Mark Cuban recently paid $275.9 million in taxes to the IRS and supports higher taxes on billionaires, stating that he is proud to pay taxes for the country's benefit. His tax payment resulted from selling the Dallas Mavericks. Cuban, along with Warren Buffett, believes in balanced budgets without cutting crucial jobs. Buffett suggests that if top companies paid taxes like Berkshire Hathaway, Americans would not owe federal taxes. Cuban's stance raises the question of whether lawmakers will heed this call.
00:00Billionaire Mark Cuban just wired $275.9 million to the IRS, and when asked if billionaires
00:05should be taxed more, his response was simple, yes.
00:09He's not just talking, he's paying.
00:12Cuban sees taxes as part of the deal, saying,
00:14This country has done so much for me.
00:16I'm proud to pay my taxes.
00:18His massive tax bill comes from selling the Dallas Mavericks.
00:22But instead of calling for tax breaks, he believes in supporting the people who protect
00:26and serve the country.
00:29And he's not alone.
00:30Warren Buffett agrees, saying if 800 top companies paid like Berkshire Hathaway, Americans wouldn't
00:36owe federal taxes.
00:38Cuban isn't asking to tax billionaires into oblivion, just to balance the budget without
00:43cutting crucial jobs.
00:44The question is, will lawmakers listen?