know why? Because I do this full-time so this makes you
01:23happy. Do what you want to do that's the key to happiness. You've spoken to like a Buddhist or so
01:28I'm like dead I'm dead wise so yeah yeah yeah. I love it yeah. Will you give us a little a little
01:33few happy strums? I'll tell you what I'll do. With the water and I'm happy. I'll try and do that.
01:40I don't know it but. If you feel like a room without a roof. This is not the right key.
01:58So what is your name? I'm Yvonne. Yvonne and how do you feel or did you know that today
02:03is international day of happiness? I didn't have a clue. And how do you feel now that you know this?
02:09I love it. That's really good. I've not seen anybody smiling except except you. Yeah no that's
02:14great. That's my job. I'm going to spread some smiles today in Strand Street. And it's also
02:18spring today as well. Is it? So I got told. Well we've learned something off each other there Yvonne
02:22haven't we? Thank you very much. Take care. What's your full name? David Bell. And how do you feel
02:31David that it's international day of happiness today? I haven't noticed it. I've lost my way.
02:37You've lost your way? Yeah she's gone down to. I thought she went into Coston to use the toilet
02:42and unfortunately she's not in Coston. I don't know where she's gone. So hopefully she'll come
02:48back somewhere soon. Hopefully. So you're having a little tea outside to wait for her? There's a
02:51chap who's gone down there very kindly to help us. So yeah friendly this day. He's very good.
02:56Yeah. He's helping us out. Yeah well I hope you end it on a happy note. I hope so as well. Thanks
03:01David. So what is your full name? Stephanie Justine Kane. And how do you feel that today
03:07is international day of happiness? I've been very happy. I'm happy most days. So I try to be happy.
03:12I'm very blessed. So yeah. So one day doesn't matter. Happy all the time. Yeah I'm blessed.
03:17I have everything I need. So yeah. Good for you.
