• 2 days ago
With Spring having officially arrived in the United Kingdom, and the advent of clocks springing forward before the end of March 2025, does it mean a complete change in our music listening habits?
00:00Spring has sprung. My voice has gotten better, by the way. Sun's out, guns out, March 20th
00:082025 and the country shakes off its winter chill, where we finally emerge from our couches
00:14– at least I do anyway. But as we anticipate the clocks springing forwards, does the longer
00:20daylight also trigger a shift in our musical tastes once again? While studies showed our
00:26winter playlists leaned towards more subdued, introspective tunes – Bon Iver, anyone?
00:33– are we now ready to completely revitalise our Spotify for the new season and the UK
00:38summer ahead? Well, according to research, that's exactly what we subconsciously do
00:43around this time of year, and we can thank or blame our circadian rhythms for this shift
00:49in listening habits.
00:53Terry Pettijohn's research, Music for the Seasons – Seasonal Music Preferences in
00:57College Students, found a clear correlation. Just like when the clocks went back, our music
01:03tastes change when we move into spring and summer. We tend to gravitate towards more
01:08upbeat and energetic music. This study revealed that while the colder months saw an increase
01:14in listening to blues, jazz and folk, students turned to hip-hop, EDM, soul and funk around
01:22the more warmer climate months. And the increased daylight disrupts our circadian rhythms, which
01:28can lead to changes in mood, and those mood changes – yeah, of course, they drive us
01:34towards a more energetic playlist.
01:38Spring and summer are also about social gatherings, outdoor adventures, festival season and a
01:43general sense of optimism, so these factors influence our music choices too, as we seek
01:48tunes, banging tunes at that, which enhance those experiences. So, when do the clocks
01:56spring forward in the UK in 2025? Well, mark down on your calendars, it's March 30th,
02:022025, according to the government's website, so you have almost a week to get your spring
02:07playlist in order.
