• yesterday


00:00I have no other option
00:07I have no other option
00:09I have no other option
00:11I have no other option
00:13I have no other option
00:15I have no other option
00:17What is your name?
00:21Who all are there in your family?
00:23Two sons, two daughters
00:25Two grandsons
00:27One daughter-in-law
00:30I have no one to feed me
00:32What do you do for a living?
00:34I work as a labourer
00:38In Gulhana and Gurgaon
00:40I have two children
00:42I work as a labourer
00:44When did you come back from abroad?
00:46When did you come back from abroad?
00:48I came back from abroad on Tihar
00:50When will you go back?
00:52I will go back after a few days
00:54I will go back after a few days
00:56I will go back after a few days
00:59Where are your children now?
01:01I have no one to take care of them
01:03No one will come to take care
01:06One of my children came to Delhi
01:09I didn't have a job
01:12My son got married
01:14Where will I go?
01:16I don't have money
01:18I have six children
01:20I have six children
01:22I was unemployed for 4 days
01:24I don't have a job
01:26I asked him to take the money and run away
01:29I asked him where will I get the money from
01:33He said he will get it and then run away
01:37Is he your son?
01:41What is your name?
01:42Sunil Aharwal
01:44Don't you study?
01:46I stopped studying
01:48Why did you stop studying?
01:51I didn't have money to spend so I stopped studying
