• 2 days ago
00:09Sir I think you should see this
00:21Damien Barbosa
00:23Machete Betty and Sahil the dear aka the wolf
00:30Bounties recently posted or neatly delivered or very very interesting
00:37Interesting. I thought you'd be more surprised than that max
00:43I'd call you my key, but dark web monikers are so
00:50Impersonal I
00:51See Giffen I presume and you come bearing gifts not gifts
00:59Bounties yes
01:01Bounties and my cargo that seems to have gone missing
01:05Might you also have something to do with its absence?
01:10Considering there was a problem with payment last time. I helped myself
01:14There was a problem. Oh my perhaps. I should fire my accountant
01:20Speaking of surprises. I am curious how you found them and so quickly. I thought you worked alone
01:28I do
01:30Well, then please
01:33Enlighten me. What's the tell your targets were nipped and I'm not
01:39So here we are
01:46Your storytelling leaves much to be desired
01:51Instead of a story perhaps a demonstration
02:58Very good very good expensive, but good good
03:05Here this is for the bounties all of them
03:10Keep the cargo
03:12Consider it a bonus
03:15You wanted me to come here tonight
03:19This was all a test it was a calculation I
03:23Had to be sure you were right for this right for what?
03:28For a problem. No one else has been able to solve. I think you might find it particularly
03:40I've got other jobs max
03:42You understand?
03:44Indeed I do Giffen
03:46Or should I say?
03:51But I also recognize those moments rare as they are when opportunity knocks
04:11You should have led with this leave him to me