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Oregon Ducks Preparing For NFL Draft Together
00:00Absolutely, because he is a dog, so he's going to do amazing next year.
00:05I also wanted to ask, have you been in contact with the other Oregon offensive linemen going through this draft process?
00:11Whether it be Ajani, whether it be Nishad, like, who are you really talking to? Josh, all those guys.
00:16Yeah, I talked to Ajani and Nishad a lot. Actually, Nishad is actually about to come up here to practice.
00:21We're all at practice right now, just coming up and seeing guys.
00:24But I talked to Ajani too. We're all going to go hang out probably later on tonight.
00:28And I talked to Josh from time to time too. I know he was busy doing a lot of things, reseasoning all these other different areas.
00:33But yeah, just talking to those guys and just staying in contact and just trying to see where their head's at with all these things.
00:39Especially me and Nishad too, because, you know, we didn't get the invites and things like that.
00:42So how's he focusing on the things he can't control?
00:44And even with Ajani, like, he got invited to the combine, but, you know, he didn't do anything because of, you know, whatever his personal reason was.
00:50But making sure, like, everyone's staying in good spirits and not, you know, it's a long process.
00:55You know what I'm saying? Just make sure everyone's kind of just taking care of themselves while they're throughout this process.
00:59I'm not going to lie. That episode of the Big Mark show where you and Nishad are talking about charcuterie and you're like, I thought Kobe Bryant had a cheese.
01:05I was like, yes, he does. Let me know.
01:08Yeah, I could have swore he did, but you know, Nishad cultured me a little bit and I'm not going to knock it.
01:17No, no, I was on the same page as you were. I was like, you know what? I got to agree. I got to agree.
01:22And did Dan Lanning give you any advice when it comes to this kind of draft process?
01:26Have you heard anything kind of from his side?
01:28Just keep being me. Honestly, that's what everyone's been telling me throughout this process.
01:31Like, don't try to put on the facade. Marcus, like, what you bring to the table is enough and just keep bringing that to the table.
01:37And I mean, you know, the right team is going to call you and the right team is going to see the value of Marcus Arbiter-Sagan.
01:41And so just lead with that and keep doing what I've been doing. You know, chips will fall where they may.
01:45Fabulous, fabulous. Well, Marcus, I think that's all the questions I have for you today.
01:50Thank you so much for hanging out with me.
01:52Thank you. Thank you for having me for real.
