• 17 hours ago
We purchased some of the BEST, WORST, and most UNIQUE hockey products on Amazon. Will we find a secret product to improve our game? Or do these all belong in the trash?

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00:00Over the years, I have reviewed some of the strangest
00:02and most unique hockey products to ever exist.
00:06Some were innovative and helped improve my game,
00:09while others, let's be honest, were absolute trash.
00:12Today we're taking a look at the best
00:14and worst reviewed products, both new and old, on Amazon.
00:19We also have a very special guest
00:20and may have dropped $400 to make this video happen,
00:24so please help me out, hit the like button,
00:27hit subscribe, and let's get into it.
00:30Here are all the packages that we have ordered from Amazon.
00:32So we got all these shipped within one day.
00:35Again, it is the weirdest products that you can imagine.
00:38Also, we spent a total of about 400 bucks
00:40on what's in front of us today.
00:42We will see if it's worth it.
00:43Kazzy, you don't know what's in here.
00:45I don't exactly know what's in here.
00:47We're gonna have you just pick a random package,
00:48pop it open, head out to the rink, so.
00:51Amazon Pharmacy here.
00:53There is a chance that some of this stuff
00:55was just random Amazon items that I ordered
00:57that I did not open.
00:58I didn't want to open anything.
00:59So, yeah, pop it open.
01:00Let's see if this is meds or a high-tech product.
01:03Okay, I'm seeing a square here.
01:05Hero badge.
01:06I don't, okay, I ordered the product.
01:08I don't know what this is, I'll be honest.
01:10Oh, okay, okay, this is a good one to start on.
01:12The top shelf Targets, everyone agrees,
01:14best Targets of all time.
01:15They're like the magnetic ones
01:16you guys see in all my videos.
01:18So expensive though.
01:19These Targets, like nine bucks.
01:21So, nice cheap alternative for Targets.
01:25There should be like little strings.
01:26Yeah, I was gonna say.
01:28We're gonna see, if these actually last,
01:29this could be great value.
01:31If they break in one shot, then not so much.
01:34Looks like a squeeze already.
01:38Okay, okay, okay, it fits, it fits, it does fit.
01:41We do have to give credit where credit's due.
01:42We get two different sizes.
01:43So you get the small green Target, bigger orange Target.
01:46All they do is wrap around the post,
01:47so you'll just put them over.
01:48Everyone knows it, nice and simple system.
01:50And yeah, we'll get the big one and small one dialed in.
01:54So for today's video, we're gonna be testing out,
01:55of course, the durability, the usefulness of the product,
01:58and I guess like the look of it.
02:00Like you want it to look cool, you know?
02:01So those will be our three categories.
02:02We're gonna rate them out of 10.
02:03At the end, we will have our number one product of the day.
02:06Kazzy, you gotta do the honors.
02:08All right, all right, here we go.
02:09Hit the first one.
02:10The new guy, let's see if he can hit the Targets.
02:12If I hit this first try.
02:15Oh, oh my gosh, there's no way, there's no way.
02:21Okay, let's take a look at the damage.
02:22Wow, hold on a second.
02:24There's a, I saw on the comments of the review,
02:28there's like a film that you're supposed to take off.
02:30I don't know if, there's no way that.
02:32Low key, that helped us,
02:33because that would have been in pieces everywhere.
02:36So that is a first shot of the first Target
02:39with Kazzy's shot.
02:40Not great.
02:42You know, maybe that was just a one-off.
02:43Sure, sure.
02:44Manufacturer defect.
02:45I've got a really strong shot.
02:46I know yours is not quite.
02:47Let's take one more shot.
02:50Top left, a little post and in.
02:52Maybe we just graze it, you know,
02:53see if that'll break it.
02:55Top left.
02:59I mean, me and Kazzy are nasty.
03:01That's the good news.
03:02Right, right.
03:03I have one last test that we need to do.
03:04I'm going to grab a ball, like with the little plastic ball.
03:06Maybe if you're a kid.
03:07That's valid, right.
03:08We're playing ball hockey, like.
03:10Yeah, yeah, surely they're not selling these
03:13and people are actually buying them.
03:14And yeah, one shot.
03:18All right, we'll get the ball and try one more.
03:20If we go three for three, holy.
03:21Dude, I don't know.
03:22I feel like I'm going to ruin it here.
03:24Going top right here.
03:24Or actually no, we're going for the orange one.
03:26I like that.
03:28That's all good.
03:32Wait, we are back boys.
03:34The aero push.
03:35I think it's cracked.
03:37I think we're okay.
03:38You can kind of see like the.
03:40Where it hit?
03:41Get a close up on there.
03:42That's good.
03:43No, I mean, I think we're good.
03:44There you go.
03:46So we've confirmed these are ball hockey targets.
03:48If I were to guess,
03:49I think these are just like some 3D printed.
03:51Somebody just tossed them onto Amazon.
03:53So aero bush targets.
03:54What's the final rating?
03:55I mean.
03:56Out of 10.
03:58If we're talking roller or ice, it's a solid zero.
04:01You can't give it anything higher than that.
04:03But if you're talking ball, I mean,
04:05we got one shot on each.
04:06I would say if you're under the age of four.
04:09This is the target for you.
04:10Yeah, yeah.
04:11Otherwise, not so much.
04:13All right.
04:14That'll do it for the aero bush targets.
04:16On to package number two.
04:18Clean up crew.
04:18Nope, not the one.
04:21Okay, fair enough.
04:22This is the one we're going with.
04:23Let's see what's in here.
04:24We'll go a box, bag, combo.
04:25The Mr. Assist.
04:27It is a puck that you attach to your stick on a string
04:30and you pass it around.
04:31This is the paddle barber puck right here, right?
04:34Yeah, this, I've heard decent things.
04:36When I took a look at it back in the day,
04:38actually not a terrible product.
04:39So I want to see what it's like.
04:40Okay, cool.
04:41And see what you can do with it.
04:41This thing did cost $50.
04:46It is a nylon string with a $2 plastic puck on the end.
04:4950 bucks.
04:50So what you do is we just toss this down
04:53towards the bottom portion of the blade
04:54and it's supposed to help you like receiving passes
04:56so you can rip a pass, get it back,
04:58or you can do some shots with it too.
04:59So yeah, have.
05:01All right, let's go see this thing.
05:02Have fun with that.
05:03Let me double check the product.
05:04Make sure we're not using it wrong before.
05:06Helicopter, helicopter.
05:07How's the song going?
05:10Oh man.
05:14That's hype, man.
05:15It's looking good.
05:16It's looking really good.
05:17Let me get a more gentle pass.
05:22All right, honestly, listen,
05:23it's an upgrade from the last item,
05:26but what I feel like it's meant to do
05:28is like the weight of the puck
05:29and the bungee of the string.
05:31It's supposed to bounce right back.
05:32It's like you're supposed to have to cradle it.
05:34Like you need to cradle it back.
05:36You know what I mean?
05:37That's what we're working on is like the soft hands,
05:39the mighty ducks where you're catching the eggs.
05:41I feel like when it gets to its peak point,
05:43maybe I got to hold the stick a little firmer,
05:44but it doesn't really like feel very natural.
05:47Well, give it a, maybe you gotta give it a rip.
05:56You know, it's called the mistress.
05:57Not in time for shooting.
05:58Yeah, yeah.
05:59I think it's more of a passing tool for sure.
06:06That's the NHL, the,
06:08remember that like NHL 23?
06:09Yeah, yeah.
06:10Where you could like sit.
06:11That's what that was right there.
06:12Hit that clip.
06:13Like if you, I actually don't hate this.
06:16The fake out.
06:17Kazzy did take one for the team.
06:18I think I got to do the same.
06:19Yeah, yeah.
06:20Let's get your shot in here.
06:21Oh, okay.
06:22No slap shot.
06:25But look at this.
06:26I could keep practicing.
06:29Throw it in.
06:30Bring it back.
06:31I mean, this is sick.
06:34I think we need to rename this thing.
06:36Hold on a second here, boys.
06:38The Mishy practice.
06:39I'm going up to a four.
06:40Listen, I think this needs to be,
06:41what was it called?
06:42Mr. Assist?
06:43Mr. Assist.
06:43Mr. Mishy.
06:44Mr. Mishy.
06:45I'll give the Mr. Mishy a four.
06:46Hey, if you want to hit us up,
06:47new collab.
06:48Me, Kazzy, Mr. Assist.
06:50Hit us up.
06:51Four out of 10.
06:51This intrigues me.
06:53It's a brand new iPhone six.
06:57We have sporty play.
06:59Sporty play.
07:01Do you have any idea?
07:01I do not know what this one is either.
07:03Oh, wait, this one,
07:05this one's actually sick.
07:06So this one is a full training.
07:08Like this is like for kids.
07:10And then you kind of progress as you get better.
07:12This is a puck that like floats.
07:15It should be good practice for like a younger kid.
07:16So it's like a stick handling tool,
07:18a net, you get a ball.
07:19This was actually good value.
07:21What did this one cost?
07:22Let me check the price of this one.
07:24That's like the first training aid.
07:25So it's already charged.
07:28It just starts floating.
07:30It goes out there.
07:31Sporty play, 46 bucks.
07:34The whole box.
07:35See, this is a lot more product already
07:36than anything else we've seen.
07:37That's what I'm talking about, dude.
07:38And, wait, it comes with a stick.
07:40The mini thing.
07:41Oh, with the lock.
07:42The travel size.
07:44Check this out.
07:44Listen, ever need to fit this thing
07:45in your pocket or something?
07:46A little break in half, dude.
07:48That is sick.
07:49And we have the mini net to go with it.
07:51That's actually kind of fun.
07:52Boys, this might be the,
07:53well, we got to try it first.
07:55We should not say anything yet.
07:56Let's hit the rake.
07:57Ooh, and you can do it on the wall.
08:02Dude, wait a minute.
08:03If you shoot this thing, will it just?
08:06Never comes back down.
08:07Low key, that slide's really nice.
08:11Dude, it turns it into an ice puck.
08:13No matter what your surface is.
08:14Yeah, look at that.
08:15You could probably do this on like a flat cement
08:16in the garage, hardwood floor.
08:18Obviously we have the tile here.
08:20The other good thing is,
08:21with the actual stick handling tool here,
08:24they made it nice and tall.
08:25So like, you could fit the ball under it.
08:27You could fit the puck under it.
08:30I thought that this was going to be dumb.
08:35That's the one downside.
08:36The thing is so light that if you barely tap it,
08:39it's going to fall off.
08:40Wait a minute.
08:43It's a Roomba.
08:45The puck is definitely my favorite part.
08:47The puck is cool.
08:49Oh, dude.
08:50That thing launched.
08:51Wait a minute.
08:52I feel like it kept going up a little bit.
08:53Oh no.
08:54We're good.
08:55This thing is going to be flipped off.
08:58I never doubt.
08:59This thing is gone.
09:00I never doubt.
09:07Oh my, the shot.
09:08Wait, the shot.
09:10That just took off.
09:12I'm telling you.
09:14It actually feels sick.
09:15Yeah, that's cool.
09:16No angle.
09:18Oh, that could be bad.
09:19That, it flipped.
09:20Oh, hold on.
09:22We found the weak side.
09:23That's on me.
09:25I think this is supposed to be inside of.
09:27Oh yeah, just, yeah.
09:29You can't forget about.
09:30Yeah, you're right.
09:31Could be a little larger.
09:33Peep the flags real quick, though.
09:35Oh, nevermind.
09:36Did you hear that?
09:37He almost cracked it.
09:39Dude, you know, it's for the kids.
09:41For what it is.
09:42For the kids.
09:43Listen, I'm sure the instructions said not to do that.
09:46User error on me yet again.
09:47Broke the puck, broke the stick.
09:49Quick flex and it was done.
09:50What do you say?
09:52It folds.
09:53That just made it even better.
09:56I'm going, I mean, truthfully,
09:57I'm going an eight out of 10 on this.
09:58Yeah, no.
09:59For the kids.
10:00I like an eight, five.
10:01For the kids.
10:01I like an eight, five.
10:02I don't know what we're going to see next,
10:03but this is pretty quality.
10:04What do you call it again?
10:05Eight, eight, five.
10:06This is the sporty plus.
10:07Sporty play, sporty something.
10:10Shout out.
10:10These guys know what's up.
10:11Yeah, these guys are sick.
10:12I like these guys.
10:13I mean, we may have found our best product of the day,
10:15but there are still four left.
10:16Lots of different pharmacy items.
10:18I'm going to go with the other pharmacy items.
10:21We'll pop this one open.
10:21The slick mitt.
10:23I've seen this one.
10:23You, I think, have you used this one?
10:25I've used this one.
10:25I have never used it.
10:26What is it supposed to do?
10:27So it's essentially to help you focus that top hand.
10:30The classic pipe on the bottom hand kind of thing
10:31to work on that top hand stick handling,
10:33but it's supposed to be a little bit more convenient.
10:34I do want to say yet again, $50.
10:38Unbelievable, $50.
10:42I'll let you put this in together.
10:44So again, this is kind of what we're doing with.
10:45I'm going to start stick handling with this hand.
10:47No involvement here on the bottom hand.
10:48So look at the picture.
10:50I can't see anything.
10:52I feel like this could be like pre-assembled for us, no?
10:53Low key, I feel like it's small enough.
10:55It would have fit in there.
10:57All right, so we built an entire training system out there,
11:01put together a hockey stick and a net faster
11:03than I put together this thing,
11:04but you can see kind of the movement here.
11:06So it just allows you to freely move here.
11:07Nothing going on with that bottom hand,
11:09everything in the top.
11:10See how it feels.
11:11Okay, first stick handles with the slick mitt.
11:17Oh, I mean,
11:19there's times where like your bottom hand
11:21has to do something.
11:23Like when you're doing toe drags and stuff.
11:25Cause it's like, if I'm going for a toe drag,
11:26I don't know if I want it to be all top hand.
11:29Well, you rip one.
11:30You don't really, wait, you need your.
11:31I was going to say, you need your bottom.
11:34That was my gosh thought a few months ago.
11:36Just stick handle for me.
11:37I want to see like what your hands look like without them.
11:39Now I'm pretty, you know, used to.
11:41Now it's like freely moving.
11:43But there was a long time where I was.
11:46That, when I see that and I'm like, now it's clicking.
11:48Now it makes sense.
11:50It's the kids that are just like grabbing their sticks.
11:52That are.
11:53Using that bottom hand too much.
11:54Yeah. I mean, I definitely, I feel like for me,
11:57I use that bottom hand a lot for support.
12:02Again, I think it serves its purpose.
12:04A few months ago,
12:05something like this would have been very useful for me.
12:08Or a young kid or beginner.
12:09Anybody new.
12:10$50 is insanity.
12:12Solid product.
12:13It's well made.
12:14The branding's cool.
12:16Like it's definitely a quality product.
12:19Packaging wasn't bad.
12:20Packaging was cool.
12:21$50 is insane.
12:22I feel like maximum, maybe 25.
12:26That, I wouldn't even see that.
12:27And I'd be like, that's absurd.
12:28But I could see people buying it.
12:31So I'm going to give this a four, which I think is fair.
12:34It's not a bad product.
12:35I mean, if you mentally, I guess it's for kids.
12:38I'm thinking like you mentally tell a kid,
12:39like don't stick handle with your bottom hand.
12:40It's not as easy as just.
12:41You're going to be.
12:42Yeah, exactly.
12:43You can't just tell them.
12:44I'm going to give it up to a five.
12:47You bumped it.
12:48I feel like I'm going to keep it at a four.
12:49I feel like the price,
12:50I don't see a world where I can pay $50 for it.
12:52Very fair.
12:53So I'm giving it a four.
12:54All right.
12:55That's a slick mitt.
12:55Let's get into the next one.
12:56The challenge is winding down.
12:57Three left.
12:59Cannot guarantee that these are all hockey products either.
13:01So you never know.
13:02Could be two.
13:03Could be two.
13:04Could be one.
13:04This one I'm pretty confident is,
13:05but I'm just going to say it now.
13:07This is one of my personal favorite hockey products
13:09of all time.
13:10It has a place near and dear to my heart.
13:12Used it a little bit in my childhood.
13:14Used it for,
13:15maybe one of my first visit trash videos ever.
13:20This is,
13:21I mean, this is magical.
13:24It is the Franklin automatic ball passer one-timer device.
13:30Back from the dead.
13:32RIP Franklin.
13:33If you guys remember,
13:34I took a slap shot,
13:35knocked him off the net,
13:35and he tragically passed away at a young age.
13:38Moment of silence.
13:40But we are bringing it back from the dead.
13:44The balls go in,
13:44comes with the balls.
13:45No, not like that.
13:46Does it?
13:47It stacks up.
13:48So the balls stay in here
13:49and then it's on an automated system.
13:50So it gives you it in good intervals.
13:52I didn't even look at the instructions.
13:53You could put 10 in there.
13:54I don't even know what this thing is.
13:55Yet already I'm putting it together.
13:57that's plus a couple of points right there.
13:58I mean,
13:59look at the craftsmanship.
14:00Oh wait,
14:01that's it.
14:02That's it.
14:03It's built.
14:04This is it.
14:05We need the batteries,
14:06but that's it.
14:07This is just a work of art.
14:08This is innovative hockey products.
14:10This is it right here.
14:11Guess what you,
14:12what would you really?
14:13I haven't seen it work yet,
14:14but it's just going to pass me the ball.
14:16Pass me the ball.
14:17Give you a nice one T.
14:18Give you one T.
14:19I think it's going to cost closer to 55.
14:22batteries are not included.
14:24Batteries are not.
14:25Oh wait,
14:25how much did you pay for these John?
14:26Those are expensive.
14:27Those are like 20 bucks.
14:28So this project is essentially $70.
14:30That's actually a good point.
14:33I got to grab a screwdriver,
14:33I believe.
14:35I didn't think about the $20 batteries.
14:37And I also don't,
14:38I don't know about how long the batteries last.
14:40what if you only get to use it like one session
14:42and the batteries.
14:43These are pretty fat and you need four of them.
14:44If this lasts,
14:46this better last forever.
14:47Moment of truth.
14:48We have nine total balls that fit into the chute.
14:52you got to do the honors here.
14:53You set up,
14:53we'll set you up with a little OB one T.
14:54Give me the OB spot.
14:56Where's that at?
14:57I don't know how far the ball is going to go.
14:58it's like,
15:03Just five to seven business days
15:05before you get the next one.
15:08Come on,
15:10I don't remember it taking this long.
15:11Oh no.
15:12You got a watch on?
15:13Oh no.
15:14I wasn't ready for that one.
15:15Dang it.
15:16Did we get a defective Franklin?
15:17I mean,
15:18it shot another one.
15:19I think it's just a five to seven business days
15:21before you get the next.
15:25That was kind of a hit.
15:26That was a good rip.
15:27There we go.
15:27Hold on.
15:28We're back.
15:30we got a double.
15:32Oh my God.
15:32I'm in a dead zone.
15:34It's working.
15:35I'm in a dead zone.
15:37It's working.
15:38I think,
15:39I think it kicked into gear here.
15:40We're good.
15:41We are good.
15:43It's a little slow,
15:44but I mean,
15:46we can put it closer to you too.
15:47See if it actually works here.
15:50Oh yeah.
15:51Let's go,
15:54I love,
15:59It's wait,
16:00they're all stuck.
16:00Oh no.
16:02There's no way.
16:04Let me take a look at the front thing.
16:05It's stuck on,
16:06it's stuck on the gear there.
16:08This one has the giant wheels.
16:09All right.
16:11last try here.
16:15Can we,
16:16second moment of silence for Frank.
16:24this one has lasted shorter than the other one.
16:26I mean,
16:27the last time I at least got to get some shots in,
16:28I hit it with a one timer.
16:29That's how it broke.
16:30This one is just out of the box.
16:34Send her back.
16:34I actually am going to send this one back.
16:36Low key.
16:3650 bucks.
16:38Send the batteries back too.
16:39So it didn't work.
16:41It's one out of 10.
16:43I feel like,
16:44I don't know how we can give him much higher
16:45if it's not functioning.
16:46If it was functioning,
16:46for my one good round,
16:47I feel like this would have been not super high.
16:49I still feel like last,
16:50I feel like it would have been like a six or seven.
16:51That's fair.
16:54but because of breaking here on the second one.
16:56that's a one.
16:57Maybe even a zero.
17:00Onto the next product.
17:01Rest in peace.
17:03Come on, man.
17:04So you got to end it with a bang.
17:05Last product of the day.
17:08we got a Franklin Redemption Tour.
17:12This thing is fire.
17:13Look at these graphics.
17:15I got this one just because of the graphics.
17:16Like it is a,
17:17it's a graffiti art goalie with a halo on his head.
17:22that's fire.
17:23That looks,
17:23it looks like a brick wall.
17:25All right.
17:26Let's take it out there and pop it open.
17:27These here were actually my childhood.
17:29Ripping a,
17:30you know,
17:31you never had a guy that wanted to play goalie
17:32out in street hockey.
17:33So we always just put up the little shooter tutors.
17:34Never had a sick looking one like this,
17:36but the old Franklin.
17:38wait a second.
17:40The color,
17:41we got the Columbus heat colors,
17:42the brick wall,
17:43the NHL branding,
17:45and then the,
17:45the halo.
17:47I don't really know what I'm looking at,
17:48but I like,
17:49I like it.
17:50I like,
17:51I feel like it matches both of us.
17:52It does.
17:52This is the perfect,
17:53the perfect product.
17:54We're going to pop,
17:55put it on the net.
17:56Thumbnail pic.
17:58I mean,
17:59not that.
17:59I don't know.
18:00A little stretch thin over here.
18:02I have a little snow.
18:03Mine is the same.
18:04I mean,
18:05you know,
18:05hockey better than me.
18:07I'm trying to picture a world where this is open.
18:09Like if I'm here,
18:10maybe it's trying to get over my stick.
18:11Why is he in like a,
18:12he's in a very odd position.
18:16I guess he's just paint.
18:16He's not a human.
18:19Goal is not in that position.
18:20Very often.
18:21You go top left.
18:21I go top right.
18:22Same time.
18:23If we hit this first try.
18:25We're insane.
18:26Cut it to black after this shot.
18:32That was a lot cooler in my head.
18:33I missed the net entirely.
18:35He missed it at 10 feet wide.
18:38I hit the goalie again.
18:46That the straps aren't big enough to make it around
18:48a standard hockey net.
18:50graphic eight out of 10.
18:52I've never seen a sicker looking shooter tutor.
18:54To be honest.
18:55Quality is good.
18:56I mean,
18:57I think the quality is fine.
18:58I don't think it's going to rip.
18:59It's just,
19:00it's not big enough.
19:02Just make them an inch longer.
19:03One inch longer.
19:04That is crazy.
19:05That being said,
19:07if you've got like one of those,
19:08you know,
19:09cheaper nets.
19:11I'm putting this thing like eight.
19:13I don't think we're going to,
19:14I don't think we're putting a hole through it.
19:15Like it's,
19:16it is a good quality material.
19:17It's good.
19:18Straps are good quality.
19:18They're just not long enough.
19:19I hate to give it such a low rate.
19:21I love Frank.
19:24I love Frank.
19:25He's a good dude with a lot of heart,
19:26but the straps aren't long enough,
19:28Like that's,
19:29come on Frank.
19:31I'm going to give it a five just because.
19:32That's fair.
19:34It works on a normal net in a driveway.
19:36No one has this fancy of industrial net at their house.
19:39You know what I mean?
19:40Five out of 10 final score for the Frank,
19:42which leaves us the sporty play.
19:44Our winner of the,
19:46Our winner.
19:46Where's it at?
19:47Where's it at?
19:49Sporty play.
19:50Who needs?
19:51The winner of the video.
19:52Who needs the brand new Twitch?
19:55No one needs this.
19:58This right here.
20:01Our highest weighting product has a stick
20:04that's broken in half.
20:05This won't stay stuck to the ground.
20:07The puck doesn't work.
20:09This was really cool.
20:11This is not made for shooting.
20:12It was cool for like two minutes.
20:14Until we shot it and missed again.
20:16Sporty play.
20:18Top product of the day.
20:19I think we both gave it eight fives,
20:22something like that.
20:22So that will be our number one product of the day.
20:24The old,
20:25is it trash?
20:26If you do want to see another one of these videos,
20:28we will look at every single hockey product.
20:30It doesn't matter what the price is,
20:32where it's from.
20:33Me and Kazzy will run it back.
20:35thanks for joining us on the channel.
20:36Thanks for having me man.
20:36Appreciate y'all.
20:37Y'all know what to do.
20:39Tell them.
20:41Both channels.
20:42Kazzy will be in the description below.
20:43Hit up Kazzy.
20:44He makes some great content.
20:45We got more big videos coming soon.
20:46Stadium series,
20:46Columbus, Ohio.
20:48Me and Kazzy will be there.
20:49Let's go dude.
20:50Let's go baby.
20:51That's it for this one.
20:51We'll see you guys next time.
